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Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Learn how to detect if the clip or sequence has VR properties in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Premiere Pro can detect if the clip or sequence has VR properties and automatically configures the VR viewer accordingly.

Before you begin

Ensure that the clip you added to your sequence is a VR video.

  1. Select the clip in the Project panel, and then select FileGet Properties for > Selection.
  2. The VR Projection option in the Properties panel indicates whether the clip has VR properties assigned to it and if the video is 360° or 180° video.
  3. If the clip has VR properties assigned, you'll find the following details:
  • VR Projection
  • VR Layout
  • VR Captured View
A dialog box displaying VR properties.
Premiere Pro auto-detects VR properties and displays them in the Properties panel.


With the properties validated, you have ensured that Premiere Pro has automatically detected the imported video as a VR video.


The Source Monitor and Program Monitor setting options for VR Video are disabled if your content does not have VR properties.

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