Last updated on Feb 27, 2025

Learn how to set all users to adopt the Company name.

You can customize your e-signature workflows by adding your company name, ensuring branding consistency and clarity in all your document transactions.


Company name is a property in each user's profile that may be required during the signature process for some agreements.

  1. On the Acrobat on the web homepage, select E-Sign > Add e-sign branding.


    You need a valid subscription to Adobe Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Pro for teams to access the Add e-sign branding feature.

    If you're a Teams admin with a subsctiption to Acrobat Standard for teams, you'll be prompted to upgrade your plan. On the dialog that appears, select Manage Account to continue. Teams users who need access to the feature must contact their admins to request it.

  2. On the Account Settings > Brand Settings page, scroll down to the Add company name section.

  3. In the Company name field, add the name of your company.

    Acrobat Sign Account Setup page shows options to Add company names with a 'Company name' field and Save button.
    To set company names for all the users in your account, you can select the 'Set company name for all users in account' checkbox.


    Once you select the Set company name for all users in account checkbox and save the settings, it updates the company name for all users. However, it doesn't prevent individual users from changing the company name in their own profiles.

  4. Select Save.


    Admins can't modify the Company name field value. To make changes to this value at the account level, contact Acrobat Sign support.

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