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Hue/Saturation | Substance 3D Sampler


In: Adjustments


The Hue/Saturation filter lets you adjust the color of your base color and diffuse channels. You can also use a mask to specifically modify the colors for only parts of your image.

The images below show the Hue/Saturation filter used to adjust the Hue of a tile material.


Basic parameters

  • Hue: -1 to 1
    Adjust the hue of your image - this is useful for correcting colors in the Image to Material workflow.
  • Saturation: -1 to 1
    Adjust saturation to make colors pop, or decrease color intensity.
  • Lightness: -1 to 1
    Modify the lightness of your colors.
  • Colorize: toggle
    When disabled the filter adjusts the colors that are already present. When enabled, the filter will replace colors based on the Hue, Saturation, and Lightness sliders while maintaining detail.


  • Use Custom Mask: toggle
    Enable or disable the use of a custom mask. If enabled the following parameters appear:
    • Mask: image/brush
      Select an image to use as a mask or use the brush to paint a custom mask directly in the 2D view
    • Custom Mask - Blur: 0-1
      Blur the mask
    • Custom Mask - Invert: toggle
      Invert the mask

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