Last updated on
Apr 16, 2024
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Substance 3D Modeler V1.9 Release notes
Version 1.9 overview
V1.9 is primarily focused on fixes and some quality-of-life improvements. Note that shortcuts are changing in this update, so your usual workflow may be affected.
Modeler V1.9 full release notes
- Keyboard shortcut changes:
- While in any tool other than the Select tool, the Shift key now temporarily switches to the Smooth tool.
- While using the Select tool, Shift still enables angle snapping for rotations.
- There is not currently a shortcut to equip the Smooth tool permanently.
- Keyboard shortcut D now equips the Flatten tool.
- Keyboard shortcut Z while using the Warp tool restricts the Warp to the normal of the warped surface.
- The average mode has been removed from the Flatten tool. You can now only use additive or subtractive modes with the Flatten tool.
- Fixed some English strings.
- The Flatten tool now works correctly when the cursor is not on a clay surface.
- The Flattening plane will stop appearing when the cursor isn’t over a surface.
- The Inflate tool’s pressure parameter now defaults to On, like other tools.