- Get started with primitives
- Primitive parameters
- Organize primitives
- Scope and scene structure
- Layers
- Groups
- Advanced scene assembly
- Import meshes
- V1.21 (Current Release)
- V1.19
- V1.18
- V1.17
- V1.15
- Public Beta V1.21.50 (Current Release)
- Public Beta Archive
- V1 Archive
- V0 Archive
- Substance 3D home
- Home
- Getting started
- Create with Clay
Create with Primitives
- Get started with primitives
- Primitive parameters
- Organize primitives
Organize your scene
- Scope and scene structure
- Layers
- Groups
- Advanced scene assembly
- Import meshes
- Export Mode
- Render mode
- Technical support
Release notes
- V1.21 (Current Release)
- V1.19
- V1.18
- V1.17
- V1.15
- Public Beta V1.21.50 (Current Release)
- Public Beta Archive
- V1 Archive
- V0 Archive
The Material panel
The Material panel stores materials in your scene. From here you can assign materials to objects in your scene and create, edit, and delete existing materials.
Materials allow you to change the appearance of objects in your scene and how they reflect light. Additionally, when you export objects with multiple materials, Substance 3D Painter will recognize the assigned materials and create individual texture sets for each material.
Manage materials
The Material panel lets you add, edit, remove, or assign existing materials as follows:
Add a new material:
- Use the '+' to add a new material.
Rename a material:
- Double click a material name to rename the material.
Remove a material:
- Use '...' to open the context menu for a given material.
- Select Delete.
Edit a material:
- Use '...' to open the context menu for a given material.
- Select Edit properties.
Assign a material:
- While objects in your scene are selected, use '...' to open the context menu for a given material.
- Select Apply to selection.
Edit materials
Edit materials to change how they appear in Modeler. Before editing a material, it's a good idea to assign it to objects in your scene so that you can see the changes.
To return to the material list, use the left arrow button near the top of the Material panel.
Each material has options to modify it's appearance as follows:
Show painted color as... | Select how painted color (vertex colors) are used.
Diffuse color | A color picker to set the diffuse color of the material. This is unavailable when Show painted color as... is set to diffuse. |
Emissive color | A color picker to set the emissive color of the material. This is unavailable when Show painted color as... is set to emissive. |
Roughness | Set material roughness. This determines how much light is reflected of a material's surface. |
Metallic | Set material metalness. Metallic surfaces reflect light differently from non-metallic surfaces. |
For highly reflective surfaces, especially materials with low roughness and high metallic values, we recommend using IBL to simulate realistic reflections. This can help with reading curvature of objects in your scene.