- Substance 3D home
- Home
- Getting started
- Interface
- Create with Clay
- Create with Primitives
- Get started with primitives
- Primitive parameters
- Organize primitives
- Organize your scene
- Export Mode
- Render mode
- Technical support
- Release notes
- V1.19 (Current Release)
- V1.18
- V1.17
- V1.15
- Public Beta V1.19.50 (Current Release)
- Public Beta Archive
- V1 Archive
- V0 Archive
The Top bar
The Top bar holds many useful features, including the standard File, Edit, and Help menus.
Menus and modes
The left side of the top bar holds the File, Edit, and Help menus. Additionally, you can switch between Model and Render modes here, or click the home icon to bring up Modeler's Welcome dialogue. Menus and modes are currently only available on desktop.
The File menu
The File menu holds controls to create a new scene, open an existing scene, and save the current scene. Additionally, the File menu allows you to import various assets for use in Modeler:
- Get assets: Open the Substance 3D Assets page.
- Import scene: Import an existing Modeler scene to your current scene.
- Import mesh: Import a mesh to your scene.
- Import mesh as stamp...: Import a mesh to your stamp library.
- Import reference images: Import images to use as reference while in VR.
- Import Buildup textures...: Import alpha textures for use with the Buildup and Inflate tools.
Lastly the File menu gives access to the Export window, and the ability to quit Modeler.
While the File menu isn't available in full in VR, you can save and open files while in VR. While the Palette is open Save and Open options appear above the support hand controller.
The Edit menu
The Edit menu gives access to commonly used editing funcitons like Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, and Paste.
You can also use the Edit menu to access Modeler's preferences, which hold many options for you to customize your experience in Modeler
The Help menu
The Help menu provides useful links to learn more about Modeler and join the community. Additionally you can manage your Adobe account from here.
The Help menu also has a quick way to open the file explorer to Modeler's log file folder. This can be useful when submitting bug reports or troubleshooting.
Additional panels and VR status.
On the right side of the Top bar you can see the status of your VR connection, and use the Refresh button to reset the connection with your VR headset.
The right side of the Top bar also holds additional panels to adjust the appearance of your scene.
In VR, these additional panels appear on the outside of the support hand while the Palette is open.