Last updated on
Dec 5, 2023
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- V1.21 (Current Release)
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Crease Tool
💻 Shortcut: X
🥽 Quick swap: Switch between additive and subractive modes.
Use the Crease tool to carve valleys and creases into your clay.
Crease tool parameters
Size |
Modify the size of the brush |
Increase or decrease the size of the brush. Very large brush sizes may cause a delay between modifying clay and the operation completing. |
Strength | |
Control the how much the tool affects the clay | Adjust how deep or tall the crease tool effect impacts the clay surface. |
Spacing | |
Adjust the space between individual stamps of the brush | Spacing is based on the brush size, so 100% spacing means that you need to move the cursor a distance equal to 100% the size of the brush for the next application of the crease effect. |
Pressure | |
Toggle pressure sensitivity | Pressure sensitivity allows you to dynamically adjust the scale of clay as you draw out your strokes.
Lazy | |
Toggle Lazy stroke | With Lazy stroke enabled, the stroke is dragged behind the cursor rather than appearing directly beneath it. This helps create smoother strokes and clean curves. |
Steady | |
Toggle Steady stroke | Steady stroke takes time to catch up with the cursor. Unlike Lazy stroke, Steady stroke will eventually reach the cursor. This helps create smoother strokes and clean curves. |
Mode | |
Switch between additive and subtractive | The Crease tool currently defaults to additive mode which creates a ridge rather than a crease. Switch mode to create creases instead. |