Last updated on
Aug 13, 2024
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Create with Primitives
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Substance 3D Modeler V1.13 Release notes
Version 1.13 overview
V1.13 brings over a few visual and quality-of-life improvements from the Public Beta, including the ability to change the axis of symmetry and a new UI theme: Light mode.
Modeler V1.13 full release notes
- Added a Recent projects tab to the Welcome menu. This menu will be empty when you first open Modeler, but as you work on projects they’ll be added to the Recent projects tab.
- You can now change the axis used for symmetry and repetition.
- Introduced a series of visual improvements
- Added a new UI theme: Light mode. Change themes in Preferences > General.
- Added a default background color toggle to the Environment panel that changes the background based on the current theme.
- Updated the appearance of many UI elements to be more readable.
- Added a Troubleshooting section to the Preferences menu to manage crash reports.
- After importing, any imported mesh or clay will be in focus.
- Improved passthrough so that it now works over Airlink on applicable headsets.
- Added a menu item to the Help menu to open the Log file folder.
- Added a menu item to the File menu to open the folder where the currently open scene is saved.
- While Limit visibility to scope is turned on in the outliner, clicks that will change the outliner view drastically because they change the current scope no longer allow you to drag the object. Instead, the scope will change, changing the visibility of objects in the Outliner. You can then click and drag objects at the current scope.
- Fixed an export crash that could occur when static meshes were included.
- Fixed a bug that could break VDB exports to the desktop folder.
- The Convert to Clay button now appears when it should.