Last updated on
Jul 13, 2023
- Get started with primitives
- Primitive parameters
- Organize primitives
- Scope and scene structure
- Layers
- Groups
- Advanced scene assembly
- Import meshes
- V1.21 (Current Release)
- V1.19
- V1.18
- V1.17
- V1.15
- Public Beta V1.21.50 (Current Release)
- Public Beta Archive
- V1 Archive
- Substance 3D home
- Home
- Getting started
- Interface
- Create with Clay
Create with Primitives
- Get started with primitives
- Primitive parameters
- Organize primitives
Organize your scene
- Scope and scene structure
- Layers
- Groups
- Advanced scene assembly
- Import meshes
- Export Mode
- Render mode
- Technical support
2022/08/02 V0.17.0
- If an imported mesh has a material, the material will be displayed on import. Mesh material colors are not currently converted to clay color when the object is converted to clay.
- Added Help menu to the top bar
- Use this to quickly access tutorials, documentation, community, and other useful links.
- Added a menu for mesh imports that allows you to select up-axis.
- Added a fullscreen option.
- Use View > Toggle Fullscreen
- Low level work in preparation for OpenXR
- Laying the groundwork for stamps and other large changes.
- Changed AVX requirements – a few releases ago we increased AVX requirements from AVX to AVX2, but this caused issues for some users. We have reverted to only requiring AVX again.
- Changes to Welcome window layout
- Updated and added some translations
- Import and Export UI refinements.
- Vertex color import.
- FBX and OBJ import/export fixes.
- Added missing tooltips.
- Tooltips no longer run offscreen.
- Fixes to how we display UI icons while in VR.
- Moved toasts (notifications when tasks are in progress) so that they no longer block the Apply button on - Desktop.
- Empty groups with no layers no longer export
- Fixed crash on export issue.
- Various backend and performance improvements.
- Improved export progress bar accuracy.
- Fixed hotkeys for import and export
- Use Ctrl + Shift + M to import a mesh
- Use Ctrl + Shift + E to export your scene
- Audio fixes (not enabled yet)
- Some menu label fixes