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V1.21.0 Release notes

Substance 3D Modeler 1.21.0 overview

V1.21.0 introduces some major performance improvements, changes to export mode, and the ability to define physical size of primitives. Read on below for the full release notes.

Modeler V1.21.0 full release notes


  • Updated the layout of Export mode.
    • The Asset  settings panel now only appears when an asset is selected.
    • To customize settings for a one-off export of either the full scene or the current select, use the Export button at the bottom of the viewport. A settings panel will appear where you can make adjustments before finalizing the export.
  • Added the ability to export multiple assets at the same time. 
    • Select multiple assets and the Export button will update to reflect the number of selected assets. Clicking Export will export each asset to its own file with the respective export settings.
  • Export quality has been improved thanks to the implementation of dual contouring.
  • Improved parallelization means that all exports are faster.
  • Select multiple assets and the Export button will update to reflect the number of selected assets. Clicking Export will export each asset to its own file with the respective export settings. 
  • Added the ability to export multiple assets at the same time. 
  • Added a tooltip that estimates polycount of exported mesh while in Export mode.
  • Adjust export topology detail. Use buttons in the bottom bar or in the Right click menu to adjust topology detail of different objects. Higher topology detail will focus more polygons on a given object.

Quality of life:

  • Optimized and accelerated meshing engine to drastically improve performance of non-destructive primitives and surfacing tools. As a result, Modeler is more responsive and can better support higher clay resolution.
  • Added optional line and plain constraints options when working in VR.
  • Added a new Grid visualization option, Infinite grid, that is more useful for measuring objects.
  • If you have a prim selected, the select tool panel now has new UI to let you precisely specify its size.
  • Duplicating primitive containers no longer unhides objects that were hidden.
  • Added a resolution picker, similar to the color picker. 
    • Select an object, then use the resolution picker from either the Actions menu or the Bottom bar to select a resolution from another object in your scene. The selected objects resolution will be changed to match the selected object.
  • Fixed some strings.
  • Color select panels and the Outliner settings menu now close correctly when canceled.
  • Fixed an issue that made the Spline brush disappear when taper value was at extreme values.
  • Modeler can now be run on integrated GPUs. Many integrated GPUs are not powerful enough to run Modeler comfortably, however the artificial limit has been removed since certain APUs and CPUs are capable of running Modeler. Minimum and recommended hardware requirements have not been affected by this change.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented meshes being duplicated when using the Create a copy button in the Actions menu.
  • The Make stamp button is only available if the selection can be used to create a Stamp.
  • Disabled tools other than the Select tool while in Export mode.
  • Primitive order buttons have been updated to point vertically, rather than horizontally, so they better reflect how the hierarchy will change in the scene outliner.
  • Ctrl + Double click now works to scope directly into the hovered object.
  • The Actions menu no longer blocks other more important menus.
  • General fixes and improvements to the Shortcuts menu, including cleaning up the list of shortcuts and adding some missing values.
  • Fixed an issue where importing certain meshes could break camera functionality.
  • Changing to Model or Render mode is now disabled while an export is being processed.
  • Fixed an issue where Modeler could crash when importing large numbers of files.
  • Fixed an issue where using F to focus on an object could result in the wrong LOD being used, causing a blocky appearance.
  • Attempting to overwrite an exported file now causes a prompt to appear to double check.
  • Fixed import of meshes with non-uniform scales applied.
  • Fixed scrolling in the Render mode menu.

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