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Prepare to deploy

Applies to enterprise & teams.

This article summarizes the stages of deployment:

  • Creating packages
  • Testing packages

Creating packages

To create packages, do the following

When all of the planning is completed, create all of your packages, using the information you created in the planning stage.

When you are finished creating the packages, you should test them before deployment.

Testing packages

You will want to test the packages you have created before deploying them widely. It is recommended that you deploy using the any of the following platform-specific standard tool:

To test your package, install on a test system using these steps:

  1. Set up your test system so that it is configured just like a target system.

    Test your package on a system that meets the performance and system requirements for the applications you will install from these packages. This machine should have similar system capacity as the target systems on which you will deploy your packages.

    • Make sure the product install folder the deployment package references is located correctly.
    • Make the package available in the same way that it will be deployed to the target systems.
  2. Invoke the installer on the test system.

    If you have not created an SCCM or ARD installer, you can invoke the MSI or PKG package in any of the following ways:

    • Directly from the command line, by the process of silent install using the following command:

    on Windows

    msiexec.exe /i <pkg_name>.msi /quiet

    on Windows ARM

    setup.exe /i <pkg_name>.msi /silent

    on Mac OS

    sudo installer -pkg <install_pkg_name> -target /

    • By launching the installer UI as follows:

    on Windows, double-click the setup.exe file.

    on Mac OS, double-click the PKG file.

  3. Check the log files. 

    The installer program creates a log file in which it records the steps it has taken along with the returned exit code. If this log file exists, the program appends the latest results to it. See Installation logs and Error messages

  4. For an install package, test the newly installed applications.

    • Check in the installation location to see that the applications were installed.
    • Invoke each application.
  5. (Optional) For an install package, run the package uninstaller program on the test system.

    If you have not created a platform-specific uninstaller, you can do this with the MSI/PKG package:

    • On Windows, use the MSI uninstall command:

    msiexec /uninstall <pkg_name>.msi /quiet

    • On Mac OS, use the following command:

    sudo installer -pkg <uninstall_pkg_name> -target /

    When the uninstall is finished, check the install location to see that the applications were removed.

    Note: Uninstall packages are not created for update package.

Installation logs

When you install the created package, the platform installer (SCCM or ARD) writes log files, as described in the documentation for those tools.

The package that you created installs a client version of the Application Manager on the client machine, which manages the installation process. When you perform an installation using the deployment package, the Application Manager and other processes that it initiates write these log files to the client machine:


For an installation package: <product_name><time_stamp>.log

For an update package: <patch_name><version><time_stamp>.log

  • Location in Windows: <Adobe Common Files>\installer\
  • Location in Mac OS: /Library/Logs/Adobe/Installers/

During a silent deployment, the deployment engine that installs the components generates a zipped log file with information about the progress and result of installation. Look in this file for any error or success messages reported during installation of your deployment packages.

The file is named for the package being installed, and zipped in a platform-specific format.



  • Location in Windows: %temp%
  • Location in Mac OS: ~/Library/Logs/



  • Location in Windows:
    • When installed with Administrative privilege through SCCM: %windir%\Temp\CreativeCloud\ACC\
    • When installed with User privilege through SCCM: %temp%\CreativeCloud\ACC\
  • Location in Mac OS: ~/Library/Logs/CreativeCloud/ACC/

Error messages

These are the error codes that the deployment manager component can write to the PDApp.log file:

0       Application installed successfully
1       Unable to parse command line
2       Unknown user interface mode specified
3       Unable to initialize ExtendScript
4       User interface workflow failed
5       Unable to initialize user interface workflow
6       Silent workflow completed with errors
7       Unable to complete the silent workflow
8       Exit and restart needed
9       Unsupported operating system version
10     Unsupported file system
11     Another instance running
12     CAPS database integrity error
13     Media optimization failed
14     Failed due to insufficient privileges
15     Media DB sync failed
16     Failed to load the deployment file
17     EULA acceptance failed
18     Bootstrapping for Adobe Application Manager failed. See bootstrapper errors below.
19     Conflicting processes running
20     Install source path not specified or does not exist
21     Version of payload not supported by version of RIBS
22     Install directory check failed
23     System requirements check failed
24     Exit due to user-canceled workflow
25     Binary pathname exceeding operating system's MAX PATH limit
26     Media swap required in silent mode
27     Keyed files detected in target
28     Base product is not installed
29     Base product has been moved
30     Insufficient disk space to install the payload (completed with errors)
31     Insufficient disk space to install the payload (failed)
32     Patch is already applied
33     The product is not installed, cannot uninstall.
34     Payload information not found in Media_db
35     Some of the installer files are missing or invalid
36     Another MSI installation is alreday in progress
37     Validation failed
38     Unknown error

9999 Catastrophic error

The error codes that the bootstrapper component can write to the PDApp.log file are:

BS_STATUS_SUCCESS  0  Bootstrapper ran successfully
BS_STATUS_ERROR_SELF_UPDATE  1  Any error in self-update mode
BS_STATUS_ERROR_INIT_OBJ  -1  Initializing bootstrapper object fails
BS_STATUS_ERROR_MULT_INST  -2  More than one instance is running
BS_STATUS_ERROR_SYSTEM_CHECK  -3  Any of the OS checks fail
BS_STATUS_ERROR_REGISTER_CALLBACK  -4  Registering callback fails
BS_STATUS_ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE  -5  Installing packages fails
BS_STATUS_ERROR_COPY_FILE  -6  Copying file fails after installation
BS_STATUS_ERROR_LAUNCH_APP  -7  Application launch fails
BS_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND_LINE  -8  Invalid command line arguments provided
BS_STATUS_ERROR_FILE_MISSING  -9  Deployment or manifest file is missing
BS_STATUS_NO_ADMIN_PRIVILEGE  -10  Admin privilege is required and is not there
BS_STATUS_ERROR_PARSE_MANIFEST  -11  Problem parsing manifest
BS_STATUS_ERROR_PIM  -12  Error in PIM library usage
BS_STATUS_ERROR_SYSTEM_CHECK_SOFT_STOP  -13  Any of the soft system checks fail
BS_STATUS_ERROR_INSTALLATION_CANCELLED  -14  Installation is cancelled
BS_STATUS_ERROR_LAUNCHPATH_LONG  -15  Launch path is more than 200 characters
BS_STATUS_ERROR_OTHER  -999  Any other error


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