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Managing Adobe Acrobat Sign on the Admin Console

Applies to enterprise & teams.

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Applicable Role: Administrator

This page provides information for Adobe Acrobat Sign administrators who manage Acrobat Sign users and licenses on Adobe’s enterprise platform, Adobe Admin Console.


Some Acrobat Sign accounts instead manage Acrobat Sign users and licenses within the Acrobat Sign application itself. This alternate method of managing users and licenses is documented here.

Introduction to Adobe Acrobat Sign on Admin Console

Admin Console versus Acrobat Sign application

When managing an Acrobat Sign account on the Admin Console, the Acrobat Sign Admin can access two distinct administrative environments: 1) the Admin Console, and 2) the Acrobat Sign application. The Acrobat Sign administrator may have access to one or both of these administrative environments, depending on the choice of the organization. Each of these administrative environments provide different functions.

In the Admin Console, an administrator can manage users and user access to licenses across all Adobe products and services. See here for more information on Admin Console. For an Acrobat Sign administrator, Admin Console functionality includes:

  • Create initial Acrobat Sign administrator(s).
  • Give administrators and end-users access to Acrobat Sign.
  • Create / edit Product Profiles for Acrobat Sign, including adding users to Product Profiles.
  • Create/edit Admin Console user groups (for assigning an Admin Console user group to an Acrobat Sign Product Profile).
  • Setting up single-sign-on / SAML for end-user access to Acrobat Sign (if applicable).
  • ...and more.

In the Acrobat Sign application, an Acrobat Sign administrator can manage the features, functionality, and behavior of Acrobat Sign. To be an administrator within the Acrobat Sign application, a user must first be granted access to Acrobat Sign in the Admin Console (see Step 1 of "Setting Up an Acrobat Sign Account" below). See here and here for more information on admin functionality in Acrobat Sign application. For an Acrobat Sign administrator, functionality in the Acrobat Sign application includes:

  • Create/edit Acrobat Sign user groups (for customizing how Acrobat Sign behaves for different user groups). See "Set up Acrobat Sign user groups" below for more information.
  • Configure signature preferences
  • Upload custom logo 
  • Configure global settings
  • Configure security settings
  • ...and more

User versus Transaction licenses

Acrobat Sign plans can be purchased as a Per-User or a Per-Transaction plan. The plan type determines how Acrobat Sign appears in the Admin Console.

Licenses by user
Per-User License Plan

Licenses by transaction
Per-Transaction License Plan

VIP service
Per-Transaction license plan (VIP Admin Console)

In the Admin Console, an administrator can see information on the number of Users or Transactions associated with their Acrobat Sign plan.

Setting up an Acrobat Sign account

Below is an outline of the steps to set up an Acrobat Sign account on the Admin Console. The first administrator is given access to the Admin Console where the Acrobat Sign product appears. At this point, the administrator can follow these steps:

  1. Create Acrobat Sign administrators

    System administrators in the Adobe Admin Console can provide their users access to the Acrobat Sign product, and promote them to administrator status for configuring Acrobat Sign features and customizing the behavior of the product.

    The detailed steps and options for creating Acrobat Sign administrators are here.

  2. Set up the Acrobat Sign account

    Before adding end users to the Acrobat Sign account, an Acrobat Sign administrator can configure the Acrobat Sign account so that it is aligned with how the organization wants their end-users to use the Acrobat Sign application. This could include configuring Acrobat Sign preferences or behaviors, configuring security settings, customizing emails sent by Acrobat Sign, and more.

    An overview for the Acrobat Sign administrator regarding how to set up the Acrobat Sign account can be found here.

  3. Set up Acrobat Sign user groups and Acrobat Sign group admins

    Dividing your Acrobat Sign users into functional groups is helpful if you have different signature requirements or different reporting structures which need to be observed. As noted above, Acrobat Sign user groups are distinct from Admin Console user groups. Initially, when an end-user or administrator is granted access to Acrobat Sign in the Admin Console, that user is placed into Acrobat Sign’s Default user group. However, an Acrobat Sign administrator can move that user to any Acrobat Sign user group. Additionally, an Acrobat Sign user can be designated as an Acrobat Sign group administrator to customize the functionality for that particular Acrobat Sign user group.

    An overview of user groups can be found here.

    Adobe Sign Groups
    Acrobat Sign User Groups

  4. Add Acrobat Sign users

    Finally, an Acrobat Sign administrator can add end users to the Acrobat Sign account within the Admin Console. This works similarly to adding users to other Adobe products and services. See here for instructions on adding users.

    Users in the Admin Console
    Add Acrobat Sign users in Admin Console

Using the Acrobat Sign account

Now that your Acrobat Sign account has been set up, end users are ready to start using the Acrobat Sign application. See this page for user guides and tutorials on how to use the Acrobat Sign application. There is also a video on how to send with Acrobat Sign, as well as a list of frequent topics.

Additional considerations regarding Acrobat Sign on Admin Console

Depending on how the Acrobat Sign account is being used, these additional considerations regarding Acrobat Sign on Admin Console may be relevant.

Setting up Acrobat Sign partner integrations

Acrobat Sign can be managed on Admin Console and can then be integrated within a number of partner applications. See here for a complete list of supported partner applications and detailed instructions on how to complete an integration.

When Acrobat Sign is managed on the Admin Console, an end-user must be given explicit access to the Acrobat Sign account (via the Admin Console) before they can use Acrobat Sign within a partner application. See Step 4 of "Setting up an Acrobat Sign Account" above for instructions on how to add Acrobat Sign users to the Acrobat Sign account in Admin Console. Currently, Acrobat Sign managed on Admin Console does not support auto-provisioning for users using Acrobat Sign within a partner application.

Common Issues

The following is a list of issues which an administrator or end user may encounter when using Acrobat Sign.

End-user cannot log in to Acrobat Sign

Issue: After an end-user is added to the Acrobat Sign account within Admin Console, they are still unable to log in successfully to Acrobat Sign.

Possible Cause: It is possible that the end user’s email address is already associated with another Acrobat Sign account which is preventing them from accessing the new Acrobat Sign account.

Resolution Options:

  • Resolution 1 – Use a different email address when adding the end-user to the Acrobat Sign account within Admin Console
  • Resolution 2 – Determine if the end-user is receiving any prompts or instructions when logging in to Acrobat Sign. Acrobat Sign can often prompt the end-user to de-associate their email address with the prior Acrobat Sign account so it can be re-associated with the new AcrobatSign account.
  • Resolution 3 – Contact Adobe Customer Care via the Admin Console “Support” tab. More information on contacting Support is here.

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