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Arnold - Substance Painter | Ecosystem and Plug-ins

Arnold - Substance Painter

Substance Painter 2020.1 (6.1.0) ships with Output Templates for Arnold using the aiStandard material.

Arnold Standard Shader (Arnold 5 and higher)

Substance Painter ExportArnold AiStandardSurface
BaseColorBase / Color
RoughnessSpecular / Roughness
MetalnessBase / Metalness

(Maya) Geometry/ Bump Mapping / bump2d (Use as Tangent Space Normals)
(3ds Max) Bitmap → Normal

Height(Maya) Displacement Shader / displacement
(3ds Max) Object modifier → Arnold Properties → Displacement → Use Map
EmissiveEmission/ Color
(Emission Weight = 1.0)
Anisotropy Level
(not included in default Arnold Output template)
(Maya) Coat/ Anisotropy
(3ds Max) Coat/ Anisotropy
Anisotropy Level
(not included in default Arnold Output template)
(Maya) Coat/ Rotation
(3ds Max) Coat/ Rotation

Maps that represent data will need to be interpreted correctly. Please see the Color Management page for more information.

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