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Plugin Settings - UE4 | Ecosystem and Plug-ins

  1. Substance 3D home
  2. Ecosystems and Plugins
    1. Home
    2. Game Engines
      1. Unreal Engine
        1. Unreal Engine 5
          1. Unreal Engine 5 overview
          2. Unreal Engine 5 Release Notes
            1. Unreal plugin 5.3.2
            2. Unreal plugin 5.0.3
            3. Unreal plugin 5.0.2
            4. Unreal plugin 5.0.1
          3. Plugin Overview - UE5
          4. Plugin Settings - UE5
          5. Substance Input Image - UE5
          6. Material Instance Definition - UE5
          7. Material Template Usage - UE5
          8. Out-of-the-Box Material Templates
          9. Tiling Substance - UE5
          10. Substance 3D Plugin Default Templates
          11. Substance 3D Assets Library Usage - UE5
          12. Blueprints - UE5
            1. Blueprint(UE5): Substance material parameters
            2. Blueprint(UE5): Dynamic Material Instance Skip to end of metadata
            3. Blueprint(UE5): Aggregate Substance
            4. Blueprint(UE5): Node Reference
          13. Unreal Engine 5 Scripting
          14. Installing to Source Builds
        2. Unreal Engine 4
          1. Unreal Engine 4 overview
          2. Unreal Engine 4 plugin release notes
            1. Unreal plugin
            2. Unreal plugin
            3. Unreal plugin
            4. Unreal plugin
            5. Unreal plugin
            6. Unreal plugin
            7. Unreal plugin
            8. Unreal plugin
            9. Unreal plugin
            10. Unreal plugin
            11. Unreal plugin
            12. Unreal plugin
            13. Unreal plugin
          3. Plugin Overview - UE4
          4. Plugin Settings - UE4
          5. Substance Input Image - UE4
          6. Material Instance Definition - UE4
          7. Tiling Substance - UE4
          8. Working with Bump Offset (Parallax) - UE4
          9. Working with Displacement - UE4
          10. Source in UE4
          11. Live Link in UE4
          12. Blueprints - UE4
            1. Blueprint(UE4): Substance material parameters
            2. Blueprint(UE4): Dynamic Material Instance
            3. Blueprint(UE4): Aggregate Substance
            4. Blueprint(UE4): Node Reference
          13. Unreal Engine 4 Scripting
      2. Unity
        1. Unity overview
        2. Unity Release Notes
          1. Unity 3.0.0+
          2. Unity 2.6.0
          3. Unity 2.5.4
          4. Unity 2.5.3
          5. Unity 2.5.2
          6. Unity 2.5.1
          7. Unity 2.4.5
          8. Unity 2.4.4
          9. Unity 2.4.3
          10. Unity 2.4.1
          11. Unity 2.4.0
          12. Unity 2.3.4
          13. Unity 2.3.2
          14. Unity 2.2.2
          15. Unity 2.2.0
        3. Downloading Substance 3D Plugin in Unity
        4. Unity Plugin Overview
        5. Unity Preferences
        6. Optimization Guidelines
        7. Upgrading Projects/Known Issues
        8. Managing Substance Graphs
        9. Changing parameters
        10. Generated Textures (Packing)
        11. Rendering Color Space
        12. Using Image Inputs
        13. Publishing for Mobile
        14. Substance 3D for Unity Scripting
          1. Unity Scripting overview
          2. Class Documentation
            1. SubstanceEditorTools
            2. SubstanceRuntime Class
            3. SubstanceRuntimeGraph Class
              1. SubstanceRuntimeGraph Class overview
              2. Member Function Documentation
              3. Detailed Description
        15. Scripting in Unity (Deprecated)
        16. API Overview
        17. Scripting API
        18. C# Example Script
        19. Substance 3D Assets Library Usage
        20. Removing Substance Plugin
        21. Substance 3D in Unity Tutorials
        22. Physical Size in Unity
        23. Sharing sbsar Files Between Projects
      3. Lumberyard
        1. Lumberyard overview
        2. Importing a Substance
        3. Assigning a Substance
        4. Parameters and outputs
        5. Flow Graph API
      4. Roblox
    3. 3D Applications
      1. Maya
        1. Maya Plugin Release Notes
          1. Maya 3.0.0+
          2. Maya 2.4.1
          3. Maya 2.4.0
          4. Maya 2.3
          5. Maya 2.2.3
          6. Maya 2.2.2
          7. Maya 2.2.1
          8. Maya 2.1.9
          9. Maya 2.1.8
          10. Maya 2.1.7
          11. Maya 2.1.6
          12. Maya 2.1.5
          13. Maya 2.1.4
          14. Maya 2.1.3
          15. Maya 2.1.2
          16. Maya 2.1.1
          17. Maya 2.1.0
          18. Maya 2.0.3
          19. Maya 0.9.11
        2. Substance in Maya Overview
        3. Installation
        4. Substance Output Node
        5. Using Workflows
        6. Working with Outputs
        7. Procedural Sampling
        8. Presets
        9. Settings
        10. Arnold Support
        11. Apply Workflow To Maps
        12. Maya Scripting
        13. Physical Size in Maya
      2. 3ds Max
        1. 3ds Max Plugin Release Notes
          1. 3ds Max 3.0.0+
          2. 3ds Max 2.8.0
          3. 3ds Max 2.7.0
          4. 3ds Max 2.4.2
          5. 3ds Max 2.4.1
          6. 3ds Max 2.4.0
          7. 3ds Max 2.3.4
          8. 3ds Max 2.3.3
          9. 3ds Max 2.3.2
          10. 3ds Max 2.3.1
          11. 3ds Max 2.2.0
        2. Substance in 3ds Max Overview
        3. Substance Settings
        4. Using Presets
        5. Batch Import
        6. Using Workflows in 3ds Max
        7. Substance Source
        8. Animating a Substance material
        9. 3ds MAX Scripting API
        10. Troubleshooting
      3. MODO
        1. MODO overview
        2. Modo Plugin Release Notes
          1. Modo 2.7.3
          2. Modo v. 2.7.5
          3. Modo v. 2.7.4
          4. Modo v. 2.7.3
          5. Modo v. 2.7.2
          6. Modo v. 2.7.1
          7. Modo v. 2.7.0
        3. Substance in MODO Overview
        4. Modo Installation
        5. Parameters
        6. Custom Materials
        7. Working with Normals
        8. Working with Emissive
        9. Bump and Displacement
        10. Working with References
        11. Animating Substances
        12. Copy/Duplicate Substance
        13. Environment and Rendering Setup
        14. Modo Switch Engine
        15. Tiling Modo textures
      4. Cinema 4D
        1. Cinema 4D overview
        2. Set-Up
        3. Using the Substance Plugin
        4. Substance Asset Manager
        5. Substance Shader
        6. Attribute Manager
        7. Visual Feedback of Animated Substances
      5. Houdini
      6. Blender
        1. Blender overview
        2. Release Notes
          1. Add-on 2.0.0+
          2. Add-on 1.0.2
          3. Add-on 0.9.5
          4. Add-on 0.9.3
          5. Add-on 0.9.2
          6. Add-on 0.9.1
        3. Substance in Blender Overview
        4. Downloading and Installing the Plugin
        5. Preferences
        6. The Substance 3D Panel
        7. Shortcuts and Navigation
        8. Workflows
        9. Physical size in Blender
        10. Substance 3D Assets Library
        11. Troubleshooting
        12. Uninstalling the Add-on
        13. Substance 3D Add-on for Blender Tutorials
    4. Creative Cloud Applications
      1. Photoshop
    5. Renderers
      1. Converting Substance outputs
      2. Color Management
        1. Color Management overview
        2. Substance textures in Maya
        3. Substance textures in 3ds Max
      3. Arnold
        1. Arnold overview
        2. Arnold - Substance in 3ds Max
        3. Arnold - Substance in Maya
        4. Arnold - Substance Painter
      4. Vray
        1. Vray overview
        2. Vray Next - Substance in Maya
        3. Vray Next - Substance in 3ds Max
        4. Vray Next - Substance Painter
      5. Renderman
        1. Renderman overview
        2. Renderman for Maya
        3. Renderman - Substance Painter
      6. Redshift
        1. Redshift overview
        2. Redshift for 3ds Max
        3. Redshift for Maya
        4. Redshift - Substance Painter
      7. Maxwell
        1. Maxwell overview
        2. Maxwell - Substance in Maya
        3. Maxwell - Substance Painter
      8. Corona
        1. Corona overview
        2. Corona for 3ds Max
        3. Corona - Substance Painter
      9. Octane
        1. Octane overview
        2. Octane for 3ds Max
        3. Octane for MODO
      10. Keyshot
      11. Thea
      12. Maverick
        1. Maverick overview
        2. Substance Painter Integration
        3. Substance SBSAR Integration
      13. Toolbag
      14. Cycles and Eevee
        1. Cycles and Eevee overview
        2. Cycles and Eevee - Substance 3D for Blender
        3. Cycles and Eevee - Susbtance Painter
    6. Partnerships
      1. Substance 3D and Maxon One
      2. Substance 3D and Maxon One FAQ

Plugin Settings - UE4

To access the settings, go to Edit>Project Settings and scroll down to the Plugins category and click on Substance.

Hardware Budget

The memory budget is the max amount of memory to use for the substance engine. Can be increased to improve speed of substance processing but will consume more system resources. (Not always a helpful increase at a project level).

The CPU Cores is how many cores the Substance engine is allowed to use. This includes both physical cores and hyper threads. (If the number assigned is greater than the available cores on a system, this will default to using all available.


Mip Level count removed during cooking will alter how textures are created for a package. This setting can greatly improve load times and reduce package size because the larger texture mip levels will no longer need to be loaded. The lower resolution / smaller LOD's will be loaded and the highest will be defaulted by the UE4. The substances are then processed through the substance engine and updated at run time with the high resolution LODs.

The Substance Engine can be CPU or GPU. The GPU engine will allow you to create 4K textures. The CPU engine is capped at 2K.

Default Generation:

The Substance Generation Mode (SGM) controls how the textures are generated. This is a global setting for Substances. The SGM can be changed on a per Substance Basis on the Substance Factory.

SGM Baked: Bakes the substance textures. You loose ability to change parameters at runtime.

SGM on Load Sync: Blocks the application while the Substances are loading.

SGM on Load Sync and Cache: Caches an intermediate result of the texture on disk.

SGM on Load Async: Non-blocking. Substances are generated in the background.

SGM on Load Async and Cache: Caches an intermediate result of the texture on disk.

Platform Default is Load Async and Cache

Substance Factory

To change the SGM for a Substance, right-click on the Substance Factory>Asset Actions>Bulk Edit via Property Matrix. You can then change the SGM.


This limits how many async substances can be passed to the substance engine each batch. Lower numbers will speed up how quickly an async task will complete and be updated where higher numbers will batch renders and process multiple substance at a time. (The higher the number, the more choppy texture updates become because the time in between the updates is longer).

Async/Sync Rendering

Sync rendering is a blocking rendering call. This will pass a substance graph instance to the substance engine to be recomputed but it will stop execution until the substance engine has finished processing the substance before continuing on to any further code execution. The result will also be updated on your screen as soon as the process has finished.

Async will add your graph to a queue and send multiple graphs to the substance engine at a time (set from within substance settings) within the plugin update. Unlike sync rendering, as soon as they are sent off, the program keeps running like usual instead of waiting around for the substance engine to be complete. When the substance engine has finished that batch, it sends the results back, we apply them to the outputs, and we kick off another batch.

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