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Adobe Acrobat Sign for Salesforce: Troubleshooting Guide

  1. Adobe Acrobat Sign Entegrasyonları
  2. Yenilikler
  3. Ürün Sürümler ve Yaşam Döngüsü
  4. Salesforce için Acrobat Sign
    1. Paketi yükleme
    2. Paketi yapılandırma
    3. Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
    4. Geliştirici Kılavuzu
    5. Gelişmiş Özelleştirme Kılavuzu
    6. Alan Eşleştirme ve Şablon Kılavuzu
    7. Mobil Uygulama Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
    8. Akış Otomasyonu Kılavuzu
    9. Document Builder Kılavuzu
    10. Büyük Belgeleri Yapılandırma
    11. Yükseltme Kılavuzu
    12. Sürüm Notları
    13. SSS
    14. Sorun Giderme Kılavuzu
    15. Ek Makaleler
  5. Microsoft için Acrobat Sign
    1. Microsoft 365 için Acrobat Sign
      1. Kurulum Kılavuzu
    2. Outlook için Acrobat Sign
      1. Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
    3. Word/PowerPoint için Acrobat Sign
      1. Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
    4. Teams için Acrobat Sign
      1. Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
      2. Canlı İmza Kılavuzu
      3. Mobil Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
      4. Sürüm Notları
      5. Microsoft Teams Onayları
    5. Microsoft PowerApps ve Power Automate için Acrobat Sign
      1. Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
      2. Sürüm Notları
    6. Microsoft Arama İşlevi için Acrobat Sign Bağlayıcı
      1. Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
      2. Sürüm Notları
    7. Microsoft Dynamics için Acrobat Sign
      1. Genel Bakış
      2. Dynamics Online: Kurulum Kılavuzu
      3. Dynamics Online: Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
      4. Dynamics On-Prem: Kurulum Kılavuzu
      5. Dynamics On-Prem: Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
      6. Dynamics İş Akışı Kılavuzu
      7. Dynamics 365 for Talent
      8. Yükseltme Kılavuzu
      9. Sürüm Notları
    8. Microsoft SharePoint için Acrobat Sign
      1. Genel Bakış
      2. SharePoint On-Prem: Kurulum Kılavuzu
      3. SharePoint On-Prem: Şablon Eşleştirme Kılavuzu
      4. SharePoint On-Prem: Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
      5. SharePoint On-Prem: Sürüm Notları
      6. SharePoint Online: Kurulum Kılavuzu
      7. SharePoint Online: Şablon Eşleştirme Kılavuzu
      8. SharePoint Online: Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
      9. SharePoint Online: Web Formu Eşleştirme Kılavuzu
      10. SharePoint Online: Sürüm Notları
  6. ServiceNow için Acrobat Sign
    1. Genel Bakış
    2. Kurulum Kılavuzu
    3. Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
    4. Sürüm Notları
  7. HR ServiceNow için Acrobat Sign
    1. Kurulum Kılavuzu
  8. SAP SuccessFactors için Acrobat Sign
    1. Cockpit Yükleme Kılavuzu (Kullanımdan Kaldırılmış)
    2. İşe Almaya Yönelik Kurulum Kılavuzu (Kullanımdan Kaldırılmış)
    3. Recruiting Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
    4. Cloud Foundry Kurulum Kılavuzu
    5. Sürüm Notları
  9. Workday için Acrobat Sign
    1. Kurulum Kılavuzu
    2. Hızlı Başlangıç Kılavuzu
    3. Yapılandırma Eğitimi
  10. NetSuite için Acrobat Sign
    1. Kurulum Kılavuzu
    2. Sürüm Notları
  11. SugarCRM için Acrobat Sign
  12. VeevaVault için Acrobat Sign
    1. Kurulum Kılavuzu
    2. Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
    3. Yükseltme Kılavuzu
    4. Sürüm Notları
  13. Coupa BSM Suite için Acrobat Sign
    1. Kurulum Kılavuzu
  14. Acrobat Sign Geliştirici Belgeleri
    1. Genel Bakış
    2. Web Kancaları
    3. Metin Etiketleri

Are you unable to send agreements from Salesforce? Do data mappings fail to update the Salesforce fields?

Adobe Acrobat Sign for Salesforce: Troubleshooting Guide is designed to help you resolve issues in sending agreements from Salesforce, data mappings, or automatic status updates. See how to:

Troubleshoot Data Mappings failure

Acrobat Sign Data Mappings update Salesforce objects when an Acrobat Sign agreement is signed or at a specified stage in the agreement workflow. Each Data Mapping is set up ahead of time and includes data mapping rules. Each data mapping rule defines the data source and the target Salesforce field that it must update. For details, refer to Salesforce Data Mapping.

If data mapping fails to update a Salesforce field, run the following troubleshooting steps to identify and fix the issue:

To do so:

  1. On the Salesforce lightning page, navigate to the Adobe Acrobat Sign Admin tab.

  2. From the right panel, select Enable Automatic Status Updates

  3. Verify that it displays this message: Automatic Status Updates are enabled for this organization.

  4. If the above message is not displayed, log out and log back in as the System administrator and then select Enable

    If the above message is displayed, skip steps 5 and 6.

  5. On the permissions dialog that appears, note the email address, and ensure that the user has a valid Sign license and is a System administrator in Salesforce.

  6. Select Allow. It displays the message ‘Automatic Status Updates are enabled for this organization.’


  7. Apply the ‘Adobe Sign Integration User’ Permission set to the Salesforce user that you're using in the automatic status update setup. 

  8. Ensure that the automatic status update user remains active in Acrobat Sign and in Salesforce even after the setup. 

  9. Ensure that the automatic status update user (typically the Sign account admin that you used to set up the integration) and that the sender has access to the objects that you're trying to update with Data Mapping.

  10. Navigate to the User details page of the automatic status update user in Salesforce and ensure that the email field is a valid email address.

To check the value of the field, you can add the field to the Agreements list view, use the developer console, or use the Workbench.

Ensure that the ‘Data Mapping Result’ field on the ‘Agreement’ object has the value of either ‘Completed’ or ‘Failed.’ If there is no value, it means that data mapping was not triggered at all. If the value is empty and if the field ‘Data Mapping’ has the user ID populated, try to retrigger data mapping as follows:

  1. Add the ‘Trigger Data Mapping’ checkbox field to the Agreements list view.

  2. Double-click on the cell against the impacted agreement under the ‘Trigger Data Mapping’ column.

  3. Select the checkbox.  

  4. Once done, verify if the Salesforce record is updated and data mapping is retriggered.

    Alternate ways to retrigger data mapping are through the developer console, workbench, or apex.

To do so: 

  1. On the ‘Agreement’ object, verify if there is a lookup field to the Salesforce object that you are trying to update.

  2. Verify that the lookup field on the impacted agreement record has the ID of the Salesforce record that you're trying to update.

    If not, update the lookup field and retrigger data mapping following the steps in step 3. To dynamically update the lookup field on the agreement record in the future, you may use an agreement template with the ‘Map data into agreement fields’ section under the ‘Template Details’ setup. For details, refer to the Adobe Acrobat Sign for Salesforce: Mappings and Templates Guide and follow the steps under the section ‘Mapped data.'

    Alternate ways to update the lookup field are through the developer console, workbench, or apex.

The Data Mapping Error field stores errors from data mapping. You can check the value of the field by adding the field to the Agreements list view, using the developer console, or via Workbench. Below is a list of common errors and corresponding resolution steps:

Error Failed to map data field: System.DmlException Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 00ZxxqwertasdmjVUAR; first error: STRING_TOO_LONG, Owner Title: data value too large:  Adobe Acrobat Sign Adobe inc (max length=20): [Owner_Title__c] (echosign_dev1) 165​


This error means that the data in the form field of the updated document exceeds the size limit of the Salesforce field that you're trying to update. To resolve:

  1. Increase the field size of the Salesforce field (Owner_Title__c in this example) and then retrigger data mapping.
  2. If you cannot increase the size of Salesforce fields, resend the agreement to the recipient and ask them to enter data that is under the size limit.
Attempted to map to a related object reference which wasn’t set on the agreement: <api name of field on the Salesforce object you are trying to update>


This error means that there is no connection established between the Agreement object and the Salesforce object that you are trying to update. See step 4 above.

Failed to map data field: System.NullPointerException Attempt to de-reference a null object (echosign_dev1) 656


This error denotes that data mapping failed because it couldn’t access a required object. Run the following steps to resolve the error: 

  1. Ensure that you verify steps 4 and 5 above.
  2. Ensure that the sender of the agreement has access to the file sent. 
  3. Check if the issue is specific to a user or to a profile, or to a permission set. Apply different profiles to the sender and view if the issue resolves. Apply the ‘Adobe Sign admin’ permission set and view if the issue resolves. If the issue resolves after changing the profile or the permission set, compare the working profile/permission set with the sender’s original profile/permission set and find the missing permission. 
  4. Check if the ‘Document Key’ field on the agreement record has a value. To do so, open the developer console and run the following SOQL query: Select echosign_dev1__Document_Key__c from echosign_dev1__SIGN_Agreement__c where id = ‘<enter agreement id>’
  5. Copy the document key. Next, log in to Acrobat Sign as the account admin at https://secure.echosign.com/public/login and then go to Account API Information and select REST API Methods Documentation. Then, expand the Agreements section and the GET /agreements/{agreementid} section and enter the following details:
    1. From the right panel, select OAuth Access-Token and if prompted, enter the Acrobat Sign account admin credentials. The authorization text box displays the access token that gets automatically created. 
    2. For x-api-user, enter the email address of the sender of the agreement where data mapping failed in the format email:caseyjones@jones.com
    3. For agreementId, paste the document key that you copied from Salesforce.
    4. Select Try it out.
    5. Ensure that the details in the response body match the agreement details (agreement name, sender details, recipient details, creation date) at Salesforce. 

Using data mapping & merge mapping to send agreements: Example Scenario 

Example User:

John Smith

Example Use Case:

John wants to:

  • Send agreements from a custom object called ‘Demo 1’ using an agreement template,
  • Pull information from another custom object called ‘Demo 2’ that is associated with the ‘Demo 1’ object and push to the agreement, and
  • Push information to the ‘Demo 2’ object record once the agreement is signed. 

 Steps to achieve the use case:

  1. On the Acrobat Sign ‘Agreement’ object, create a lookup field for the 'Demo 1’ object.
  2. On the ‘Demo 1’ object, create a lookup field for the ‘Demo 2’ object.
    You cannot pull or push information from/to a related list. 
  3. Create a Data Mapping Template as follows:
    1. Provide a unique template name.
    2. Under Fields Mappings, select Selected Object, and then from the dropdown menu, select Demo 1
    3. From the second dropdown that loads, select Demo 2 ID.
    4. In the third dropdown that loads, leave it as ‘None’ and select Select.
    5. For ‘Which Salesforce Field to Update?’, choose the field name you need to update. 
    6. To complete the data mapping setup, follow the steps under the section Use Data Mappings to push signer data and files to Salesforce records in the Mappings and Templates Guide.
  4. Create a Merge Mapping Template as follows:
    1. Provide a unique template name.
    2. Select Add Field Mapping
    3. Under Source Value, select Selected Object, and then from the drop-down menu, select Demo 1
    4. From the second dropdown that loads, select Demo 2 ID.
    5. From the next drop-down that loads, select the field name with the value you need to pull and select Done.
    6. To complete the Merge mapping setup, follow the section Use Merge Mappings to generate documents with Salesforce data in the Mappings and Templates Guide.
  5. Create an agreement template by following the steps under Create template workflows.
  6. In the agreement template you created above, ensure that the merge mapping and data mapping templates are included in the ‘Data mapping’ section.
  7. On the Template details section of the Agreement template, select the Salesforce object as Demo 1.
  8. Select Map data into agreement fields and then in the dialog that appears:
    1. Select the option Select from object.
    2. Under Source Type, select Demo 1 ID.
    3. Under Target Agreement Field, select Demo 1 object in the lookup field.
    4. Select Save
  9. On the agreement template, select Save.
    It creates an agreement template linked to the ‘Demo 1’ object with merge mapping and data mapping enabled. 
  10. Open a ‘Demo 1’ object record, and select  > Edit page. Then, from the Custom managed section on the left panel, drag and drop AgreementPanel and select Save.
  11. Select Activation and assign the record page as per your needs. For testing purposes, choose ‘Assign as Org Default’, which exposes ‘AgreementPanel’ to all users. 
  12. Select Next and Save.
  13. Navigate to the ‘Demo 1’ object record and refresh the page. It should display the ‘AgreementPanel’ panel that you added.
  14. Select Send Agreement for Signature. It displays the agreement template that you created.
  15. Select the agreement template and follow the steps on the screen to send the agreement. Verify that the agreement includes the merged data from ‘Demo 2’. 
  16. Sign the agreement. It shows the ‘Demo 2’ record updated with the value from the agreement. 

Troubleshoot failure in sending agreements from Salesforce

If you are unbale to send agreements from Salesforce, run the following troubleshooting steps:  

  1. Ensure that you are on a supported version of Adobe Acrobat Sign. See supported versions.

  2. Ensure that you, as a sender, have the required permissions.
    See how to grant required access to users. In addition to objects and fields mentioned in the guide, the sender must have access to other Salesforce objects that are being used in the workflow.

  3. Check if your ‘Agreement’ object or other Acrobat Sign objects in Salesforce have customizations such as triggers, workflows, or rules. If yes, disable all the customizations and send a test agreement to see if it goes through.
    If the agreement is successfully sent after disabling the customizations, refer to our developer guide for guidelines.


    We do not provide support for troubleshooting customizations.

  4. Use one of the following ways to identify the type of error that you received while sending the agreement:

    • Open the impacted agreement record in Salesforce and check for a red banner with an error message. This error should indicate the root cause.
    • Check the ‘Error Message’ field on the ‘Agreement Notification’ object.
    • To check via the Developer Console and execute the following SOQL query:

    Select echosign_dev1__Error_Message__c from

    echosign_dev1__Agreement_Notification__c where

    echosign_dev1__Agreement__c = ‘<enter agreement id>

  5. The error “Invalid user ID or email provided in x-api-user header” denotes that the sender does not have a valid Acrobat Sign license. Use the following steps to troubleshoot it:

    1. Check the ‘Sender Recorded’ field on the Agreement record to identify the sender of the agreement.
      If a user on the ‘Sender Recorded’ field cannot be found in Salesforce, the Acrobat Sign package will use the ‘Created By’ field as the ‘sender’ of the agreement.
    2. Navigate to the ‘User details’ page of the sender in Salesforce and ensure that the Email field has a valid email address and an active Sign license.
      To check if the email address has an active Sign license:
    3. Login to Acrobat Sign using admin credentials.
    4. Navigate to Account > Users and look up the email address.
      The status of the user should be active. Users who do not have an ‘active’ status cannot send agreements. If the user is not active, see how to Add and manage users and refer to the steps under the section ‘The email is in use, but the user status isn’t Active’.
    5. If Send on behalf of (SOB) is used, validate the email address of the SOB user by checking the field named ‘Send on Behalf of’ on the ‘Agreement’ object. Ensure that the email address of this user has a valid Sign license by logging into Acrobat Sign as mentioned above. Ensure that the field “Allow Sending as Other Users” field is enabled on the SOB user’s User details page. This field may not be visible on the User object page layout by default.
    6. Verify user permissions as mentioned in Step # 2 above. See how to grant required access to users.

Troubleshoot failure in the automatic status update 

If an agreement does not get updated with the correct status, run the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Verify that you've implemented the prerequisites and the Post-install configurations (Required) mentioned in the Adobe Acrobat Sign for Salesforce: Installation Guide

  2. On the Salesforce lightning page, go to Adobe Acrobat Sign Admin > Enable Automatic Status Updates and ensure that you see the message “Automatic Status Updates are enabled for this organization.”


    If you don't see the message, run the following steps:

    1. Log out and log back in as the System administrator.
    2. Go to Adobe Acrobat Sign Admin > Enable Automatic Status Updates and select Enable.
    3. On the ‘Allow access to Acrobat Sign’ dialog that appears:
      1. Note the email address at the bottom of the dialog.
      2. Ensure that this email address has a valid Sign license and is a System administrator in Salesforce.
      3. Ensure that the user has the ‘Adobe Sign Integration User’ permission set assigned. 
      4. Select Allow.

    It should display the message ‘Automatic Status Updates are enabled for this organization.’

  3. On the ‘Agreement Notification’ object, check the Error Message field. To check the value on the field, execute the below SOQL query on the Developer Console: 

    SELECT Id, echosign_dev1__Agreement_Event_Type__c, echosign_dev1__Agreement_Status__c, echosign_dev1__Document_Key__c, echosign_dev1__Error_Message__c, echosign_dev1__Notification_Type__c, echosign_dev1__Status__c FROM echosign_dev1__Agreement_Notification__c where echosign_dev1__Agreement__c='<agreementId>'

  4. If the agreement is a push agreement that was created outside of the Salesforce environment, ensure that you follow the Adobe Acrobat Sign for Salesforce: Large Documents & Push Agreements Service Guide.

  5. Go to Setup > Custom Settings > Adobe Sign Agreement Update Settings > Manage > New (or Edit). In the page that opens, ensure that the Update Agreement Status checkbox (located under ‘Default Organization Level Value’) is enabled. 

  6. Go to the Agreements tab, select all the agreements that have failed to update, and then from the top-right corner, select Update Agreement


  7. Check if the status gets updated on those agreements. If they do get updated now, check if the issue is still reproducible with a new test agreement. If it is reproducible, continue with the troubleshooting steps below.

    If the issue is not reproducible, it may have been a one-off instance and we suggest that you refer to this troubleshooting guide when the issue re-occurs. 

  8. Check if your ‘Agreement’ object or other Acrobat Sign objects in Salesforce have customizations such as triggers, workflows, or rules.

    If yes, disable all the customizations and send a test agreement following your usual steps and see if it goes through. The status should change from ‘Draft’ to ‘Out for signature’.

    If the agreement status changes to 'Out for signature' after disabling the customizations, refer to our developer guide for guidelines.

    If the status does not get updated, send a test agreement directly from the ‘Agreements’ tab with customizations disabled and check if it goes through. If the status still doesn't change, check steps #1 and #2 mentioned above.


    We do not provide support for troubleshooting customizations.

    Acrobat Sign Objects
    Add File Attachments File Mappings Map Data into Agreement Fields
    Add Form Field Templates  Form Field Imports Merge Mappings
    Add Recipients Form Field Child Mapping Mutexes
    Agreements Form Field Child Mapping Entry  Object Mappings
    Agreement Events Form Field Mappings Recipients
    Agreement Templates Form Field Mapping Entries Signed Agreement
    Data Mappings Group Mappings Triggers
    Field Mappings Library Templates User Sync Results
    Agreement Type    

Troubleshoot issues that may occur after enabling Enhanced domains 

All organizations now have Salesforce's Enhanced domains enabled by default, which does not impact the Acrobat Sign for Salesforce package. However, customers who configured their sites for large file download and push agreements experience issues when their enhanced domains are enabled, resulting in changed site URLs and broken agreements.

To ensure the smooth functioning of agreements, customers need to update the custom settings for large file downloads to reflect the updated site URL.

For updating the Push agreements callback URL, customers must Contact support and provide the required information. For details, see how to Get individual services configured for your Acrobat Sign account.

Troubleshoot issues in searching for leads on Government Cloud environment

Acrobat Sign for Salesforce allows you to search for and add leads as agreement recipients when Leads is selected as the recipient type. However, if Government Cloud users create leads, contacts, or users but are not able to find them using the Search field, Saleforce org admins can follow these resolution steps:

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager and then search for Lead.
  2. From the left panel, select Fields & Relationships.
  3. For all the required fields (such as Name, Email, Mobile, and more), check the acccessibility to the users. To do so:
    1. Select any field that you want to check. For instance, select Mobile.
    2. For all the users who you want to enable the field access for, select the Visible checkbox.
    3. Select Save.
Send agreements to your leads from Acrobat Sign for Salesforce on Government Cloud.

Send agreements to your leads from Acrobat Sign for Salesforce on Government Cloud.

Contact support

If the issue is not resolved even after following the above troubleshooting steps, Contact support and provide us with the following details:

  • Issue description
  • Email address of the Acrobat Sign account admin that was used to set up the integration
  • Email address of the Acrobat Sign account admin that was used to enable automatic status updates:
  • Acrobat Sign package version installed in Salesforce
  • Salesforce org ID
  • Salesforce records ids of impacted agreements
  • Email address of the impacted user
  • Is the issue consistently reproducible, intermittent, or one-off?
  • Date of latest occurrence: <Provide the date/time/timezone of the last known occurrence>
  • Steps to replicate the issue
  • Expected behavior: <Describe the behavior that you expect when the steps are performed>
  • Troubleshooting notes: <Provide details of troubleshooting done so far with this documentation>


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