Kullanıcı Kılavuzu İptal

Adobe Sign for Salesforce - Advanced Customization/Settings Guide

  1. Adobe Acrobat Sign Entegrasyonları
  2. Yenilikler
  3. Ürün Sürümler ve Yaşam Döngüsü
  4. Salesforce için Acrobat Sign
    1. Paketi yükleme
    2. Paketi yapılandırma
    3. Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
    4. Geliştirici Kılavuzu
    5. Gelişmiş Özelleştirme Kılavuzu
    6. Alan Eşleştirme ve Şablon Kılavuzu
    7. Mobil Uygulama Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
    8. Akış Otomasyonu Kılavuzu
    9. Document Builder Kılavuzu
    10. Büyük Belgeleri Yapılandırma
    11. Yükseltme Kılavuzu
    12. Sürüm Notları
    13. SSS
    14. Sorun Giderme Kılavuzu
    15. Ek Makaleler
  5. Microsoft için Acrobat Sign
    1. Microsoft 365 için Acrobat Sign
      1. Kurulum Kılavuzu
    2. Outlook için Acrobat Sign
      1. Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
    3. Word/PowerPoint için Acrobat Sign
      1. Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
    4. Teams için Acrobat Sign
      1. Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
      2. Canlı İmza Kılavuzu
      3. Mobil Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
      4. Sürüm Notları
      5. Microsoft Teams Onayları
    5. Microsoft PowerApps ve Power Automate için Acrobat Sign
      1. Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
      2. Sürüm Notları
    6. Microsoft Arama İşlevi için Acrobat Sign Bağlayıcı
      1. Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
      2. Sürüm Notları
    7. Microsoft Dynamics için Acrobat Sign
      1. Genel Bakış
      2. Dynamics Online: Kurulum Kılavuzu
      3. Dynamics Online: Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
      4. Dynamics On-Prem: Kurulum Kılavuzu
      5. Dynamics On-Prem: Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
      6. Dynamics İş Akışı Kılavuzu
      7. Dynamics 365 for Talent
      8. Yükseltme Kılavuzu
      9. Sürüm Notları
    8. Microsoft SharePoint için Acrobat Sign
      1. Genel Bakış
      2. SharePoint On-Prem: Kurulum Kılavuzu
      3. SharePoint On-Prem: Şablon Eşleştirme Kılavuzu
      4. SharePoint On-Prem: Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
      5. SharePoint On-Prem: Sürüm Notları
      6. SharePoint Online: Kurulum Kılavuzu
      7. SharePoint Online: Şablon Eşleştirme Kılavuzu
      8. SharePoint Online: Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
      9. SharePoint Online: Web Formu Eşleştirme Kılavuzu
      10. SharePoint Online: Sürüm Notları
  6. ServiceNow için Acrobat Sign
    1. Genel Bakış
    2. Kurulum Kılavuzu
    3. Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
    4. Sürüm Notları
  7. HR ServiceNow için Acrobat Sign
    1. Kurulum Kılavuzu
  8. SAP SuccessFactors için Acrobat Sign
    1. Cockpit Yükleme Kılavuzu (Kullanımdan Kaldırılmış)
    2. İşe Almaya Yönelik Kurulum Kılavuzu (Kullanımdan Kaldırılmış)
    3. Recruiting Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
    4. Cloud Foundry Kurulum Kılavuzu
    5. Sürüm Notları
  9. Workday için Acrobat Sign
    1. Kurulum Kılavuzu
    2. Hızlı Başlangıç Kılavuzu
    3. Yapılandırma Eğitimi
  10. NetSuite için Acrobat Sign
    1. Kurulum Kılavuzu
    2. Sürüm Notları
  11. SugarCRM için Acrobat Sign
  12. VeevaVault için Acrobat Sign
    1. Kurulum Kılavuzu
    2. Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
    3. Yükseltme Kılavuzu
    4. Sürüm Notları
  13. Coupa BSM Suite için Acrobat Sign
    1. Kurulum Kılavuzu
  14. Acrobat Sign Geliştirici Belgeleri
    1. Genel Bakış
    2. Web Kancaları
    3. Metin Etiketleri

A guide to the custom settings available within the Adobe Sign for Salesforce package


Adobe Sign for Salesforce includes a wide range of customizable features to help tailor your document signature process so it fits in seamlessly with your over-all workflow.

This document is supplemental content to the Salesforce installation guide, and enumerates all of the available custom features and back end processes that are available to Administrators. Developers looking to connect their application to the Adobe Sign app should reference the Developers documentation.

Most of the settings described herein only require Salesforce configuration to become effective. The few settings that do require Adobe Sign side configurations are so noted.

Adobe Sign Tabs


Adobe Sign installs eleven custom tabs, all of which are Default On (assuming you installed with access to All Users). It is suggested that you review these tabs and their functions to determine if all, some or none of your users will need access to them, and to disable tabs that aren’t needed to reduce user side clutter.

Adobe Sign Tabs


Data Mappings

Group Mappings

Agreement Templates

Adobe Sign Manager

Manage Agreements

Batch Agreements

Adobe Sign Admin (x2)

Merge Mappings

Agreement Types    

There are two Adobe Sign Admin tabs that show up in the Lightning interface.

One is for a Visualforce page and the other for Lightning but there is no way to make a Visualforce tab not show up in Lightning Experience, so both are exposed.

Tabs by Function


  • Agreements – One of the primary objects to allow users to create and review their agreements.  This should be enabled for all users that use the application.
  • Adobe Sign Manager – Primarily used if you have deployed Adobe Sign on Salesforce1. If you are not using Salesforce1, then suppressing this tab is appropriate.               
  • Manage Agreements – This tab opens a portal to the Adobe Sign Manage page. This page has tools that permit the user to fully manipulate the agreement directly in the Adobe Sign web space.  Generally speaking, Salesforce customers want to control contract/document manipulation purely within the Salesforce environment so events are fully logged in the CRM system, and thus would hide this tab from all but Admins.


Power User

  • Batch Agreements – Used by people that need to generate a large number of agreements based on an Adobe Sign template and a Salesforce query (to define the recipients). Expose this tab only to users/profiles that will send large numbers of the same document. (eg: Annual Policy Agreements; Contract Renewal documents)



  • Adobe Sign Admin – Only expose this tab to the Salesforce Admin profile. There is no reason for non-Admin users to access this content.           
  • Group Mappings – These settings allow the Salesforce Admin to automatically have Adobe Sign move users into groups based on SFDC Profiles.  Only valuable to Admins.
  • Agreement Types - Helps to identify and locate all agreements of a specific category.
  • Agreement Templates – For designing Agreement templates.  This should be Admin only in most cases.
  • Data Mappings – Used purely for defining data mappings to push document content back into Salesforce.  For most customers, this will be Admin only.
  • Merge Mappings – The counterpart to Data Mappings, this tab defines what Salesforce content can be merged into a document before it is sent for signature.  Again, probably only for Admins

Customizations for Salesforce

Settings allow you to change the behavior of Adobe Sign for Salesforce and customize it to fit to your business needs. The default values reflect the most common configurations that customers prefer, and will be in effect unless you explicitly change them. 

Adobe Sign for Salesforce supports various custom settings:

  • Adobe Sign Settings control which features are exposed to your Adobe Sign users and also sets the application’s behavior. This is the main set of core settings for the application.
  • Adobe Sign Agreement Recipient Settings controls how recipient records are created and updated
  • Adobe Sign Agreement Update Settings control the features that define how the agreement is updated in Salesforce
  • Adobe Sign Environment Settings control the default URLs and environment settings.
  • Adobe Sign Toolbar Settings control the buttons that appear in the Adobe Sign Toolbar.
  • Adobe Sign Merge Mapping Settings control how attachments are handled whenever there is a merge mapping used.
  • Adobe Sign Chatter Settings control which agreement events will result in Chatter posts and where the Chatter posts will appear. These settings only appear if you have the Adobe Sign for Chatter app installed on your org.
  • Adobe Sign Lead Conversion Settings control the disposition of the agreements that are associated with a lead when it is converted to an account, contact, or opportunity.

Settings can be set for the entire Salesforce organization or for specific users and profiles:

These settings affect all users and profiles in the organization, unless their settings override the default organization level settings (see below)

1. Navigate to Setup > Platform Tools > Custom Code > Custom Settings.

The Custom Settings page displays.

2. Click on one of the links as appropriate:

o  Adobe Sign Agreement Recipient Settings

o  Adobe Sign Agreement Update Settings

o Adobe Sign Chatter Settings

o Adobe Sign Environment Settings

o Adobe Sign Lead Conversion Settings

o Adobe Sign Merge Mapping Settings

o Adobe Sign Settings

o Adobe Sign Toolbar

(The examples below show Adobe Sign Settings.)


3. Click the Manage button

4. Click the New (or Edit if previous changes have been made) button above the Default Organization Level Value line

5. Update the appropriate settings

6. Click the Save button.

settings edit

These settings affect only the users and profiles that you define. If you are customizing multiple Profiles, you will need to do each individually.

1. Navigate to Setup > Platform Tools > Custom Code > Custom Settings

The Custom Settings page displays.

2. Click on one of the links as appropriate:

o Adobe Sign Agreement Recipient Settings

Adobe Sign Agreement Update Settings

o Adobe Sign Chatter Settings

o Adobe Sign Environment Settings

o Adobe Sign Lead Conversion Settings

o Adobe Sign Merge Mapping Settings

o Adobe Sign Settings

o Adobe Sign Toolbar

(The examples below show Adobe Sign Settings.)


3. Click the Manage button

4. Click the New (or Edit) button above the Setup Owner table to create custom settings for specific Users or Profiles that override the Default Organization Level (if defined). 

                ○ The Setup Owner table is at the bottom of the page, under the list of settings.


You can use the Show/Hide toggle (►) to collapse the Default Organization Level Value section.

5. From the Location drop-down, select User or Profile then use the search icon to search for the profile you’d like to change these settings for and set values for the appropriate settings.

6. Edit the profile settings as needed

7. Click the Save button.

Customizable Settings

The customizable settings are broken out to functional sections in Salesforce, and that structure is replicated below. Each of the discrete settings are listed within the functional setting.

o Adobe Sign Agreement Recipient Settings

Adobe Sign Agreement Update Settings

o Adobe Sign Chatter Settings

o Adobe Sign Environment Settings

o Adobe Sign Lead Conversion Settings

o Adobe Sign Merge Mapping Settings

o Adobe Sign Settings

o Adobe Sign Toolbar


Due to the volume of items in the Adobe Sign Settings section, the content is presented twice:

  • By Function – To facilitate achieving a functional goal, and ensuring all of the relevant settings are considered
  • Alphabetically – To find a specific setting quickly

Adobe Sign Custom Settings


Do you want to allow Adobe Sign group-level admins to have the authority to establish an OAuth connection between Adobe Sign and Salesforce?

  • Adobe Sign OAuth Scope - Defines the minimum authority level in the Adobe Sign system that can establish an OAuth connection.
    • Leave the field empty, or enter account, to restrict OAuth connections to Adobe Sign account-level administrators.
    • Enter group to extend the authority scope to include group-level admins. NOTE: Creating an OAuth connection with a group-level admin limits the integration to work only with the users that have a membership to the primary group of the linking administrator.
Do you need to strongly define your document storage type? Do you have dependencies on the object type of the Adobe Sign documents?
  • Agreement Document Storage Type—Defines the default storage object for Adobe Sign documents
    • Set to Files to make the package work with the latest generation Salesforce Files-based system
    • Set to Attachments to use the legacy Attachments-based system
    • If left empty, the default storage type is based on the installed package version
      • Version 23+ will default to Files
      • Versions prior to 23.0 will default to Attachments


Do you need users to be assigned to specific Adobe Sign groups based on their Salesforce profiles to ensure proper send settings and branding is applied?

  • Auto-Sync Group Mappings—Enable this setting to automatically move the correct Adobe Sign groups when their Salesforce user profiles are updated.


Do you need to send Agreements that are over 2MB in total file size? (If yes, see: Configure Salesforce to Send Large Documents)

  • Callback URL Adobe to Salesforce Site—Entering the Callback URL into this box is required when sending large document transactions (greater than 2MB).  This setting is the Secure Web Address that is copied from the Adobe Sign Callback Site, which is set up to send large files.


Should Adobe Sign automatically create new users when they use the application in Salesforce?

  • Disable User Provisioning—Enable this setting to prevent users from being auto-provisioned with an Adobe user account when they send or manage agreements. This setting does not prevent the auto-provisioning of users that occurs when Update Agreement is clicked from the Agreement list. 


Would you like to disable the Chatter feed on the Agreement object?

  • Disable Agreement Chatter Feed—Enable this setting to turn off the Chatter feed on the Agreement object.

Data/Merge Mapping

Would you like to be emailed when a Data or Merge Mapping fails?

  • Enable Mapping Error Notification (Enabled by Default)—Enable this setting to send email notifications to the data mapping or merge mapping owner any time there are errors when the mappings are executed.

Would you like to have the API Names exposed when selecting fields in Data/Merge Mapping?

  • Show Fields API Name (Disabled by Default) - Enable this option to show API Name for every field and relationship of the salesforce objects while setting data mapping and merge mapping.

User Interface

Do you need to enforce a specific type of user interface (Windows vs Frames)?

  • Action Window Type—Determine how Adobe Sign windows open in users’ browsers. Enter ‘Window’ to open in new windows, enter ‘Frame’ to open as a layer on top of the Agreement page, or leave the field empty for the default behavior, which is to auto-detect based on the user’s browser capabilities.

This setting will not apply to customers using the Lightning page layout, and is only available to configurations using the Agreement Advanced page layout

Workflow Options

Will you need senders to generate Agreements that only they (themselves) would sign?

  • Enable Sender Signs Only—Enable this setting to display and enable the ‘Sender Signs Only’ option in the Recipients section of the send agreement page. When the ‘Sender Signs Only’ option is used, the agreement or document is presented to the sender to sign. This functionality is similar to the ‘Only I Sign’ functionality in Adobe services. This option can be set to read only using the Read Only Sender Signs Only setting.


Do you expect the sender of the document to have to sign the document at all?

  • Hide Sender Signs—Enable this setting to hide the sender signs option for draft agreements.


Do you want to allow senders to choose between serial and parallel signature options?

  • Show Recipient Signing Order Options—Enable this setting to show these two options for recipient signing: serial (ordered entered) or parallel (in any order).

Recipient options

What types of Recipient Objects (Contact, Lead, etc.) will you send Agreements to?

  • Disable Contact Recipient Type—Enable this setting to hide the option to select a Contact as a recipient on the send agreement page.
  • Disable Email Recipient Type—Enable this setting to hide the option to type an Email address as a recipient on the send agreement page.
  • Disable Group Recipient Type—This setting controls whether users can use Group records as Recipients on Agreements.
  • Disable Lead Recipient Type—Enable this setting to hide the option to select a Lead as a recipient on the send agreement page.
  • Disable User Recipient Type—Enable this setting to hide the option to select a User as a recipient on the send agreement page.
  • Enable Acceptor Role - Recipients marked as acceptors accept the document. They may be required to enter field data.
  • Enable Certified Recipient Role - Certified Recipients acknowledge the agreement, but do not sign. They may be required to fill in field data.
  • Enable Delegate Acceptor Role - Enables the role to designate a delegator for an acceptor
  • Enable Delegate Certified Recipieint Role - Enables the role to designate a delegator for a Certified Recipient
  • Enable Delegate Form Filler Role - Enables the role to designate a delegator for a Form Filler
  • Enable Form Filler Role - Form fillers are enabled to fill in field level data.
  • Enable Recipient Approver Role (Enabled by Default)—Enable this setting to enable the option to mark any recipient as an Approver. Approvers review and approve the document but they are not required to sign it.
  • Enable Recipient Delegate Approver Role—Recipients marked as delegators may review the document but can’t sign, approve accept or acknowledge it. The need to forward the document to another user who may take the appropriate action.
  • Enable Recipient Delegate Signer Role— Recipients marked as delegators may review the document but can’t sign, approve accept or acknowledge it. The need to forward the document to another user who may take the appropriate action


Should senders be allowed to define the CC’d parties to an Agreement?

  • Hide Send Email Copies—Enable this setting to hide the ‘Send email copies to:’ field for draft agreements.


Are you using custom fields to define your recipients?

  • Override Recipient Field List—This field allows you to change the default set of agreement fields that determine which Agreement fields are used when selecting the recipient for an agreement when sending for signature. When used, this setting should contain a list of comma-separated API field names from the agreement record. The field s should be in order and represent the fields the recipients should be read from. (e.g., SignerA_Email__c,SignerB_Email__c)

Recipient Verification Options

What types of recipient verification will you permit?

  • Disable Knowledge Based Authentication (Enabled by Default)—Enable this setting to hide the Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA) identity verification option for agreements. This is a signer identity verification method that requires signers to provide and verify personal information to sign the document. Usage of this feature is limited and may incur added costs. Also, make sure your account send settings on echosign.adobe.com have KBA enabled so you can use it in Salesforce.
  • Enable Phone Authentication—Enable this setting to show the phone authentication option for verifying recipient identity. Usage of this feature is limited and may incur added costs.
  • Enable Government ID Authentication - Enable this setting to show the Government ID authentication option for verifying recipient identity.  Usage of this feature may incur added costs
  • Hide Signing Password—Enable this setting to hide the signing password option.


Should signers have differing verification methods applied?

  • Enable Per Signer Identity Verification—Enable this setting to allow each signer to have a different identity verification method (e.g., password, phone, KBA).
  • Enable Separate Signer Identity Methods—Enable this setting to be able to select different identity verification methods for recipients in your Adobe Sign account and those outside of your Adobe Sign account. This applies to knowledge based authentication (KBA) and password to sign. For example, you can require that a customer be verified with Knowledge Based Identity before signing the document but require that your sales manager instead provide a password to sign the document. If you don’t check this box, then all signers or approvers will verify using the same method, as selected by the sender.

Attaching Documents

From where should senders be allowed to attach their documents?

  • Hide Salesforce Content/Files Att.—Enable this setting to hide the option to add Salesforce Content of Files to draft agreements.
  • Hide Salesforce Documents Attachments—Enable this setting to hide the option to add Salesforce Documents to draft agreements.
  • Hide Upload Agreement Attachments—Enable this setting to hide the option to upload local files for draft agreements.
  • Show Adobe Sign Library Attachments—Enable this setting to show the option to add Adobe Sign document templates.
  • Show Adobe Sign Field Templates—Enable this setting to show the option to select and apply Adobe Sign form field layer templates on documents.


Do you want users to be able to use field templates?

  • Hide Ability to Add Field Templates—Enable this setting to hide the link that allows senders to “Add Form Field Template” on draft documents.


Would you like the Agreement name to automatically change to the file name of the first attached document?

  • Rename Agreement with Attachment Name—Enable this setting to rename the agreement using the name of the attached document.

Sending Options

Do you need to allow Salesforce users to send on behalf of other users?

  • Allow Sending on Behalf of Others—Enable this setting to allow sending agreements on behalf of others.


Will you automatically expire Agreements after a span of time?

  • Create Sign Deadline Reminder Event—Enable this setting to display Salesforce alerts reminding users when sent agreements are about to expire. Specify the number of days before agreement expiration that the alert is shown using the Days Sign Deadline Reminder Event setting.
  • Days Sign Deadline Reminder Event—Enter a number of days and enable the Create Sign Deadline Reminder Event setting. This allows ‘agreement about-to-expire alerts’ to be shown to your users in Salesforce. Alerts are shown the specified number of days before agreement expiration.
  • Hide Sign Expiration—Enable this setting to hide the signing deadline option for draft agreements.


Do you want to be able to expand the Agreement relationship to other Salesforce objects?

  • Hide Account Lookup—Enable this setting to hide the account lookup option (in the Agreement Detail section) for draft agreements.
  • Hide Contract Lookup— Enable this setting to hide the Contract lookup option (in the Agreement Detail section) for draft agreements.
  • Hide Opportunity Lookup— Enable this setting to hide the Opportunity lookup option (in the Agreement Detail section) for draft agreements.


Should users be allowed to manipulate field placement prior to sending an Agreement?

  • Hide Preview or Position—Enable this setting to hide the preview or position option for draft agreements.


Should users be allowed to change the order of recipients or attachments?

  • Hide Reorder Attachments—Enable this setting to hide the sort attachments option for draft agreements.
  • Hide Reorder Recipients—Enable this setting to hide the sort recipients option for draft agreements.


Will you allow Written signatures in addition to Electronic signatures?

  • Hide Signature Type—Enable this setting to hide the signature type option (e-Signature or Written Signature) for draft agreements.


Should users be allowed to define reminders to signers when creating an Agreement?

  • Hide Sign Reminder—Enable this setting to hide the sign reminder option for draft agreements.


Will you ever need to host the signature on the sender’s system (In person signing)?

  • Show Hosted Signing Option (Enabled by Default)—Enable this setting to show the ‘Host signing for the first signer’ field on the agreement page to get in-person signatures. 

Sending Options for Template Users

Are you using Templates?  And if so, do you want to make some of those pre-populated fields hidden or read only so senders can’t manipulate them?

  • Hide Add Recipient—Enable this setting to hide the add recipients option for draft agreements.
  • Hide Delete Recipient—Enable this setting to hide the delete recipients option for draft agreements.
  • Hide Edit Agreement Attachments—Enable this setting to hide the edit option for attachments associated with draft agreements.
  • Hide Delete Agreement Attachments—Enable this setting to hide the delete agreements option (in the Attachments section) from draft agreements.
  • Hide View Agreement Attachments—Enable this setting to hide the view option for attachments associated with draft agreements.
  • Read Only Account—Enable this setting to make the Account field a read-only agreement field. This is useful if you want to pre-populate the field but not allow sender to edit it.
  • Read Only Agreement Name—Enable this setting to make the Agreement Name field a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Contract—Enable this setting to make the Contract lookup field a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Email Copies—Enable this setting to make the "Send email copies to" field a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Field Set—Enable this setting to make the Additional Fields section read-only on an agreement.
  • Read Only Hosted Signing—Enable this setting to make the Hosted Signing checkbox a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Language—Enable this setting to make the Language field a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Message—Enable this setting to make the Message field a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Opportunity—Enable this setting to make the Opportunity lookup field a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Preview or Position—Enable this setting to make the "Preview document or position signature fields" checkbox a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Recipient—Enable this setting to make the Recipients section read-only on an agreement.
  • Read Only Recipient Signing Order—Enable this setting to make the options for recipient signing order read-only on an agreement.
  • Read Only Security Options—Enable this setting to make the Security Options section read-only on an agreement.
  • Read Only Sender Signs—Enable this setting to make the "I also need to sign this document" checkbox a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Sender Signs Only—Enable this setting to display the ‘Sender Signs Only’ option as read-only in the Recipients section of the send agreements page. This setting works in conjunction with the Enable Sender Signs Only setting.
  • Read Only Signature Type—Enable this setting to make the Signature Type field a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Sign Expiration—Enable this setting to make the "Allow signers X days to sign this document." a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Sign Reminder—Enable this setting to make the "Remind recipient to sign" checkbox a read-only agreement field.

Post Send Options

Should senders be allowed to change the recipient’s email address for Agreements in process?

  • Hide Replace Signer—Enable this setting to hide the ability to replace the current signer or approver after the agreement has been sent.

Post Sign Redirect

After signing a document, would you like to control where the signer is re-directed to (vs. the default Adobe Sign page)?

  • Enable Post Sign Options—Enable this option to take your singers to a landing page of your choice. This makes the ‘Post Sign Redirect URL’ and ‘Post Sign Redirect Delay’ options available on the send agreement page. Signers of an agreement are redirected to the specified URL after they sign. For example, you could redirect them to your company web site or a survey page. This option can be made read only for senders using the Read Only Post Sign Options setting.
  • Read Only Post Sign Options—Enable this setting to display the ‘Post Sign Redirect URL’ and ‘Post Sign Redirect Delay’ options as read-only in the Recipients section of the send agreement page. This setting works in conjunction with the Enable Post Sign Options setting.  

Signed PDF Security

Do you want to secure the final PDF with a password to control view access?

  • Hide Password for Signed PDF—Enable this setting to hide the password option to set a password to open the PDF for the signed agreement.
  • Wipe Agreement Password (Enabled by Default)—Enable this setting to not store in Salesforce the encrypted password field on the agreement after it is sent. This applies to the password that is set to sign or view the agreement. 

Each of the settings in Salesforce has a question mark icon that you can click on to see the description of the setting.

  • Action Window Type—Determine how Adobe Sign windows open in users’ browsers. Enter ‘Window’ to open in new windows, enter ‘Frame’ to open as a layer on top of the Agreement page, or leave the field empty for the default behavior, which is to auto-detect based on the user’s browser capabilities.

This setting will not apply to customers using the Lightning page layout, and is only available to configurations using the Agreement Advanced page layout

The Adobe Sign Admin Settings page

  • Adobe Sign OAuth Scope - Defines the minimum authority level in the Adobe Sign system that can establish an OAuth connection.
    • Leave the field empty, or enter account, to restrict OAuth connections to Adobe Sign account-level administrators.
    • Enter group to extend the authority scope to include group-level admins. NOTE: Creating an OAuth connection with a group-level admin limits the integration to work only with the users that have a membership to the primary group of the linking administrator.
  • Agreement Document Storage Type—Defines the default storage object for Adobe Sign documents
    • Set to Files to make the package work with the latest generation Salesforce Files-based system.
    • Set to Attachments to use the legacy Attachments-based system
    • If left blank, the default storage type is based on the installed package version
      • Version 23+ will default to Files
      • Versions prior to 23.0 will default to Attachments
  • Allow Sending on Behalf of Others—Enable this setting to allow sending agreements on behalf of others.
  • Auto-Sync Group Mappings—Enable this setting to automatically move the correct Adobe Sign groups when their Salesforce user profiles are updated.
  • Callback URL Adobe to Salesforce Site—Entering the Callback URL into this box is required when sending large document transactions (greater than 2MB). This setting is the Secure Web Address that is copied from the Adobe Sign Callback Site, which is set up to send large files. See Configure Salesforce to Send Large Documents for Signature for more instructions.
  • Create Sign Deadline Reminder Event—Enable this setting to display Salesforce alerts reminding users when sent agreements are about to expire. Specify the number of days before agreement expiration that the alert is shown using the Days Sign Deadline Reminder Event setting.
  • Days Sign Deadline Reminder Event—Enter a number of days and enable the Create Sign Deadline Reminder Event setting. This allows ‘agreement about-to-expire alerts’ to be shown to your users in Salesforce. Alerts are shown the specified number of days before agreement expiration.
  • Disable Agreement Chatter Feed—Enable this setting to turn off the Chatter feed on the Agreement object.
  • Disable Contact Recipient Type—Enable this setting to hide the option to select a Contact as a recipient on the send agreement page.
  • Disable Email Recipient Type—Enable this setting to hide the option to type an Email address as a recipient on the send agreement page.
  • Disable Group Recipient Type—This setting controls whether users can use Group records as Recipients on Agreements.
  • Disable Knowledge Based Authentication (Enabled by Default)—Enable this setting to hide the Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA) identity verification option for agreements. This is a signer identity verification method that requires signers to provide and verify personal information to sign the document. Usage of this feature is limited and may incur added costs. Also, make sure your account send settings on echosign.adobe.com have KBA enabled so you can use it in Salesforce.
  • Disable Lead Recipient Type—Enable this setting to hide the option to select a Lead as a recipient on the send agreement page.
  • Disable User Provisioning—Enable this setting to prevent users from being auto-provisioned with an Adobe user account when they send or manage agreements. This setting does not prevent the auto-provisioning of users that occurs when Update Agreement is clicked from the Agreement list.
  • Disable User Recipient Type—Enable this setting to hide the option to select a User as a recipient on the send agreement page.
  • Enable Acceptor Role - Recipients marked as acceptors accept the document. They may be required to enter field data.
  • Enable Certified Recipient Role - Certified Recipients acknowledge the agreement, but do not sign. They may be required to fill in field data.
  • Enable Delegate Acceptor Role - Enables the role to designate a delegator for an acceptor
  • Enable Delegate Certified Recipieint Role - Enables the role to designate a delegator for a Certified Recipient
  • Enable Delegate Form Filler Role - Enables the role to designate a delegator for a Form Filler
  • Enable Form Filler Role - Form fillers are enabled to fill in field level data.
  • Enable Government ID Authentication - Enable this setting to show the Government ID authentication option for verifying recipient identity. Usage of this feature may incur added costs
  • Enable Mapping Error Notification (Enabled by Default)—Enable this setting to send email notifications to the data mapping or merge mapping owner any time there are errors when the mappings are executed.
  • Enable Per Signer Identity Verification—Enable this setting to allow each signer to have a different identity verification method (e.g., password, phone, KBA).
  • Enable Phone Authentication—Enable this setting to show the phone authentication option for verifying recipient identity. Usage of this feature is limited and may incur added costs.
  • Enable Post Sign Options—Enable this option to take your singers to a landing page of your choice. This makes the ‘Post Sign Redirect URL’ and ‘Post Sign Redirect Delay’ options available on the send agreement page. Signers of an agreement are redirected to the specified URL after they sign. For example, you could redirect them to your company web site or a survey page. This option can be made read only for senders using the Read Only Post Sign Options setting.
  • Enable Recipient Approver Role (Enabled by Default)—Enable this setting to enable the option to mark any recipient as an Approver. Approvers review and approve the document but they are not required to sign it.
  • Enable Recipient Delegate Approver Role—Recipients marked as delegators may review the document but can’t sign, approve accept or acknowledge it. The need to forward the document to another user who may take the appropriate action.
  • Enable Recipient Delegate Signer Role— Recipients marked as delegators may review the document but can’t sign, approve accept or acknowledge it. The need to forward the document to another user who may take the appropriate action
  • Enable Sender Signs Only—Enable this setting to display and enable the ‘Sender Signs Only’ option in the Recipients section of the send agreement page. When the ‘Sender Signs Only’ option is used, the agreement or document is presented to the sender to sign. This functionality is similar to the ‘Only I Sign’ functionality in Adobe services. This option can be set to read only using the Read Only Sender Signs Only setting.
  • Enable Separate Signer Identity Methods—Enable this setting to be able to select different identity verification methods for recipients in your Adobe Sign account and those outside of your Adobe Sign account. This applies to knowledge based authentication (KBA) and password to sign. For example, you can require that a customer be verified with Knowledge Based Identity before signing the document but require that your sales manager instead provide a password to sign the document. If you don’t check this box, then all signers or approvers will verify using the same method, as selected by the sender.
  • Hide Ability to Add Field Templates—Enable this setting to hide the link that allows senders to “Add Form Field Template” on draft documents.
  • Hide Account Lookup—Enable this setting to hide the account lookup option (in the Agreement Detail section) for draft agreements.
  • Hide Add Recipient—Enable this setting to hide the add recipients option for draft agreements.
  • Hide Contract Lookup— Enable this setting to hide the Contract lookup option (in the Agreement Detail section) for draft agreements.
  • Hide Delete Agreement Attachments—Enable this setting to hide the delete agreements option (in the Attachments section) from draft agreements.
  • Hide Delete Recipient—Enable this setting to hide the delete recipients option for draft agreements.
  • Hide Edit Agreement Attachments—Enable this setting to hide the edit option for attachments associated with draft agreements.
  • Hide Opportunity Lookup— Enable this setting to hide the Opportunity lookup option (in the Agreement Detail section) for draft agreements.
  • Hide Password for Signed PDF—Enable this setting to hide the password option to set a password to open the PDF for the signed agreement.
  • Hide Preview or Position—Enable this setting to hide the preview or position option for draft agreements.
  • Hide Reorder Attachments—Enable this setting to hide the sort attachments option for draft agreements.
  • Hide Reorder Recipients—Enable this setting to hide the sort recipients option for draft agreements.
  • Hide Replace Signer—Enable this setting to hide the ability to replace the current signer or approver after the agreement has been sent.
  • Hide Salesforce Content/Files Att.—Enable this setting to hide the option to add Salesforce Content of Files to draft agreements.
  • Hide Salesforce Documents Attachments—Enable this setting to hide the option to add Salesforce Documents to draft agreements.
  • Hide Send Email Copies—Enable this setting to hide the ‘Send email copies to:’ field for draft agreements.
  • Hide Sender Signs—Enable this setting to hide the sender signs option for draft agreements.
  • Hide Sidebar for Agreement Editor Page—Enable this setting to hide the sidebar in the Agreement Editor page. The Agreement Editor page can be accessed by clicking the name of an agreement displayed in the sidebar, in the Agreements Home page, or in the list of agreements for a related object.

Note: Recent Salesforce restrictions to how custom javascript can be added to sidebar components have resolved the VF page problems this setting is intended to overcome. Only applicable to VF pages, not supported if using the new Lightning page layout

  • Hide Sign Expiration—Enable this setting to hide the signing deadline option for draft agreements.
  • Hide Sign Reminder—Enable this setting to hide the sign reminder option for draft agreements.
  • Hide Signature Type—Enable this setting to hide the signature type option (e-Signature or Written Signature) for draft agreements.
  • Hide Signing Password—Enable this setting to hide the signing password option.
  • Hide Upload Agreement Attachments—Enable this setting to hide the option to upload local files for draft agreements.
  • Hide View Agreement Attachments—Enable this setting to hide the view option for attachments associated with draft agreements.
  • Override Recipient Field List—This field allows you to change the default set of agreement fields that determine which Agreement fields are used when selecting the recipient for an agreement when sending for signature. When used, this setting should contain a list of comma-separated API field names from the agreement record. The field s should be in order and represent the fields the recipients should be read from. (e.g., SignerA_Email__c,SignerB_Email__c)
  • Read Only Account—Enable this setting to make the Account field a read-only agreement field. This is useful if you want to pre-populate the field but not allow sender to edit it.
  • Read Only Agreement Name—Enable this setting to make the Agreement Name field a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Contract—Enable this setting to make the Contract lookup field a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Email Copies—Enable this setting to make the "Send email copies to" field a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Field Set—Enable this setting to make the Additional Fields section read-only on an agreement.
  • Read Only Hosted Signing—Enable this setting to make the Hosted Signing checkbox a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Language—Enable this setting to make the Language field a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Message—Enable this setting to make the Message field a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Opportunity—Enable this setting to make the Opportunity lookup field a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Post Sign Options—Enable this setting to display the ‘Post Sign Redirect URL’ and ‘Post Sign Redirect Delay’ options as read-only in the Recipients section of the send agreement page. This setting works in conjunction with the Enable Post Sign Options setting.
  • Read Only Preview or Position—Enable this setting to make the "Preview document or position signature fields" checkbox a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Recipient—Enable this setting to make the Recipients section read-only on an agreement.
  • Read Only Recipient Signing Order—Enable this setting to make the options for recipient signing order read-only on an agreement.
  • Read Only Security Options—Enable this setting to make the Security Options section read-only on an agreement.
  • Read Only Sender Signs—Enable this setting to make the "I also need to sign this document" checkbox a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Sender Signs Only—Enable this setting to display the ‘Sender Signs Only’ option as read-only in the Recipients section of the send agreements page. This setting works in conjunction with the Enable Sender Signs Only setting.
  • Read Only Sign Expiration—Enable this setting to make the "Allow signers X days to sign this document." a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Sign Reminder—Enable this setting to make the "Remind recipient to sign" checkbox a read-only agreement field.
  • Read Only Signature Type—Enable this setting to make the Signature Type field a read-only agreement field.
  • Rename Agreement with Attachment Name—Enable this setting to rename the agreement using the name of the attached document.
  • Show Adobe Sign Field Templates—Enable this setting to show the option to select and apply Adobe Sign form field layer templates on documents.
  • Show Adobe Sign Library Attachments—Enable this setting to show the option to add Adobe Sign document templates.
  • Show Fields API Name - Enable this option to show API Name for every field and relationship of the salesforce objects while setting data mapping and merge mapping
  • Show Hosted Signing Option (Enabled by Default)—Enable this setting to show the ‘Host signing for the first signer’ field on the agreement page to get in-person signatures.
  • Show Recipient Signing Order Options—Enable this setting to show these two options for recipient signing: serial (ordered entered) or parallel (in any order).
  • Wipe Agreement Password (Enabled by Default)—Enable this setting to not store in Salesforce the encrypted password field on the agreement after it is sent. This applies to the password that is set to sign or view the agreement. 

Agreement Recipient settings allow you to control how recipient records are created or updated when agreements are created either inside Salesforce, or pushed into Salesforce from an external source.

Reference the agreement push mapping documentation for more information about how to set up Salesforce so that documents created elsewhere can also be created in Salesforce automatically.

  • Auto Create Recipient Object—This field is used to specify which recipient type to create (Contact or Lead) when there is no existing contacts in Salesforce that match the original agreement’s recipient. Type in ‘Contact’ or ‘Lead’ into this field based on the preference. The recipient lookup is also based on the entry in the ‘Recipient Lookup Order’ field.
  • Copy Contact Account—Selecting this option will copy the first Contact recipient’s Account lookup to the Agreement’s Account lookup.
  • Copy Contact Opportunity—Selecting this option will copy the first Contact recipient’s Opportunity lookup to the Agreement’s Opportunity lookup.
  • Create Missing Recipients (enabled by default) - Enable this setting to create missing recipients
    • New recipients get created in the case of Agreement Push Mapping, Replace Signer, or Delegate Signer workflow
  • Enable Participation Sets - Enable this setting to create and update Participation Sets
  • Recipient Lookup Domain Ignore List—If a recipient’s email belongs to one of the domains that is entered in this field, there will be no recipient matching performed and the recipient will be stored as an email address in Salesforce.
  • Recipient Lookup Order—This field determines the order by which recipients from the agreement are searched for in Salesforce. For example, enter ‘Contact, Lead, User’ into this field if that is the order you want to find recipients
  • Update Delegated Recipients (enabled by default) - Enable this setting to mark the recipients as Delegated when they are delegated by the Signer or Sender
    • These recipients are hidden from the Agreement View page
  • Update Recipients (enabled by default) - Enable this setting to update existing recipients attributes such as Status
  • Update Replaced Recipients (enabled by default) - Enable this setting to mark the recipients as Replaced when they are replaced by the Sender from the Manage page
    • These recipients are hidden from the Agreement View page
  • Add Audit Report—Enable this setting to attach the PDF of the audit trail to the Agreement record after the agreement is signed
  • Add Signed PDF—Enable this setting to attach the signed PDF to the Agreement record
  • Add Signed PDF as Separate Attachments—Enable this setting to attach the PDF of the signed agreements as separate attachments when there are multiple documents sent in a single transaction. To stop receiving the signed agreement as a merged PDF, please contact Adobe Support for assistance
  • Add Signed PDF URL—Enable this setting to add a link for the signed PDF to the Agreement record
  • Add Supporting Files—Enable this setting to attach the PDFs of the supporting documents to the Agreement record after the agreement is signed. Through the supporting document fields in the agreement, the signers upload and attach the supporting documents to the agreement transaction
  • Show Images—Enable this setting to show latest images of all pages of all the documents associated with an agreement
  • Update Agreement Events—Enable this setting to update events of an agreement
  • Update Agreement Status—Enable this setting to update the status of an agreement

Environment settings allow you to control the environment that Salesforce connects to on the Adobe Sign side.


These settings should not be altered without specific instruction from Adobe Sign support.

  • Config API URL—Enter a URL to override the default Adobe API URL for the specified environment.
  • Config Oauth API URL—Enter a URL to override the default Adobe Oauth API URL           
  • Config URL—Enter a URL to override the default Adobe legacy integration URL for the specified environment.
  • Environment Name—Specify an environment name (Prod, Stage, Preview, Demo) to point to one of those Adobe Sign environments.

Toolbar settings allow you to control which Adobe Sign toolbar actions will be available in your account. You may create different toolbar settings for different profiles or users.

  • Cancel (Draft)—Available only when an agreement was not yet sent. Clicking this button would delete the agreement in Salesforce. This button is hidden by default.
  • Cancel Agreement—Cancels an agreement after it was sent for signature, but keeps the record in Salesforce.
  • Delete Agreement—Cancels an agreement after it was sent for signature and deletes the record from Salesforce.
  • Disable Agreement Review Logo—Hides the logo and text on the Agreement page that asks users to review the Adobe Sign for Salesforce app on the AppExchange.
  • Disable Bulk Cancel Agreement—Disables the ability to cancel documents in batch. See Send and Manage Agreements in Batch for more information.
  • Disable Bulk Delete Agreement—Disables the ability to delete documents in batch.
  • Disable Bulk Send Agreement—Disables the ability to send documents in batch.
  • Disable Bulk Send Reminder—Disables the ability to send reminders in batch.
  • Disable Bulk Update Agreement—Disables the ability to update documents in batch.
  • Enable On Load Action—Allows users to pass in an action to the Agreement page as an HTTP parameter, the page then executes that action right away.
  • Host Send Agreement - 
  • Save Agreement—Saves the agreement.
  • Send Agreement—Sends an agreement for signature.
  • Send Reminder—Send a reminder to the current signer.
  • Update Status—Queries Adobe Sign to update the status of the agreement in Salesforce.
  • View Agreement—Opens the Adobe Sign ‘View Agreement’ page allowing the user to view it and perform additional tasks.

Merge mapping settings allow you to control which how the attachments will be managed when merge mappings are used for sending agreements. Reference merge mappings documentation for more information.

  • Attach Merged Document—When a merge mapping is used for an agreement, selecting this option will attach the document with the merged data into the agreement record after the agreement is sent.
  • Remove Original document—When a merge mapping is used for an agreement, selecting this option will remove the original template document from the agreement record after the agreement is sent.

Adobe Sign Chatter Settings will appear if you have the Adobe Sign for Chatter app installed on your org. These settings determine where to post Chatter updates and also which events will result in a Chatter post. You only should define one set of Chatter settings for your Org and you can provide a Name to the settings. You can learn more about Adobe Sign for Chatter here with instructions for installation and setup.

  • Name - This field is the name of the data set when the custom setting data is used by Apex.
  • Enable Adobe Sign Chatter Updates—Enable this setting to turn on Chatter updates for Adobe Sign agreements.
  • Post on Account Record—Post Chatter updates for Adobe Sign agreements on the related Account record.
  • Post on Agreement Record—Post Chatter updates for Adobe Sign agreements on the Agreement record.
  • Post on Contract Record—Post Chatter updates for Adobe Sign agreements on the related Contract record.
  • Post on Opportunity Record—Post Chatter updates for Adobe Sign agreements on the related Opportunity record.
  • Post when Agreement Canceled—Post Chatter update when agreement is canceled.
  • Post when Agreement Declined—Post Chatter update when agreement is declined.
  • Post when Agreement Expires—Post Chatter update when agreement expires.
  • Post when Agreement Sent—Post Chatter update when agreement is sent.
  • Post when Agreement transaction done —Post Chatter update when agreement is signed and approved.
  • Post when Agreement Viewed—Post Chatter update when agreement is viewed.
  • Post when Recipient Email Bounces—Post Chatter update when recipient email bounces and is not delivered.
  • Post when Reminders Sent—Post Chatter update when reminders are sent.
  • Send Notifications to Sign Agreements—Post private Chatter message to signer when an agreement needs the signer's signature.

There is another Chatter setting in the main Adobe Sign Settings. By default, the Agreement record will be enabled for Chatter feeds but you can turn it off through the setting called ‘Disable Agreement Chatter Feed’.

Lead conversion settings allow you to retain Agreement relationships after you convert a Lead to Account, Contact, or Opportunity.

  • Account Retain Agreement—Selecting this option will retain the Lead’s agreements when it is converted to an Account.
  • Contact Retain Agreement—Selecting this option will retain the Lead’s agreements when it is converted to a Contact.
  • Opportunity Retain Agreement—Selecting this option will retain the Lead’s agreements when it is converted to an Opportunity.

Automation and Background Actions

Adobe Sign for Salesforce has the ability to turn on background actions for agreements to automate workflows. This includes: sending agreements, sending reminders, updating agreement status, deleting agreements or canceling agreements.

Background Actions

  • Through automatic workflows or triggers, Salesforce can automatically send a document for signature without additional user intervention. You can also set up trigger or workflows to send reminders and to delete, cancel, or update agreements automatically. To do so, you may need to allow users or workflows to send on behalf of another user.
  • Background actions are enabled via an Agreement picklist field called ‘Background Actions’. When the field switches from one value to another, the action is triggered. Make sure to trigger actions that are only allowed for the status of the Agreement. (E.g. you cannot send a reminder for an agreement that is already in the cancelled status.) 
  • Also, you can enable the ‘Send for Signature’ button to automatically send agreements using a predefined Agreement Template without requiring user to view the agreement page first. This is achieved by enabling the ‘Auto Send’ option on the Agreement Template. See Agreement Templates for more information.


Salesforce can automatically trigger actions via the onLoadAction URL parameter supported by Adobe Sign for the Agreement button actions: Send, Remind, Delete, Cancel, Update, and View. The URL parameter will respect the Toolbar Settings set by the administrator so that only those that are enabled will be available.

Example of URLs with onLoadAction:

Send: Make sure you have an agreement with status Draft in your account.



Remind: Make sure you have an agreement with status Out for Signature in your account.



Delete: Make sure you have an agreement with status Out for Signature in your account.



Cancel: Make sure you have an agreement with status Out for Signature in your account.



Update: Make sure you have an agreement with status Out for Signature in your account.



View:  Make sure you have an agreement with status Out for Signature, Signed, or Cancelled in your account.


Adobe Sign Integration with other Salesforce Apps

Adobe Sign is integrated with several Salesforce apps that allow you to extend your Salesforce workflows even further. Learn more about each of these apps and get them on the AppExchange.

Advanced Document Generation

Subscriptions & Billing

Contract, Proposal, and Quote Management


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