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Common questions about Photoshop on the web

Find answers to the most common questions about Photoshop on the web.

What is Photoshop on the web?

Photoshop on the web is a versatile digital imaging and design application that is available directly in your browser. The streamlined online interface with intuitive and precise editing tools gives you complete control over every last detail and seamless access to Photoshop’s most common and precise editing tools and generative AI capabilities. 

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   See how to use the power and precision of Photoshop while on your web browser in this quick video tutorial.

How do I access Photoshop on the web?

To get started, go to the Photoshop on the web home page. Open an existing Photoshop cloud document or create a new one from the home screen.

How is web different than desktop?

Photoshop on the web has a streamlined user-interface to Photoshop's image editing tools for precise and controlled edits. While not all features in desktop are on the web, Photoshop on the web has the most commonly used image editing features. Through feedback from our users, we are always adding additional features and functionality expected of the high quality of Photoshop.

Why does the user interface of Photoshop on the web looks different from that of Photoshop on the desktop?

Photoshop on the web has a streamlined online interface with an updated user interface, features and tools grouped in a condensed way to aid you find them faster. The UI is also built such that you can enjoy optimized performance  on web browsers, specially Chrome.

Is there anything I can't do in Photoshop on the web?

Yes. Some features available in Photoshop on the desktop are not available on the web as of now because the absence of these features is not a blocker to find success in Photoshop on the web. However, to use any such advanced feature or workflow, you can easily navigate to Photoshop on the desktop from your web browser.

How can I get to the Photoshop on the desktop app from Photoshop on the web?

Yes. Click the Share button in the header bar and choose Open in desktop app to open your current cloud document in Photoshop on the desktop.

Will my files be updated if I make edits using Photoshop on the web then move to the desktop app?  

Yes. Photoshop on the web saves your work to your cloud documents on the go. It will also perform a save if you switch to the desktop app or another browser tab. 

Is there a free online version of Photoshop?

There isn't a free version of Photoshop on the web, however you can try out some of Photoshop's most popular tools and uses online with the help of guided tutorials without creating an Adobe account. To upload and edit your own photos, sign up for a Photoshop plan or start a free trial.

How much is Photoshop online?

Photoshop on the web is included in all Photoshop plans. Learn more about purchasing options on the Creative Cloud plans page.

Is Photoshop online available on mobile?

Currently Photoshop is available online only on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge version 102 and above (64-bit), and Firefox version 111 and above on desktop. Learn more about the specifications to work with Photoshop online on the System requirements for Photoshop on the web page.

What happens to the content I create on Photoshop on the web?

While working with Photoshop on the web, your documents are stored as cloud documents, but can be opened in Photoshop on the desktop, or downloaded to your local machine as image files.

What languages does Photoshop on the web support?

Photoshop online is available in all the languages supported by Photoshop on the desktop. View the complete list of languages that Photoshop supports on the System requirements for Photoshop on the web page.

What file formats does Photoshop on the web support?

View the complete list of file formats supported in Photoshop on the web on the Supported file types for Photoshop on the web page.

Can I open a raw file in Photoshop on the web?

Yes. View the complete list of file formats supported in Photoshop on the web on the Supported file types for Photoshop on the web page.

Which browsers does Photoshop on the web support?

Currently Photoshop is available online only on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge version 102 and above (64-bit), and Firefox version 111 and above on desktop. Learn more about the specifications to work with Photoshop online on the System requirements for Photoshop on the web page.

Is Photoshop on the web available for school accounts?

Yes, Photoshop on the web is now available for all education users with a paid Photoshop entitlement.

Do I need a Photoshop subscription to use Photoshop on the web?

Yes. Photoshop on the web is included in all Photoshop plans. Learn more about purchasing options on the Creative Cloud plans page.

Can I access Photoshop on the web with a Shared Device License?

No. Currently, you cannot access Photoshop on the web with a Shared Device License.

Can Photoshop on the web be used on a mobile browser?

You can currently edit in Photoshop on the web on non-mobile web browsers only. You can view and comment using a mobile web browser. For iPad we recommend you try Photoshop on the iPad, which is included in your Creative Cloud subscription. Download Photoshop on the iPad from the App Store.

What is a Photoshop cloud document?

Cloud documents are Adobe's cloud-native document file type that can be accessed online or offline directly from within Photoshop applications. To learn more, see Common questions for cloud documents in Photoshop.

Why is my document taking so long to load?

When launching Photoshop on the web, there may be a noticeable delay when opening a file. We are addressing this issue. In case your browser freezes, quit the browser and try to open the file again.

Where do I provide my Photoshop on the web feedback to the product team?

Please report issues or provide feedback in the Adobe Photoshop community. Head there to vote, or start a new conversation using the “Web" topic. You can also reach the Photoshop community in-app. Simply select the Help icon in the header bar and choose Support community in the Help panel that opens. We appreciate any and all feedback.

What should I do if I get an error or a crash while working with Photoshop on the web?

If you get an error or crash while using Photoshop on the web, do any of the following:

  • Try your edits again in a new browser window.
  • Make sure your browser is up to date with the latest updates from Google or Microsoft.
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies.
  • Restart your computer.

If you’ve tried the above and are still having issues with Photoshop on the web, please let us know on the Photoshop community. You can also reach the Photoshop community in-app. Simply select the Help icon in the header bar and choose Support community in the Help panel that opens. Once you're on the community page, start a new conversation using the “Bug” option.

I'm being asked for a .log file. Where do I get Chrome and/or Edge logs from?

Chrome and Edge put any errors in the Developer Tools log. You can save this log to share with the product team in the Photoshop community.

Google Chrome:

  1. Open the top-right Chrome menu, then in More Tools find and select Developer Tools.
  2. In the Developer Tools that show on the right, click the Console tab at the top.
  3. Right-click within the Console panel and choose Save As…
  4. Save the .log file on your computer so you can share it.

Microsoft Edge: For Microsoft Edge logs, see Open Microsoft Edge DevTools.

Are two browser tabs required to work on two images at once?

Yes. For now, each tab opens a single new document. We are working on multi-document support.

Where is the Save button? How often is my work saved?

Save as option in Photoshop on the web

Photoshop on the web saves your work to your cloud documents every 5 minutes. It will also perform a save if you switch to another app or browser tab. You can also manually save your document using the app menu.

How do I get the system info that I'm being asked for?

If you're being asked for OS, graphics card, RAM, and CPU information to help with an issue investigation, do any of the following:


  • Click start and type/search for "dxdiag" (this is the DirectX diagnostic tool).
  • In Dxdiag, Use the System (CPU/RAM) and Display (GPU) tabs to gather the requested system info.

macOS: Follow the steps mentioned in the System Information on your Mac.

What is the keyboard shortcut for Free Transform?

Help menu in Photoshop on the web
Help menu in Photoshop on the web

While using a browser, we're not yet able to snag the CMD/CTRL+T shortcut for Free Transform since it is used to open a new tab on your browser. The Free Transform keyboard shortcut is:

  • macOS: CMD+OPT+T
  • Windows: CTRL+ALT+T

To see other keyboard shortcuts in-app, go to Help > Keyboard shortcuts. 

To see the list of available keyboard shortcuts, see Keyboard shortcuts | Photoshop on the web.

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