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E-signature fields


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Add a signature field to your agreements in one of three styles.

In Acrobat Sign, the e-signature field is mandatory for recipients assigned the roles of Signer, Acceptor, Approver, or Electronic Seal. Each recipient with a role that requires a signature must have at least one required, unconditional signature field in the agreement. If a required signature field is missing, Acrobat Sign automatically places a signature block at the end of the document to ensure compliance.

The e-signature field captures the recipient’s official signature along with a time and date stamp in one of three signature types:

  • E-signature - A single field that captures the recipient's signature through one of several methods (Typed, Drawn, Image) as an electronic signature.
  • E-signature block (with email) - A multi-field signature object that contains at least an E-Signature field and the Recipient email field. If the sending group requires either the recipient Title or Company, those fields will be present in the signature block also.
  • Digital Signature - A single field that captures the recipient's signature through one of two methods (Downloaded with Acrobat and Cloud Signatures) as a digital signature. If digital signatures are not enabled for the sending group, the option will not be available in the Signature type menu.


  • Acrobat Standard and Acrobat Pro: Supported
  • Acrobat Sign Solutions: Supported
  • Acrobat Sign for Government: Supported

The Stamp field can be used as a signature field, but it's not a style element of the E-signature field. It's a discrete field type that must be enabled through separate controls.

Left-click field menu

Left-clicking (or CMD-clicking) a field opens a submenu that provides quick access to common customization options. This submenu offers a streamlined alternative to the entire field customization menu, making it especially attractive to experienced form builders.

Key features include changing the Signature type from the available options enabled by the sending group and a checkbox that lets you set the field as required or optional. These options allow users to tailor fields to meet their needs while building forms efficiently.

View of the e-signature field with the left click field menu exposed, and the Signature Type. drop-down menu expanded.

Settings impacting the field:

  • Digital Signatures > Signers may apply digital signatures through—At least one method of Digital Signature must be enabled, or you won't have the option to change the Signature Type to Digital Signature.
Digital Signature controls that must be enabled for the digital signature option to be available.

  • Require signers to provide their job title when e-signing—When enabled, a Title field must be placed for each recipient who must sign the agreement. If the field isn't present, a Signature block will be added to the bottom of the agreement.
  • Require signers to provide their company name when e-signing - When enabled, a Company field must be placed for each recipient who must sign the agreement. If the field isn't present, a Signature block will be added to the bottom of the agreement.
Additional Settings controls that must be enabled for the Title and Company pption to be required.

Customizing the field properties:

Double-clicking the field opens the full customization menu in the context panel.

E-signature fields have four sections that can be configured:

Text tag examples for E-signature fields

Optional Electronic Signature Text Tag


Breakdown of the Tag:

  • Sig1 → Unique field name (you can modify as needed).
  • _es_  → The text tag signifier. Do not edit or omit.
  • signer1 → Assigns the field to the first signer.
  • signature → Defines the field as an electronic signature field.
  • optional → Makes the signature field optional instead of required.

This tag ensures the recipient can sign but isn't required to do so before submitting the agreement. 

Electronic Signature Text Tag


Breakdown of the Tag:

  • Signature2 → Unique field name (you can modify as needed).
  • _es_  → The text tag signifier. Do not edit or omit.
  • signer2 → Assigns the field to the second signer.
  • signature → Defines the field as an electronic signature field.

This tag creates a required electronic signature field named Signature2 for the second signer.

Digital Signature Text Tag


Breakdown of the Tag:

  • Customer_Digital_Signature → Unique field name (you can modify as needed).
  • _es_  → The text tag signifier. Do not edit or omit.
  • signer3 → Assigns the field to the third signer.
  • digsig → Defines the field as a digital signature field.

This tag creates a digital signature field named Customer_Digital_Signature for the third signer.

Other useful parameters for the E-signature field:

  • :width=X → Sets a custom width for the field in pixels (replace X with the desired pixel value).
  • :height=Y → Sets a custom height for the field in pixels (replace Y with the desired pixel value).



Breakdown of the Tag:

  • Sig1 → Unique field name (you can modify as needed).
  • _es_  → The text tag signifier. Do not edit or omit.
  • signer1 → Assigns the field to the first signer.
  • signature → Defines the field as an electronic signature field.
  • width=200 → Sets the field width to 200 pixels.
  • height=50 → Sets the field height to 50 pixels.

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