Last updated on
May 24, 2023
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Module demos_batchtools provides samples of usage of Pysbs in particular with the module
demos_batchtools.demoUdimPipeline(aContext, aTemplateSbsPath, aDestSbsPath, aMeshPath, aUdimList, aOutputSize, aOutputBakingPath, aOutputRenderPath, aOutputSbsarPath=None)
Demonstrates an automated pipeline implying a mesh with udim, executing this process:
sbsbaker => fill template .sbs with Pysbs => sbscooker => sbsrender
Parameters: |
Returns: | True if success |
Here is the code of function demoUdimPipeline:
def bakeUdim(_meshPath, _outputSize, _outputFormat, _outputBakingPath, _bakerName, _udim): """ Call sbsbaker with the provided udim :param _meshPath: Path to the mesh :param _outputSize: Output size as a power of two :param _outputFormat: Output format of the baked map (e.g. extension) :param _outputBakingPath: Output folder path :param _bakerName: Name of the baker :param _udim: The udim to process :type _meshPath: str :type _outputSize: int :type _outputFormat: str :type _outputBakingPath: str :type _bakerName: str :type _udim: str """ _outputName = '%s_%s' % (_bakerName,_udim) batchtools.sbsbaker_curvature(_meshPath, output_size=[_outputSize,_outputSize], output_format=_outputFormat, output_path=_outputBakingPath, udim=_udim, output_name=_outputName).wait() def cookAndRender(_context, _inputSbs, _inputGraphPath, _outputCookPath, _outputRenderPath, _outputSize, _udim): """ Call sbscooker with the provided udim, and then sbsrender on the resulting .sbsar :param _context: API execution context :param _inputSbs: Path to the .sbs file to cook :param _inputGraphPath: Internal path of the graph to render :param _context: Path to the default packages folder :param _outputCookPath: Output folder path of the .sbsar :param _outputRenderPath: Output folder path of the rendered maps :param _outputSize: Output size as a power of two :param _udim: The udim to process :type _context: :class:`context.Context` :type _inputSbs: str :type _inputGraphPath: str :type _outputCookPath: str :type _outputRenderPath: str :type _outputSize: int :type _udim: str """ _sbsarName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(_inputSbs))[0] _outputName = '%s_%s' % (_sbsarName,_udim) batchtools.sbscooker(inputs=_inputSbs, includes=_context.getDefaultPackagePath(), alias=_context.getUrlAliasMgr().getAllAliases(), udim=_udim, output_path=_outputCookPath, output_name=_outputName, compression_mode=2).wait() batchtools.sbsrender_render(inputs=os.path.join(_outputCookPath, _outputName+'.sbsar'), input_graph=_inputGraphPath, output_path=_outputRenderPath, output_name=_outputName, set_value='$outputsize@%s,%s' % (_outputSize,_outputSize), png_format_compression="best_speed").wait() if any([not i for i in [aTemplateSbsPath, aDestSbsPath, aMeshPath, aUdimList, aOutputSize, aOutputBakingPath, aOutputRenderPath]]): log.error("Please provide all the appropriate arguments for demoUdimPipeline ") return False try: # Get information from the mesh: materials and uvset count materials, _, uvsetCount = batchtools.sbsbaker_info_get_mesh_info(aMeshPath) # Bake mesh information'Baking into %s ...' % aOutputBakingPath) python_helpers.createFolderIfNotExists(aOutputBakingPath) bakerName = sbsbakers.getBakerDefaultIdentifier(sbsbakers.BakerEnum.CURVATURE) bitmapExt = 'png' aOutputSize = int(aOutputSize) for udim in aUdimList.split(','): bakeUdim(aMeshPath, aOutputSize, bitmapExt, aOutputBakingPath, bakerName, udim) # Parse the .sbs file and get required data sbsDoc = substance.SBSDocument(aContext, aTemplateSbsPath) sbsDoc.parseDoc() graph = sbsDoc.getSBSGraphList()[0] graphPath = sbsDoc.getObjectInternalPath(graph.mUID, addDependencyUID=True) bitmapRes = sbsDoc.getSBSResourceList()[0] # Init a scene resource with the mesh information sceneRes = sbsDoc.createSceneResource(aResourcePath=aMeshPath, aIdentifier='mesh', isUDIM=True) # Proper configuration for the .sbs output so that it is correctly set for SD. This is not required if using only the batchtools: # - Set the material entries sceneRes.setMaterialMapEntries(aMaterialsList = materials, nbUVSet=uvsetCount) for matMapEntry in sceneRes.getMaterialMapEntries(): for uvset in range(uvsetCount): matMapEntry.assignDefaultSBSGraph(aGraphPath=graphPath, aUVSet=uvset) # - Define the bitmap resource as the result of the mesh baking process bitmapRes.setResourceIsBakingOutput(sceneRes, sbsbakers.BakerEnum.CURVATURE_MAP_FROM_MESH) # Relocate the resource so that it points to the baking output sbsDoc.relocateResource(aResource=bitmapRes, aNewPath=os.path.join(aOutputBakingPath, bakerName+'_$(udim).'+bitmapExt), checkPathExists=False) # Write the output Substance specialised for the given mesh sbsDoc.writeDoc(aNewFileAbsPath=aDestSbsPath, aUpdateRelativePaths=True) # Save the .sbsar in a temporary folder if aOutputSbsarPath is not specified if not aOutputSbsarPath: destSbsar = aContext.getUrlAliasMgr().buildTmpFolderPath(graph.mIdentifier+'_OutputSbsar') os.mkdir(destSbsar) else: destSbsar = aOutputSbsarPath # Create output directories if necessary python_helpers.createFolderIfNotExists(destSbsar) python_helpers.createFolderIfNotExists(aOutputRenderPath) # Cook the substance for each Udim and render each resulting .sbsar # Run this on several threads with a task queue'Rendering into %s ...' % aOutputRenderPath) graphPath = 'pkg://'+graph.mIdentifier for udim in aUdimList.split(','): cookAndRender(aContext, aDestSbsPath, graphPath, destSbsar, aOutputRenderPath, aOutputSize, udim) # Remove temporary folder if aOutputSbsarPath is None: shutil.rmtree(destSbsar)'All renders have been generated') return True except BaseException as error: log.error("!!! [demoUdimPipeline] Failed to process mesh %s " % aMeshPath) raise error