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Content included in sbslibrary module:
Module sbslibrary provides the libraries of Filters, Functions, FxMap nodes and Widgets that are defined in the modules sbsfilters
, sbsfunctions
, sbsfxmapnodes
and sbswidgets
sbslibrary.sbslibrary.__convertToEnum(aKey, aGetEnumFunction)
getSliderWidgetByType(aType) Get the given widget
getSliderWidgetByType(aType) Get the given widget
getSliderWidgetByType(aType) Get the given widget
Get the given widget
Parameters: | aWidget (WidgetEnum ) – widget identifier |
Returns: | the widget as a InputParamWidget |
getSliderWidgetByType(aType) Get the given widget
Get the definition of the given filter (inputs, outputs, parameters)
Parameters: | aFilter (FilterEnum or str) – filter identifier |
Returns: | a CompNodeDef object if found, None otherwise |
Get the enum value of the given filter
Parameters: | aFilterName (str) – filter identifier |
Returns: | the filter as a FilterEnum |
Get the definition of the given function (inputs, outputs, parameters)
Parameters: | aFunction (FunctionEnum or str) – function identifier |
Returns: | a FunctionDef object if found, None otherwise |
Get the enum value of the given function
Parameters: | aFunctionName (str) – function identifier |
Returns: | the function as a FunctionEnum |
Get the appropriate function GET_<> depending on the type of the input parameter
Parameters: | aType (ParamTypeEnum ) – the type of data to get |
Returns: | the function GET_<> corresponding to the given type if succeed, None otherwise |
Get the definition of the given FxMap node (inputs, outputs, parameters)
Parameters: | aFxMapNode (FxMapNodeEnum or str) – FxMap node identifier |
Returns: | a CompNodeDef object if found, None otherwise |
Get the enum value of the given function
Parameters: | aFxMapNodeName (str) – FxMap node identifier |
Returns: | the FxMap node as a FxMapNodeEnum |
Get the definition of an input bridge node (inputs, outputs, parameters)
Returns: | a CompNodeDef object if found, None otherwise |
Get the description of the ‘iteration’ parameter
Returns: | the CompNodeParam describing this parameter |
Get the definition of an output bridge node (inputs, outputs, parameters)
Returns: | a CompNodeDef object if found, None otherwise |
Get the given widget
getSliderWidgetByType(aType) Get the given widget