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Manage your account settings

See how to find and change your account settings in the Adobe Stock Contributor portal.  

Your Contributor Account page contains all your account details, like the public name for your account, your email preferences, your tax information, and your member ID number. Here’s how to access the page and change your settings at any time: 

  1. Sign in to the Contributor portal and click Contributor Account in the menu bar.  

  2. To update your name or address details, hover your cursor over the Account or Address area until the pencil icon appears, and then click the icon to make your changes.  

    As always, be sure your display name is appropriate for public viewing since many buyers will display your photo credit.

    In the Account area, you can also click See my public profile and copy the URL to share your portfolio with others.

  3. In the Email Preferences area, you can choose whether you want to receive daily summaries of moderation results and/or earnings.  

  4. To add or update your tax details, click the Add tax information button. You’ll be taken through a series of steps to help you decide which form to fill out, and then you can submit your form right through the portal.  

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