Last updated on Sep 12, 2024

Learn how to draw a rectangular selection border using the Rectangular marquee tool.

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  1. On the Photoshop on the web homepage, under Start something new, select Upload an image and browse for a file on your device.

  2. Choose Select > Rectangular marquee .

  3. In the tool options bar, set the Feather amount.

  4. Drag to draw a rectangular selection border over the area you wish to select.

  5. In the tool options bar, use Select more  or Select less to add to your current selection or subtract from it as necessary. 

  6. Select More options and choose from the given options:

    • New selection: Creates a new selection.
    • Intersect with selection: Combines it with the previous selection.
    • Style: Sets how the marquee tool draws.
    • Refine Edge: Refines the edges to improve the initial selection.
  7. In the Contextual task bar, you can further refine the selection with options such as Generative FillCreate maskAdjustInvert selectionContent-aware fill, or Deselect.

  8. Select Download.

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