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The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online

Adobe MAX

The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online

Adobe MAX 2024

Adobe MAX
The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online

Adobe MAX

The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online

Last updated on Sep 16, 2024

Explore the workspace in Lightroom on the web and discover where all your favorite tools are located.

Home Screen

Lightroom home screen is displayed with different options such as Add Photos, Home, Community, Learn, All Photos, Albums, and Shared.
Add photos to edit your image.

A. Add Photos B. Home C. Community D. Learn E. All Photos F. Albums G. Shared 

  • Add Photos: Drag and drop images or select one to import from your local device.
  • Home: View your Imports and Edits, or navigate to the All Photos view.
    • My Profile: View images you’ve edited, remixed, and liked, along with your following and followers.
    • Featured: Browse through popular or recommended content within the Lightroom community.
    • Following: View edited images from users you are following.
    • Remixes: Collaborate with others in the Lightroom community to make further edits to your photos and create their versions.
  • Community: Get inspired by edits made by fellow photography community members.
  • Learn: Browse through tutorials on editing fundamentals.
    • Academy: Explore creative ideas and pick up image processing and visual thinking skills from professionals sharing real-world knowledge and expertise.
  • All Photos: View all the photos in your account.
    • Added in Past 30 Days: View photos added in the last 30 days.
    • Connections: Connect your Adobe Portfolio or third-party apps to edit photos in Lightroom.
    • Gallery: Manage gallery settings and add albums to your profile gallery.
    • Deleted: View all deleted photos.
  • Albums: View your created albums.
  • Shared:
    • Shared with you: View photos shared with you.
    • Shared albums: View shared albums.
    • Shared photos: View shared photos.

All Photos

Select All Photos to open the Grid. This is a timeline-based view of all photos created in Adobe Lightroom mobile, desktop, or web organized by month. Photos that are not a part of an album are also displayed here.

All photos view is displayed with one image.
Select an image to open in detail view to edit.

A. Search in All Photos B. Filter C. Notifications D. Downloads E. Cloud storage F. Support & Feedback G. Account H. Grid I. Sort by 

  • Search in All Photos: Search your photos using keywords.
  • FilterFilter your files based on star rating, flag, and file type (photo or video).
  • NotificationsView alerts from users who have shared files or are reviewing them for editing.  
  • DownloadsDownload the desktop or mobile version of the app on supported devices.
  • Cloud storageCheck how much space is left in your cloud storage.
  • Support & FeedbackLocate help resources and tutorials.
  • AccountView the profile information associated with your Adobe account..
    • Change Language: Adjust the language used in Lightroom on the web.
    • Account Info: View account information such as name, email ID, subscription status, and cloud storage, or use the Delete Lightroom Library option.
    • Edit Profile Photo: Change your profile photo.
    • Technology Previews: View features that are in development. 
    • Downloads: Download the desktop or mobile version of the app on supported devices.
    • Legal Notices: View legal notices and documents.
    • About Lightroom: View the names of engineers and developers who created the app.
    • Color theme: Toggle between Light and Dark modes.
    • Sign Out: Sign out of your account.
  • Grid: View photos in two different ways:
    • Photo grid : thumbnails without borders or badges
    • Square grid : equal-sized thumbnails with flag status, sync status, and rating
  • Sort by: Arrange photos in two different ways:
    • Capture date: View the photos based on when it was taken or captured.
    • Reverse order: View the photos in reverse order based on their capture dates.

Detail view

Select a photo to use Detail view. This view displays one photo at a time and allows you to edit, apply presets, perform masking and healing, and crop images.

Detail view is the window where you perform most of your actions in Lightroom on the web. In addition to modifying the photo, you can set a flag or star rating, like, and add comments.

Images are displayed with different presets applied in the loupe view.
Edit your image in detail view with different tools.

A. Save B. Show Original C. Share D. Cloud storage E. Close F. Tools G. Versions H. Reset 

  • Save: Save the image.
  • Show Original: Toggle between edited and original images.
  • Share: Share the photos with others.
  • Cloud storage: Check how much space is left in your cloud storage.
  • Close: Close the photo and return to the album.
  • Tools: Enhance your photo.
  • VersionsView previous versions.
  • Reset: Select More option icon to reset your edited image.
    • Reset to Original: Revert the photo to its original state when it was first imported into Lightroom.
    • Reset to Open: Revert the photo to the state when it was last opened.
Images are displayed with different presets applied to an image in the loupe view where the preset can be viewed by hovering over an image.
Add keyword, view info, or flag and rate the image in detail view.

A. Keywords B. Info C. Flag and Rating 

  • Keywords: Add keywords to your images.
  • Info: View metadata such as camera, dimensions, file size, and more.
  • Flag and Rating: Flag or rate the selected photo.

Shared albums view

Shared albums are available in the left panel. Navigate to the Shared Albums view, which lists all the albums you've shared publicly. You can view which albums or photos you've shared with someone or someone has shared with you.

  • Shared with you: View photos shared with you.
  • Shared albums: View shared albums.
  • Shared photos: View shared photos.
Two images are selected in the shared albums view, with a highlighted blue bar with the options for actions such as share, download, set as cover, add to, move to, send to, keyword, remove, and delete.
Select the checkbox at the corner of an image to perform different actions.

  • Share: Share the image with different people.
  • Download: Download the selected image.
  • Set as cover: Set the image as the album's thumbnail.
  • Add to: Add the image to a different shared album.
  • Move to: Move the image to a different shared album.
  • Send to: Connect the image to a connection.
  • Keyword: Add keywords to the image.
  • Remove: Remove the image from the album.
  • Delete: Delete the image from Lightroom.


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Adobe MAX 2024

Adobe MAX
The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online

Adobe MAX

The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online

Adobe MAX 2024

Adobe MAX
The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online

Adobe MAX

The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online