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Submit your creations to Firefly

Post your generative AI outputs on the Firefly Community gallery to connect with potential collaborators and inspire other creatives.

Share your work on the Firefly Community gallery
Showcase your creations and connect with other creatives, including potential collaborators, clients, and employers. 

Submit your creations to the Firefly Community gallery

  1. Hover over an image generated with the Text to Image feature in the Firefly web app.


    Only individual users can submit their work to the gallery using the Text to Image feature in the Firefly web app.

  2. Select the More Options   icon and choose Submit to Community.

    Hovering over an image generated using the Text to Image feature in the Firefly web app with the Submit to Community option highlighted.
    Submit your creation to the Firefly Community to inspire others.

  3. Enter your name in the Review your Public Profile dialog box and select NextYou can update your profile photo and name anytime on the Adobe Account page.

  4. Read the submission guidelines and select Submit.

    By submitting to the gallery, you agree to allow us to use your generated image and prompt (including your Adobe profile photo and name for attribution purposes) in our marketing materials and on our inspiration and gallery pages, allowing others to generate using the same prompt.


    If you are using a reference file, you must own the image or obtain permission from the rightsholder before you use the image. If your submission is accepted, others will be able to generate images with your style reference image.

    A success toast will appear once the image is successfully submitted.

Once you submit an image, Adobe reviews the submission before publishing it to the Firefly gallery or other marketing materials.

You can view and manage your submissions on your submissions page.

Manage your submissions to the Community gallery

All your submissions appear on Your Submissions page.

  • The latest submissions, or the ones that are live, appear first on the page.
  • You can identify the live images by a checkmark and the Like   icon showing the number of likes it has received.
  • The submissions that are under review or were not accepted have no status or likes.
Submissions page where few images are live.
Hover over an image to download, remix, or delete it.

You can hover over any image on Your Submissions page to download, remix, or delete it.

Download a submission

Select the Download   icon to save the image locally.

Remix a submission

Select View to change the style or prompt, and then select Refresh to create a Remix.

Delete a submission

Select the Delete   icon to delete the image permanently from Firefly. When you delete an image, any images in the gallery that were created remixing your image are also deleted.

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Ask the Community

For inspiration, expert tips, and solutions to common issues, visit Discord or the Adobe Firefly Community forum. Connect with our team and fellow users to exchange ideas, share your creations, stay updated with the latest features and announcements, and provide feedback.


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Adobe MAX 2024

Adobe MAX
The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online

Adobe MAX

The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online

Adobe MAX 2024

Adobe MAX
The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online

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The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online