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Manage your team in Adobe Express

Applies to Creative Cloud for teams.

Quickly add or remove members, assign roles, and distribute licenses for your team of up to 20 members. Learn how admins can manage their team in Adobe Express.

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Try it in the app
Add people to your team and edit your teams' licenses and roles using the Adobe Express in-app user management.


We recommend you use Adobe Express to manage your team if you meet the following conditions:

  • You have an Adobe Business Direct plan purchased from or phone sales team
  • You have the System Admin credentials
  • Your team has 20 or fewer members
  • You generally assign or reassign existing apps and services

Key advantages

The in-app user management offers premium benefits such as: 

  • Access, manage, and track your team's details on the go in Adobe Express
  • Simplify admin work such as license assignment and purchase via in-app user management
  • Access unassigned license information via in-app user management 
  • Switch user roles between member and admin in Adobe Express

Add people to your team

  1. Go to Adobe Express and select your profile. Then, select Manage people.

    Image displays Adobe Express UI with user profile expanded. Shows various options with a highlighted “Manage people” feature.
    To launch the user management feature, select your profile on the top right and select Manage people

  2. Select the Add people button on the Manage people's roles and access screen.

    Image displays the Manage people screen with "add people" button and options to edit roles, apps, and remove team members.
    Change team members' roles, assign apps, and add or remove people

  3. In the Add people and select access section, enter the email IDs of your team members and use Select access to assign licenses. You can add a maximum of 20 people at one time


    You can only manage up to 20 people using the Manage people feature. Use the Adobe Admin Console if your team has 21 or more members.

  4. Assign licenses from Select Access and select Add to proceed. You can assign one or more app licenses to the same member. For example: can have an Adobe Express and Acrobat Pro license together.

  5. Unavailable licenses

    You'll need to buy and assign new licenses from your available product licenses. This will take you to the buying workflow.


Users added to a Creative Cloud for teams organization in the Adobe Admin Console get complimentary access to select Adobe products and services. Learn more about the complimentary membership for team members.

Buy and assign new licenses

  1. Go to Adobe ExpressManage people > Add people and add your new team members' emails.

  2. Select the apps you want to assign under Select access. Select Add and checkout and review your order details.

    The image displays the add people screen with options to add email and select apps. Select app popup says license will be purchased on checkout.
    Select the app for each email address and select Add and checkout

  3. On the purchase screen, Manage your payment details, select your Licenses count, and review all details.

    The image displays the payment screen, with half showing billing details and the other half shows app license count and "agree and subscribe" button.

  4. Then, select Agree and subscribe to purchase the new licenses.

Manage people's roles and access

Navigate to the Manage people feature in Adobe Express to do any of the following:

  • A. Role: Depending on your team's requirements, you can change a user's role from member to admin or vice versa. For example, you are the team admin and plan to go on leave. You can assign another team member as admin in your absence.
  • B. Access: You can assign or change app assignments under the Access column. You could either assign an existing app license or buy and assign a new app license.
  • C. Actions: You can remove a user who's left the team or no longer needs licenses. Select the More menu ( ) in the Action column to remove a user.
Screen shows manage people interface with some open and some deselected options to add people, manage roles, assign apps and remove members.
Manage people's roles and access options

A. Roles column to change roles between member and admin B. Access column to assign app licenses  C. Action menu to remove a user 

Common questions

Have a question? Check the following list for your answer. If your question isn't listed, ask the community

How do I add more than 20 people to my team?

You can only add upto 20 users in one go using the Manage people feature. Repeat the Add people process to add more. If you have a significantly larger team, use the Adobe Admin Console to add users in bulk.


After 20 users, you cannot access the user management features. We recommend you to use Adobe Admin Console if your team has 21 or more members.

I don't see the Manage People option in Adobe Express. Why?

The Manage people feature is only available for admins with Adobe Business Direct plans. If your team has an Adobe Business Direct plan, please contact your team admin to get Admin rights.

I see "Your team is too large for in-app management". What's wrong?

In-app user management functionality works best for smaller teams of up to 20 members. You can keep adding users after you've reached 20. However, the experience is disabled as soon as the total number of users reaches 50.

If you have a larger team, we recommend using Adobe Admin Console to manage your team and their licenses.

Can I change my role from Admin to Member?

As an admin, you can only change other users' roles and access. You can not change your own role or access or remove yourself from the team.

You can assign another user with an admin role and ask them to change your role, change your app access, or remove yourself from the team.

How can I recover data for a user who's no longer on the team?

If the removed user was on the Business Storage model, you can recover the user's data using asset reclamation in the Adobe Admin Console.

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