Adobe Acrobat Sign Release Notes - 2023

Adobe Acrobat Sign Release Notes: 2023

Production deployment: January 17, 2023
GovCloud deployment: January 23, 2023

Gelişmiş İşlevsellik

  • Replace any recipient - The ability to replace the current recipient has been extended to apply to any recipient that has not yet signed the agreement, allowing the editing/replacement of email addresses for any future recipient on the agreement.

Deneyimdeki Değişiklikler

2023 W-4 Employee’s Withholding Certificate added to the Acrobat Sign library - Customers that use the US W-4 tax form template in the Acrobat Sign library have access to the 2023 version, fully tagged and ready to send. Customers can download the PDF and edit it to create their own version as needed.

The Acrobat Sign CDS certificate is planned to update on February 7th, 2023 - The CDS certificate applied to the PDFs generated in Acrobat Sign will update the branding on the certificate from Adobe Sign to Acrobat Sign. The update is anticipated to be completed after the January release on February 7th, 2023.

REST API/Web Kancası Güncellemeleri

Bu sürüm için API ve web kancası güncellemeleri Acrobat Sign API belgelerinde bulunabilir.


  • AGREEMENT_EXPIRATION_UPDATED event added to the application interface - The AGREEMENT_EXPIRATION_UPDATED event has been added to the customer-facing interface as a selectable event for agreements.

Production deployment: March 14, 2023

GovCloud deployment:  March 22, 2023

Gelişmiş İşlevsellik

  •  Allow signers to save progress on a web form and return later to complete -  Administrators can configure the account or individual groups to permit web forms to be saved by the signer, allowing recipients to complete the form at a later time if necessary. To save the form data, the recipient is required to provide their name, email address, and a name for the form.
  • Signer Identity Verification expanded to include web forms -  Accounts that use the Signer Identity Verification setting to ensure internal signers authenticate to Acrobat Sign before applying their signature to agreements can now extend that security to signatures applied to web forms.
  • User-level access to create custom agreement workflow templates -  Access to the Customer Workflow Designer for sending new agreements can now be enabled for non-admin users to build their own workflows. Users that have access to create and edit workflows will have a new Workflows tab in the top navigation rail.
  • Access to the integrated Power Automate workflow designer has been expanded to allow group-level configuration -  Enablement of the Microsoft Power Automate integration has been extended to the group level so administrators can grant access to Power Automate for specific groups.
  • Allow Required Recipient Names to be optional for your senders - Administrators that enable the Required Recipient Name feature now have the option to loosen the requirement of the name, making it optional at the account or group level for the sender. In practical terms, this means that the sender can enter the recipient's name if known but is not obstructed from sending the agreement if it is not.
  • Send an agreement only to yourself -  Senders can now send an agreement only to themselves without having to add any other recipient to the signature cycle. This allows the recipient to effectively test new library templates and experience the signature process of their recipients without having to use a separate email value for the signer.
    • Before this release, attempting to send an agreement only to yourself would prompt an error. As of this release, no error is triggered, and the agreement is initiated as any other agreement would be.
    • The signature process follows all of the expected rules for a sent agreement in terms of email notification, authentication, form navigation, email attachments, etc.
  • Aadhaar digital identity available for VIP accounts - The Aadhaar digital identity premium authentication method is now available through Adobe for VIP accounts that require recipients to authenticate with the Aadhaar identity service.
  • New Trust Service Providers (TSP) -New providers are being added to expand the international availability of the digital signature solution. New in this release:
    • A-Trust (EU / Austria)
    • ADACOM (EU / Greece)
    • CertSign (EU / Romania)
    • ComSign (Israel)
    • PSC World (Mexico)
    • (US)
  • Improved automatic form field detection - Automatic form field detection has been improved to place all fields at one time (vs. on a page-by-page basis) for all accounts that have automatic field detection enabled on the EU1 and JP1 shards.
  • New columns are available in Data Exports - Three new data columns are now available:
    • Number of Documents - Total count of all documents used to create an agreement.
    • Cloud Signing Provider - The name of the digital (cloud) signature provider.
    • Recipient cloud signing certificate issuer - The certificate issuer of the digital (cloud) signature provider.
  • Print to PDF option available on Report pages - The new Reports experience now includes a button allowing users to print their reports as a PDF, facilitating sharing reports with audiences that do not have Acrobat Sign accounts or that prefer not to sign in to view.
  • New filter and column to identify administrators in the Users list - A new column is available on the Users list to readily identify the administrators in the account. The list shows the highest level of authority granted to the user (Privacy > Account > Group). A Show Only Administrators filter has been added to facilitate reviewing all admins in a consolidated list.

Deneyimdeki Değişiklikler

  • A link to download the free Acrobat Reader has been added to the post-signing email - The post-signing email sent to recipients now includes a link to download the free Acrobat Reader product to help facilitate recipients being able to open and view the agreement PDF that is (typically) attached.
  • Update to the recipient interface when using Acrobat Sign authentication - The Acrobat Sign authentication method has been moved to a microservice which has caused a minor change in the recipient's interface. Functionality has not changed, and existing agreements are not negatively impacted.
  • Update to the interface for creating and editing Electronic Seals -  The configuration and editing panel for Electronic Seals has been updated with new text labels for clarity. Functionality has not changed, and existing agreements are not negatively impacted.
  • Updated audit report footer - As of the March 2023 release,  all new audit reports contain a new text string at the bottom of the report clarifying that recipient names are provided by the signer unless explicitly noted. The string reads: “Names and email addresses are entered into the Acrobat Sign service by Acrobat Sign users and are unverified unless otherwise noted.”

Adobe Acrobat Sign Integrations

The Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault integration is being upgraded to provide the functionality to notify users when their signature is required on an agreement and allow users to sign within the Veeva Vault environment.

Çözülen Sorunlar

4293759 Summary:  The noChrome option is inconsistent when passing a "false" value after a "true" value has been passed in the same session.
Fix:  Adding logic to remove noChrome from the session when noChrome=false is passed as a query param.
4320157 Summary: Agreements in Draft status in the manage tab (the authoring state in API) are expired per deadline settings despite not being an active agreement
Fix: Updated the deadline date calculation to exclude Draft/Authoring status transactions.
4353443 Summary: Development tools report a WCAG error in the Send page regarding radio group child objects that are missing due to the workflow toggle switch being defined as a radio group.
Fix: Updating the child object to a button object given there are only two options, not a larger array.
4355729 Summary: Some circumstances could result in KBA name authentication using the last name twice in the signature block.
Fix: Code was added to detect duplicate name values and prompt the user to verify or update the name.
4359478 Summary: Signature fonts could be presented in different sizes on the final PDF due to the fonts not having a fixed default size..
Fix: The font sets have been adjusted to have a consistent size.
4375042 Summary: Time-related graphs are not loading in the new reporting environment
Fix: An update to the database resolved the issue.
4375549 Summary: The "Group" filter is not displaying in the data export interface.
Fix: Group data was refreshed in the database, correcting the issue.
4375884 Summary: Recipients that are explicitly delegated to can further delegate their agreement authority
Fix: The code has been improved to return the proper participantSetID  
4377068 Summary: Copying a template from Sandbox to production copies the template with the form fields and presents an error "Error executing request. This happens due to hyperlink fields being detected with a negative height.
Fix: Formfield detection functionality has been improved to ensure a consistent understanding of field placement and relative placement coordinates.
4380228 Summary: The mobile eSign Sidebar view does not provide the "View History" option.
Fix: The app has been updated to provide the History content.
4382167 Summary: The localized versions of the HIPAA description are not clear.
Fix: Language was improved.
4383351 Summary: Copying a web form between environments (e.g., Sandbox to production) results in fields that do not display on the final agreement.
Fix: The PUT /widgets/{widgetId}/formFields API call has been improved to ensure the fields are properly placed.
4384877 Summary: Biopharma settings could be ignored when sending a Send in Bulk transaction if biopharma is configured at the group level
Fix: Code has been improved to ensure proper inheritance at the group level when generating agreements.
4387692 Summary: Payments through Braintree may be voided if the user tries to sign an agreement that has already been signed.
Fix: A check has been put in place to identify if the agreement has been changed before completing the payment.
4396329 Summary: The image of a signature, when taken from a mobile device, is rotating 90 degrees.
Fix: The code has been improved to fetch the orientation of images before applying the image to the PDF.
4396574 Summary: Workflows sent from a non-primary group may fail with a "Draft state validation error." due to session settings being applied vs. group settings.
Fix: Code was improved to ensure group settings were properly applied when a new group is selected.
4396871 Summary: Audit reports in Korean show a corrupt file name of all hash characters.
Fix: The function has been improved to include all of the required font families.
4397811 Summary: Email subject lines could be incorrectly displayed if two dots were present in the string due to internal tagging to identify hyperlinks.
Fix: The code has been made more robust to allow for this use case.
4399942 Summary: Incorrect color indications could be applied when authoring fields for Anyone and Everyone participants
Fix: Changed logic in the color function for Anyone and Everyone.
4399995 Summary: When sending through the API, the BulkSigning URL needs to be composed with a vanity URL instead of the generic secure URL in order to let the signer get to the BulkSign UI without extra login experience if the signer has already been SAML authenticated.
Fix: The code has been improved to allow the vanity URL when employing SendinBulk API calls.
4403487 Summary: Custom cancellation emails could include the CC'd party in the signers' notification.
Fix: The function to strip the CC'd party has been added to the Custom Cancellation template.
4404574 Summary: Web form saving could fail if the web form is created in a member group (not the primary group).
Fix: The code has been improved to ensure the member group settings are enabled for the web form.
4405782 Summary: Signing reasons do not adjust to the selected locale.
Fix: Code improved to shift the content locale to align with the current session.
4415593 Summary: Text was not being received when using the Mobile signature option for Canadian numbers.
Fix: The issue with the vendor was corrected.
4419917 Summary: Using now() as a parameter in a localized expression throws an exception resulting in the date not rendering correctly
Fix: The Date function now converts the numeric date to a string before removing the localization, allowing for a correct date value.
4420339 Summary: In cases where the first signer is a delegatee, and the same signer appears later in the signature cycle, an error may trigger with the signing URL.
Fix: The code has been improved to ensure the signature list is ordered properly when it's fetched from the database.
4421259 Summary: Send in Bulk transactions can be configured to prevent access to the in-application authoring environment using password authentication when an internal counter signer is included
Fix: Code has been improved to better manage the workflow, allowing authoring.

Production deployment: April 20, 2023

GovCloud deployment:  April 24, 2023

Gelişmiş İşlevsellik

  • Electronic Seals update to allow the graphic only - Electronic seals are being improved to allow the placement of only the graphical seal, without the text component (Name, Date, Time, and Signing Reason).  To support this use case:
    • A new option is available when configuring the seal to omit the text component, allowing only the graphical seal to display.
    • The Digital Signature can be authored with a square aspect ratio (allowing for a round seal) by authoring with text tags, Acroforms, or the API.
    • The text of the seal (when applied) now correctly reads as "Digitally sealed" instead of "Digitally signed".

Deneyimdeki Değişiklikler

  • Header and footer redesign - The header and footer have been redesigned to better accommodate displays on smaller platforms, and to improve accessibility.
    • The double-stacked header has been merged to contain the branded logo and the navigation tabs in one header bar.
    • The header bar collapses into an options icon on smaller platforms or when the screen magnification requires the space to properly display the content.
    • The footer has been removed entirely, relocating the Language selector into the profile menu in the top right corner of the page.

Çözülen Sorunlar

4389075 Summary:  When uploading a previously signed agreement as an attached file, multi-line fields do not retain the ability to display lines outside of the scope of the original field footprint.
Fix:  Code has been added to retain the original PDF annotation for multi-line fields in attachments.
4389207 Summary: Signers in Microsoft Teams get a blank screen when using Acrobat Sign authentication.
Fix: Code has been updated to pass the correct parameters in the Teams environment to complete the authentication.
4406571 Summary: Audit reports in Japanese duplicate the honorific text.
Fix: The template has been updated to remove the duplication.
4415574 Summary: The Sandbox environment is not loading all groups due to pagination issues
Fix: Pagination has been corrected in the Sandbox environment.
4415966 Summary: Customer-defined timezone for Audit Reports is not honored for Web Forms
Fix: The code supporting audit reports for web forms has been updated to correctly accommodate the customer-defined time zone setting.
4417187 Summary: Customers with Limited Document Visibility enabled may not see all fields when exporting data using the new reporting environment.
Fix: The code around document and data visibility have been updated to allow access to the field data for reporting.
4417835 Summary: Signer information on completed agreements in the Sandbox environment may not display when viewing the agreement due to conflict with the watermark.
Fix: Code improvements allow for the watermark and customer information to display properly on completed agreements.
Summary: When creating a we4b form in a group that is not the user's primary group, the option to use multiple signers is inherited from the user instead of the group.
Fix: The inheritance of the feature property has been corrected to use the group selected instead of the user's group.
4420675 Summary: Some users could not run reports using the new environment due to the API returning incomplete information.
Fix: Additional code has been added to accommodate for the type of API event that returns insufficient information.
4426975 Summary:  Some email settings, such as removing the sender's email and name, are not properly enforced.
Fix:  The email templates have been repaired to properly enforce the inherited settings.
4427301 Summary: Signers using a locale other than US English do not see the Signing Reasons drop-down when signing.
Fix: The code for retrieving the signing reason list has been corrected to accommodate the recipient's locale.
4430515 Summary: When a sender adds an input field with the word "直" as the default value, the signer sees the old font when signing and on the completed document
Fix: Font prioritization has been improved to correct the replacement.

Production deployment: May 23, 2023

GovCloud deployment:  June 06, 2023

Gelişmiş İşlevsellik

  • Embedded Integration with Microsoft Power Automate - Available for all Acrobat Sign enterprise-licensed accounts looking to automate their pre-signing or post-signing processes. This integration is enabled by the account administrator from the Account Settings > Workflow Integration tab. Once enabled, the integration is accessed through a tile on the Home page or a new Workflow tab in the top navigation bar.
    With the included Power Automate entitlement (activated upon enablement), users can access all Power Automate standard and premium connectors for use with Acrobat Sign. Customers with existing Power Automate licenses through Microsoft can also use them with the integration.

Access to discover this feature via the Workflows tab and Home page access points is enabled by default for all users.

The ability to create and use workflow will not be available until explicitly enabled by the account administrator.

Controls to disable user discoverability can be found in Account Settings > Global Settings.

  • Name and Signature support for the Hebrew locale - Name and initial values in the Hebrew locale (right to left) are now supported in the signature fields on the final document and audit report PDFs.
  • Require the saving of a web form when opened -  Administrators can remove the option to cancel the saving process when Save on opening the web form is enabled, forcing the signer to convert the web form process into a normal agreement process.

Çözülen Sorunlar

4316916 Summary: In the case where multiple signers apply their signature at essentially the same time in a parallel signature flow, the first signer signature is omitted in subsequent versions of the document.
Fix: A locking process has been added to the conversion of the document to prevent collision of the signature application on the official version of the document. Subsequent signers in a parallel signature flow will encounter a message that the agreement has been updated and required to sign again if their version has changed (due to a signature application) since opening the agreement
4382014 Summary: Checkboxes added using the automated field placement do not properly align with the checkbox graphic.
Fix: The placement code has been improved to use a pixel offset for the field, and field size is calculated before positioning when the zoom level is changed, improving the field placement.
4415970 Summary: Users created in an account with Users in Multiple Groups (UMG) enabled, which subsequently set the Default group to disallow sending and disable UMG, may have the Start from Library button on the Home page disabled.
Fix: The code has been improved to account for disabling UMG and properly inheriting settings from the user's group.
4416451 Summary: Senders that attempt to send a Send in Bulk transaction where the sender signs first, and the signature applied is a digital signature from a cloud-based IdP encounter an error that the IdP is not available.
Fix: The Send in Bulk code has been improved to properly identify that the sender is allowed to sign first using a digital signature
4418343 Summary: Participants signing with Signing Reasons enabled in a localized environment will find that the "Signed by," Reason," and Date" strings are not localized.
Fix: Localization has been applied to the strings.
4419664 Summary: Customers pulling exceptionally long reports in the new environment could fail due t the size of the data set.
Fix: The data set parameters have been improved to accommodate much larger requests.
4420278 Summary: Field assignment may revert to the first recipient when saving a template and then clicking the Back button.
Fix: Updated the form field constructor to properly assign the participation ID when saving the template.
4420932 Summary: PDFs created by some applications do not comply with the PDF standard and, as a result, are not able to be downloaded as individual documents from the Manage page.
Fix: Evaluate uploaded PDFs and resave them if they are found to be deficient.  
4421539 Summary: The new reporting environment does not export form fields if all fields are set to Read-only
Fix: The flag to read-only is to be disregarded when pulling report data.
4424177 Summary: "Signer" option is available in Edit permissions on the Group level when the Sign On Behalf of Others setting isn't enabled.
Fix: code order has been updated to check the signing settings before displaying the singing permissions.
4426708 Summary: The hyperlink string extends beyond the bound of the display box when confirming a redirect to a new URL via the Hyperlink field.
Fix: Overflow wrap applied to the string.
4427788 Summary: In accounts with Users in Multiple Groups enabled, existing group memberships are removed when a user is promoted as a group admin using group membership search due to filtering being applied to the resultant userID.
Fix: The unfiltered list of values is to be used when saving the new user relationships.
4427893 Summary: A documentKey may not be generated in call-backs for accounts on webhooks 2.0
Fix: Null checks have been added to trap the events and correct the issue.
4428561 Summary: In the new reporting environment, not all groups may be displayed when filtering by the group.
Fix: The fetch code has been improved to ensure all groups are displayed.
4430423 Summary: Right to Left written languages invert the signature after application.
Fix: Support for right-to-left written languages has been added for capturing a signature and properly applying it to documentation.
4430515 Summary: When a sender adds an input field with the word "直" as the default value, the signer sees the old font when signing and on the completed document
Fix: Font prioritization has been improved to correct the replacement.
4433166 Summary: Some fields that were genrated by text tags may not be visible when viewing the signed agreement online. Downloaded PDFs render correctly.
Fix: The PDF library was updated, correcting the issue with how the library decodes the PDF metadata for displaying PDF files.

Production deployment: July 19, 2023

GovCloud deployment:  July 25, 2023

Gelişmiş İşlevsellik

  • Transaction consumption reports - Transaction consumption reports provide administrators with the visibility to better understand transaction consumption patterns for their organization. Admins can create dedicated reports to track transaction consumption with four different charts:
    • Transaction volume trend
    • Transaction by sender
    • Transaction by group
    • Transaction by workflow 
  • New Setting Activity Audit to review the activities of administrators - A new report type that provides an audit log that helps to ensure continued compliance, safeguarding against any inappropriate changes, and auditing suspicious behavior within your organization.
    As an administrator, you have complete visibility into the setting changes made to the settings to the users, groups, or account (Depending on the user authority level). You can filter the audit log based on the setting name, the actor that made the change, or the target of the change (name, user, or group). Then, view and export these reports for further analysis. Account admins can view logs across all groups. Group admins can only view the audit logs for the groups in which they have authority.
  • Improved details in data exports to properly reflect recipient replacement events - New data export columns have been added to better represent when recipients are changed during a transaction's signature process. The new columns are:
    • Recipient Status
    • Recipient Signed
    • Recipient Change Reason
    • Recipient Change Date
  • Audit report logging of enforced authentication challenges - Customers using the Enforce identity authentication feature (on the Bio-Pharma Settings tab) with Phone based authentication will have each authentication event explicitly logged in the audit report. The new audit report events include the stage at which the authentication was captured (opening the agreement, applying a signature, and selecting the Click to Sign button) and the type of authentication used. (Phone authentication is the only method supported in this release. Acrobat Sign authentication is scheduled to be included in the August 2023 release.)
    The activity list also reflects each authentication (albeit in a shorter format).
  • Web form support for enforced identity authentication - Web forms now respect the Enforce identity authentication settings, allowing for signature compliance with regulations such as CFR 21 part 11, and completely logging the signature events in the audit log (as described below).
    Additionally, Acrobat Sign authentication has been added as an authentication method, providing web forms with the detailed signature logging that supports many compliance requirements.
  • Organizational address book integrated with LDAP or Active Directory -  Customers that manage their users in the Adobe Admin Console can link their LDAP or Active Directory to import an organizational address book for all users in the account. This allows users to type in the name or email of any person in their company LDAP/AD and have that party sorted into the auto-generated list of contacts. Organizational contacts (derived from the organization LDAP/AD) are listed separately from personal contacts (derived from any email address to which the user has sent an agreement).
  • Reusable recipient groups for the Custom Workflow Designer - Persistent recipient groups can be created at the user, group, and account levels for use when building Custom Send Workflows.
  • New user provisioning report to help resolve user creation issues -  Accounts that manage their users in the Adobe Admin Console have a new user provisioning report available on a new Pending page under the Users tab. This is particularly useful for accounts that move users from multiple existing Adobe Admin Console organizations (perhaps in different environments) to one enterprise organization. To filter active users from users that have not yet completed their activation in the new organization, the Users tab has been divided into two sections:
    • Entitled - Users that are appropriately provisioned and able to use Acrobat Sign. This page is identical to the previous Users page with all of the same functionality.
    • Pending Users who are not fully entitled yet require some action or assistance.  
  • Improved granularity for permissions to edit group-level settings - Account-level administrators now have tab-level granularity for allowing the editing of group-level permissions. Group-level administrators are provided a clear message of their restricted access at the top of their group pages when the authority to edit is disabled.
  • New Trust Service Provider (TSP) - New providers are being added to expand the international availability of the digital signature solution. New in this release:
    • Certinomis
  • Select how the attached files are named when added to emails - Administrators at the account and group levels can now dictate how the files attached to email notifications are named. File names are influenced by the setting Merge multiple documents into one document after signing, which delivers either one attachment with all files merged or separately attached files with their individual names. The options are:
    • Agreement Name:
      •  When all files are merged - One file that is named per the agreement name. e.g., Service Contract 2023
      • When files are separated - One file is attached per uploaded file. Each file uses the agreement name with an appended enumerator. e.g., Service Contract 2023 (part 1), Service Contract 2023 (part 2), Service Contract 2023 (part 3)
    • File Name
      • When all files are merged - One file with the name derived from the first uploaded file.
      • When files are separated - One file is attached per uploaded file. Each attachment retains the original file name regardless of the source (template, uploaded agreement document, transient document, recipient attachment).
    • Hybrid 
      • When all files are merged - One file that is named per the agreement name.
      • When files are separated - One file is attached per uploaded file, with each attachment retaining the original file name.

To access the controls, navigate to Account Settings > Global Settings > Files attached to email will be named as:

  • Unshare agreements - Shared agreements can be unshared by the originator of the agreement or any participant that may have created a share to some other party. Unsharing with any party automatically unshares the agreement with all downstream parties, pruning the entire sharing branch.

Deneyimdeki Değişiklikler

  • Custom Send Workflow interface will be enabled for all users - All accounts that have enabled Custom Send Workflows for their administrators have been enabled with workflow designer access for all users. Users can access the workflow designer through the Workflows tab in the top navigation bar and the Create reusable workflows tile on the Home page. Users only have the authority to create workflows for their personal use until an administrator explicitly enables the option to share workflows in the admin menu.
    Administrators that would like to suppress access to the workflow designer for users can do so in the Global Settings under the Custom Send Workflow section:
  • The User tab has split into two tables for Admin Console users - Accounts that manage their users in the Adobe Admin Console have their Users tab split into two pages:
    • Enabled - This page holds a table of all users that have been successfully created in the Acrobat Sign environment and who should be able to use the service without issue. This page is equivalent to the previous Users tab with all of the same functionality.
    • Pending - This page holds the users that have been added to the user profile in the Admin Console but haven't successfully converted into a functional user in the Acrobat Sign system. 
  • Improved Acrobat Sign Authentication flow - The Acrobat Sign Authentication method has been improved to reduce the complexity and number of steps for signers. The recipient's email is imported into the Adobe authentication system to determine if the user is a known entity, eliminating multiple screens/clicks and providing a cleaner path to authentication. The recipient is prompted to provide a password if the email already exists. The user is automatically directed to create an account if the email does not exist.
  • Support for up to 10 digital signatures per recipient - The limitation of one digital signature per recipient has been improved for cloud-based signatures to allow for up to 10 digital signature fields to be placed per recipient. (Aadhaar and Singpass are not supported)
  • The new Reports environment loads by default when opening the page - The default version of the Reports page has been changed to load the new reporting environment when users first open the interface. Users retain the option to switch back to the classic environment as needed.

The classic reporting environment is expected to be entirely removed from service by the end of 2023. Customers still using classic reporting are advised to recreate and schedule their reports in the new environment as soon as possible to ensure the continuity of reports.

  • Before the July 2023 release, an agreement sent using a custom send workflow would not honor the authentication methods set at the account and group level. A sender could change the default authentication method for the signer even though the account/group settings disallowed it. The July release corrected this behavior and made it consistent with the Send page, which requires the sender to use the default authentication method if the account/group setting does not allow changing the default authentication method. 

For example, if the default authentication method for internal signers is Email, and the option Allow senders to change the default authentication method isn't enabled, senders will be prevented from sending the agreement with any authentication methods other than Email. This is the correct behavior and aligns with the experience on the Send page.

Mobile application updates

  • Option for push notifications on the iOS platform - Accounts that manage their users in the Adobe Admin Console can enable push notifications for users with the Acrobat Sign for iOS app installed on their mobile devices. Active push notifications update recipients that new agreements await their attention, and senders are notified of signed and completed agreements. Individual users can opt to disable push notifications in their device settings.
    This feature will be available to users on iOS v15+ in the 3.29 release on the Apple App Store in early August.


Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault is being upgraded with the following:

  • Updated branding - The Adobe Sign branding has been updated to Adobe Acrobat Sign to align with the current branding of the service. As part of this brand change, all objects in the Veeva Vault integration have been updated to Adobe Acrobat Sign
  •  Current document version assurance - Given that Veeva Vault allows multiple versions of a document to persist, the updated Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault installation will restrict users to attach only the most current version.  

Çözülen Sorunlar

Summary: The email field for workflows does not properly reset to an empty value after removing a previous value with more than one split due to spaces or commas. The split values remain on the model, causing an error when new values are added, as the field would read multiple values where one is expected.
Fix: The code for the input field has been updated to allow new input values to add the value directly and not add the value to previous content.
Summary: Sharing a library template across UMG-enabled groups could cause the template to not be saved if the number of groups exceeded 100 due to the group fetching code only referencing the first 100 groups.
Fix: The group fetching logic has been updated to loop over pages if present and save all group names in store.
Summary: Agreements sent for parallel signature expose the Upload Signature action on the Manage page.
Fix: The Manage page has been updated to properly hide the Upload action when the agreement has an unsupported condition.
Summary: Agreements with multiple recipients using authentication that requires a token from the Acrobat Sign system (e.g., phone authentication) may encounter a situation where a recipient triggers an "Invalid Access Token" error due to the session authentication token being destroyed by a refresh token API call.
Fix: The management of cross-session tokens has been improved to correct the underlying issue.
Summary: Unable to sign documents via Signature Requested email when signer identity verification is enabled, and the signer is on a different shard.
Fix: The code managing the cross-shard settings has been updated.
Summary: Signing in on the Gov Cloud environment may redirect the user back to the hub.
Fix: The Trusted Origins on the hub have been updated.
Summary: Errors when adding unavailable document templates in a workflow template is delayed due to the API taking longer than expected to update the template.
Fix: A "Saving" message has been added to provide a notification to the user that a process is still underway.
Summary: No messages are delivered to the user if an API-created agreement is automatically changed from a Written workflow to Electronic.
Fix: API documentation has been updated to indicate this event.
Summary: The red Sign arrow graphic does not have sufficient contrast.
Fix: The color has been updated to meet the 4.5:1 requirement.
Summary: Users that have signed a document, are subsequently marked as Inactive in the system, and then returning to the signed agreement can create a situation when subsequent emails for the agreement are mailed to them, possibly several times, due to the system delegating the action for the inactive signer.
Fix: Logic has been added to account for users that are inactive yet have access to agreements to prevent delegation.
Summary: The contrast ratio of the focus indicator is not sufficient for fields of all types on the eSign page.
Fix: The color has been updated to meet the 4.5:1 requirement.
Summary: The contrast ratio of the focus indicator is not sufficient for apply button.
Fix: The color has been updated to meet the 4.5:1 requirement.



Summary: Calculated fields process correctly when the locale is US English but not in localized pages where a comma is used instead of a decimal.
Fix: The code has been updated to account for the locale before addressing the calculation.
Summary: The audit report does not include the BioPharma reason for a second signer.
Fix: Code has been updated to allow signing events for multiple reasons.
Summary: If the first letter in the signature leans back like the lowercase letter p, it is getting truncated as the letter is leaning out of the signature space.
Fix: Updated the signature text to start from the right, so that the text won't get lost while rendering characters that lean towards the left.
Summary: Uploading a signed document fails when the signatures are Digital Signature fields.
Fix: The Manage page has been updated to properly hide the Upload action when the agreement has an unsupported condition.
Summary: The audit report record for signatures applied through a shared account permission is unclear.
Fix: The audit log text has been updated to be more explicit in the signature process and who signed on behalf of another.
Summary: When exporting the user list from a group, the Groups column is empty except for the primary group if the user is an admin to multiple groups.
Fix: The query to join multiple groups has been improved, and the exportUser function has been updated to properly manage this use case.
Summary: When a hyperlink is placed in a document with multiple pages referring to one page in the document, the hyperlink does not work on mobile devices.
Fix: The Pand and Scroll functionality on the Mobile app has been improved to better set focus on the hyperlink target.
Summary: The pageSize parameter doesn't work when making the 'GET /libraryDocuments/{libraryDocumentId}/formData' request causing the response time to be over 2 minutes and breaking the workflow.
Fix: The code has been rolled back to a previous version while investigating the root cause.
Summary: A special control character entered as a user name prevents the audit report from downloading.
Fix: A function has been created to check for and clean out invisible control characters.
Summary: When sending an agreement via a workflow, if multiple signers have the same email but different authentication types or values, one authentication type replaces the other(s) for that email. 
Fix: Code has been improved to verify the authorization information and the email address in the signer index.
Summary: Data Exports with the Recipient Email column added can trigger an error if the recipient count exceeds 99.
Fix: The recipient list array has been increased.
Summary:  Required Hyperlinks Are Considered "Completed" when the Signer/Acceptor Opts to Cancel the hyperlink redirect.
Fix: Code updated to verify that the user opens the link before removing the required flag and marking the field as completed.
Summary: The attachment field resets to the previous size after resizing and saving the field template.
Fix: Resizing of the Attachment Field is now allowed to be done manually.
Summary: It's possible to drag and drop the agreement URL into fields.
Fix: Field properties have been enhanced to prevent dropping the agreement URL into the field.
Summary: Workflows created in UMG-enabled accounts can be sent without enforcing authentication.
Fix: Per signer authentication has been improved to ensure that authentication is applied to workflows.
Summary: The signature block is not visible to the last recipient when a signed copy is uploaded by the sender for the first recipient.
Fix: A new method for placing signer fields has been applied to accommodate the downstream signers when an agreement has an upload event.
Summary: Workflows can get stuck adding a second file to the workflow due to a pagination issue if the new template isn't in the initial group of templates loaded.
Fix: The collection length has been updated to correspond with the number of models in the method set.
Summary: Users with IMS tokens are not able to execute API calls to application endpoints
Fix: The application_read and application_write scope added to WEB_APP_LOGIN_IMS_SCOPES setting
Summary: Recipient groups added in custom workflow templates require the sender to supply a group name before sending.
Fix: Recipient groups added in the custom workflow designer template using the input (comma delimited) field now insert an auto-generated group name. The generated name has a prefix to identify it as auto-generated, followed by the string "Recipient Group X" where X is an incrementing number applied to one or more groups. For example, "(Auto-generated name) Recipient Group 1", "(Auto-generated name) Recipient Group 2", etc.
Summary: Upload Document was removed from the Acrobat Web user experience based on features to be released in July
Fix: A floodgate flag was added to suppress the new features until July.
Summary: AGREEMENT_ACTION_REQUESTED Webhook Events are not generating for Self-Sign workflows.
Fix:  A method has been added to ensure that the sendType attribute is not changed during the update of the draft resource.
Summary: The Workflow tab is visible in the top navigation rail even though "Enable workflow designer access for all users" is disabled at the group level.
Fix: Code now reads the settings from active pod memberships rather than all pod memberships.
Summary: An account may not automatically create users with internally claimed email domains due to incorrectly caching values.
Fix: The claimed domain account cache is cleared whenever it gets updated.
Summary: Editing a disabled web form allows the name to be changed, but the name is not persisted.
Fix: The option to modify disabled web forms has been removed.
Summary: Nothing happens when selecting the Get Code option in Webforms in the Acrobat Web environment after an update.
Fix: The code was repaired to restore function.
Summary: Redirect failure when redirect URL contains & after an update to the AdobeSignAuthService.
Fix: The code issue in AdobeSignAuthService was corrected and redeployed.
Summary: Workflows initially saved with no required signers will retain the error status even after a signer is configured as required,
Fix: The code has been improved to properly clear the error message when the recipient is reconfigured.
Summary: PDF files that contain more than 1024 characters after EOF fail to convert properly, canceling the agreement.
Fix: Updated the managing library to be more robust for PDFs that are less diligent with the PDF standard insofar as the EOF identifier.
Summary: The workflow designer triggers an error after adding recipients due to a flaw in a method.
Fix: The flaw was corrected, and the method was redeployed.
Summary: Group administrators could not add users, triggering an error that they are not allowed to update the page based on group edit settings.
Fix: The setting was updated to permit the group admin authority to add users.

Production deployment: August 22, 2023

GovCloud deployment:  August 24, 2023

Gelişmiş İşlevsellik

  • Audit report logging of enforced authentication challenges - Enhanced audit report logging has been expanded to include support for SAML and Admin Console authentications. Customers that have enabled the Enforce identity authentication feature (on the Bio-Pharma Settings tab) will have each authentication event explicitly logged in the audit report, including the stage at which the authentication was captured (opening the agreement, applying a signature, and selecting the Click to Sign button). The agreement's activity list also reflects each authentication (albeit in a shorter format).
  • ISO 8601 date format  - The ISO 8601 format for dates (YYYY-MM-DD) has been added to the list of default date formats.

Deneyimdeki Değişiklikler

  • The From header in all outbound emails has been updated to a more consistent format to reduce issues with email servers. There are two forms of the header:
    • When the recipient has a known name, such as a registered user, or when the Required recipient name setting is in use, the header will read as Adobe Sign on behalf of firstname lastname <>
    • When the name value of the recipient is unknown, the header will read as Adobe Sign <>

REST API/Webhook Updates

Çözülen Sorunlar

Summary:  Date fields with the format 'dd/mmm/yyyy' cannot be populated in the Czech language when using the čvn value.
Fix: The locale providers for the date functionality have been updated to properly manage this use case.
Summary: Editing the recipient list of a workflow may impact the agreements sent by that workflow, resulting in agreements being stuck in an In Progress status.
Fix: The code that manages how an agreement understands the recipient list for agreements has been improved to manage the recipient list within the transaction, ignoring edits made to the template.
Summary: Agreements in the Acrobat environment may fail to load the view of the agreement image when opened on the Manage page due to an unhandled exception.
Fix: The method used to populate the image has been updated to properly manage the exception.
Summary: Webforms with mandatory hyperlink fields throw an error when users try to save them.
Fix: A condition has been added to allow for saving the webform despite the hyperlink not being selected.
Summary: Signing an agreement on Adobe Sign using an iOS device may prompt a Server error due to the API not properly /PUTing read-only fields.
Fix: Updated the API used to place the fields for the agreement.
Summary: Reminder email notification sent to a recipient who is not yet the active recipient when the reminder is created using REST v5 and the future recipient has been replaced by the sender.
Fix: Added a condition to send the reminder only to delegate participations who can potentially sign the agreement at that point in time.

Summary: Archived agreements are not purged from the system when added to the Delete queue.
Fix: Archived agreements are purged immediately when sent to delete instead of holding it in queue for 14 days.
Summary: HTTP 501 access_denied error while using Intesi as an Electronic Seal due to an invalid endpoint token.
Fix: How the token is built has been updated to be more robust and provide version tolerance.
Summary: Some web forms from 2018 and before may fail to load with a generic error message due to a null pointer error.
Fix: The problematic code has been identified and corrected.
  • Updated View Agreement experience -  The customer interface for viewing an agreement has been updated for all users. The changes to the experience are:
    • The PDF controls from under the document have been moved to display between the document content and the agreement action options.
    • An option to view two pages in the document view has been added.
    • The Search option has been removed from the PDF controls at this time, but users can employ Ctrl/Cmd + F to search the document content.
  • The From header in all outbound emails has been updated to provide corrected branding.  The string" Adobe Sign" has been updated to "Adobe Acrobat Sign" for all instances. For example:
    • when the Required recipient name setting is in use, the header will read as Adobe Acrobat Sign on behalf of <firstname > <lastname> <>
    • When the name value of the recipient is unknown, the header will read as Adobe Acrobat Sign <>

Çözülen Sorunlar

Summary:  When authoring an agreement, the participation stamp fields are created with the POST_SIGN role. In library template use cases, participation stamp fields are expected to have the SIGNER role. When creating a library template from an agreement the field isn't updated to the correct role for participation stamp fields, causing problems downstream when the template is used.
Fix: Updated the code to set the expected role for participation stamp fields.
Summary: The "Next" navigation arrow does not skip to the next field once a Radio Button selection is made, and it should.
Fix: Navigation between fields has been improved to resolve this issue.
Summary: The web form name is truncated in an iFrame view.
Fix: The page CSS has been updated to adjust the text positioning.
Summary: Web forms on mobile iOS browsers may not scroll to the next required checkbox when the focus moves..
Fix: The code has been adjusted to force a scroll to the next element before setting focus.
Summary: Clicking on the Next tab does not work on Web Form with attachment fields.
Fix: The referring properties of the attachment have been recoded to properly allow the Next tab to move across attachment fields.
Summary: Participants to an agreement that are disabled while the agreement is In Progress are removed from the participant table, resulting in incomplete participant information if pulled from the agreement via API.
Fix: Added logic to include the replaced participant set into the total participant set of the agreement.
Summary: The message shown when trying to delegate from an email link and using the required recipient name feature with delegation is not very intuitive.
Fix: The message has been improved by instructing the user on how to delegate from eSign page and providing a link to it.
Summary: Signed agreement PDF documents with fields in annotation lists cannot be downloaded.
Fix: Cloning of annotations is now allowed preventing the exception.
Summary: Fill and Sign fails with 400 "MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAM" when the default signer authentication is set to PASSWORD.
Fix: Required authentication methods are skipped in Fill and Sign workflows.
Summary: Form Field data disappears after signing the agreement when the time is selected as 12:00 AM instead of using field calculations.
Fix: Added 1 millisecond to the date if it is provided as "12:00 AM" to bypass returning 0.0 as a result of converting the date to a number.
Summary: Calling GET /widgets/{widgetId}/formData using application/json triggers 500 "MISC_SERVER_ERROR" due to recent code changes.
Fix: The code was rolled back to the previous version restoring functionality.
Summary: Eseals can attempt to be placed while the authored documents are getting updated. This causes the agreements to be canceled.
Fix: Code added to better manage the submission exception to avoid the race condition.
Summary: After the recent update, the refreshweb endpoint now requires a client security parameter. This can result in an error message being published to the user interface every 15 minutes.
Fix: The code has been updated to ensure the parameter is true before executing the proxy flow.
Summary: New Authoring - Unable to move signature/text fields for the updated Chrome/Edge versions
Fix: The authoring environment has been updated to accommodate the changes in the Chrome/Edge browsers
Summary: Using PUT API /agreements/{agreementId}/formFields to update a form field with a calculation will work properly when signing, but can be empty end the PDF is downloaded if the string has characters which are escaped (like ')
Fix: The expressions are not escaped prior to passing the string to the parse and printed onto the PDF.
Summary: Localized versions of the email header do not include the string Adobe Acrobat Sign.
Fix: The email headers have added the branded string to the localized email templates.
Summary: Sorting workflows by the date does not produce a properly sorted list when used in non-English localizations.
Fix: The sorting method has been updated to properly sort the localized views of workflows.


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