Adobe Acrobat Sign Release Notes - 2024

Adobe Acrobat Sign Release Notes: 2024

Production deployment: January 23, 2024

GovCloud deployment:  January 25, 2024

Gelişmiş İşlevsellik

  • Error report for users provisioned through the Adobe Admin Console - Accounts that users through the Adobe Admin Console can review a report containing all users who have been provisioned but have not converted to an active status. Resolution statuses identify what the admin (or user) must do next to have the user activated in the Acrobat Sign service.
  • New Send in Bulk experience support for Phone authentication in CSV upload - Customers that use the new Send in Bulk environment can now include Phone (SMS) authentication as a method in their uploaded CSV files.
  • Edit authentication methods for existing web forms - The authentication method authored into a web form during creation can now be edited and saved, changing the authentication process for the recipients. The edit to the authentication method is tracked in the Activity log.
  • Web forms support for reusable recipient groups - Users can now add reusable recipient groups when configuring counter-signers on web forms.
  • Send agreement without active links in the email - In support of some compliance requirements in regulated sectors like finance, all agreement emails can now be sent without active links. Instead, recipients receive instructions on how to use an access code to gain access to the e-signing page.
  • Webhook support for OTP via Email events - A new webhook has been added to the user interface to trap authentication via Email OTP events.

Deneyimdeki Değişiklikler

  • Disable social logins for Bio-Pharma signers - There is a recipient-facing change for agreements sent from a group that enables any of the Enforce Identity Authentication options and uses Acrobat Sign authentication. The updated experience automatically removes all options to use a socially linked authentication partner (e.g., Google, Facebook, and Apple). Recipients must authenticate directly through the Adobe identity management system.
  • Data exports improved to return data based on recipient order - The contents of data exports now include and leverage the recipient order:
    • Recipient order is a new selectable column when creating data exports.
    • Recipients are ordered according to the recipient order on the export by default, even when the customer does not select that column to view.
  • Adobe Acrobat Sign for Government improved Just in Time user provisioning - New users in a GovCloud organization can now use the account's vanity URL to authenticate to the Acrobat Sign for Government environment through their configured Identity Provider. Doing so triggers user creation in the Acrobat Sign system for new users and authenticates the user into the service for returning users. New user creation has been improved by implementing a built-in waiting mechanism that removed the requirement for the user to "Try again" if the system times out.
  • Updates to the Block recipients by Geolocation option - Role-based descriptions have been added for the Activity log and the Audit Report. Audit Report logging has been adjusted to only include the first instance of blocking the access attempt.

API and Webhooks

  • REST API v6 adds an email address parameter to the digitalSignatureInfo section of GET agreements/{agreementId}/events - The API has been extended to retrieve the signer's email address from the certificate used for digital signatures.
  • OAuth 2.0 support for customer applications - Customers can now configure their OAuth 2.0 credentials for customer applications and thereby receive the bearer token (from the customers' authorization server) in the webhook notification header. Currently, this is only supported through REST API v6.
  • Webhook support for OTP via Email events - A new webhook has been added to support trapping authentication OTP via Email events: AGREEMENT_EMAIL_OTP_AUTHENTICATED

Çözülen Sorunlar

Issue Description
Summary: Data exports don't reflect the same recipient order as the audit report in terms of the recipient order assigned on the agreement.
Fix: The sorting order for Reports has been updated to always sort the data by recipient order as designed on the agreement
Summary: Apostrophes show as HTML the escape character ' in the Audit Report.
Fix: The code that renders the Audit Report has been improved to properly display the apostrophe character.
Summary: When uploading an image containing orientation metadata to the Web Form image field, the metadata is lost during the image processing. 
Fix: The image metadata is now being extracted before the image is converted and then reapplied after conversion.
Summary: Reminder events are not visible under the Agreement Events in Salesforce because the Reminder event isn't an enum in the events file.
Fix: The Reminder enum has been added to the events file.
Summary: If multiple documents are uploaded, and those documents have fonts that collide during processing, the resultant document is garbled.
Fix: When multiple documents are uploaded, embedded fonts that collide are renamed.
Summary: If a recipient is represented in an agreement in more than one role and is delegated into a participation set, it's possible that during signing the user value isn't selected from the set returning an error instead.
Fix: Code has been updated to ensure delegated users in a participation set are properly understood and selected during the signature process.
Summary: When all members in a recipient group are replaced, the list of recipients in that group is empty and triggers errors in signing.
Fix: Checks have been put in place to identify and manage recipient groups to have a size of zero.

Summary: Group names that have spaces in the name string may prevent the group from being selected when a user attempts the change the group in the UI due to a mismatch between the database name and the value stored in the group picker.
Fix: Code has been added to ensure that the picker name is stored in the same format as the groupID name in the database.
Summary: When a customer adds specific instructions for an additional participant while creating a web form, the text appears with line breaks in the middle of words when viewed by the signer.
Fix: Word breaks have been removed.
Summary: When users switch between groups, they sometimes end up seeing settings for the wrong group due to caching setting values.
Fix: The navigation tree is fully cleared when changing groups.
Summary: The tooltip for how attachments are named when attached to the final email is inaccurate.
Fix: The tooltip has been updated to be more clear.
Summary: Text overlapping with default text when Print, Sign, and Upload is used.
Fix: The function to place the values in the dropdown has been improved to apply selected values of default values.
Summary: Unable to add URL with '.art' domain extension in OAuth configuration.
Fix: The top-level domain validator has been updated.
Summary: Phone numbers are mixed up when initiating workflow via API when multiple recipients use the same email but different phone validations.
Fix: Code has been improved to manage the use case of multiple recipients with he same email having different phone numbers.
Summary: Signature fields subsequent to the first one have the text Tap to change instead of Tap to Sign when the value in the first field hasn't been applied.
Fix: For the case where a value has not yet been applied, the text in the field will reflect Tap to sign.
Summary: When the email address is lowercase in the participant set but mixed-case in the senderEmail field, the user may be unable to see the Sign and Send option in new authoring.
Fix: Changed comparison of the emails to be case insensitive.
Summary: Recipients without an Acrobat Sign userID do not show all user values in data exports. 
Fix: Data exports have been updated to include the data from users not stored under userIDs in the database.
Summary: Mozambique Country Code(+258) is not included in the list of supported country codes.
Fix: +258 country code added.
Summary: Impressively long API request logs will time out when loading.
Fix: The SQL index has been updated.
Summary: Private messages do not work when the sender is in a group where Private Messages are disabled, but the user sends from a different group with private messages enabled.
Fix: Code has been added to ensure the group-level settings are honored.
Summary: Drop down field value is not visible on the signed agreement when the agreement is digitally signed.
Fix: several annotations have been removed, and the import function has been refactored to improve the field visibility.
Summary: Unable to upload a signed document when the next recipient to sign the document is the agreement's originator.
Fix: The function that checked the participation has been improved.
Summary: Content protection is not inherited from a Workflow group.
Fix: Code has been improved to ensure the group settings are applied.
Summary: The "Next" button is unresponsive when the agreement contains a Digital Signature field.
Fix: The library that drives the Next button has been updated.
Summary: The new Send in Bulk can break synchronization with Acrobat Sign when used through API due to an incorrect field type.
Fix: The field type has been corrected.
Summary: Templates that contain fields for more recipients than the agreement contains can block the agreement process from loading the new authoring page.
Fix: A redirect to the classic authoring page has been put in place when this issue is detected.
Summary: Agreements created with a custom send workflow may not show the Upload Signed Document option on the Manage page.
Fix: Updated the check that allows the upload signed document action to be available for custom workflows provided all conditions are met.
4469350 Summary: Agreements created via API with a parallel signature flow do not appear in the classic send environment in the correct order they were defined in the API call.
Fix: The sorting of the recipients has been corrected for the classic environment.

Production deployment: March 12, 2024

GovCloud deployment:  March 19, 2024

Gelişmiş İşlevsellik

  • The new Request Signature experience updated with additional feature support - The new Request Signature experience takes a big step towards parity with the classic experience by adding support for:
    • Seamless authoring experience (navigate back to the agreement configuration from the authoring environment)
    • Organizational contacts in the address book
    • Recipient groups, both ad-hoc and reusable
    • Modifying agreements in flight
    • OneDrive file upload

Available environments: Sandbox, Commercial | Available tiers of service: Individual, Teams, Enterprise | Configuration scope: Not configurable

  • Recipient identity check - Administrators can configure their account (or group) to require a check of the recipient's email address to match the expected value (as defined when the agreement is composed) when the recipient authenticates using the Digitial Identity Gateway.

Available environments: Sandbox, Commercial, Government | Available tiers of service: Individual, Teams, Enterprise | Configuration scope: Group, Account

  • Scope improved for the Block recipients by geolocation feature - The feature to block recipients by geolocation has had its scope improved to allow group-level configuration.

Available environments: Sandbox, Commercial | Available tiers of service: Enterprise | Configuration scope: Not configurable

  • User-led provisioning for Microsoft Power Automate within Acrobat Sign – Users who wish to create workflows within Acrobat Sign using the Power Automate integration can now provision access on behalf of their organization.
    When a user selects to create a new workflow, they will be presented with the Adobe Terms of Included Entitlement, Limits on Use Capacity, and the Microsoft terms and conditions, which they must agree to in order to enable the Power Automate integration.
    Administrators who would like to manage access to user-led provisioning can do so by navigating to Global Settings > Power Automate Workflows.

Available environments: Sandbox, Commercial | Available tiers of service: Enterprise | Configuration scope: Group, Account

  • Send agreement links via SMS to the recipient's phone number - Senders can optionally configure their agreement to send the agreement links directly to the recipient's phone number (in addition to the email address), allowing the recipient to review and sign the document directly on their smartphone without going through email first.

Available environments: Sandbox, Commercial | Available tiers of service: Enterprise | Configuration scope: Group, Account

  • OTP via Email authentication support for custom send workflows - Custom send workflows now support the option to use the One-time password via email authentication method.

Available environments: Sandbox, Commercial, Government | Available tiers of service: Enterprise | Configuration scope: Group, Account

  • Flatten uploaded files to embed default field values before authoring - Customers who build forms and templates that have fields containing default values can enable this feature to "flatten" the document after upload, embedding any default values into the source document before opening the authoring environment. This ensures that users cannot mistakenly alter the default values of the uploaded file during the authoring experience.

Available environments: Sandbox, Commercial, Government | Available tiers of service: Enterprise | Configuration scope: Group, Account

  • Private message support for CC'd parties on web forms - The CC'd participants on a web form can now have a private message configured that will be included in the email notification they receive when the agreement is completed.

Available environments: Sandbox, Commercial, Government | Available tiers of service: Enterprise | Configuration scope: Not configurable

  • Agreement metadata for Cloud Signatures - When creating digital signatures via third-party Trust Service Provider (TSP), Acrobat Sign can now optionally send additional metadata to the TSP. The included data is:
    • Account ID - For identifying the customer account and processing transactions enabled at the account level.
    • Group ID - For identifying the customer's group when a group has enabled a specific TSP for signature processing.
    • Transaction ID - To provide additional support in validating transaction processing per transaction. Useful in understanding the customer's consumption and billing with the vendor.

Available environments: Sandbox, Commercial | Available tiers of service: Individual, Teams, Enterprise | Configuration scope: Group, Account

Deneyimdeki Değişiklikler

  • The classic Send page environment is changing the Email authentication type to None - In the list of authentication types on the classic Send page, the Email auth type has been changed to read None. The functionality has not changed. Agreements are still sent to the email address of the recipient provided Email is one of the types of delivery selected.
    The new Request Signature environment continues to use the term Email for now and will be updated to use None in a future release.
  • The format of email headers has changed to alter the From property for recipient emails, such as the initial "Please Sign" and Reminder templates. The previous format of "Adobe Acrobat Sign on behalf of <SomeUser>" has been changed to "<SomeUser> via Adobe Sign". The shorter format will ensure that the sender's name is not truncated.
  • The footer text that prefaces the Click to Sign banner has been updated from "By signing, I agree to this agreement, the Consumer Disclosure, and to do business with <Sender>" to "By signing, I agree to this document, the Consumer Disclosure and to utilize electronic signatures."
  • The Restricted Cloud Signature Providers section on the Digital Signatures tab of the admin menu has been removed - The account and group IDs are listed at the top of the Global Settings and Group Settings, respectively. The Restricted Cloud Signature Providers section of the Digital Signatures tab has been removed as this information is best-sourced from the account or group as needed.
  • The new Send in Bulk interface has been promoted to the default experience - All accounts have had their Send in Bulk experience upgraded to the new environment. Users have access to a link allowing them to switch back to the classic interface, and admins have access to the controls to set the default back to the classic experience if needed.
  • VIP customers have access to a new Chatbot experience when using the in-application guidance - The new Chatbot has been developed to improve the response to customer questions by providing a better, interactive interface that delivers suggestions for top queries in the welcome message, recommendations based on previous selections from the user, direct query support, and complex query resolution. Users are asked to provide feedback on the returned information to help learn how to reply better in future instances, and an option to connect to a support agent via chat is presented if the information requested isn't found.
  • VIP customer access to the new Chatbot experience has been suspended - The new Chatbot has been suspended until the next release in April 2024. 

Integration Updates

  • Support for secondary authentication methods in Microsoft integrations - Obtaining a signature through the Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and Word/PowerPoint integrations now supports using secondary authentication methods like Phone (SMS) authentication.

  • Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault updated to v1.3.0 
    • Veeva Vault Library Upgrade - The application has been updated to a more modern and efficient Vault API library (VAPIL) for enhanced integration.
    • Veeva Vault API version Upgrade - The Veeva Vault API version has been upgraded to v23.1
    • The Integration deployment package has been enhanced to ensure no requirements are imposed on customers to use the latest document version.

Çözülen Sorunlar

Issue Description
Summary: The user guide within the application is not opening localized user guide pages.
Fix: The localization code for how the user guide URL is mapped was corrected.
Summary: Accessing any agreement, template, or web form from the Manage tab is throwing an error on the console.
Fix: A deprecated library was removed to eliminate this error.
Summary: Obtaining a written signature on an iPad causes a reload cycle when popups are disabled on a mobile device.
Fix: Pop-up detection added and an error dialog has been added to allow the user to explicitly allow the pop-up.
Summary: The "Click to sign" button doesn't work when the Email is selected from autofill in MS Edge when signing a Webform.
Fix: Added a new "confirm email field" in the reset fields method.
Summary: Completed agreements sent using a workflow do not email the sharee.
Fix: The XML related to sharing agreements has been added to the workflow templates. New workflows updated or created after the March 2024 release will now include the share notification process.
Summary: When a singer has two or more initial fields that have a showIf condition applied to appear with the first initials field is filled, the second field is not exposed.
Fix: The field mapping values have been corrected to allow for the proper actions regarding showIf conditions.
Summary: When senders add an alternate participant, existing unexpired reminders do not have the new recipient added when the sender's choice option is enabled.
Fix: The code has been fixed to allow the new recipient to be added.
Summary: Navigation panels don't have the appropriate contrast ratio of 3:1 for a focus indicator
Fix: The identified side menus and body tables have been updated to have blue indicators with the appropriate contrast ratio.
Summary: When there is a recipient group or delegation. The 'on behalf' mail always shows the signer in the 'header' when the option to hide the recipient email is set to true.
Fix: Modified the header to set the right recipient address.
Summary: Recipient order in a data export CSV, "Number of Remaining Recipients" or "Number of Complete Recipients" is incorrect.
Fix: The impacted functions have been updated to produce the expected result.
Summary: Sandbox - Error seen while customizing the "Company" field using the new authoring experience and using a template created in the classic authoring environment.
Fix: The API has been updated to properly identify and make available the fields.
Summary: Inconsistent delegation for recipients that are already participants in an agreement depending on the recipient's status in the Acrobnat Sign system.
Fix: The impacted functions have all been corrected to provide a consistent experience (Participants already in the agreement cannot be delegated to)
Summary: The Phone authentication default is not working for group-level workflows.
Fix: Updates to the workflow designer have corrected this issue.
Summary: Sharing status - Deleted groups are visible when a group is deleted, and an existing share is still active. If a user creates a group with the same name again, then two groups with the same name are displayed.
Fix: Deleted groups have appended a [Deleted] string next to the group name.
Summary: When sending an agreement with a 'completion deadline' on the authoring page, a duplicate agreement expiration event is created for scheduling. This results in expiry events/emails getting triggered twice.
Fix: A status check was added to identify and prevent duplicate messaging.
Summary: Text fields don't appear on the signable document if the field name is only a special character as the name is then stored as a decoded character.
Fix: Encoding of special characters in form field names when saving the updated fields on the Authoring page has been added.
Summary:  Recipient fields are moving up in the document when sending from workflow and previewing before sending.
Fix: Fixed a function issue for a function TypeError exception which prevents proper text banner for default warning.
Summary: On Bulk Send, while selecting the group from the drop-down, the logo does not change.
Fix: Added the required attributes to the bulk send model.
Summary: Filter to show only Admins isn't working as expected. Returning an error of too many users.
Fix: The filter to show only admins has been corrected, resulting in only admins returning.
Summary: If externalId is passed when an agreement is created using the Workflow in 'Draft' state utilizing the POST agreements API endpoint, then the externalId is persisted in draft_resource table. When the Send button is pressed to send the agreement, then PUT agreements/{AgreementID} call is made. As part of this call externalId is not passed from UI.
Fix: Added call to load externalId from agreementInfo object to agreement object for custom compose flow.
Summary: HTML code is observable in an error message due to HTML not being supported in the error message object.
Fix: HTML removed from the error message.
Summary: The signature field is missing in an agreement when the signer opens the agreement in two different browsers at the same time and e-signs one while attempting to print, sign, and upload in the other.
Fix: An error is delivered indicating the user should reload the page to get the refreshed page with the signature field exposed.
Summary: When the KBA authentication mandates the inclusion of both first and last names, on the custom compose page, there is a possibility of submitting the agreement without entering the necessary data.
Fix: Validation has been implemented. If the setting requires name information, an error will be displayed when the KBA first name and last name are left unfulfilled.
Summary: Update users in bulk fails for the group containing special characters.
Fix: The group name is encoded when verifying if the group already exists to align with the database entry. Special characters are encoded in the database.
Summary: Vaulting does not apply to workflows. 'Vault this agreement' is unchecked if the vaulting setting is set to On.
Fix:  If we do not have the vaulting Info value set by the user, the VAULT_BY_AGREEMENT setting is checked.
Summary: Workflows may take 4-5 minutes on average to open for some accounts.
Fix: The database calls have been streamlined to reduce overall processing time.
Summary: The attached files are removed when switching the view on the Send page.
Fix: Code improved to preserve all parameters when switching between environments.
Summary: Agreement sharing with users is not functioning for agreements sent using a workflow and signed by the sender only..
Fix: The self-sign workflow code has been improved to accommodate sharing the agreement.
Summary: POST /webhooks sometimes take more than 15 seconds to respond (or times outs) when called immediately after creating a new account.
Fix: Syncing for new account creation has been streamlined to reduce processing time.
Summary: Government ID fails if the first name of the document is empty
Fix: A check has been implemented to manage the event when a first name is blank.
Summary: Regardless of the value of the "show link in email" setting, when sharing a completed agreement, the link to view the document online always appears in the email.
Fix: Created a new template that displays the link for viewing online, depending on the value of the show link in email setting. Modified the original template to include a check for whether the agreement is signed, and added logic to display the proper template based on settings.
Summary: Agreements will fail to send if there are text tags assigned to the sender and the sender isn't a participant in the agreement.
Fix: When the source document has text tag fields assigned to the "sender" role, they are deleted if the sender isn't participating in the agreement.
Summary: When changing the authentication method of a previously saved Draft agreement, the authentication method isn't updated.
Fix: When processing a recipient for the first time, the default auth method from their per-recipient settings is used.
Summary: The GET /agreement/id/formFields endpoint throws an NPE due to a PDFLink with an empty location.
Fix: Code has been added to manage the NPE issue. PDF links with no location are now omitted.
Summary: Acrobat Sign will continue to attempt to thumbnail an abandoned document if the document is large enough, resulting in a timeout error.
Fix: Code update to allow abandoned thumbnails to be completed, regardless of the abandoned status.
Summary: Web forms can fail in a way that prevents them from being able to be opened.
Fix: The logic around how web forms are processed has been updated to unblock a form that is failing to properly apply validation checks.
Summary: Workday - Documents with invalid annotations throw exceptions, causing the agreement to be canceled.
Fix: Annotations with no subtype are now ignored.
Summary: The Sender group column is missing on CSV export.
Fix: The column has been added to the export.
Summary: Web forms can be automatically canceled due to a null pointer error due to unknown participants.
Fix: Code has been added to properly manage the unknown participants.
4466885 / 4467126

Summary: UMG-enabled accounts send all of their groupIds in the header when sending a Bulk Send, which can be more than the max header size the microservice accepts.
Fix: The max header size has been increased.
Summary: Unable to sync Custom Workflows from Sandbox to Production due to faulty user encoding.
Fix: User encoding has been corrected for the syncing process.
Summary: The KBA verification will validate only the first member of the group of recipients and let you send the agreement even if the other members have a KBA auth and name info left empty.
Fix: The compose page now loads with a null recipient order, forcing a name check.
Summary: In the sandbox environment, the e-sign page has an extra space between the header and the sandbox blue bar
Fix: The header has been modified to allow a full view of the text.
Summary: In the e-Sign page's Option and Help menu, keyboard users are unable to navigate away from the expanded dropdown menu using the Tab key.
Fix: The Tab key can now close the menu. The focus shifts back to the dropdown trigger button after the menu is closed.
Summary: Even when set to 'Not Allowed' in the new experience, the agreement name can still be changed.
Fix: Editing has been restricted based on the workflow configuration.
Summary: CC info is not seen on the Manage page, the CC recipient does not receive the final signed filed email, and CC info does not appear in the Email body if the sender does not press "Enter" after entering the information.
Fix:  The information for the CC'd parties has been added to the agreement when the field loses focus.
Summary:  Required hyperlinks from library templates are duplicated on the e-Sign page resulting in unsignable agreements.
Fix:  How fields are transferred to child agreements form templates have been updated to ensure only one field is present.
4472895 Summary: If a sender uses the same email address as a Sealer recipient, but the case used in the email is different, an error will be triggered due to case sensitivity.
Fix: Case sensitivity has been removed when assessing the strings in this use case.
4472954 Summary: Sync speed for workflows between the Sandbox and Production environments is very slow.
Fix: Improvements to the query and code have improved sync time.
4474353 Summary: Connecting a Salesforce application to the Acrobat Sign Sandbox fails to redirect the user to the correct page due to the target URL not being set properly.
Fix: The code has been improved to set the target URL correctly and facilitate the user redirection.
4474581 Summary: The Sandbox stopped pushing webhook notifications after a rebuild of the Sandbox environment.
Fix: The Sandbox was redeployed, and the problem was resolved.

Production deployment: April 09, 2024

GovCloud deployment: April 11, 2024

Gelişmiş İşlevsellik

  • Phone authentication support for web form signers - Enterprise customers who use web forms can now configure phone authentication for the first signer of the web form. The phone number is requested and verified immediately after accessing the web form (before the signer can interact with any fields).
    Available environments: Sandbox, Commercial | Available tiers of service: Enterprise | Configuration scope: Enabled by default
  • Improved signer experience when saving a web form - The process for a signer to save a web form has been streamlined into a more intuitive flow.
    Available environments: Sandbox, Commercial | Available tiers of service: Team, Enterprise | Configuration scope: Enabled by default
  • Enable the cookieless "Request Signature" experience for customer integrations - Customers who have created their own applications that invoke the Request Signature experience can enable the cookieless environment, providing a more seamless experience for their users.
    Available environments: Sandbox, Commercial | Available tiers of service: Enterprise | Configuration scope: The UI for the option is exposed by default. Enabling is manual by Application.

Deneyimdeki Değişiklikler

  • The new Send in Bulk environment is now the default experience for all accounts - The new and improved Send in Bulk environment has been promoted to the default experience with the April 2024 release. This is the first step in ending access to the classic environment, which is planned to be removed entirely from the user experience by March 2025.
    • Administrators continue to have the option to reset the default environment to the classic experience through their admin menu.
    • Links remain available for users to switch between the new and classic environments.
  • VIP customers have access to a new Chatbot experience when using the in-application guidance - The new Chatbot has been developed to improve the response to customer questions by providing a better, interactive interface that delivers suggestions for top queries in the welcome message, recommendations based on previous selections from the user, direct query support, and complex query resolution. Users are asked to provide feedback on the returned information to help learn how to reply better in future instances, and an option to connect to a support agent via chat is presented if the information requested isn't found.
  • Removal of the mobile app banner - The banner advertisement for the Adobe Acrobat Sign mobile application has been removed from the Home page.

Çözülen Sorunlar

Issue Description
4466859 Summary: Date formatting in US English does not properly translate on the e-sign page.
Fix: Code update to ensure the e-sign date matches the PDF date formatter.
4467995 Summary: Limited Document Visibility can break a web form when multiple files are used and then edited/removed.
Fix: Code has been improved to ensure the hidden files of an agreement are correctly preserved when updating a web form with LDV enabled.
Summary: When selecting the signing URL, some browsers do not open the iFrame citing an error that cookies are disabled. This is due to changes in browser requirements.
Fix: The parameters for the cookie have been updated to comply with the requirements of the change.
4469178 Summary: The download URL can be misaligned with the agreement resources based on the esigning environment
Fix: The claim to the resources has been updated to align with the correct experiences used.
4469538 Summary: Email notifications are being sent when the "emailOption" and "redirectOptions" options in v6 API are set to "none"
Fix: The code to execute email notifications has been updated and reordered to ensure the correct settings for the agreement are applied.
Summary: The View and Delegate URLs generated by the API fail with an unauthorized error when Content Protection is enabled due to missing logic to create a temporary user session.
Fix: The logic has been added to permit the creation of the user session that generates a viable URL.

Production deployment: June 18, 2024

GovCloud deployment: July 9, 2024

Gelişmiş İşlevsellik

  • Updated Request Signature experience - The Request Signature interface adds several elements that bring the experience closer to parity with the classic Send page. Included in this release are:
    • Drag and Drop files - Files can now be added to the agreement configuration by dragging them from your desktop or local folders and dropping them into the Files section.
    • Add Me - The Add Me option adds the agreement creator to the agreement in the next recipient record.
    • e-Vaulting - Customers who require e-vaulting can now use the Request Signature experience and be assured that the agreements are added to their vault.
    • Hybrid Routing - Configuring agreements with hybrid signature workflows is now supported when enabled.

Available environments: Sandbox, Commercial | Available tiers of service: Individual, Team, Enterprise | Configuration scope: Enabled by default

Çözülen Sorunlar

Issue Description
Summary: The Add Me link to insert the sender as a recipient in the agreement signature flow is missing in the new Request Signature environment.
Fix: The Add Me link has been added and is functioning the same as it has previously on the Send page.
Summary: The payment field may not work properly through the new authoring environment, converting the Payment fields into Text fields.
Fix: The code was updated to properly manage the payment field.

Sandbox deployment: July 16, 2024

Production deployment: August 13, 2024

GovCloud deployment: August 15, 2024

Deneyimdeki Değişiklikler

  • A new post-signing page for unregistered recipients — Recipients who complete their action (sign, approve, etc.) are delivered to a new post-signing page that provides access to their agreement PDF, and offers an opportunity to try a few of the more popular Adobe Acrobat features.

Countries with stricter communication laws will not display the four "Try now" offers.

A secondary stripped-down experience is delivered to recipients whose agreements are subject to the following exemptions:

    • Recipients signing an agreement through an embedded application.

    • When the group from which the agreement is sent has a redirect URL.

Registered recipients are delivered a version of the post-signing page that provides a button to sign in to the Manage page of their Acrobat Sign account.

Available environments: Sandbox, Commercial | Available tiers of service: Enterprise | Configuration scope: Not configurable

  • Change to the Send Code announcement for Phone Authentication - The panel that alerts a recipient to the requirement for phone authentication has been updated to include an additional acknowledgment:
    "By clicking the 'Send Code' button, you acknowledge and agree that you will receive an automated phone call or text message at the number you provided to confirm your identity."

Available environments: Sandbox, Commercial | Available tiers of service: Individual, Teams, Enterprise | Configuration scope: Not configurable

Webhook update

Update to the Webhook notification payload for all AGREEMENT_* subscription event types – All Agreement webhook notification events have been updated to include three new fields:

  • userId - The unique identifier of the participant 
    • Requires the Agreement Info parameter to be checked in the Notification Parameters for the value to be included in the payload.
  • authenticaitonMethod - The authentication method used for the participants to have access to view and sign the agreement. 
  • createdGroupId – The ID of the group from which the webhook was created.
    • Requires the Agreement Info parameter to be checked in the Notification Parameters for the value to be included in the payload.

Çözülen Sorunlar

Issue Description
Summary: Using SSO authentication may result in "review and Sign" emails having faulty hyperlinks.
Fix: The code has been improved to properly resolve SSO and SAML authentication processes.
Summary: An extra backslash '\' release character is added to the name in the ESeal.
Fix: The code has been updated to properly manage the release character
Summary: The email template used to communicate user migrations uses internal name values instead of the customer-applied values.
Fix: The template has been updated to use the correct customer provided values.
Summary: Email addresses with an apostrophe in the Display email fail to resolve their GET calls when the agreement involves an ESeal.
Fix: The code has been updated to properly manage the use case of an apostrophe in the Display Email field.

Scheduled for 10 September 2024

Scheduled for 10 September 2024


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