Adobe Acrobat Sign Release Notes - 2020

Adobe Sign 2020 release content

Resolved Issues

Issue ID


4238201 Improved reporting to better identify the participant that entered prefilled field content
4238852 Improved the REST v6 GET /agreements/{agreementId}/combinedDocument method to include the audit report and supporting documents
4250944 Fixed an issue that could prompt an "Error Marshalling Data" error when deleting an agreement
4255407 Improved error management for when a sender adds themselves as a CC'd party
4256459 Corrected a problem where Adobe Sign authentication could throw an error indicating that the user name and password don't match
4257161 Corrected a problem where sending an agreement via REST v6 API with Limited Document Visibility enabled would prompt an error if the sole signer is the sender
4259180 Corrected an issue with Web forms where the counter signer fields could be omitted in the loaded form
4259524 Improved the authentication process for external recipients that verify via Adobe Sign authentication
4260099 Fixed a use case where legacy REST callbacks would not properly resolve
4260329 Improved the Replace Current Signer process to better manage recipient IDs when the agreement is sent via API
4260425 Fixed an issue where the download arrow on the new manage page was not working properly on the iPad
4260766 Improved web form counter-signer management, allowing the same recipient to be included more than once
4261153 Fixed an issue where the number (count) of users in a group would be off if one or more users were deleted via GDPR rules
4262292 Fixed an issue with social authentication that could throw  an 'Error accessing Social identity' error
4263547 Fixed an issue where agreements could not be viewed from the Alerts page
4263612 Corrected a graphical problem with asterisks appearing larger than they should in some iOS devices
4263776 Improved the French localization of the post-sign page
4263972 Corrected an issue where drawn signatures would not be captured on a Surface device running a Chrome or Firefox browser
4264191 Fixed an issue where pinch-zooming in on document when Forced Scroll is enabled would disable the Tap to Sign button
4264271 Improved the French localization for the new email templates


Home page interface updates

New "Recent" library tab

A new Recent folder is available on the new Home page in the Start from library feature that allows the user to select from their 20 most recently used templates.

The Recent folder allows sorting based on the template Name. Searching for the name of the template is also supported.

The default sort order is based on use, with the most recently used templates at the top.

Manage page interface updates

Government ID - Signer Identity Report download

Customers that use Government ID as an authentication method can now download the Signer Identity Report (SIR) from the Manage page.

Improved "Replace current signer" functionality

The Replace current signer function on the Manage page has been improved in this release to bring it to parity with the legacy function. 

Senders can now select if the original recipient should be allowed to sign or be removed from the recipient list for that stage of the signature process.

Hover-over actions on the agreement table

The agreement table on the Manage page exposes two buttons when you hover your mouse over any agreement record.

  • "Open" is always available and will show you the agreement in its current state.
  • The second button is determined by the current context of the agreement and surfaces the next likely action needed.

eg: If the agreement is waiting for a recipient to sign, then a Remind button is probable. 

If the agreement is waiting for you to fill in field information, Fill would be the likely action.

Improved User Experience

New Self-sign interface

The legacy Only I Sign interface is being re-labeled Fill and Sign and will enable a self-signing experience that supports the use of templates, Authoring, digital signatures, and CFR compliant signing workflow which provides parity with the Send experience.

The switch to enable this experience is set through the Account Menu by the account/group admin.

Establish a default country code for phone authentication

Customers that use phone authentication can now explicitly define the default country code at the account or group level.

Controls to define the code are on the Send Settings page where phone authentication is enabled

Customize the recipient options on the eSign page

Admin control over the options for signers on the e-sign page have been added, allowing explicit control over most menu items.

Adobe Sign Authentication

The Adobe Sign authentication method has been exposed for all multi-license service levels.

Additional controls to ease the use of Adobe Sign authentication internally have been added to the admin menu.

Delete Groups from the UI

Admins now have the ability to delete a Group from their view in the UI.  

The group must be empty of Users prior to deleting the group.

Trusted & Secure Industry Leading Solutions

Stand-alone Timestamp

The Adobe Sign usage of the Certified Document Service (CDS) has been improved to capture a timestamp without requiring a digital certificate.

Bio Pharma Settings Update

A persistent tab in the Admin console as been added with all the granular controls required to customize your signature process to support FDA submission requirements.

Mobile Signing Improvements

Ease of use improvements have been added to the mobile signing experience, including a calendar date picker for date validated fields and defaulting to the numeric keyboard for number validated fields.


GET /agreements/[agreementId} – The parentId and type attributes are being added to the AgreementInfo object. 

  • The parentId value is populated with the ID of the parent template used to spawn a child Mega Sign or web form agreement
  • The type value indicates if the parent template is a Mega Sign or web form.


GET /accounts/[accountId} – This is a new REST v6 API call that returns the DetailedAccountInfo object (patterned after the existing DetailedUserInfo object returned by GET /users/{userId}).


Dynamics 365 CRM v9

This release expands the localization of the package to include French, German, and Japanese.

SharePoint Online v2

Add field mapping for your Adobe Sign web forms, allowing customer input to be inserted directly to your SharePoint list.

ServiceNow v2

Version 2 redesigns the package to improve the installation process, reduce dependencies, and improve functionality.  Improvements include support for multiple files, support for large files (>5MB), in-app signing, and document proofing prior to send.

Resolved Issues

Issue ID


4219446  Corrected a problem where a digital signature field created in Acrobat could drift in location when uploaded to Adobe Sign
4220998 Fixed an issue where an agreement created with multiple page sizes would see the signature missing form the bottom of the smaller pages
4233239 Optimized signatures to reduce the overall size of the final PDF
4248550 Improved the method by which SAML users can update their email address
4250676 Fixed the Social Authentication method for LinkedIn
4251896 Corrected an issue with calculated dates where using the PST time zone instead of thelocal time zone
4253536 Improved custom email templates to account for bounced email events
4255150 Corrected an issue that could cause multiple Signed and Filed emails to be send for one agreement
4255151 Corrected a problem where a Draft document could be counted in reporting (total sent) numbers.
4255909 Corrected a problem where the signature could overlap the name and date under the signature line
4255915 Fixed an issue where the new manage page would not download the audit report with the signed PDF when enabled to do so
4256056 Improved font size management across fields
4258069 Improved the cancellation mechanic for Mega Sign child agreements
4259477 Fixed an issue where authentication to a web form hosted on a non-NA1 shard could fail to load
4260164 Fixed an issue where the Forgot Password link would become unresponsive
4260425 Fixed a problem where the Download icon on the iPad was unresponsive
4260881 Fixed the french translation for the Full Name field
4261017 Improved SMS authentication when sending to the same email with different phone numbers
4261855 Improved the Spanish translation for digital signatures on the audit report
4262253 Corrected a state where a user attempting to configure an Oauth connection could be routed to the dashboard page
4262995 Corrected a race conditiuon where authentication could load the page within the authentication pop-up.
4263261 Corrected an issue where emails could be generated from REST v6 API calls when email is suppressed.
4263357 Fixed an issue where the reson for cancelation was not being populated into the History of the agreement
4263401 Fixed an issue where clicking the Sign action form the new manage page would not load the agreement
4263746 Fixed an issue where SAML custoemrs would be sent a verification email if they are reactivated from an inactive state
4263751 Corrected an issue where external signers, upon clicking the document link in the "You signed" email would deliver them to the sender's SAML authentication page.
4263892 Corrected an issue with library templates where the templates in Draft state were created as complete/visible and could not be deleted, and v5 GET /libraryDocuments calls were returning the drafts that were stuck in an incorrect state.
Post this fix, drafts are not visible and v5 GET /libraryDocuments only return completed library documents
4263894 Improved the in-app message content with regards to line wrapping
4264053 Corrected an issue where reminders could throw a Data Truncation error
4264072 Fixed an problem where duplicate templates would not be visible on the classic Manage page
4264212 Corrected an issue where Web forms would trigger intermittent errors if Document Visibility was disabled for web forms
4264595 Improved the Written Signature workflow to allow better timing for the signer before being redirected to the post-sign page.
4264645 Fixed an issue where reporting could return a Null value for the sender's name
4264661 Corrected an inssue where the links in the Welcome email for new users would point to a 404 error
4264965 Fixed a problem where conditional fields could not be visible for subsequent recipients
4264998 Improved user export for large accounts
4265080 Fixed an issue where the document appears blank and cannot be scrolled on iOS device (iOS v 13.3 and 13.2)
4265081 Improved how undeliverable emails are handled with regards to web forms.
4265797 Improved how custom email templates handle very long agreement names
4266091 Fixed an issue where the workflowID was not being returened for Get/agreements/agreement id
4266136 Improved the notification message when a workflow is used to send an agreement, and the sender cancels the transaction
4266278 Fixed an issue where Gropup admins could not add new users
4266882 Corrected a provblem where Bounce notifications were not being sent to shared account holders and the shared event/email  was indicated
4267414 Fixed an issue where hidden templates were still visible for Shared Libraries
4267710 Corrected an issue where signing an agreement could cause an "Agreement modified"error
4268098 Fixed an issue where field position would drift if the page orentation was changed during signing
4268715 Fixed an issue where agreements using text tags, and sending from the Salesforce integration, could duplicate the fields
4268856 Corrected an issue where canceling a Mega Sign via the parent oobject would only notify one recipient
4269281 Fixed a problem where web forms were not adjusting the email value for the originator in the audit report if the creator changed their email address after the form was created


New Manage page: Upload signed document

The ability to upload a file that has been signed outside of the Adobe Sign process has been added to the new Manage page.

The new Home and Manage page become the standard

This release brings both the Home and Manage pages to parity with the classic versions.

The ability to switch between the classic and new Home and Manage pages has been removed.

  • Enterprise and Business service plans still have the authority to set the user experience back to the classic pages for a short time longer.  
    • The classic pages are scheduled to be removed from service entirely in the second half of 2020.

Customers are strongly encouraged to switch their accounts to the new interface prior to the deprecation of the classic page to allow time for users to acclimatize.

Resolved Issues

Issue ID


4257957 Corrected an issue where the Send page could present as a blank page 
4261447 Fixed an issue where the Time/Date stamp on the Fill&Sign page would return only the Pacific time zone information in the chrome under the signature for iOS devices
4261759 Fixed an issue with drop-down fields that would show the string Select instead of having an open field
4262348 Corrected a state where duplicate custom workflows could no longer be edited or deleted
4263126 Improved the French localization for the Date Field tooltip
4263505 Corrected an issue where the customized SMS authentication text not being used per authentication
4264204 Corrected an issue on ioOS devices where Pacific time was inserted instead of the local devices time zone
4266430 Fixed a problem where applying a Cloud Signature with an open password could throw an error
4266809 Corrected a problem where new groups would inherit their settings form the Tier instead of the Account
4266883 Corrected a state where subsequent recipients could not see the fields of previous recipients when the previou8s recipient was delegated to
4267631 Fixed an email issue where the sender could get additional notifications for already approved agreements
4267632 Corrected an issue where Mega Sign agreements would not provide the correct error message if they were held in a draft status for more than 24 hours
4268343 Improved handling of how agreements become available to senders when the sender is the first signer 
4269432 Fixed an Misc_Server error that could trigger when downloading the Signer Identity Report
4269755 Improved the French post-signing message to properly wrap in the text in Internet explorer
4269893 Fixed an issue that could cause the Out for Signature emails to be sent twice
4269927 Fixed a No data available error that could be triggered when downloading the Signer Identity Report
4270706 Improved processing of large documents to correct an Auto_Author_Fail error when sending
4270787 Improved the Custom Workflow UI to ensure that authoring options are visible
4271433 Improved object detection for screen reader applications
4271478 Improved tab navigation between fields when signing
4271767 Corrected an issue with Customizable email templates attaching the final documents in random order
4272432 Fixed an issue in Advanced Account Sharing where an undeliverable email notification could be triggered to the sharee
4274088 Fixed an issue where a group level admin could not assign a user to their group form the default group


Improved Admin Functionality

Set administrative roles in the Adobe Admin Console

Adobe Sign customers that manage their user entitlement via the Adobe Admin Console can now also assign elevated authority to individual users in the Adobe Sign product profile.

Currently, only Account-level and Privacy-level admins can be assigned.

Improved User Experience

Save draft agreements during authoring

When authoring an agreement, senders now have the option to save their progress as a draft, allowing them to return to the agreement later.

To resume field placement and send the final agreement, the sender can find the agreement in the Draft folder on the Manage page.

Mouse over the agreement to expose the Edit button or, click the agreement to expose the actions in the right-rail, and select Edit Agreement:

Cookieless signing for unauthenticated signers

Many partner integrations use an iFrame to launch the e-signature page from Adobe Sign. This, coupled with the growing trend to disable cookies in browsers, can prompt a message to the recipient to enable cookies to continue the signature process.

To bypass the friction of enabling cookies, a new button has been added to the page allowing the recipient to open the agreement in a new tab and complete the signature process.

The Recentfolder has been added to the Sendpage

A new Recent folder has been added to the Files selector on the Send page allowing the user to select from their 20 most recently used templates.

The Recent folder allows sorting based on the template Name, and searching for the name of the template is also supported in the Search field at the top of the window.

The default sort order is based on use, with the most recently used templates at the top.

Signer view: The required field counter has been updated for clarity

The field counter for required fields has been updated to provide a more explicit message for the recipient.

The acknowledgment has been changed from "Completed" to "Required fields completed".

Trusted & Secure Industry Leading Solutions is changing to

Adobe is changing the domain name for the Adobe Sign service to

The transition began with the March 2020 release for free and individual user accounts with no impact expected to customers that have purchased other plans.  

For Accounts that have migrated to

  • The new domain is being rolled out as a redirect from the main login page
  • Redirects are not necessary to access existing agreements
  • Existing agreements remain available to all parties from the existing domain name 

In this release, small business, business and enterprise account administrators have a new control available in the Account > Account Settings > Account Setup tab to move their account to the new domain.

  • The control enables the ability to switch between the old and the new domain name at will
  • Customers that use explicitly allowed domains, that use 3rd party integrations, or custom applications will be able to test the impact of the new domain name on their environment.  If there are conflicts or errors they can switch back to the old domain without an impact to agreements or workflows

Please refer to the FAQ to determine the impact of this change on your environment.

Government ID - "Liveness" detection and automatic image capture

Customers that use Government ID as an authentication method can activate two new improvements in this release:

  • Automatic image capture: As the recipient focuses their phone camera on either the identity document or their face, the application automatically snaps the best picture as soon as the object is properly framed on-screen
  • "Liveness" detection to ensure the "selfie" is taken from a real person: During the selfie portion of the authentication process, the recipient is instructed to perform an action (e.g.: Smile!) to demonstrate that the target is responsive

Both features are disabled by default.  Contact your success manager to have them enabled.

New Cloud Signature provider: Smart-ID

Smart-ID is the newest trust service provider joining Adobe Sign from the Cloud Signature Consortium. Smart-ID is a cloud signature service from SK ID Solutions allowing citizens in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania to easily meet the requirements for EU-Qualified Electronic Signatures according to eIDAS.

Mobile Signing

Rebranding of the Adobe Sign icon

The Adobe Sign icon in both the Android and iOS applications has been changed to to the new image.

This is a branding change, and does not change the user experience.

Android: 64-bit support for Fill & Sign

The Adobe Sign for Android mobile application now supports 64-bit Fill & Sign functionality.



Control file removal when invoking the Compose page via API

POST /Agreements/{agreementId}/views for the COMPOSE view has a new parameter in ComposeViewConfiguration.FileUploadOptionscanEditFiles


Auto-provisioning for integrations

For customers that are managing Adobe Sign on the Adobe Admin Console and integrating Adobe Sign into partner applications, the administrator can further configure Adobe Sign so that end users are automatically provisioned into the Adobe Sign product profile when they first use the application within the integration.

Resolved Issues

Issue ID


  A problem that prevented some Admins from editing the Company value of users has been corrected
4251896 Improved date calculations for the Japanese locale
4253608 Improved Custom Workflows to better manage when authoring can be enabled for senders based on attached templates
4254464 Improved the functionality of Adobe Sign authentication in Edge browsers
4254465 Corrected an issue that could auto-cancel an agreement with a "Missing FileInfoIndex" error
4258471 Corrected a problem where Custom Email Templates could  fail to send email to recipients that have an apostrophe in the email address
4263888 Fixed a problem where the Review and Sign button was not available for customers using IBM Notes 9 and some versions of 32-bit Outlook.
4263895 Corrected an issue where users that are deactivated in the Adobe Admin Console were still able to authenticate in to Adobe Sign
4265810 Fixed an issue where the Modified date was not updating in Template section of the Manage page
4266136 Corrected the recipient message when the first recipient declines an agreement sent from a Workflow to no longer indicate the next recipient would be notified
4268047 Fixed an issue where customers that enable SAML Allow mode could get locked out
4268086 Improved ability to delete Draft items via GDPR tools
4268777 Improved the management of CC notifications in customized email templates when reminders are sent
4269273 Corrected an issue where attaching two templates with prefill fields would trigger an error
4269276 Corrected a race condition that would trigger an error message: fileInfoIndex 2 is missing in one of the participantSets
4270389 Improved how the Georgian language renders in the Audit report
4270503 Corrected an issue where "Auto" size font on an uploaded PDF would cause the text to overlap on the signed PDF
4270874 Improved response time when loading the Users page
4271439 Improved error narration for screen readers
4271442 Fixed an issue with screen readers missing the Files section 
4271445 Improved access to Download Files for screen readers
4271462 Improved access to the sorting tools (column headers) for screen readers when starting an agreement from a library template
4271470 Improved keyboard navigation for accessing list objects under the Recipient accordion object on the Agreement details page
4271474 Fixed an issue where the focus for some screen readers would not move out of the Role menu after selecting an item
4271479 Fixed an issue where some screen readers would not move the Next Required Field link on the esigning page when using swipe gestures
4271491 Fixed an issue where some screen readers were not narrating the 'Form fields' button while navigating using down arrow mode
4271505 Fixed an issue where some screen readers were not narrating the 'Cancel Reminder' button while navigating using swipe
4271524 Fixed an issue where some screen readers were not narrating the 'Form fields' button when navigating using swipe
4271555 Fixed an issue where some screen readers were not narrating the displayed information "Why Hide? Perhaps your Adobe Sign account…" upon invoking the 'Help' button present in the "Hide Agreement" dialog
4271556 Fixed an issue where some screen readers were not narrating the 'Cancel Reminder' button while navigating using down arrow key
4272442 Improved text placement in the Start form Library window
4272697 Corrected an issue where a report scheduled for the end of the month could run early
4273502 Fixed an issue where some screen readers were not moving to the controls while navigating using browse mode
4273513 Fixed an issue with the classic workflow designer where it would not trigger a warning message is all required files were not added
4273648 Updated the UI in reporting when displaying a report configured to filter by user
4275041 Fixed an issue where recipients that were required to authenticate, and did not have an existing Adobe Sign account, could not register a new user
4275066 Corrected an error in Workday when an agreement is sent to a recipient that authenticates to a different Adobe Sign shard
4275431 Corrected an issue with the POST /agreements REST v6 call where a 'INVALID_PARTICIPANT_MEMBER_INFO' error could trigger
4276259 Added a visual spinner when downloading form field data on the new Manage page
4276453 Fixed an issue that would not allow usage of the default country code when using Phone authentication in Custom Workflows
4276493 Improved error trapping/response when installing SAML certificates
4276529 Improved the Manage page to hide action elements that are disabled
4277771 Corrected an issue that would trigger the error "You do not have permission to set the expiration date for this agreement" while using the Modify Agreement feature
4279057 PUT /users/{userId}/groups now provides for the argument "isPrimaryGroup"
4279094 Fixed an issue where some accounts Support link was mis-directing to a bogus URL
4280526 Fixed an issue where IE11 would not download the signer identity report
4280833 Fixed an issue where users were unable to edit the expiration date of an agreement created via the Custom workflow designer

Rebranding of the Adobe Sign icon

The new Adobe Sign icon and branding has been updated in the application.

More Users listed on the Users page

The Users page has been updated to load (up to) 5000 user records (up from 2000).

Resolved Issues

Issue ID



Fixed an issue that could block delegating an agreement through advanced account sharing


Corrected an issue that would prevent Group-level admins from assigning users to their group from the Default group

Improved Functionality

Edit agreement elements after entering Authoring

The authoring environment has added a Back button, allowing the user to navigate back to the Compose page to make edits.

Elements that can be edited include:

  • the agreement Name and Message
  • the recipient email addresses
  • the files attached to the agreement (add, delete, and reorder)

Once the edits are complete, the user clicks the Next button, and is returned to the authoring environment (with the updates in place).

Previously placed fields retain their configured values and Assigned to value (ie: Participant 1). 

  • If the email address of any participant has changed, the new email value is substituted in without disrupting the field configuration
  • Swapping out files will strip out any field placment for those removed files

Agreements in a Draft state can also be edited using this mechanism.

Enterprise customers that have enabled the Modify agreement in-flight feature will see both the Modify and Edit option on the Manage page.

  • The Modify option is to be removed in a future release, leaving only the Edit option for Draft agreements, and Modify for agreements in process

Hyperlink fields can now be configured as a Required field during the signature cycle.

When the Required option is checked, two new parameters are added to the properties of the field:

  • Assigned to - Defines which recipient is required to click the field during their action for the agreement
    • One recipient can be explicitly required, forcing only that recipient to click the field before completing their action for the agreement
      • The link remains clickable for all recipients that are not required to click the link
    • Everyone is a new role available exclusively to the Hyperlink field, requiring all recipients to click the link before completing their action
  • Tooltip - Provides for a text tooltip for the recipient when the field gains focus

Calculated Fields improvement with Currency formatting

Calculated fields that display their values formatted as Currency have new rules that dictate which currency symbol is displayed in the calculated value.

Note that calculated currency values can be derived from one or more source fields that validate their values as Number or Currency.

  • If the source fields contain a currency validation for the US, the calculated value displays the US Dollar symbol: $
  • If the source fields contain a currency validation for the UK, the calculated value displays the Pound sterling symbol: £

Improved Decline options for recipients

The option to allow a recipient to decline an agreement has been expanded to:

  • expose the Decline button in the footer if the esigning page for all recipients assigned the Acceptor role
  • allow the group and account-level admins to explicitly define a list of reasons the recipient can select from when declining the agreement

Advanced Account Sharing allows the Hide action for shared agreements with Modify permissions

Accounts that have enabled Advanced Account Sharing with Modify permissions will now see the option to Hide/Unhide agreements on shared accounts.

  • This action is taken on behalf of the owner, meaning the hidden agreements are hidden in the owner's (and everyone else's) view.

REST v6 Updates

Define the lifespan of a signing URL

The GET /agreements/{agreementId}/signingUrls REST v6 API call added a new parameter: expiry.

  • This parameter accepts a value between 30 and 315360000 seconds (~10 years)
  • The default expiry time span for new customers is 1209600 seconds (14 days)
    • Existing customers will have the default value grandfathered to 3650 days
      • Existing customers that would like to have their default value reduced should contact their Success manager or Support to have the setting updated








Lifetime in seconds of the esignUrl. If omitted, the API will return a signing URL that expires after the account default




Having a positive value in the default lifetime setting will cause the signing URL to change on multiple API calls. Given all accounts will have a positive value (either 14 days or 10 years), all accounts will experience this change upon launch.

To avoid this effect, the backend default value must be set to -1.  Contact your Success manager or Support to set this value.

Prior to the September 2020 release:

API Version Expiry Signing URL
Lifetime expiry Identical URLs returned on multiple calls
REST v6 Lifetime expiry Identical URLs returned on multiple calls


After the September 2020 release:

API Version Optional parameter expiry Default expiry value Signing URL
NA > 30 sec and < 315360000 sec Unique URLs returned on multiple calls
REST v5 NA -1; Lifetime expiry Identical URLs returned on multiple calls
REST v6 /signingUrls?expiry=3600 superseded by expiry parameter Unique URLs returned on multiple calls
REST v6 /signingUrls > 30 sec and < 315360000 sec Unique URLs returned on multiple calls
REST v6 signingUrls -1; Lifetime expiry Identical URLs returned on multiple calls

Relative field positioning via REST v6

The POST /agreements REST v6 API call has been expanded to include a new optional attribute: formFieldGenerators. This allows fields to be programmatically positioned relative to specified strings found in the uploaded PDF document.








The anchor text and associated information used to generate form fields





The description of the form field to generate





The prefix name of each generated form field





The type of form field generator





Duplicate generated form fields are linked as references unless linked = False in which case unique form fields are created





The name of the participant set to assign the generated form field with



Personal Web Form API call

The existing REST v6 API call POST /widgets/{widgetId}/views API call has been expanded to include a new parameter: personalizedSigningViewConfiguration.

This parameter allows for personalized web forms.








An optional comment describing how the API caller established the signer's identity - will appear in the audit trail.





The email address of the person who will be receiving this widget. Adobe Sign will not verify their identity - it is the API caller's responsibility to make sure that only this person is able to access this widget.





An optional expiration date for the personalization of this widget. After this date, the identity of the signer will not be assumed by Adobe Sign. 

Format should be yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ. For example, e.g 2016-02-25T18:46:19Z represents UTC time.





Should the intended signer be allowed to sign this widget more than once? If set to false, after the first time the widget is signed the identity of the signer will not be assumed by Adobe Sign.



Create/Rename/Delete Groups

Three new REST v6 API calls have been added to help manage groups via REST v6:

  • Create a group: POST /groups - Create a new group in an account
  • Rename a group: PUT /groups/{groupId} - Update an existing group
  • Delete a group: DELETE /groups/{groupId} - Delete an existing group

Experience changes for users

API: Improved REST v6 DELETE calls for Privacy Administrators

Privacy Administrators can now call DELETE /agreements/{agreementId}/documents without the x-api-user header when using an account scoped token.

Audit Report text changed for final entry

The audit report no longer explicitly enumerates the list of participants (and their email addresses) in the last record.

The final event of the audit report now displays Agreement completed. with the time/date stamp of the event (in GMT):

Calculated Fields improvement with Currency formatting

Calculated fields that display their values formatted as Currency have new rules that dictate which currency symbol is displayed in the calculated value.

Note that calculated currency values can be derived from one or more source fields that validate their values as Number or Currency.

  • If the source fields contain a currency validation for the US, the calculated value displays the US Dollar symbol: $
  • If the source fields contain a currency validation for the UK, the calculated value displays the Pound sterling symbol: £

Mega Sign expiration dates

Mega Sign agreements will now honor the account/group level defaults for the automatic agreement expiration.

If there is a default value set at the account or group level, that value is imported into the Mega Sign creation process, and conferred to the child agreements:

Editing the expiration date of the (parent) Mega Sign object updates the expiration date of all remaining child agreements (that are still in-progress) to reflect the same expiration date.

  • Editing a child agreement's expiration date is allowed, and is done by directly editing the child agreement
  • Editing the parent Mega Sign object after editing a child agreement will align the child agreement to the new date set on the parent Mega Sign object

To enable Mega Sign expiration two settings must be enabled under Account Settings > Send Settings

  • Limit number of days signers will have to sign documents - This defines the number of days the agreements will be signable after being sent.  This is the value imported to Mega Sign
  • Include internal signers when applying document expiration dates - Currently this setting must be enabled for the expiration value to be imported form the account/gorup settings.

Searching agreements now returns records sorted by relevance

Searching in Adobe Sign now returns records with the most relevant results at the top, with the last date modified value being the last sorting criteria.

This adjustment improves the result of searching with multiple terms by elevating the agreements that match more terms to the top of the returned list of records.

Workflow Designer producing error messages

Due to improved security around the sharing of library assets, some workflows may start throwing a Server error message when editing the workflow after the September update:

Senders attempting to use a workflow with this problem are provided an error message that indicates the workflow contains documents that are our of scope:

This error means the workflow has lost the authority to use one or more of the attached library templates. Most commonly this happens when the template access permissions are changed from allowing the account/group access to limiting access to the owner.  

Admins should cancel out of this error message rather than reload the page.


To correct the error:

  • The owner of the template should edit the template permissions to be available to the account/group that the workflow is bound to
  • The owner of the workflow can replace the template with one with the appropriate permissions.  To do this cancel out of the error condition above and proceed to edit the workflow and replace the document

Resolved Issues

Issue ID


4243330 4273246 Updated the audit report to better report the final "Completed" event of the transaction.
4259343 Improved Zooming on the mobile app to prevent cropping the signature field
4263785 Improved how the currency symbol is dictated in calculated fields
4263858 Improved scrolling on the signing screen for Android devices
4270477 Corrected an issue with webhooks where the completed event could fire before the documents were completed in their processing
4271693 Corrected an issue that could prevent adman's from adding users in bulk via CSV
4271820 Improved signing URL expiration for REST v5 and v6
4272911 Fixed a problem with apostrophes not rendering correctly in Workflows
4275099 Fixed a localization problem that blocked some Mobile users from signing with the Mobile option
4275744 Fixed an issue that could prevent placing multiple digital signature fields for a user
4276100 Improved User activation such that Pending users are left in their current group
4276130 Improved Get agreements/ID to return recipients in the order entered when a parallel workflow is in place
4276569 Added an Example overlay to the Transaction verification page sample
4276789 Corrected an issue with Fill and Sign that produced an error if the first and last name were not included n the user profile
4277801 Fixed an issue where group membership headings could line wrap and obscure the first group
4277802 Fixed an issue where a users group membership could be truncated if the group name is too long
4277894 Fixed an issue that could cause multiple verification emails to be sent to a new user
4278261 Fixed an issue where admins could not edit a shared library template
4278967 Fixed an issue where a large number of double-byte characters entered into a signing reason  could obscure the date
4279119 Clarified the company logo "alt" text to be better represented with screen readers
4279288 Fixed an issue that could block replacing the second signer of a workflow from the new Manage page
4279614 Corrected a problem that would prevent filtering reports by user in accounts with very large user counts
4279645 Corrected an issue that could cause report data to hang when exporting
4279646 Corrected a problem that could block verification emails from being sent when creating new users via csv file
4279740 Improved Mega Sign to respect default expiration values
4280779 Fixed an issue where recipients would be requested to log in when attempting to review a signed document link
4280782 Fixed an issue with calculated fields adding date values together incorrectly for some values
4281186 Fixed an issue where a user's Sending rights could be removed if the user changed groups via CSV edit of the user profile
4281434 Improved DELETE call for Privacy Administrators
4281572  Improved error messaging where a last name is required to complete the signature
4281657 Fixed a Permission_Denied error that prevented replacing a participant via API in a parallel workflow
4281698 Fixed an issue that could prevent signer data from populating the form data for the agreement if the signer was replaced
4281728 Fixed an issue where field visibility based on two calculated values showed inconsistent results
4281757 Corrected in issue in REST v5 where existing users could not have their email values changed to unlisted domains
4281951 Improved visibility of signatures for small screens
4281964 Fixed an issue where Workflows were not sorting properly when sorted by last modified date
4282116 Fixed a pagination issue for library templates when trying to attach to a Workflow
4282439 Improved button location and shape for Mobile apps
4282441 Fixed an error generated under Advanced Sharing when a user attempts to send an agreement on behalf of a sharing user, and that field has prefill fields
4282820 Fixed an error [Processed 1 rows of 2] when updating users info by CSV file for a user that is not in the Default Groups
4282840 Corrected a problem where the recipients Date field automatically displayed the time using the GMT offset
4282899 Fixed a problem that would remove the Group admin permissions for the Default group after login
4282935 Fixed an issue where shared user accounts under Advanced sharing could not be seen if the user did not have a First and Last name on tier profile
4282940 Corrected a state where the  Create button could be hidden if the Zoom aspect is too high
4283022 Improved SQL query structure to improve search response
4283539 Fixed an issue where a delegatee would not receive reminder emails
4283698 Fixed an issue where inactive users would not show up in a shared users list of options
4283816 Fixed an issue where the Adobe Sign portal would not auto-redirect SSO users after moving to
4284263 Corrected an issue where creating a new Web Form would adopt the settings for the primary group of the author instead of the assigned group
4284292 Fixed an issue where reminder emails could be sent after the reminder was canceled
4285288 Fixed an issue that could cause the Accept Cookies pop-up to display repeatedly
4286618 Fixed an issue that could cause Workflows configured with SMS verification to fail to send
4286899 Improved messaging when searching for a user that does not exist in the system

Multi-select action on the Manage page: Hide/Unhide

The new Manage page now allows the option to select multiple Agreement, Web Form, and Mega Sign records.

  • When one record is selected, the right rail opens to show all actions that are available for the record
  • If multiple records are selected, then the right rail is filtered to show only those actions that can be applied to all selected records
This release is adding one action (the first): Hide/Unhide

Default post-signing page (for unregistered recipients) has been updated to remove marketing content

All accounts have a new default post-signing page for recipients that are not registered Adobe Sign users.

The success message and a link to download a copy of what was just signed remain to inform the recipient and provide access to the agreement.

All marketing content and links to register for an active account have been removed.


This change only applies to the experience of recipients that have not registered their email address. 

The experience for registered users has not changed.

Custom post-sign redirect URL

Admins have the option to define the URL their recipients are routed to once they have completed their actions with the agreement.

The post-signing URL can be configured at the account or group level.

  • Group-level settings override the account-level settings
  • API call parameters over-ride group/account-level settings

Post-sign redirect set to zero seconds by default

As of this release, all redirects have a default 0-second delay to redirect to a new page.

  • This applies to automatic redirects (eg: the post-signing page; integrations) and API calls
  • API calls can configure redirect delay in the API call if a greater delay is desired

Post-sign redirect message added to the esigning page footer

If a redirect is configured for an agreement (via UI or API), a message is added to the Click to Sign footer of the esigning page to alert the recipient that they are going to be redirected after signing.

  • The redirect message: "Upon signing, sender requests you be redirected to"
    • is the domain name supplied in the specific URL redirect

Government ID authentication improvements

The Government ID authentication option has been improved with additional capabilities:

  • Government ID authentication is now available to customer accounts based on Microsoft Azure cloud (EU2 and NA3)
  • German National ID Card and Residence Permit have been added to the list of supported documents for identification

When pulling the .csv report for an agreement or template, the value in the Hyperlink field will now reflect the URL that the link delivered for the recipient, for external pointing links, and the page number for internal pointing links.

If the link is not clicked, the field remains empty.

  • This replaces the previous convention of using the value "TRUE" if the field was clicked

New REST v6 API methods

Two new methods have been added to the REST v6 API:

  • GET /libraryDocuments/{libraryDocumentId}/formFields -  Used to retrieve the details of the form fields on a library template
  • PUT /libraryDocuments/{libraryDocumentId}/formFields - Used to update the details of form fields on a library template

REST v5 API update for replacing signer

The REST v5 API has been updated to ensure that only the sender of an agreement can replace the recipients. This may represent a significant change for customers accustomed to replacing recipients for other users.

This is particularly impactful for integrations that leverage the REST v5 API (eg: Salesforce).

Note: Advanced Account Sharing can be leveraged to overcome this new restriction (with Modify enabled).

Resolved Issues

Issue ID


4276902 Corrected an issue where an agreement created from a previously completed agreement, could render one of the signatures on the previous agreement invisible 
4279984 Fixed an issue where the Notes text could be hidden on the legacy Manage page
4281681 Corrected an issue where an error would be triggered if a user on a shared account attempted to adjust the authentication method
4283869 Corrected a state where the expiration time was not being picked up when an agreement was sent via REST v6
4284302 Corrected an issue that could trigger an error message when attempting to add a user to share an account with
4284681 Corrected an issue where the external ID would not be captured when the REST v6 GET/agreement/ID method was called
4284682 Corrected an issue that could hide the "send on behalf of" text on the Activity report of an agreement
4287030 Corrected an issue that could cause the Export Data option to not be available for some agreements
4287675 Fixed an issue that caused some users to send email templates in English instead of Japanese
4288021 Fixed an issue that could cause users to not be able to authenticate
4288027 Corrected an issue that could cause the expiration date to appear to be a day earlier
4288041 Fixed an issue that could cause an attached file to throw an error despite being within the configured size (MB) limit
4288148 Improved load time when exporting User lists
4288873 Corrected an issue where web form mapping n SharePoint could fail to execute
4289213 Fixed an issue where some accounts with SAML configured as mandatory could trigger an error when accessing Pending users
4289382 Fixed an issue in the legacy Manage page when using IE browser and clicking the Audit Report link would remain unresponsive

Configure data governance rules to automatically delete agreements

Customers that prefer to store their agreement records in their own systems, and want to delete the original documents from the Adobe Sign systems, can install a “retention policy” that asserts how long Adobe Sign should retain the transaction, and automatically delete the agreement (and optionally the supporting audit/personal data) from Adobe Sign after that timespan.

Retention rules are defined by an account-level admin in the Data Governance section of the admin menu.

Improved Signer Identity Report

The signer identity report (SIR) generated with the government ID authentication method is being improved to allow access to an interim version while the agreement is in progress.

Access the SIR from the Manage page by selecting the agreement (to open the Action rail on the right) and selecting the Download Identity Report action.

Setting a password is required to download the SIR, and that same password is required to view the resultant PDF:

The SIR clearly indicates if the report is interim or final:

Delegation of agreements with digital signatures

The ability to delegate an agreement with digital signatures affixed has been added to the recipient   e-sign page.


Delegation of digital signatures only works with the Cloud Signatures option.

To allow delegation with Cloud Signatures the Download and Sign with Acrobat option must be disabled.

The option can be disabled by navigating to Account > Account Settings > Digital Signatures and uncheck Download and Sign with Acrobat

Suppress the Send page / Send from Workflows only

Accounts can suppress the Send page and route all agreements through controlled workflows designed by the administrators.

The Replace Recipient feature now applies to the Form Filler role

The ability to replace the current recipient now includes the Form Filler recipient role:

Expanded reason field for decline reason

The field user to provide the reason for declining an agreement has increased the number of characters that can be entered to 1000 (up from 255).

Improved authentication for Mobile Signature Capture

The mandatory mobile signature capture feature has been improved to detect if the supplied phone number is likely to be reachable. If it is detected that the number may be inappropriate to capture a text message, a warning is displayed. The user has the option to cancel or proceed:

The in product help feature has been updated

The in product help system has been updated in this release with an improved experience that works on the new Home and Manage page interface.

Accounts that have the feature enabled will see that the Guided Help tab floating on the right edge of the window has been replaced with a less obstructive question mark icon:

Admins can enabled or disable the in-app help system at the account and group level:

Experience changes for users

Customer-facing emails have removed the email link to

The email notifications to users (eg: password reset emails) have removed the link to the legacy email address of the support team to promote the current contact policy

The Cancelation email has been clarified with regard to who is notified about the cancelation

The language in all cancelation templates has been improved to clarify that only the parties that have participated thus far in the agreement will be notified of the cancelation:

The Payments page has updated the user interface

Minor text and layout edits have been done to the Payments Integration page:

Resolved Issues

Issue ID


4264717 Fixed an issue where CC'd parties on an isolated shard would not properly be notified of agreement events
4274328 Improved the API swagger documentation with regard to web form authentication
4279853 Fixed an issue where imported fields on web form templates could lose their values if authored after uploading
4280045 Corrected an issue where the final notification email would not send to the first recipient if the agreement is delegated, and the signature type is Written
4283038 Improved the email template layout when rendered in Outlook
4283554 Improved custom email template distribution of the final email to align cosmetically with the standard email template
4283575 Improved handling of agreement notifications for users that are migrated while agreements are in progress for their userID
4283580 Improved handling of SMS authenticated agreements when the phone number entered appears to be something other than a phone
4285215 Corrected a race condition that could cause the deletion date for an agreement to not populate in reporting
4286380 Corrected an issue that could omit the account logo when sending an agreement via API with password authentication
4286935 Fixed an issue with Adobe Sign Authentication in Workflows that could cause multiple authentication requests
4286945 Corrected an issue where a migrated userID would not updated their podID after migration
4287011 Improved file upload handling to prevent locked uploads
4287509 Corrected an issue where special characters in the agreement name were replaced by ASCII code  when downloaded with the document export utility
4287513 Fixed an issue where the check mark for a check box would not be hidden with the checkbox under conditional rules
4287839 Corrected an issue with reminder emails where a view link would be sent instead of a signing link
4288915 Corrected an issue with local time stamps not offsetting one hour due to daylight savings adjustment
4289039 Improved the digital signature text formatting to ensure more consistent signature output
4289171 Fixed an issue where running DELETE /agreements/{agreementId}/documents would return code 204 for already deleted documents
4289520 Added Form Filler to the Replace Recipient feature
4289531 Corrected an issue that could cause the banner HTML to flood the Manage page when viewing a shared account
4289591 Corrected an issue where a review link (not a signing link) could be sent when an agreement is delegated
4290535 Fixed an issue where users that are migrated to a federated solution would not adopt the Company name value associated with the federated values
4290593 Corrected an issue that would trigger an error "AADSTS50070" for customers on Azure servers MS Authenticator
4290729 Fixed an issue where an embedded iFrame esign page would not properly debrand when the cookie expires
4290731 Improved cancelation email messaging
4290938 Fixed an issue where Armenian script would not display in text fields after signature
4290997 Password Update email template updated to remove the legacy email address
4291436 Fixed an issue where Group level email header settings would not override the account level settings
4291499 Fixed an issue where IE11 would cause the Remind window to automatically close when opened from the Manage page
4291582 Fixed an issue that could cause an API call to fail if there was an apostrophe in the call
4291789 Corrected an issue where an error would trigger if a PDF with signature fields is sent to a user without a full name in their profile
4291896 Improved the Privacy Admin's authority to allow cancellation of any agreement in their account
4291965 Fixed an issue where hyperlinks in the redirect message for web forms would appear as clear code
4292165 Fixed an issue that could cause an application using a form with auto-detected fields to present a blank page if the recipient only contained one name in their user profile
4292211 Improved the size of the input field for decline reasons
4292254 Improved rendering of web forms on mobile devices
4292257 Fixed an issue where a template could move to another group under UMG rules
4295046 The signer identity report has been improved to allow downloading the report while the agreement is still in progress
4287563 / 4291524 Fixed an issue where all phone codes were not being presented when delegating an agreement with SMS authentication

Issue ID


4264717 Fixed an issue where CC'd parties on an isolated shard would not properly be notified of agreement events
4274328 Improved the API swagger documentation with regard to web form authentication
4279853 Fixed an issue where imported fields on web form templates could lose their values if authored after uploading
4280045 Corrected an issue where the final notification email would not send to the first recipient if the agreement is delegated, and the signature type is Written
4283038 Improved the email template layout when rendered in Outlook
4283554 Improved custom email template distribution of the final email to align cosmetically with the standard email template
4283575 Improved handling of agreement notifications for users that are migrated while agreements are in progress for their userID
4283580 Improved handling of SMS authenticated agreements when the phone number entered appears to be something other than a phone
4285215 Corrected a race condition that could cause the deletion date for an agreement to not populate in reporting
4286380 Corrected an issue that could omit the account logo when sending an agreement via API with password authentication
4286935 Fixed an issue with Adobe Sign Authentication in Workflows that could cause multiple authentication requests
4286945 Corrected an issue where a migrated userID would not updated their podID after migration
4287011 Improved file upload handling to prevent locked uploads
4287509 Corrected an issue where special characters in the agreement name were replaced by ASCII code  when downloaded with the document export utility
4287513 Fixed an issue where the check mark for a check box would not be hidden with the checkbox under conditional rules
4287563 / 4291524 Fixed an issue where all phone codes were not being presented when delegating an agreement with SMS authentication
4287839 Corrected an issue with reminder emails where a view link would be sent instead of a signing link
4288915 Corrected an issue with local time stamps not offsetting one hour due to daylight savings adjustment
4288983 Improved handling of the NoChrome value in a session
4289039 Improved the digital signature text formatting to ensure more consistent signature output
4289171 Fixed an issue where running DELETE /agreements/{agreementId}/documents would return code 204 for already deleted documents
4289520 Added Form Filler to the Replace Recipient feature
4289531 Corrected an issue that could cause the banner HTML to flood the Manage page when viewing a shared account
4289591 Corrected an issue where a review link (not a signing link) could be sent when an agreement is delegated
4290535 Fixed an issue where users that are migrated to a federated solution would not adopt the Company name value associated with the federated values
4290729 Fixed an issue where an embedded iFrame esign page would not properly debrand when the cookie expires
4290731 Improved cancelation email messaging
4290997 Password Update email template updated to remove the legacy email address
4291436 Fixed an issue where Group level email header settings would not override the account level settings
4291499 Fixed an issue where IE11 would cause the Remind window to automatically close when opened from the Manage page
4291965 Fixed an issue where hyperlinks in the redirect message for web forms would appear as clear code
4292165 Fixed an issue that could cause an application using a form with auto-detected fields to present a blank page if the recipient only contained one name in their user profile
4292211 Improved the size of the input field for decline reasons


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