Användarhandbok Avbryt

Manage guests


The guest role is either a user who has joined a meeting but is not registered with Adobe Connect or someone who is registered for a webinar. The webinar registrant is tracked and put in a special area where they can be managed (deleted, invited to another webinar, or converted to a registered user who could then be given additional rights).

You can require a user account to attend sessions, or you can allow access to anyone as a guest. The difference between users and guests is as follows:

  • Guests do not log in to Adobe Connect when attending sessions.
  • Guests do not have Adobe Connect accounts.
  • Full users appear on enrollment and permission lists.

Hosts have additional session-level control over guest access. For example, in any session, they can select Manage Access & Entry > Block Guest Access from the drop-down next to the Meeting room name on the title bar. Hosts can also convert guests to full users and full users to guests, as well as perform other actions as described in the Adobe Connect User Guide.  

Manage guests button

View guest details

  1. Select Admin > Users and groups.
  2. Select View guests.
  3. Highlight a guest.
  4. Select the information icon. The guest’s group information screen appears. From here, you can:
  • View all guests in this group.
  • Edit the group’s details.
  • Change group members. Select Edit group membership to add and remove guests from the group.

Note: See Group basics for more information.


View group members button

Convert guests to users and vise versa

You can convert guests to full users or full users to guests. A typical use case is an Event in which many guests registered that you would now like to turn into full users.

  1. Select Admin > Users and groups.
  2. Select Manage guests.
  3. Use the search field to find users and guests if they are not visible.
  4. Highlight any guest or user. To select multiple items, hold down the shift key.
  5. Select Convert to user or Convert to guest.
Convert guest to user and user to guest screen

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