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Configure recording and captions


Recording settings

Adobe Connect's recording options provide the following benefits:

  • Help organizations comply with government standards when they must record and archive communication
  • Prevent any session recording (lock recording off)
  • Turn on transcripts and enable the transcript viewer
  • Anonymize recordings
  • Disable high-resolution recording to save bandwidth

By default, recording happens only through Universal Voice via MeetingOne and Conference America.

To configure recording:

  1. Select Admin > Compliance and control > Recordings, closed captions and notice > Recordings.
  2. Select whether to lock all recordings for all participants.
  3. Enable/disable chat transcripts.
  4. Select whether to anonymize all recordings. If you enable this option, the names of all session attendees are replaced with User 1, User 2, and so on. The names of the attendees are anonymized in the Attendee, Chat, and Q&A pods.
  5. Enable/disable 1080p high-resolution recording. Lower resolutions reduce disk usage.
  6. Enable/disable the recording transcript viewer. When enabled, the following are available:
    • Transcript viewer
    • Transcript editor
    • The menu item: Recording > Edit information > Show Transcript Viewer (Beta)
  7. If you need a separate mp3 recording of the meeting audio, choose the providers for which recording should use the telephony provider’s audio bridge.
  8. Select Save or configure the other options on the screen
Configure recording options screen

Delete a recording

Only an administrator or a user with permission to manage the relevant library folder can delete a meeting recording.

If you delete a meeting room, you can retain the associated meeting recordings. You are prompted to move all the recordings to your My Content section, or you can choose not to move the recordings and delete them along with the meeting room. See the Adobe Connect User Guide for details about other host recording actions.

Closed caption settings

You can integrate real-time captioning of audio content into meetings and events and present these captions in the new Closed Caption display. This is a key component of the Adobe Connect accessibility initiative to provide WCAG 2.1 AA compliant (including Section 508 and EN 501 349) meetings and assists participants who are deaf or hard of hearing to participate in meetings.

  1. Select Admin > Compliance and control > Recordings, closed captions and notice > Closed captions.
  2. Enable/disable closed captions. If disabled, the other options are greyed out.
  3. If closed captions are enabled, then enable/disable captions for all sessions.
  4. Select whether to allow hosts to change the caption settings.
  5. Select whether to enforce a closed caption language. If enabled, select a language from the drop-down list.
  6. Select Save or configure the other sharing options.

Once enabled, the Adobe Connect closed caption display appears in the Adobe Connect session environment.


Only an admin can enable captions at the account-level. However, hosts and participants can manage captioning within sessions. For details, see the Adobe Connect User Guide.

Configure closed caption settings screen

Broadcast control settings

In Connect, there is a dedicated space for the presentation team to connect, talk live, and test their camera and audio feed without disturbing participants before taking the session live. This space is called a “green room” and controls for this room can be enabled/disabled by admins and hosts.

To configure broadcast controls:

  1. Select Admin > Compliance and control > Recordings, closed captions and notice > Broadcast controls.
  2. Enable/disable broadcast controls globally.
  3. Select whether to enable the controls for all sessions.
  4. Select Save or configure the other sharing options.
Broadcast control settings

Compliance notice

Session activities often result in collecting information about meeting participants through Connect’s various capabilities, for example, via event registration forms, polls, and the  Q&A pod. Privacy regulations in different countries can impose a range of requirements on data collection and may vary. These requirements may include, but are not limited to:

  • Specifying the purpose for which the participant’s information (such as email address and name) is collected.
  • Indicating how such data will be used.
  • Collecting an opt-in/opt-out or consent from the participant for data collection and usage, marketing messages, and so on.

Adobe Connect provides a compliance notice panel to facilitate the obligation to comply with such regulations.

An Adobe Connect account administrator can set a compliance notice that is shown to anyone joining a meeting. Participants must accept this notice to enter a session. A compliance notice may contain:

  • Detailed information about why the participant information is collected.
  • Details about how the information will be used.
  • Whether meetings are recorded or transcribed, and for how long the data is retained.
  • Links to an organization’s privacy policies.

To create a compliance notice:

  1. Select Administration > Compliance and control > Recordings and notice > Enable compliance notice.
  2. Check Enable compliance notice.
  3. Enter the notice text.
  4. Optional: Click Preview to view the notice.
  5. Select Save or configure the other sharing options.
Configure a compliance notice screen

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