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Audio management for admins



Admins determine which audio conferencing options are available for an account.

Audio solutions

Adobe Connect supports the following solutions for adding audio to sessions:   

Built-in VoIP

Adobe Connect can broadcast audio in a meeting room using VoIP. Participants use the microphones and speakers on their computer to communicate.

Universal Voice audio providers

Universal Voice (UV) audio providers enable Adobe Connect to broadcast all telephone-based audio into an Adobe Connect meeting room over VoIP. Both, account administrators and Meeting Hosts can configure the audio conferencing providers for Universal Voice. See Using universal voice.

Integrated telephony adaptors without universal voice

These adaptors, which are extensions to Adobe Connect, provide communication between Adobe Connect and specific audio conferencing providers. Integrated adaptors have advanced call capabilities, allowing hosts to control the audio conference from the meeting. Adobe provides several integrated telephony adaptors for hosted installations. For example, MeetingOne, Arkadin, PGi, and InterCall are integrated telephony adaptors. Integrated adaptors in licensed installations can also be configured for universal voice.

The following table compares the universal voice and integrated telephony solutions.

Universal voice

Universal voice (UV) enables Adobe Connect to dial into any audio conference so that the audio across devices is available to everyone attending the meeting. If UV is set up, participants on VOIP can hear those on the phone and vice versa.

Adobe Connect dials into the audio conference as an additional participant. The audio is available via VOIP so the participants can listen via their computer speakers without dialing into any conference. The meeting Host does not get the same level of control over the audio as they might using integrated telephony.

UV audio providers are companies that provide audio conferencing services that work with Adobe Connect. Administrators configure the audio providers that everyone on an account can use. Hosts configure providers for a specific use, such as a meeting. Both account administrators and hosts can configure an audio provider for universal voice.

Admin configuration for a universal voice audio provider includes the details required for hosts and participants to join an audio conference. They include the telephone numbers and steps required to dial into the audio conference. The configuration also specifies the host-defined options. For example, administrators configure the tones and pauses for dialing into a meeting.

Hosts provide the meeting ID and any passwords that participants use to join the audio conference. Meeting hosts can also create audio profiles that map to the provider. Audio profiles contain the audio conference settings used to start an audio conference.

Universal voice audio providers types include:

  • Integrated telephony providers that have been enabled for universal voice.
  • User-configured by a meeting host or account administrator.

    For more information about Adobe Connect audio providers, see Audio conferencing options. Adobe Connect accepts either free phone numbers originating in the United Kingdom of the format 0800 or 0808 or international free phone numbers of the format 00800.

More like this

Please refer to the Adobe Connect User Guide for details about host and participant actions that don't require admin privileges: 

  • Audio in meetings: Learn about VoIP, universal voice, telephony adapters, creating and managing user audio profiles, and managing audio conferences.
  • Recording: Learn about recording basics, managing recordings, and other recording features.
  • Video: Learn about supported layouts and aspect ratios, sharing video, managing cameras and speakers, changing the background, connecting to video telephony stream, and more.

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