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  1. Adobe Premiere Elements User Guide
  2. Introduction to Adobe Premiere Elements
    1. What's new in Premiere Elements
    2. System requirements | Adobe Premiere Elements
    3. Workspace basics
    4. Guided mode
    5. Use pan and zoom to create video-like effect
    6. GPU accelerated rendering
  3. Workspace and workflow
    1. Get to know the Home screen
    2. View and share auto-created collages, slideshows, and more
    3. Workspace basics
    4. Source Monitor and Program Monitor
    5. Preferences
    6. Tools
    7. Keyboard shortcuts
    8. Audio View
    9. Undoing changes
    10. Customizing shortcuts
    11. Working with scratch disks
  4. Working with projects
    1. Creating a project
    2. Adjust project settings and presets
    3. Save and back up projects
    4. Previewing movies
    5. Creating video collage
    6. Creating Highlight Reel
    7. Create a video story
    8. Creating Instant Movies
    9. Viewing clip properties
    10. Viewing a project's files
    11. Archiving projects
    12. GPU accelerated rendering
  5. Importing and adding media
    1. Add media
    2. Guidelines for adding files
    3. Set duration for imported still images
    4. 5.1 audio import
    5. Working with offline files
    6. Sharing files between Adobe Premiere Elements and Adobe Photoshop Elements
    7. Creating specialty clips
    8. Work with aspect ratios and field options
  6. Arranging clips
    1. Arrange clips in the Expert view timeline
    2. Group, link, and disable clips
    3. Arranging clips in the Quick view timeline
    4. Working with clip and timeline markers
    5. Sequence settings
  7. Editing clips
    1. Reduce noise
    2. Select object
    3. Candid Moments
    4. Color Match
    5. Smart Trim
    6. Change clip speed and duration
    7. Split clips
    8. Freeze and hold frames
    9. Adjusting Brightness, Contrast, and Color - Guided Edit
    10. Stabilize video footage with Shake Stabilizer
    11. Replace footage
    12. Working with source clips
    13. Trimming Unwanted Frames - Guided Edit
    14. Trim clips
    15. Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
    16. Artistic effects
  8. Color Correction and Grading
    1. Color Correction and Grading (LUTs)
    2. Color Correction Panel
    3. Color Correction Settings
  9. Applying transitions
    1. Applying transitions to clips
    2. Transition basics
    3. Adjusting transitions
    4. Adding Transitions between video clips - Guided Edit
    5. Create special transitions
    6. Create a Luma Fade Transition effect - Guided Edit
  10. Special effects basics
    1. Effects reference
    2. Applying and removing effects
    3. Create a black and white video with a color pop - Guided Edit
    4. Time remapping - Guided edit
    5. Effects basics
    6. Working with effect presets
    7. Finding and organizing effects
    8. Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
    9. Fill Frame - Guided edit
    10. Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
    11. Best practices to create a time-lapse video
  11. Applying special effects
    1. Use pan and zoom to create video-like effect
    2. Transparency and superimposing
    3. Reposition, scale, or rotate clips with the Motion effect
    4. Apply an Effects Mask to your video
    5. Adjust temperature and tint
    6. Create a Glass Pane effect - Guided Edit
    7. Create a picture-in-picture overlay
    8. Applying effects using Adjustment layers
    9. Adding Title to your movie
    10. Removing haze
    11. Creating a Picture in Picture - Guided Edit
    12. Create a Vignetting effect
    13. Add a Split Tone Effect
    14. Add FilmLooks effects
    15. Add an HSL Tuner effect
    16. Fill Frame - Guided edit
    17. Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
    18. Animated Sky - Guided edit
    19. Select object
    20. Animated Mattes - Guided Edit
    21. Double exposure- Guided Edit
  12. Special audio effects
    1. Mix audio and adjust volume with Adobe Premiere Elements
    2. Audio effects
    3. Adding sound effects to a video
    4. Adding music to video clips
    5. Create narrations
    6. Using soundtracks
    7. Music Remix
    8. Adding Narration to your movie - Guided Edit
    9. Adding Scores to your movie - Guided edit
  13. Movie titles
    1. Creating titles
    2. Adding shapes and images to titles
    3. Adding color and shadows to titles
    4. Apply Gradients
    5. Create Titles and MOGRTs
    6. Add responsive design
    7. Editing and formatting text
    8. Align and transform objects
    9. Motion Titles
    10. Appearance of text and shapes
    11. Exporting and importing titles
    12. Arranging objects in titles
    13. Designing titles for TV
    14. Applying styles to text and graphics
    15. Adding a video in the title
  14. Disc menus
    1. Creating disc menus
    2. Working with menu markers
    3. Types of discs and menu options
    4. Previewing menus
  15. Sharing and exporting your movies
    1. Export and share your videos
    2. Export settings
    3. Sharing for PC playback
    4. Compression and data-rate basics
    5. Common settings for sharing

Learn how to get the most out of Premiere Elements by configuring preference settings for several things, from appearance to playback, audio, and more. 

The Preference Panel in Premiere Elements allows you to change the app's preferences using the Preference dialog and reset the settings using the Reset button. 

How to launch the Preference panel

  • Select Premiere Elements 2025 Editor > Settings (on macOS) and Edit > Preferences (on Windows).

You can customize the app's look and behavior by determining the default setting for the user interface's Light and Dark modes. Whenever you open a project, it automatically defaults to the preferences you selected when setting up that project.

Change preferences

  • When the app launches, you have to press hold Alt (Windows) or Option (macOS). After the app launches, you can reset it using the Reset button in the Preference Panel. The app needs to be restarted to reset.
  • To restore default preference settings and plug-in cache simultaneously, press hold Shift-Alt (Windows) or Shift-Option (macOS) while the application starts. Release the Shift-Alt keys or Shift-Option keys until the reset dialog appears.

Preferences are stored in the following location:

  • For macOS: /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Premiere Elements/25.0/Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs

  • For Windows: <drive>\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Premiere Elements\25.0\Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs

General preferences

general preferences

In the General pane of the Preferences dialog box, you can customize the User Interface modes that is Light and Dark modes.

You can choose to Disable or Enable the Reset and display all messages that were previously dismissed with the 'Do not show again' and Show Contextual Pop-ups on Drop options.

How to switch between Light and Dark mode

You can easily switch between Light and Dark modes by two methods. One from the Preferences menu and the other by selecting the Light   icon or Moon   icon at the top-right. 

Light mode
Light mode

Dark mode
Dark mode

Follow these steps to switch to Light or Dark mode:

  1. Access the Premiere Elements 2025 Editor > Settings > General (on macOS) and Edit Preferences > General (on Windows).

  2. The Preferences dialog box will appear on the screen > Select the desired UI Mode from the drop-down options.

    Choose Light or Dark mode in Adobe Premiere Elements.
    Choose Light or Dark mode in Adobe Premiere Elements.


If you are using Adobe Premiere Elements 2024, then a restart of the application is required to switch between Light and Dark modes.

Audio preferences

Audio Preferences

Play audio while scrubbing

Enables audio scrubbing. You can create a keyboard shortcut called “Toggle Audio During Scrubbing” to toggle audio scrubbing on or off while scrubbing. Using a keyboard shortcut is preferable to returning to the Preferences dialog box whenever you want to turn audio scrubbing on or off. 

Mute input during timeline recording

It's a setting that controls whether the audio input monitoring is muted while you record on the timeline.

  • Enabled (checked): If this option is enabled, Premiere Elements will mute the input monitoring while you are actively recording onto the timeline. This means you won’t hear the live audio from your input source while recording.
  • Disabled (unchecked): If this option is disabled, input monitoring will remain active even during recording onto the timeline. This allows you to hear the audio from your input source in real-time as it’s being recorded onto the timeline

Minimum Time Interval Thinning

 Under the Audio Mixer Keyframe Optimization, you'll find this option to create keyframes only at intervals larger than the value you specify. Enter a value from 1 through 2000 milliseconds. If a value more than 2000 is entered, the app will automatically round it down to 2000. If a value of 0 is entered, it will be rounded up to 1.

Smart Mix Options

Set Smart Mix Options by setting the given parameters: 

  • Track Default Criteria: Specify the type of track. The available options are Foreground, Background, and Disabled. When you create a track, by default, it is a Background track.
  • Merge Pause Of: Specify the threshold in seconds.
  • Lower Background: Specify the percentage you want the volume to drop.
  • Normalize Dialog: Normalize the dialogs to ensure the volume remains constant throughout the clip.

Audio Hardware preferences

Audio Hardware Preferences

In the Audio Hardware pane of the Preferences dialog box, you specify the computer audio device and settings, including the ASIO settings (Windows only), or buffer size setting (Mac OS only) that Premiere Elements uses for recording audio.

Default Input and Output

Choose a Default Input (Microphone) and Output (Speaker) from the system.


When selecting the Master Clock in MME and CoreAudio settings, choose either the input or output you want to synchronize with other digital audio hardware, ensuring precise alignment of sample accuracy.

I/O Buffer Size

Specifies the lowest setting possible without audio dropouts. The ideal setting depends on your system's speed, so some experimentation is necessary. (macOS only)


Specify the lowest setting possible without audio dropouts. The ideal setting depends on your system's speed, so some experimentation is necessary (Windows only).

Sample Rate

Choose a Sample Rate for the audio hardware.

Audio Output Mapping

Audio Output Mapping Preferences

Output Mapping

You can specify the target speaker in your computer sound system for each supported audio channel.

Auto Save preferences

Auto Save Preference

Automatically Save Projects

By default, Premiere Elements automatically saves your project every 5 minutes and retains the last five project file versions on the hard disk.

You can revert to a previously saved version at any time. Archiving many project iterations consumes relatively little disk space because project files are much smaller than source video files. It’s best to save project files to the same drive as your application. Archived files are saved in the Premiere Elements Auto-Save folder.

Automatically Save Every

Automatically save Projects, and type the number of minutes you would like between saves.

Maximum Project Versions

Enter the number of versions of a project file you want to save. For example, if you type 10, Premiere Elements saves the ten most recent versions.


When you specify auto-save to occur at regular intervals, Premiere Elements auto-saves a project on detecting changes to the project file.

The auto-save occurs irrespective of whether you manually save the changes to the project or not. Previously, Premiere Elements would not execute auto-save if you manually saved within the interval setting. If the system goes idle for a period beyond the interval setting, Premiere Elements forces an auto-save.

Media preferences

Media Preferences


Specifies whether Premiere Elements shows the original timecode of imported clips or assigns a new timecode to them, starting at 00:00:00.

Default Media Scaling

Set this media preference to specify whether you want to Scale to frame size or Set to frame size. Premiere Elements automatically scales imported assets to the project’s default frame size if you select the scale to frame size. 

Enable hardware accelarated decoding (requires restart)

.This preference allows you to enable and disable hardware decoding.

Premiere Elements supports hardware-accelerated encoding to accelerate the encoding (export) performance and reduce the time to export the H.264 format. With hardware-accelerated decoding support for H. 264 and H. 265 formats, Premiere Elements can also improve the timeline playback performance.

To use these features, you need a GPU with hardware-accelerated encoding and decoding capabilities. Check the information to see if your GPU supports hardware-accelerated decoding and encoding.

Enable ProRes hardware accelarated encoding, if available

This option allows you to enable ProRes, a type of high-quality video codec. Prores Encoding is only available on MacARM. On MacIntel & Windows, we only do H264 encoding.

HEVC file import

You can import HEVC files in Premiere Elements using built-in hardware-accelerated decoding. If this option is switched off in the preferences, you must install the HEVC Video Extensions plugin from the Microsoft Store on Windows.

Use this preference to enable/disable this option (Enabled by default)

  • Windows: Preferences > Media > H264/HEVC hardware accelerated decoding
  • Mac: Settings > Media > Enable hardware accelerated decoding
  • After turning this option on or off, you must clear the Media Cache and restart Premiere Elements to import HEVC files.
    • In Preferences  > Click on Reset Button
    • Check Clear media cache files checkbox
    • Click OK
    • Again, select OK in the Preferences dialog
    • Restart the app        

Media Cache

Media Cache Preferences

Media Cache Files

The Media Cache is where Premiere Elements stores accelerator files, including peak files (.pek) and conformed audio (.cfa). Premiere Elements. Clearing old or unused media cache files can help maintain optimal performance. Deleted cache files are recreated whenever source media requires them.

Select Media Cache Files

Select the Delete button next to Remove Media Cache Files to remove media cache files.

Media Cache Database

A folder containing a database that retains links to each media cache file.

Media Cache Management
  • Do not delete cache files automatically - Automatic deletion of media cache files applies only to .pek, .cfa, and .ims files within the subdirectory folders, Peak Files, and Media Cache Files.
  • Automatically delete cache files older than 30 days. The default value is 30 days, but you can change it to a period of your preference.
  • Automatically delete oldest cache files when cache exceeds - The default is 2 GB where the media cache is located. This setting is enabled by default in the Media Cache Preferences.

Set Playback Preferences

Set Playback Preferences

In the Preferences dialog box under Playback settings, you can choose the default player for audio or video playback and adjust Preroll and Postroll preferences.

Preroll: The number of seconds before an edit point when playing back footage for several editing functions.

Postroll: The number of seconds after an edit point when playing back footage for several editing functions.

Step forward/Back Many: Specify the number of frames to move using the keyboard shortcut Shift+Left or Right arrow. The default is set to 10 frames.

Set Timeline Preferences

Set Timeline Preferences

Video and Audio Transition Default Duration

Specify the default duration for audio and video transitions. Video Transitions are set in Frame and Audio in Seconds.

Still Image Default Duration

To display still images, specify the default duration.

Timeline Playback Auto-Scrolling

Various auto-scroll options are available during playback when your sequence extends beyond the visible timeline.

  • Choosing Page Scroll automatically shifts the timeline to a new view once the playhead exits the screen, ensuring uninterrupted playback.
  • Smooth Scroll maintains the playhead at the screen's center while the clips and time ruler move.

Timeline Mouse Scrolling

You can choose vertical or horizontal scrolling. By default, mouse scrolling is horizontal for Windows and vertical for macOS. For Windows, press the Ctrl key to switch to vertical scrolling.

Set Focus On The Timeline When Performing Insert/Overwrite Edits- Choose this preference if you prefer the timeline to remain active instead of the Source Monitor after making an edit.

At the playback end, return to the beginning when restarting the playback- This option determines the behavior when reaching the end of a sequence and restarting playback. If unchecked, Premiere Elements will stop. If checked, Premiere Elements will return to the beginning of the sequence upon restarting playback.

Display Out Of Sync Indicators For Unlinked Clips- Displays out-of-sync audio and video indicators when unlinked and moved out of sync.

Play after rendering previews- If you want Premiere Elements to play the whole project from the beginning after rendering, select this preference.

Show Clip Mismatch Warning Dialog- Premiere Elements checks whether the clip's attributes match the sequence settings when you drag a clip into a sequence. The Show Clip Mismatch Warning dialog box will appear if they don't match.

Set Update Preferences

Set Update Preferences

This Preference setting sets the Adobe Premiere Elements application update preferences. You can select  Automatically Download and Install updates or Notify me when an update is available.

  • Automatically Download and Install Updates: Premiere Elements can automatically download and install updates and not manully.

  • Notify Me When Updates Are Available: This setting notifies you whenever an update is available, allowing you to decide when to download and install it.

  • Enable "Remind me Later" for updates: This option reminds you to update the application later, at your convenience. 

Country/Region Selection

Country Selection

Use this to select your preferred Country or Region.

Adobe Partner Services


  • Turn Off Notification Pop-Ups: This setting lets you turn off pop-up notifications from Adobe Partner Services. Notifications may include updates, offers, or other messages from Adobe and its partners.

  • Turn Off All Notifications: This setting disables all notifications from Adobe Partner Services, including pop-ups and other types of alerts.


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