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Working with menu markers

  1. Adobe Premiere Elements User Guide
  2. Introduction to Adobe Premiere Elements
    1. What's new in Premiere Elements
    2. System requirements | Adobe Premiere Elements
    3. Workspace basics
    4. Guided mode
    5. Use pan and zoom to create video-like effect
    6. GPU accelerated rendering
  3. Workspace and workflow
    1. Get to know the Home screen
    2. View and share auto-created collages, slideshows, and more
    3. Workspace basics
    4. Source Monitor and Program Monitor
    5. Preferences
    6. Tools
    7. Keyboard shortcuts
    8. Audio View
    9. Undoing changes
    10. Customizing shortcuts
    11. Working with scratch disks
  4. Working with projects
    1. Creating a project
    2. Adjust project settings and presets
    3. Save and back up projects
    4. Previewing movies
    5. Creating video collage
    6. Creating Highlight Reel
    7. Create a video story
    8. Creating Instant Movies
    9. Viewing clip properties
    10. Viewing a project's files
    11. Archiving projects
    12. GPU accelerated rendering
  5. Importing and adding media
    1. Add media
    2. Guidelines for adding files
    3. Set duration for imported still images
    4. 5.1 audio import
    5. Working with offline files
    6. Sharing files between Adobe Premiere Elements and Adobe Photoshop Elements
    7. Creating specialty clips
    8. Work with aspect ratios and field options
  6. Arranging clips
    1. Arrange clips in the Expert view timeline
    2. Group, link, and disable clips
    3. Arranging clips in the Quick view timeline
    4. Working with clip and timeline markers
    5. Sequence settings
  7. Editing clips
    1. Reduce noise
    2. Select object
    3. Candid Moments
    4. Color Match
    5. Smart Trim
    6. Change clip speed and duration
    7. Split clips
    8. Freeze and hold frames
    9. Adjusting Brightness, Contrast, and Color - Guided Edit
    10. Stabilize video footage with Shake Stabilizer
    11. Replace footage
    12. Working with source clips
    13. Trimming Unwanted Frames - Guided Edit
    14. Trim clips
    15. Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
    16. Artistic effects
  8. Color Correction and Grading
    1. Color Correction and Grading (LUTs)
    2. Color Correction Panel
    3. Color Correction Settings
  9. Applying transitions
    1. Applying transitions to clips
    2. Transition basics
    3. Adjusting transitions
    4. Adding Transitions between video clips - Guided Edit
    5. Create special transitions
    6. Create a Luma Fade Transition effect - Guided Edit
  10. Special effects basics
    1. Effects reference
    2. Applying and removing effects
    3. Create a black and white video with a color pop - Guided Edit
    4. Time remapping - Guided edit
    5. Effects basics
    6. Working with effect presets
    7. Finding and organizing effects
    8. Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
    9. Fill Frame - Guided edit
    10. Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
    11. Best practices to create a time-lapse video
  11. Applying special effects
    1. Use pan and zoom to create video-like effect
    2. Transparency and superimposing
    3. Reposition, scale, or rotate clips with the Motion effect
    4. Apply an Effects Mask to your video
    5. Adjust temperature and tint
    6. Create a Glass Pane effect - Guided Edit
    7. Create a picture-in-picture overlay
    8. Applying effects using Adjustment layers
    9. Adding Title to your movie
    10. Removing haze
    11. Creating a Picture in Picture - Guided Edit
    12. Create a Vignetting effect
    13. Add a Split Tone Effect
    14. Add FilmLooks effects
    15. Add an HSL Tuner effect
    16. Fill Frame - Guided edit
    17. Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
    18. Animated Sky - Guided edit
    19. Select object
    20. Animated Mattes - Guided Edit
    21. Double exposure- Guided Edit
  12. Special audio effects
    1. Mix audio and adjust volume with Adobe Premiere Elements
    2. Audio effects
    3. Adding sound effects to a video
    4. Adding music to video clips
    5. Create narrations
    6. Using soundtracks
    7. Music Remix
    8. Adding Narration to your movie - Guided Edit
    9. Adding Scores to your movie - Guided edit
  13. Movie titles
    1. Creating titles
    2. Adding shapes and images to titles
    3. Adding color and shadows to titles
    4. Apply Gradients
    5. Create Titles and MOGRTs
    6. Add responsive design
    7. Editing and formatting text
    8. Align and transform objects
    9. Motion Titles
    10. Appearance of text and shapes
    11. Exporting and importing titles
    12. Arranging objects in titles
    13. Designing titles for TV
    14. Applying styles to text and graphics
    15. Adding a video in the title
  14. Disc menus
    1. Creating disc menus
    2. Working with menu markers
    3. Types of discs and menu options
    4. Previewing menus
  15. Sharing and exporting your movies
    1. Export and share your videos
    2. Export settings
    3. Sharing for PC playback
    4. Compression and data-rate basics
    5. Common settings for sharing

Learn how to create menu based on a marker in Adobe Premiere Elements.

Understanding menu markers

You can easily add menu markers to your videos. You can add scene markers automatically or manually. Premiere Elements creates a menu based on the markers. The type of menu markers you add to the Expert view timeline depends upon how you want your viewers to access the video.

You can use all types of markers in a movie. However, once the disc player encounters a stop marker, it returns to the main menu. Later, if you rearrange clips in the Quick view timeline or the Expert view timeline, the markers remain in their original locations. You might have to update their locations and edit their names to keep them relevant to the movie.


Do not confuse menu markers (scene, main menu, and stop markers) with clip and timeline markers. All of them mark locations within the clip. However, Premiere Elements uses the scene and menu markers to link the video frame in the Quick view/Expert view timeline to disc menus buttons. Clip markers and timeline markers help you position and trim clips.

Main menu markers divide the video into separate movies. Buttons on the main menu link to main menu markers. You manually place main menu markers to indicate the beginning of each movie that you want listed on the main menu of your disc. If the main menu template you select contains extra buttons (buttons other than the Play Movie or Scenes buttons), those buttons link to the main menu markers. In addition, they play from each marker until they reach a stop marker or the end of the media in the Expert view timeline. If the main menu does not contain enough main menu marker buttons, Premiere Elements duplicates the main menu. In addition, it adds a Next button on the primary main menu. If you have no main menu markers in your movie, Premiere Elements omits the extra buttons from the main menu.

If you use main menu markers, choose a template with at least three main menu buttons. (The first button, Play Movie, plays the movie from beginning to end. The second, Scenes, links to Scenes Menu 1.)


The Play button on the main menu automatically links to the starting point of the time ruler. You needn’t place a main menu marker there.

Duplicate menus created when a movie contains more main menu markers than buttons on a template 

A. Next button leads to duplicate menu B. Previous button returns user to Main Menu 1 

Scene markers

Scene markers divide a movie into separate scenes. Scene buttons on the main menu link to different scenes in your movie. They appear on scene menus one after another (not grouped by movie). Use scene markers (without stop markers) when you want the movie to play from start to finish. You can also use scene markers when you want your viewer to be able to jump ahead to specific scenes.

You can add scene markers automatically or manually. Premiere Elements uses scene markers to create a scene menu. The scene menu is accessible from the Scenes button on the disc main menu. If you have no scene markers in the Expert view timeline, Premiere Elements omits the Scenes button and the scenes menu.

Stop markers

Stop markers designate the end of a movie. When the disc player reaches a stop marker, it returns to the main menu. If you add a stop marker to the Expert view timeline, a disc player doesn’t play the movie from start to finish. Therefore, you generally add stop markers only if you’ve divided your video into separate movies. In addition, you don’t need to play the clips in the Expert view timeline from beginning to end.

You add stop markers manually. Use stop markers to indicate the end of each movie that you want listed on the main menu of your disc. Whenever a stop marker is reached, the movie stops and returns to the main menu.


Stop markers are used for DVD only.

Add scene markers automatically

The Generate Menu Markers command places scene markers for you. Sometimes you can save time if you let Premiere Elements initially place scene markers, which you can clean up later as necessary. You get the best results when each scene in your movie is a separate clip. In adiition, all the clips you want marked are on the Video 1 track. If your movie consists of multiple clips that overlay each other, you might prefer to place scene markers manually or place them at set intervals.

Automatically placed scene markers do not have names. Therefore, the buttons on the scene menu remain as named in the template. To customize the buttons, you can either name the markers after they are placed or rename the buttons after you select the template.

  1. Click the Expert view timeline to make it active.
  2. Click Tools on the Action bar, and choose Movie Menu from the Tools panel.
  3. Choose a movie theme and select Add Menu Markers Automatically For Me.
  4. Click Settings and specify how you want the markers placed, entering a value if required:

    At Each Scene

    Places a scene marker at each edit point (cut) between clips on the Video 1 track, not at the ends of transitions. Only one scene marker is placed at the beginning of a series of still images in the Expert view timeline.

    Every _ Minutes

    Places scene markers at the interval you specify. (This option is only available when the movie contains several minutes of footage.)

    Total Markers

    Spaces the number of markers you specify evenly across the entire range of clips in the Expert view timeline.

  5. If the Expert view timeline contains existing markers that you no longer want, select Clear Existing Menu Markers. (When you clear the markers, you clear the marker names and thumbnail offsets associated with each one.)
  6. Click Continue. Scene markers are added to the Expert view timeline, underneath the time ruler. If necessary, use the options in the Adjust panel to modify the properties of the menu.
  7. If you don’t like the placement of a marker, drag it in the time ruler to a different location.

    Scene markers are not tied to the video. If you later edit the video, you may need to move the markers or regenerate them so that they match the new edit points.

Add menu, scene, or stop markers manually

When you manually add markers, you can name them as you place them. The name you choose appears as the label for a button in the main menu or scenes menu.

On some templates, the menu buttons include thumbnail images of the video to which they are linked. If the default frame does not represent the best frame for a button, you can change it in the Menu Marker dialog box.

Add a main menu marker or scene marker

  1. In the Expert view timeline, move the current‑time indicator to the location where you want to set the marker.

    The Play button on each main menu template automatically links to the start point of the time ruler. You don’t have to place a marker there unless you want it listed in the scenes menu.

  2. In the Quick view timeline or the Expert view timeline, select Markers > Menu Marker > Set Menu Marker.

    To quickly place a marker, you can also drag a marker from the Add Menu Marker button to the desired location in the time ruler.

  3. In the Menu Marker dialog box, type a name for the marker in the box. Text in this box doesn’t wrap, so to place text on multiple lines, press Ctrl+Enter for each new line. Keep the name of the marker short so that it fits in the menu and doesn’t overlap another button. (You can adjust the name later, after you select a template.)
  4. In the Marker Type menu, select the type of marker you want to set.
  5. Do one of the following to set the appearance of the button thumbnail:
    • To select a still image for the button thumbnail in the menu, drag the Thumbnail Offset timecode to the frame with the image you want. Do not select the Motion Menu Button option. When you create the DVD, or Blu-ray Disc, the image appears in the menu. (This thumbnail is for the menu display only. When you click the button on the disc, the video starts playing at the marker location.)

    • To play video in the disc’s menu button, select Motion Menu Button. When you select this option for a main menu marker or scene marker, the corresponding button in the menu becomes animated.

  6. Click OK.

The marker is added to the Expert view timeline, below the time ruler. A main menu marker is blue, a scene marker is green, and a stop marker is red.

Add a stop marker

  1. In the Expert view timeline, move the current‑time indicator to the end of the video or scene.
  2. In the Quick view timeline or the Expert view timeline, select Markers > Menu Marker > Set Menu Marker.
  3. In the Menu Marker dialog box, select Stop Marker from the Marker Type menu.
  4. Click OK.

The marker is added to the Quick view timeline. In the Expert view timeline, the marker is added below the time ruler.

Find a menu or scene marker

  1. In the Expert view timeline, do one of the following:
    • To find the first scene marker to the right or left of the current‑time indicator, choose Markers > Go To Menu Marker > Next or Previous.

    • To find any marker in the Expert view timeline, click Markers > Menu Marker > Go To Menu Marker > Next Or Previous until you find the marker you want.

    • To find a marker linked to a specific button, click the thumbnail of the menu at the bottom of the Disc Layout panel, right-click/ctrl-click the button, and choose Reveal Marker In Timeline.


When you have found a marker in the Menu Marker dialog box, you may edit the details of the marker, or delete it by clicking the Delete button.

Move or delete a menu or scene marker

Whether you placed a marker automatically or manually, you can move and delete markers easily.

You can delete individual markers or clear all markers from the Expert view timeline at once. If you have edited your movie since you first selected menu templates. You may find it is easier to delete all the markers rather than drag them to new positions.


If you have already selected a template, deleting a marker also deletes the button associated with the marker from the main menu or scenes menu.

Move a marker

  1. In the Expert view timeline, drag the marker you want to move to the desired scene or movie.

Delete a marker

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In the Expert view timeline, position the current‑time indicator over the marker that you want to delete. (You may need to zoom in to the time ruler to find the marker.) Choose Markers > Menu Marker > Clear Menu Marker.

    • To find and delete a marker, double‑click any marker. In the marker dialog box, click the Previous and Next buttons to find the marker, and then click the Delete button.

    • To delete all markers at once, choose Markers > Menu Marker > Clear All Menu Markers.


If you change your mind or make a mistake, you can undo recent deletions. Choose Edit > Undo. The marker reappears in the Expert view timeline.

Edit menu or scene marker attributes

After you place a marker, you can change its name, type (scene, main menu, or stop), and the thumbnail image displayed in a thumbnail button on a menu. The marker names become the button names in the main menu or scenes menu.

Some menu buttons include thumbnail images of the video to which they are linked. By default, the thumbnail displays the frame visible at the marker. You can change the marker to better suit the content. For example, for a button representing a scene of a day at the beach, you might want to change the button image to a close‑up of the kids splashing in the water rather than the frame marked by the marker. Changing a thumbnail for a button does not change the start point of the video to which the button is linked.

  1. In the Expert view timeline, double‑click the marker you want to edit, or locate the marker using the Previous and Next buttons.
  2. In the Menu Marker dialog box, do any of the following, and then click OK:
    • To rename the marker, type a name for the marker in the text box. Text in this box doesn’t wrap, so to place the name on multiple lines, press Ctrl+Enter for each new line. Keep the name short so that it fits in the menu and doesn’t overlap another button. (You can adjust the name later, after you select a template.)

    • To change the marker type, select the type of marker you want to set in the Marker Type menu.

    • To change the thumbnail for the button, drag the Thumbnail Offset timecode to select the image you want displayed in the button thumbnail in the menu. If you choose a menu with thumbnail images, the image you select displays in the menu when you create the disc. (This thumbnail is for the menu display only; the video linked to the button starts at the marker location.)


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