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Guidelines for adding files

  1. Adobe Premiere Elements User Guide
  2. Introduction to Adobe Premiere Elements
    1. What's new in Premiere Elements
    2. System requirements | Adobe Premiere Elements
    3. Workspace basics
    4. Guided mode
    5. Use pan and zoom to create video-like effect
    6. GPU accelerated rendering
  3. Workspace and workflow
    1. Get to know the Home screen
    2. View and share auto-created collages, slideshows, and more
    3. Workspace basics
    4. Source Monitor and Program Monitor
    5. Preferences
    6. Tools
    7. Keyboard shortcuts
    8. Audio View
    9. Undoing changes
    10. Customizing shortcuts
    11. Working with scratch disks
  4. Working with projects
    1. Creating a project
    2. Adjust project settings and presets
    3. Save and back up projects
    4. Previewing movies
    5. Creating video collage
    6. Creating Highlight Reel
    7. Create a video story
    8. Creating Instant Movies
    9. Viewing clip properties
    10. Viewing a project's files
    11. Archiving projects
    12. GPU accelerated rendering
  5. Importing and adding media
    1. Add media
    2. Guidelines for adding files
    3. Set duration for imported still images
    4. 5.1 audio import
    5. Working with offline files
    6. Sharing files between Adobe Premiere Elements and Adobe Photoshop Elements
    7. Creating specialty clips
    8. Work with aspect ratios and field options
  6. Arranging clips
    1. Arrange clips in the Expert view timeline
    2. Group, link, and disable clips
    3. Arranging clips in the Quick view timeline
    4. Working with clip and timeline markers
    5. Sequence settings
  7. Editing clips
    1. Reduce noise
    2. Select object
    3. Candid Moments
    4. Color Match
    5. Smart Trim
    6. Change clip speed and duration
    7. Split clips
    8. Freeze and hold frames
    9. Adjusting Brightness, Contrast, and Color - Guided Edit
    10. Stabilize video footage with Shake Stabilizer
    11. Replace footage
    12. Working with source clips
    13. Trimming Unwanted Frames - Guided Edit
    14. Trim clips
    15. Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
    16. Artistic effects
  8. Color Correction and Grading
    1. Color Correction and Grading (LUTs)
    2. Color Correction Panel
    3. Color Correction Settings
  9. Applying transitions
    1. Applying transitions to clips
    2. Transition basics
    3. Adjusting transitions
    4. Adding Transitions between video clips - Guided Edit
    5. Create special transitions
    6. Create a Luma Fade Transition effect - Guided Edit
  10. Special effects basics
    1. Effects reference
    2. Applying and removing effects
    3. Create a black and white video with a color pop - Guided Edit
    4. Time remapping - Guided edit
    5. Effects basics
    6. Working with effect presets
    7. Finding and organizing effects
    8. Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
    9. Fill Frame - Guided edit
    10. Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
    11. Best practices to create a time-lapse video
  11. Applying special effects
    1. Use pan and zoom to create video-like effect
    2. Transparency and superimposing
    3. Reposition, scale, or rotate clips with the Motion effect
    4. Apply an Effects Mask to your video
    5. Adjust temperature and tint
    6. Create a Glass Pane effect - Guided Edit
    7. Create a picture-in-picture overlay
    8. Applying effects using Adjustment layers
    9. Adding Title to your movie
    10. Removing haze
    11. Creating a Picture in Picture - Guided Edit
    12. Create a Vignetting effect
    13. Add a Split Tone Effect
    14. Add FilmLooks effects
    15. Add an HSL Tuner effect
    16. Fill Frame - Guided edit
    17. Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
    18. Animated Sky - Guided edit
    19. Select object
    20. Animated Mattes - Guided Edit
    21. Double exposure- Guided Edit
  12. Special audio effects
    1. Mix audio and adjust volume with Adobe Premiere Elements
    2. Audio effects
    3. Adding sound effects to a video
    4. Adding music to video clips
    5. Create narrations
    6. Using soundtracks
    7. Music Remix
    8. Adding Narration to your movie - Guided Edit
    9. Adding Scores to your movie - Guided edit
  13. Movie titles
    1. Creating titles
    2. Adding shapes and images to titles
    3. Adding color and shadows to titles
    4. Apply Gradients
    5. Create Titles and MOGRTs
    6. Add responsive design
    7. Editing and formatting text
    8. Align and transform objects
    9. Motion Titles
    10. Appearance of text and shapes
    11. Exporting and importing titles
    12. Arranging objects in titles
    13. Designing titles for TV
    14. Applying styles to text and graphics
    15. Adding a video in the title
  14. Disc menus
    1. Creating disc menus
    2. Working with menu markers
    3. Types of discs and menu options
    4. Previewing menus
  15. Sharing and exporting your movies
    1. Export and share your videos
    2. Export settings
    3. Sharing for PC playback
    4. Compression and data-rate basics
    5. Common settings for sharing

Guidelines for adding video files

You can add various video file formats to your project. Imported video and sequence files can have frame sizes up to 4096 x 4096 pixels.

Before you add video files that you did not capture yourself, make sure you can view the video outside Adobe Premiere Elements. Usually, double‑clicking a video file opens a playback application, such as Windows Media Player and QuickTime player. (Be sure to use the most up‑to‑date version of Windows Media Player.) If you can play back your file in the player application, you can usually use that file in Premiere Elements.

note: To play back VOB (Video Object) files, use the DVD player that came with your DVD burner.

When adding video files, consider the following:

MPEG file compatibility

An MPEG file can be imported or played in Adobe Premiere Elements if it meets the following criteria:

  • The file must be in a format that Adobe Premiere Elements supports.

  • The compressor used to create the file must be compatible with the Premiere Elements decompressor.

The compatibility requirements for playing compressed files are less stringent than the requirements for editing them. MPEG files that play in Windows Media Player and QuickTime can be imported or played in Premiere Elements if they meet the compatibility requirements.

note: The first time you import an MPEG-2 file, Adobe Premiere Elements automatically activates the components if you are connected to the Internet. If you are not connected to the Internet, you are prompted to activate the MPEG-2 component. The instructions appear in the Activating Component dialog box.

Type 1 AVI file render requirements

Render these files before you can preview them from your DV camcorder. To render a Type 1 AVI clip, add it to the Quick view/Expert view timeline. Build a preview file of that section of the Quick view/Expert view timeline by pressing Enter. If the clip must be rendered, a red line appears above the clip in the Quick view/Expert view timeline.

DVD file protection

If the DVD is a motion‑picture disc that uses copy protection, you cannot add the files.

Guidelines for adding audio files

When you add audio files to a project, they are conformed to the audio sample rate specified in the Project Settings dialog box. During that process, you’ll see a progress bar in the lower-right corner of the application window. You can play back conformed audio instantly at high quality because it’s consistent with all other audio in the project.

By default, conformed audio is stored at the location C:\Users\<username>.<domain>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\. You can change the default location of the media cache by choosing one of the following options:

  • (Windows) Edit > Preferences > Scratch Disks.

  • (Mac OS) Adobe Premiere Elements 13 > Preferences > Scratch Disks.


After you conform an audio clip, you don’t have to confirm it again unless you delete the corresponding file in the Media Cache folder. If you delete conformed audio files, Adobe Premiere Elements regenerates them when you open related projects.

When adding audio files, consider the following:

Stereo and mono files

You can add many of the stereo audio files that you can open in another audio player, to your project. To create a stereo version of a mono file, the mono channel is copied to both the left and right channel in the new stereo track. In this case, both channels contain the same information.

5.1 surround sound files

Importing clips containing 5.1 audio adds a 5.1-channel audio track to your project.

mp3 and WMA files

Formats such as mp3 and WMA are compressed using a method that reduces some of the original audio quality. To play back compressed audio, Premiere Elements (like most video editing applications) must decompress and possibly alter the file’s sample rate. Compressing can degrade the audio quality.

CD files

If you want to add audio from a CD, copy, or rip, the audio tracks to your hard drive using another application. Windows Media Player, included with Windows XP, can perform this task. You can also use Adobe Audition to rip the CD at various quality settings and perform complex audio‑processing functions on the file. If you plan to air or distribute your movie, ensure that you own the copyright, or have licensed the copyright to your CD audio.

Internet files

You can download music from the Internet for your projects. WMA (Windows Media Audio) and AAC (QuickTime) files can have pre‑encoded settings that don’t allow you to play them in Premiere Elements.

Guidelines to add image files

By default, Adobe Premiere Elements scales images to fit the project frame size. You can override this behavior and instead add your files at the size at which they were created. You can also set the default duration for all images that you add by changing the value in General Preferences.

You can add still images with frame sizes up to 4096 x 4096 pixels. Create files with frame size equal to or more than the frame size of your video. Choosing the appropriate frame size ensures that you don’t enlarge the image in Adobe Premiere Elements. When you scale up an image, it often becomes pixelated. Create it at a larger frame size than the project. For example, if you plan to scale an image 200%, create the image at double the project frame size before you add it.


You can also add animations, which are saved as a sequence of numbered still-image files.

When adding still-image files, consider the following:

Photoshop Elements files

Adobe Premiere Elements works well with images and video templates you create in Photoshop Elements.

JPEG files

If you are having trouble importing JPEG files to Adobe Premiere Elements, open them in Photoshop Elements and resave them. Then try to import them again.

TIFF images

You can add files from Photoshop 3.0 or later. However, Premiere Elements doesn’t support 16‑bit TIFF images created in Photoshop or other applications. Empty (transparent) areas of nonflattened Photoshop files appear transparent in Premiere Elements because the transparency is stored as an alpha channel.

RGB mode

When you are editing or creating your still images, make sure that you do all of your work in RGB mode. For more information, consult your product’s user guide about color management. RGB mode produces colors that are suitable for video.

Guidelines for adding an animation or still‑image sequence

The frames in an animation are drawn as graphics and, therefore, are not scenes of live action, as in conventional digital video. Adobe Premiere Elements can also add a sequence of numbered still‑image files and automatically combine them into a single clip; each numbered file represents one frame. Some applications, such as Adobe After Effects, can generate a numbered sequence of still images. Images in a still‑image sequence cannot include layers. Flatten images that are part of a sequence. For information on layers and flattening, see the documentation for the application that created the file.


Changing the default duration of still images in the Preferences dialog box does not affect the duration of still images that are part of a sequence.

When creating three‑dimensional images or animations for use in Premiere Elements, use the following guidelines whenever possible:

  • Use broadcast‑safe colors. Most applications that create animations (such as Adobe After Effects) allow you to check for broadcast‑safe colors. See your application’s documentation for more information.

  • Use the pixel aspect ratio and frame size specified in the project settings in Premiere Elements.

  • Use the appropriate field settings to match your project.

  • You can use an Adobe application (such as Photoshop) to generate the sequence. Select Embed Project Link to open the sequence in the application that was used to create it. For example, select a PSD file in the Project Assets panel in Adobe Premiere Elements. Then, choose Edit > Edit Original to open the file in Photoshop with the original layers intact.


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