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Explore how to create, manage, and use layouts in session. Also, learn how to customize layouts and switch between them during a session.

Layouts in Adobe Connect are essential for organizing and managing different activities within a session. Each layout is designed to facilitate specific tasks, ensuring the correct content is available at the right time. You can streamline your session flow and enhance participant engagement by setting up various layouts, such as a lobby, welcome, or presentation layout. 

Adobe Connect provides several out-of-the-box templates, such as Sharing, Discussion, or Collaboration. Each template comes with default layouts tailored to the specific type of session. However, you can create custom templates and layouts to suit their needs. The names and purposes of these layouts can be customized based on the session's requirements.

In this document, you'll explore how to create, manage, and use layouts effectively in Adobe Connect. You can customize layouts, switch between them during a session, and utilize advanced features like prepare mode to make real-time adjustments without disrupting the participant experience.

The following topics are covered in this article:

Layouts panel

The Layouts panel displays a list of all the layouts available in the room. You can use it to create and manage layouts. By default, it's available on the extreme right side of the room.

View Layouts panel in the room
View Layouts panel in the room

To access the layouts panel in the room, use the following steps:

  1. From the Room menu  , select Preferences.

  2. From General in the Preferences dialog box, navigate to Layouts panel.

  3. Select Show layouts panel to host.

Create a layout

  1. Select Layouts options   from the layout panel.

  2. Select Create new layout. 

    Create a layout using the Layouts options
    Create a layout using the Layouts options

    Alternatively, select   from the Layouts panel.

    Create new layout from Layputs panel
    Create new layout from Layputs panel

  3. Select the Create new layout.

    Type the name of the layout and then select Create layout.

    Create a layout
    Create a layout

    The new layout is added to the list of existing layouts. Set it up by adding and arranging pods as needed.

Duplicate a layout 

Duplicating a layout creates an exact copy of an existing layout. This allows you to reuse the same arrangement of pods and content without having to set it up from scratch. For example, if you have a layout named "Sharing" with a specific arrangement of pods, duplicating it will create a new layout with the same setup, which you can modify as needed. This is useful for maintaining consistency and saving time when setting up similar layouts for different session parts.

Follow the steps to duplicate a layout: 

  1. Select Layouts options   from the layout panel.

  2. Select Create new layout. 

  3. Select the Duplicate existing layout button.

    Duplicate an existing layout
    Duplicate an existing layout

  4. Select a layout from the dropdown. The list of layouts consists of the existing layouts in the session.  

  5. Type the name of the layout. 

  6. Select Create layout

Customize the layout

Customizing a layout in Adobe Connect involves setting up a specific layout to serve a particular purpose during a session. This includes:

  • Adding new pods (e.g., chat, notes, polls) to the layout.
  • Rearranging, resizing, and moving existing pods to create an optimal workspace.
  • Renaming the layout to reflect its purpose (for example, Lobby, Presentation, Polls).

To customize a layout, use the following steps:

  1. After you create a layout, you return to the main meeting room.

  2. From the layouts panel, select any layout or duplicated layout. Add new pods to the meeting room layout or manage existing layouts.

    Add pods to the meeting layout
    Add pods to the meeting layout

  3. Arrange the pods by dragging them and positioning them by following the guides.

Switch between layouts

Switching a layout in Adobe Connect means changing from one predefined arrangement of pods and content to another within the same meeting room. Each layout is designed for specific activities, such as a Lobby layout for welcoming participants or a presentation layout for sharing slides. As a host, you can seamlessly transition between different setups during a session to suit various needs.

Select the required layout in the Layouts panel to switch to it.

The selected layout will become active and display its configuration to participants.

Use Prepare mode

The Prepare mode allows the host to make last-minute changes to the session without participants noticing. For example, suppose there is an error in the presentation. In that case, the host can switch to prepare mode, upload the corrected presentation, and exit prepare mode to continue the session seamlessly. This ensures that participants are unaware of any adjustments made during the live session.

  1. Select the Switch to Prepare Mode icon to enter prepare mode.

    Switch to prepare mode
    Switch to prepare mode

  2. Make necessary changes to layouts without participants seeing the adjustments.

  3. Exit the prepare mode by selecting the End prepare mode icon, returning to the live session view

Manage layouts

Managing layouts in Adobe Connect involves organizing and customizing the different layouts used during a session. You can change the order of layouts and rename them to better reflect their purpose, which helps organize the session flow.

Reorder layouts

Reordering a layout allows you to change the sequence of the layouts within the Layout panel. This allows the host to organize the layouts in a preferred order for the session. For example, you can move a layout up or down in the list to ensure it appears at the right time during the presentation. You can do this by selecting the layout and dragging it to the desired position in the layout panel.

Select the Layouts options   and then select Manage layouts to enter the layout management mode.

Rename a layout 

Use the following steps to rename a layout:

  1. Select the layouts options   and then select Manage layouts

  2. Select the layout you want to rename. 

    Select a layout to rename
    Select a layout to rename

  3. Double-click the name of the layout and type the new name. 

Delete a layout 

  1. Select the Layouts options   and then select Manage layouts. 

  2. Select the layout you want to delete. 

  3. Select Delete  

  4. Select Delete in the confirmation message. 

Search layouts 

  1. Select the layouts options   and then select Manage layouts. 

  2. Select the search bar and start typing the name of the layout. If the search term matches a layout, the layouts display. 

  3. Select the layout and then select Exit manage mode from the bottom of the layout panel.

Lock layouts 

Locking a layout locks the display and prevents deletion or modification to avoid any unintentional change to any layout.

  • Select the Layouts options   and then select Lock layouts. 
    As a best practice, lock the layouts only after designing your room. Once they are locked, you cannot move them, and all the pods within them will also be locked.
  • Deselect the Lock layouts option in the layouts panel options   to unlock all layouts. 

Position Layouts panel

The Layouts panel allows you to set the docking position and configure Auto Hide settings. From the Layouts options  , select one of the following:

  • Dock to right allows you to place the Layouts panel on the extreme right of the meeting room.
  • Dock to left allows you to place the Layouts panel on the extreme left of the meeting room.
  • Auto hide allows you to hide the Layouts panel towards the extreme right or left to the right of the meeting room. Hover over either edge to pull it out.
  • Close to remove the Layouts panel from the meeting room. To reopen view the Access layouts panel.
Layout panel options
Layout panel options

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