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Engagement dashboard pod

Use the Adobe Connect Engagement Dashboard to provide a real-time pulse on the level of engagement in your webinar, classroom, or meeting.

The Engagement Dashboard in Adobe Connect is a powerful tool that helps presenters and hosts understand how actively participants are engaging during a session. It measures interactions like poll responses, chats, and reactions, and calculates an overall engagement score. This score provides insights into participant activity and helps identify what activities boost or reduce engagement. Presenters can use this dashboard to monitor engagement levels in real time, make sessions more interactive, and even track individual engagement through the Attendees pod. The minute-by-minute engagement data helps create more engaging and effective sessions by showing clear correlations between activities and participant involvement.

The following topics are covered in this article:

Add engagement dashboard pod

The engagement dashboard pod is only available in Backstage. Follow the steps to add the Engagement dashboard pod backstage.

  1. From the Room menu  , select Backstage.

  2. From the Pods menu     , ,select Engagement Dashboard to launch the pod backstage. 

    Engagement report in engagement dashboard pod
    Engagement report in engagement dashboard pod

The engagement dashboard displays the following:

  • Time spent in the session.
  • Current engagement, in percentage.
  • Average engagement for the session, in percentage.
  • For a Q&A pod, the Engagement Dashboard displays the number of questions answered out of the total questions.
  • For polls, the Engagement Dashboard displays the participation level for each poll question.

Monitor engagement

As a host, you can monitor the engagement of different roles.

From the Engagement dashboard pod options, select Tracking and then select the roles. You can select all roles together or select roles one at a time.

Track engagement of different roles

Monitor individual engagement

Adobe Connect provides an option in the Attendees pod called Show individual engagement that allows meeting hosts to view individual engagement. In the engagement dashboard pod, you can view this engagement in a pie chart format. The individual engagement shows individual names and rates their engagement at:

  • Green (high engagement)
  • Yellow (average engagement)
  • Red (low engagement)

Select   to reset the engagement score to zero.

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