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Share a Captivate project for review

  1. Captivate User Guide
  2. Introduction to Captivate
    1. What's New in Adobe Captivate
    2. Adobe Captivate System Requirements
    3. Adobe Captivate Updates
      1. Adobe Captivate (12.4 update) release notes
      2. Adobe Captivate (12.3 update) release notes
      3. Adobe Captivate (12.2 update) release notes
      4. Adobe Captivate (12.1 update) release notes
    4. Download Adobe Captivate
    5. Frequently Asked Questions
  3. Add a slide
    1. Slide navigator in Adobe Captivate
    2. Add a conversation slide
    3. Add characters to your Adobe Captivate project
    4. Edit the background image on a slide
    5. Add padding to content blocks and components
    6. Create a long scroll project
  4. Add text blocks
    1. Add text to a project
  5. Add media blocks
    1. Add images to a project
    2. Add videos to a project
    3. Add quotes
    4. Add SVGs to a project
  6. Interactive components
    1. Add a button
    2. Add an input field
    3. Add a radio button group
    4. Add a dropdown
    5. Add a checkbox
  7. Widgets
    1. Add a Card
    2. Add Tabs
    3. Add a Certificate
    4. Add a Carousel
    5. Add a Hotspot
    6. Add Drag-and-Drop
    7. Add a Timeline
    8. Add Click to Reveal
  8. Create quizzes
    1. Add a Multiple-choice question
    2. Add a True or false question
    3. Add a Match the column question
    4. Add a Short answer question
    5. Add a Sequence question
    6. Add question pools and random question slides
    7. Import questions as CSV
  9. Add audio to a project
    1. Add audio
  10. Interactions
    1. Add interactions to a project
    2. Create interactive video with overlay
    3. Create a slide-level interaction
    4. Create an object-level interaction
  11. Animations
    1. Add animations to a project
  12. Accessibility
    1. Make a project accessible
  13. Customize the timeline
    1. Timeline panel in Adobe Captivate
  14. Customize TOC and Playbar
    1. Table of Contents in Adobe Captivate
  15. Edit project properties
    1. Variables in Adobe Captivate
    2. Preferences
    3. Project dimensions
    4. Themes
  16. Create a simulation project
    1. Simulation
  17. Preview a project
    1. Preview
  18. Share a project for review
    1. Share for review   
  19. Publish a project
    1. Publish your project
  20. Upgrade projects in Adobe Captivate
    1. Upgrade projects to the latest version 


The Adobe Captivate Share for Review feature enables eLearning content creators to collaborate effortlessly with reviewers on projects. Authors can generate public or private links to the project and share them with reviewers for feedback. Reviewers can access the projects, leave comments, and provide valuable feedback without requiring Captivate installation. Authors can then address the reviews and either finalize the project or initiate a new review cycle.

Topics in this page:

Why is reviewing important

Reviewing a project created with Captivate is important for several reasons:

  • Feedback and collaboration: Reviewing enables e-learning collaboration between the author and reviewers. This Captivate project feedback provides an opportunity for the author to receive suggestions from reviewers, which can help improve the project content and design while ensuring its quality.
  • Quality assurance: Reviewing ensures project quality by examining content, design, functionality, and user experience. Reviewers offer insights for improvement, ensuring compliance with copyright laws and spotting overlooked errors for correction before finalization.
  • End-user perspective: Reviewing provides an opportunity to evaluate the project from the end users' perspective. Reviewers can provide feedback on the clarity, usability, and effectiveness of the project, helping to improve the overall user experience.

In essence, conducting a comprehensive review of a Captivate project is crucial to guarantee its precision, caliber, adherence to standards, and efficacy. The Share for review functionality conveniently consolidates all these aspects into a single platform.

How to create a review in Adobe Captivate

In this section, you’ll learn the Captivate review process, from creating a review and generating sharable links to inviting reviewers and utilizing the Captivate online review for e-learning collaboration. Watch this short tutorial on how to create and share a review: 

  1. Open the project that you want reviewed on Captivate.

  2. Select Share for review at the lower-right corner of the toolbar. This launches the review panel where you can create a review.

    Location of the Share for review icon
    Location of the Share for review icon

  3. Add a title for the review. The title is picked from the name of the project by default. You can, however, change it.

  4. Select Create Review to create the review. After you select the button, Captivate uploads the project’s assets to the cloud and prepares the project for review.

    Create a review to share with collaborators
    Create a review to share with collaborators

Invite Reviewers

Captivate allows you to create a review based on the level of access granted to reviewers.

  1. Select from the following options in the Access type dropdown.

    • Public: anyone with access to the link can add/edit comments: Anyone with the link can view the project. This is ideal for sharing projects with a larger audience since it has fewer security restrictions.
    • Private: only invited people can add/edit comments: Only a set of invited reviewers can access the shared project. This option provides more secured access limited to the invited reviewers only.

    Both groups of users need to possess an Adobe ID to access and provide comments on a project review.

    Access type for a review
    Access type for a review

  2. Select Invite people to add reviewers to your project. Enter the email addresses of the reviewers.

  3. Set a context to the project and write a message for your reviewers.

    Invite reviewers
    Invite reviewers

  4. Select Invite to view to invite the reviewers.

    The reviewers receive a mail for reviewing the project.

Update a review

Updating a review refers to making changes to an existing review in Adobe Captivate. This can include updating the content of the review link, such as adding or removing slides, making visual edits to images or videos, changing themes, changing questions, or any other modifications to the project. After updating a review, you can then send the review link to the reviewers to ensure that reviewers are kept updated with the latest version of the project.

  1. Make some changes to the project.
  2. Select Update review. The project review gets updated with the latest changes.
Update review updates the most recent content alterations made to a project.
Update review updates the most recent content alterations made to a project

The reviewers will be notified via email, and they can open the web link again to view the updated project and provide feedback accordingly.

Create multiple reviews

Creating multiple reviews in Adobe Captivate allows authors to have separate feedback cycles for different groups or stakeholders. Each review can be private or public, depending on the intended audience and the type of feedback expected. This allows authors to gather feedback from multiple sources and manage them separately for better organization and collaboration.

  1. Select New review.

    Create another review from scratch and share it with reviewers. After creating the review, all previously created reviews are stacked on top of each other, with the most recent review, at the bottom. Authors can see the access type (public and private) of all reviews for the project from the review list.

  2. Hover over a review from the list and see additional options such as delete review, copy review link, and open review on the web.

    Delete, copy or open review actions from the review list
    Delete, copy or open review actions from the review list

How to cancel a review

You have the option to cancel a review at the time of its creation. Select Cancel, while the review creation is loading. 

Cancel review creation
Cancel review creation

How to delete a review

You can choose to remove an existing review from the review list. Hover over a review and select the delete icon. Confirm the deletion and the review will be removed from the list.

Delete a review from the review list
Delete a review from the review list

How do I review an Adobe Captivate project

Adobe Captivate allows you to review the content of a shared project on the web. You can add comments, suggest changes, and tag other collaborators to provide their input. The author can then view the feedback, make changes, and address the comments. The review process helps to keep track of the changes suggested and implemented based on the feedback, ensuring the project meets the desired requirements and quality standards.

Here is a short tutorial on how to add review comments for a shared project:

Follow these steps to review a project:

  1. Open the email notification sent by the project author.

  2. Select Open Review in the email to open the project review in a web browser.

    Email invitation to review
    Email invitation to review

    Once the project review is open, you can view the project slides and provide feedback by adding comments on the relevant slides.

Add review comments

To add a comment, navigate to the slide you want to comment on and enter your feedback in the comment panel on the right.

Adding comments to a slide
Adding comments to a slide


Unmapped comments refer to those that are not associated with a specific slide within a project.
They come in two forms:

  • Comments made before selecting play on the first screen during review.
  • Comments attached to a slide which was later deleted.

Tag others

You have the option to tag or mention the author or other reviewers in your comment by employing the "@" symbol followed by their name or email ID. Choose from the drop-down and select Submit.

Tagging others in a comment
Tagging others in a comment

Edit or delete comments

You can also edit or delete your own comments by selecting the ellipses (...) for more options.

Edit or delete a comment
Edit or delete a comment

Filter comments

If you want to filter the comments based on reviewer names, time, or status, you can click on the funnel icon at the lower-right corner to view the available filters.

Filter comments
Filter comments

You can filter the comments based on the following criteria:

  • Reviewer Filter: This filter displays the names of all reviewers who have already added comments. You can select a reviewer's name to filter the comments made by that reviewer.
  • Time Filter: This filter allows you to filter comments based on the time they were made. You can choose options such as Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, or Older.
  • Status Filter: This filter allows you to view only the list of resolved comments. You can use the Resolved option to filter the resolved comments.

By using these filters, you can reduce clutter and focus on the relevant comments during the review process.

View all comments in a project

To view all comments within the project as a list, you can toggle on the View all screen comments option at the bottom of the comments panel.

Toggle on All screen comments
Toggle on All screen comments

This allows you to easily manage feedback in the project. You can see all the comments across all screens for that slide.

Request project access

If you receive a forwarded link for a private project review but are not invited by the author, you will need to request access to the project from the author before you can view and comment on it. Once you have reviewed the project and provided your feedback, you can close the web browser. The author will be notified of your comments and can address them accordingly.

Add device-specific comments

Add device-specific comments for each viewport (desktop, tablet, or mobile) to provide feedback on how the project appears on different screens. This allows for specific comments and suggestions to be made for each device, ensuring that the project is optimized for different screen sizes and resolutions.

To add comments for each device in Adobe Captivate, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the review.

  2. Select the slide for which you want to add comments.

  3. Select a device viewport button on a slide to switch between different device views.

    Device viewport buttons
    Device viewport buttons

  4. Add your comments for each device view by typing in the comment box. You can also tag specific collaborators by using the "@" symbol followed by their name to notify them of the comment.

How to resolve the comments

After all reviewers have reviewed the project, you will receive a notification in your mail that there were some activities in the project. Open the project and you can then review the comments and make the necessary changes or address the issues raised by the reviewers.

  1. Once you have made changes to the project, you can reply to the comments to indicate that the issues have been resolved or the changes have been implemented.

  2. If you have implemented the modifications recommended in the comment, select the Resolve option.

    Resolve a comment
    Resolve a comment

Allowed list of URLs to access and share for review

In some network environments, certain URLs might be restricted, leading to issues accessing the review functionality. To ensure seamless operation of this feature, it is crucial to allow specific URLs/domains. The following URLs must be added to the allowed list of URLs by your IT or security team if you want to share a project for review.

You can download the complete list of fully qualified URLs and domains here:


Adobe hosted domains:

  • *.adobe.com
  • *.adobe.io
  • *.adobecc.com
  • *.adobecces.com
  • *.adobeccstatic.com
  • *.adobedtm.com
  • *.adobeexchange.com
  • *.adobegenuine.com
  • *.adobegov.com
  • *.adobe-identity.com
  • *.adobejanus.com
  • *.adobelogin.com
  • *.adobeoobe.com
  • *.adobeprojectm.com
  • *.adobesc.com
  • *.adobesc.com
  • *.adobe-services.com
  • *.adobess.com
  • *.adobesunbreak.com
  • *.adobetag.com
  • *.behance.net
  • *.ftcdn.net
  • *.typekit.com
  • *.typekit.net
  • slp-statics.astockcdn.net
  • *.arkoselabs.com

Region dependent:

  • platform-cs-jpn3.adobe.io
  • ims-na1.adobelogin.com
  • federatedid-na1.services.adobe.com
  • adobeid-na1.services.adobe.com

Region dependent: The user's request will be fulfilled using the closest available service instances, tailored to their geographical location, whether it's in Japan, the US East Coast, Europe, or elsewhere

Report offensive content

If you encounter content that violates Adobe's Terms of Use while reviewing a shared Adobe Captivate project online, you can report it.

Select the   icon from the top right, and then select Report Abuse and fill out the form. 

Alternatively, you can report abuse via email to abuse@adobe.com

Report abuse within Adobe Captivate
Report abuse within Adobe Captivate

Manage communication notifications

Manage how you want to be notified about collaborative team activity on Adobe Cloud documents and shared projects.

  1. Select Help menu > Manage My Account. This opens your Adobe Account settings on the web.

    This is an image

  2. Select Collaboration from the Communication Preferences dropdown.

    This is an image

  3. To set commenting notifications for Creative Cloud assets, choose All emails, Daily digest, or No emails from the dropdown menu, depending on how frequently you want to receive notifications about the activity.

    This is an image

Frequently asked questions

1. What are access types?

Private: Only invited people can access the private review. (Uninvited users can request access to a private review.) 

Public: Anyone with the review link can view and comment. (Authentication is required before access to the project review.)

2. What storage allocation does a Captivate license provide?

Users are allocated 100 GB of storage in assets.adobe.com.

3. How is the storage allocation calculated if I have licenses for multiple Adobe products?

The maximum storage allocation prevails when users have licenses for multiple Adobe products. For example, if a user has procured licenses for Captivate (100GB) and any Creative Cloud product (100GB), the user gets 100 GB and not 200 GB.

4.  Can I combine storage allocations from different Adobe products?

No, the storage allocations from different Adobe products do not combine. Instead, users receive the maximum storage allocation available among the licensed products.

5. Do I require the Adobe Creative Cloud application or buy additional cloud storage to create a review?

To create a review, you do not require the Adobe Creative Cloud application or any additional cloud storage service. You are allocated 100 GB of Creative Cloud storage along with the Captivate license.

6. What is the maximum number of reviewers I can add simultaneously?

You can add as many as required.

7. Do I have to select Update Review when changing a content or access type?

For any content change, you must update the review – you must perform this activity explicitly to reflect changes to the URL. Any changes in the review panel do not require an Update review.

8. If I change the access type or content in an existing review, does the review URL also change?

New links are created only when a new review is created. Update review always updates the content to the existing URL. Each review has a unique URL.

9. How many reviews can I create for the same project?

There is no limit. If there isn’t enough storage, the review will fail during creation.

10. How do I add comments for a slide/screen?

Navigate to the slide and add your comments in the comment panel on the right.

11. What is an unmapped comment?

After an update review, if a slide is deleted, the comments already made to that slide will be unmapped. Before selecting play, any comments made will be termed unmapped (overall project-level commenting).
If autoplay is enabled, reviewers cannot add global-level comments.

12. What happens to comments on a slide after the slide is deleted and the reviewer gets an updated URL? 

Comments on deleted slides are grouped into unmapped comments.

13. As an author, can I delete other reviewers' comments?

Yes, only the author has this authority. Select the ellipses to delete. Deleted comments are not unmapped comments.

14. What is the use of the toggle 'all screen' comments?

When toggled off, it displays comments on the selected slide. You can manually change viewports for devices by choosing the device icons. When toggled on, it displays all comments across the project and all viewports.

15. If I tag anyone in the comment, how will they be notified?

They will be notified on assets.adobe.com and via email notifications.

16. Where are all comments stored?

They are stored in assets.adobe.com storage.

17. What happens after resolving?

Comments are removed from the review and moved to assets.adobe.com.

18. Is there an option for "Move to unresolved" for a wrongly resolved comment, and does only the author have that access?

Anyone can resolve any comments. You can undo them by selecting the unresolved button and undoing them from the toast message. Additionally, you can revert from filters—filter
by resolved comments.

19. What is the default access type for the link generated? Does the link change if we copy it first and then modify the access type?

Public is the default access type, and the URL does not change.

20. In the filtering section for reviewers, will only those who have commented at least once be displayed, or will any reviewer with access be shown regardless of whether they have left comments?

At least one comment from a reviewer must be listed in the filter.

21. Are all comments/replies visible when I filter by a reviewer?

After implementing filters, only parent comments are visible. A parent comment is the initial comment that has subsequent replies.


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