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Set project preferences in Adobe Captivate

  1. Captivate User Guide
  2. Introduction to Captivate
    1. What's New in Adobe Captivate
    2. Adobe Captivate System Requirements
    3. Adobe Captivate Updates
      1. Adobe Captivate (12.4 update) release notes
      2. Adobe Captivate (12.3 update) release notes
      3. Adobe Captivate (12.2 update) release notes
      4. Adobe Captivate (12.1 update) release notes
    4. Download Adobe Captivate
    5. Frequently Asked Questions
  3. Add a slide
    1. Slide navigator in Adobe Captivate
    2. Add a conversation slide
    3. Add characters to your Adobe Captivate project
    4. Edit the background image on a slide
    5. Add padding to content blocks and components
    6. Create a long scroll project
  4. Add text blocks
    1. Add text to a project
  5. Add media blocks
    1. Add images to a project
    2. Add videos to a project
    3. Add quotes
    4. Add SVGs to a project
  6. Interactive components
    1. Add a button
    2. Add an input field
    3. Add a radio button group
    4. Add a dropdown
    5. Add a checkbox
  7. Widgets
    1. Add a Card
    2. Add Tabs
    3. Add a Certificate
    4. Add a Carousel
    5. Add a Hotspot
    6. Add Drag-and-Drop
    7. Add a Timeline
    8. Add Click to Reveal
  8. Create quizzes
    1. Add a Multiple-choice question
    2. Add a True or false question
    3. Add a Match the column question
    4. Add a Short answer question
    5. Add a Sequence question
    6. Add question pools and random question slides
    7. Import questions as CSV
  9. Add audio to a project
    1. Add audio
  10. Interactions
    1. Add interactions to a project
    2. Create interactive video with overlay
    3. Create a slide-level interaction
    4. Create an object-level interaction
  11. Animations
    1. Add animations to a project
  12. Accessibility
    1. Make a project accessible
  13. Customize the timeline
    1. Timeline panel in Adobe Captivate
  14. Customize TOC and Playbar
    1. Table of Contents in Adobe Captivate
  15. Edit project properties
    1. Variables in Adobe Captivate
    2. Preferences
    3. Project dimensions
    4. Themes
  16. Create a simulation project
    1. Simulation
  17. Preview a project
    1. Preview
  18. Share a project for review
    1. Share for review   
  19. Publish a project
    1. Publish your project
  20. Upgrade projects in Adobe Captivate
    1. Upgrade projects to the latest version 

Adobe Captivate provides a range of preferences that allow you to customize various aspects of the software to suit your needs.

Launch Preferences

  • For Windows: Open the Edit menu > select Preferences. Or use the Ctrl + , shortcut from the keyboard.
  • For macOS: Open the Adobe Captivate drop-down  menu > select Preferences. Or use the ⌘ , shortcut on the keyboard.

General preferences

This section contains Global preferences.

General Preferences
General Preferences

Default locations: When you install Adobe Captivate for the first time, the default location to save your project and project cache is Documents (macOS) and My Documents (Window).

  • Location: If you don't want the default location to save your projects, set a new location.
  • Project Cache: The Project cache in Adobe Captivate helps you save and open projects faster. Captivate creates a project cache folder when you create a project. This folder is saved in the project cache root folder that you've specified in the project Preferences. Over time, these cache folders may use up your system resources, and you may want to delete the folders to optimize the resources. You can delete the folders using the Clear Cache option.

Slide duration: Change the default time for which slides are displayed in a project when the project is previewed or published. 

Audio input device: Select the device you'll use for recording and narration.

Audio Virtual Driver: Select the virtual driver for Mac machines.

Audio input calibration: Select to calibrate audio levels for recording. Audio calibration makes sure that all the speakers' levels are balanced. It's critical for accurate sound that none of the speakers is too loud or soft.

Project preferences


Project preferences information
Project preferences information

  • Author: Name of the author or authors of the project.
  • Company: Name of the company or organization responsible for the content in the document.
  • Email: If appropriate, provide the email address for the company or your customer service department.
  • Website: Website address of the company.
  • Copyright: Copyright information for your project.
  • Project Name: A distinct and descriptive name for your project.
  • Description: Short description of the contents of the project.



Project publish preferences
Project publish preferences


  • Restrict keyboard tabbing to slide: With this option selected, only objects that have been added to the slide itself are subject to keyboard tab actions.
  • Autoplay: If you select this option, the project plays automatically when you preview or publish the project.
  • Hide selection rectangle for slide items: Select this option if you don't want a focus indicator to display around an object if you're tabbing through each object at runtime.

Project Start

Select the image you want to use as a cover for your project. The image appears when you preview or view the published project.

Project End

Select what the project needs to perform when it ends. The available options are:

  • Loop Project: Continuously plays the project.

  • Close Project: Closes the movie after it stops playing.

  • Open URL or File: Opens the specified website in a web browser after the movie stops playing. To load a URL, type the full path to a website (for example, http://www.website.com). Select the inverted arrow icon next to the URL box to select the window to display the URL, then choose Current, New, Parent, or Top. To load a file, select the browse icon, browse to the file, select the file, and select Open.

  • Execute JavaScript: Runs the specified JavaScript after the movie stops playing. Select Script Window and type the JavaScript code to execute. To reuse a script from a file, copy it onto the clipboard and paste it into the JavaScript window. Select the inverted arrow icon next to the Script_Window button to select the window in which to display the URL, then choose Current, New, Parent, or Top.

Project Expiry Date

  • Expiry date for the project. Select Calendar to choose a date. In the adjacent text box, specify the message to display to users when the project expires.

Quizzing preferences


General Quizzing Preferences
General Quizzing Preferences

Enter the following information:

Name: Enter a name for your quiz in a project with multiple quizzes. Naming helps identify a quiz easily.

Mandate: Select one of the following:

  • Optional ‐ The user can skip this quiz allows users to skip the quiz and move on with the project.

  • Required ‐ The user must take the quiz to continue: The project moves to the next slide only after the user has completed all the question slides.

  • Pass Required ‐ The user must pass this quiz to continue: The project moves to the next slide only after the user has scored the required points in the quiz.

  • Answer All ‐ The user must answer every question to continue: The project moves to the next slide only after the user has answered all the question slides.

Objective ID: The ID of the quiz to which the question slide belongs. In a quiz containing multiple quizzes, an objective ID helps identify the quiz to which the question belongs.

Interaction ID prefix: Every action a user performs on a question slide is assigned a unique interaction ID. For example, when the user attempts a question incorrectly the first time and gets it right the next time round, Adobe Captivate generates two interaction IDs. Use this field to customize the generated interaction IDs by prefixing them with the assigned characters.


Show score at the end of the quiz: This lets users view their score at the end of the quiz. You can customize the message that appears when the user passes or fails the quiz. Select Quiz Result Messages to customize the messages. You can also customize the options that you want to display on the score slide. 

When you enable this option, the Quiz Result Messages dialog box displays, where you can customize the passing and failing messages, and choose the scores to display at the end of a quiz.

Allow users to review quiz: Users can review a quiz after they have completed attempting it, and the score is displayed. This option allows users to find out questions they answered incorrectly, and their correct answers. You can customize the messages provided in the feedback. 

  • Show correct answers: If you select this checkbox, the correct answers always display while a user reviews a quiz.
  • Include Review mode navigation buttons: If you select this checkbox, the navigation buttons on a quiz review always display.

When you enable this option, the Question Review Messages dialog box displays, where you can customize the messages that appear upon reviewing the quiz.

Include Shuffle Answers options: For question slides with multiple answers, the answers shuffle when the user attempts the same question slide the next time.

Include Clear button: Select to display a Clear button for all quiz questions.

Include Submit All button: This option lets users review and modify answered questions and submit all questions simultaneously. 

When you enable the option, the Submit All Messages dialog box displays, where you can customize the messages that appear on submitting a quiz.

Include Back button: Select to display a Back button for all quiz questions.

Include Skip button: Select to display a Skip button for all quiz questions.


If your content is delivered or tracked via a SCORM-compliant LMS, select the checkbox Enable Reporting.

Standard: Choose the required option:


  • SCORM 1.2: Select if you're using a SCORM 1.2-based LMS. Select Configure to specify the manifest file details. See Create a manifest file for more information. 
  • SCORM 2004: Select if you're using a SCORM 2004-based LMS. Select Configure to specify the manifest file details. See Create a manifest file for more information.
  • AICC: Aviation Industry CBT Committee standards define how content for e-learning is developed, delivered, and evaluated.
  • xAPI: A protocol for learning technology called xAPI enables data collection on a person's wide range of experiences, both online and offline. This API collects information on a person or group's activities across numerous technologies uniformly.
Quiz Reporting Preferences
Quiz Reporting Preferences

SCORM 1.2 options

Status Representation: Specify how you want the course status reported to LMS.

  • Incomplete to Complete: When users launch the course, the course status is reported as Incomplete in LMS. The status changes to Complete when the completion criteria are satisfied. 

  • Incomplete to Passed/Failed: The course status is reported as Incomplete when users launch the course. The status changes to Passed/Failed when the completion criteria are satisfied.

  • User Access: Users successfully complete the course if they launch it from LMS.

Success/Completion Criteria: 

Slide Views: The course is complete or successful if users view the specified number or percentage of slides. 

Quiz: The course is complete or successful based on the users’ performance in the quiz. You can choose one of the following criteria: 

  • Users attempt the quiz: Here, the status is reported as Complete if users attempt the quiz irrespective of whether they pass or fail it. 

  • Users pass the quiz: Here, the status is reported as Complete only if users pass the quiz. 

  • Users pass or the attempt limit is reached: Here, the status is reported as Complete if users pass the quiz or have taken all the attempts. For example, if the number of attempts set in the course is 2, and: 

  • Users take the first attempt and pass, then the status is reported as Complete and Passed. 

  • Users take the first attempt and fail, then the status is reported as Incomplete and Failed as the attempt limit is still not reached. 

  • If users retake the quiz and fail, the status is reported as Complete and Failed. 

  • If users attempt the quiz again and pass, the status is reported as Complete and Passed.

Configure SCORM

You can see the following manifest options:

  • Course Identifier: The identifier used by the LMS to identify different manifests. A default identifier based on the name of your Adobe Captivate project is automatically added to this field. You can change the identifier anytime by selecting the text and typing in the new text.

  • Course Title: The title of your project that is displayed to the user viewing the project using an LMS. A default title based on the name of your Adobe Captivate project is automatically added to this field. You can change the title anytime by selecting the text and typing in a new one.

  • Description: The text that the LMS displays to describe your project. A default description based on the name of your Adobe Captivate project is automatically added to this field. You can edit the description at any time.

  • Version: The version specifies a number that can be used to differentiate manifests with the same identifier. For example, if you're uploading the same project after modifying it, use a different version number.

  • Duration: The time required for learners to complete the project. Adobe Captivate prepopulates this field with an approximate value. However, you can revise this value if your project contains many resource-intensive videos or animations.

  • Keywords: Enter the keywords related to the project.

  • SCO Identifier: The LMS uses the identifier to identify different shareable content objects (SCOs). In the Adobe Captivate context, SCO means the Project harm project. A default identifier based on the name of your Adobe Captivate project is automatically added to this field. You can change the identifier anytime by selecting the text and typing in the new text.

  • SCO title: A default title based on the name of your Adobe Captivate project is automatically added to this field. You can change the title anytime by selecting the text and typing in a new one.

The manifest file is generated.  

Files created

When you enable reporting for the project by setting the SCORM options, Adobe Captivate creates the following files when the project is published: 

  • Manifest File: This file imports the Adobe Captivate project into the LMS. The manifest file, imsmanifest.xml, contains the metadata of the project and its course structure.

  • HTML File: Launches the Adobe Captivate project from the LMS.

  • JavaScript File: Adobe Captivate sends tracking data to the LMS using the JavaScript APIs.

Data to report

Enable the checkbox Interaction data, if you want to report user interaction data, for example, the question attempted by users, and the answer provided to them.

LMS initialization text: Type the text that you want to display to users while the course loads in the web browser.

LMS advanced settings

  • Send Data on Every Slide: Send interaction details after every slide.

  • Never Send Resume Data: The project notifies the LMS when users resume a session after taking a break. Users view the page at which they left off earlier. If this option is enabled, users see the first page when they resume the project.

  • Escape Version and Session: Converts the version and session ID to its URL encoded values.

  • Escape version and session ID: Supports the escape version and session ID option. Type the characters not included in the escape version and session ID.

Don’t escape character

Supports the escape version and session ID option. Type the characters not included in the escape version and session ID.


Pass/fail options

  • Pass/Fail Options: Set whether participants need to have a percentage or more of total points to pass, or a set number or more of points to pass.

  • Pass/Fail Grade Actions: Set what actions the quiz will carry out if the participant passes the quiz or fails. Can also set the number of times a user can attempt the quiz.

Default labels

Quiz Default Label Preferences
Quiz Default Label Preferences

You can customize the messages that your learner sees when they complete a quiz. Change the text for all quiz results and progress.

  • Correct message: The message that must display when a learner answers a question correctly.
  • Incorrect message: The message that must display when a learner answers a question incorrectly.
  • Retry message: The message that must display when a learner re-attempts a question after answering a question incorrectly.
  • Incomplete message: The message that must display when a learner partially answers a question.
  • Timeout message: The message that must display when a learner exceeds the specified time set for a question.
  • Hint message: The message that acts as a hint when a learner attempts a question.
  • Buttons:
    • Submit: The text to display on the Submit button.
    • Submit all: The text to display on the Submit all button. This button appears when a learner completes a quiz.
    • Clear: The text to display on the Clear button. This button clears the responses entered by a learner.
    • Skip: The text to display on the Skip button. This button helps a learner to skip a question.
    • Back: The text to display on the Back button. This button helps a learner to go to the previous slide.
  • Progress indication: Defines the format of the progress of a quiz. For example, Question %d/%d indicates Question 1/5 completes.



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