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Fixed issues in After Effects

  1. After Effects User Guide
  2. Beta releases
    1. Beta Program Overview
    2. After Effects Beta Home
  3. Getting started
    1. Get started with After Effects
    2. What's new in After Effects 
    3. Release Notes | After Effects
    4. After Effects system requirements
    5. Keyboard shortcuts in After Effects
    6. Supported File formats | After Effects
    7. Hardware recommendations
    8. After Effects for Apple silicon
    9. Planning and setup
  4. Workspaces
    1. General user interface items
    2. Get to know After Effects interface
    3. Workflows
    4. Workspaces, panels, and viewers
  5. Projects and compositions
    1. Projects
    2. Composition basics
    3. Precomposing, nesting, and pre-rendering
    4. View detailed performance information with the Composition Profiler
    5. CINEMA 4D Composition Renderer
  6. Importing footage
    1. Preparing and importing still images
    2. Importing from After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro
    3. Importing and interpreting video and audio
    4. Preparing and importing 3D image files
    5. Importing and interpreting footage items
    6. Working with footage items
    7. Detect edit points using Scene Edit Detection
    8. XMP metadata
  7. Text and Graphics
    1. Text
      1. Formatting characters and the Character panel
      2. Text effects
      3. Creating and editing text layers
      4. Formatting paragraphs and the Paragraph panel
      5. Extruding text and shape layers
      6. Animating text
      7. Examples and resources for text animation
      8. Live Text Templates
    2. Motion Graphics
      1. Work with Motion Graphics templates in After Effects
      2. Use expressions to create drop-down lists in Motion Graphics templates
      3. Work with Essential Properties to create Motion Graphics templates
      4. Replace images and videos in Motion Graphics templates and Essential Properties
      5. Animate faster and easier using the Properties panel
  8. Drawing, Painting, and Paths
    1. Overview of shape layers, paths, and vector graphics
    2. Paint tools: Brush, Clone Stamp, and Eraser
    3. Taper shape strokes
    4. Shape attributes, paint operations, and path operations for shape layers
    5. Use Offset Paths shape effect to alter shapes
    6. Creating shapes
    7. Create masks
    8. Remove objects from your videos with the Content-Aware Fill panel
    9. Roto Brush and Refine Matte
  9. Layers, Markers, and Camera
    1. Selecting and arranging layers
    2. Blending modes and layer styles
    3. 3D layers
    4. Layer properties
    5. Creating layers
    6. Managing layers
    7. Layer markers and composition markers
    8. Cameras, lights, and points of interest
  10. Animation, Keyframes, Motion Tracking, and Keying
    1. Animation
      1. Animation basics
      2. Animating with Puppet tools
      3. Managing and animating shape paths and masks
      4. Animating Sketch and Capture shapes using After Effects
      5. Assorted animation tools
      6. Work with Data-driven animation
    2. Keyframe
      1. Keyframe interpolation
      2. Setting, selecting, and deleting keyframes
      3. Editing, moving, and copying keyframes
    3. Motion tracking
      1. Tracking and stabilizing motion
      2. Face Tracking
      3. Mask Tracking
      4. Mask Reference
      5. Speed
      6. Time-stretching and time-remapping
      7. Timecode and time display units
    4. Keying
      1. Keying
      2. Keying effects
  11. Transparency and Compositing
    1. Compositing and transparency overview and resources
    2. Alpha channels and masks
    3. Track Mattes and Traveling Mattes
  12. Adjusting color
    1. Color basics
    2. Color management
    3. Color Correction effects
    4. OpenColorIO and ACES color management
  13. Effects and Animation Presets
    1. Effects and animation presets overview
    2. Effect list
    3. Effect Manager
    4. Simulation effects
    5. Stylize effects
    6. Audio effects
    7. Distort effects
    8. Perspective effects
    9. Channel effects
    10. Generate effects
    11. Time effects
    12. Transition effects
    13. The Rolling Shutter Repair effect
    14. Blur and Sharpen effects
    15. 3D Channel effects
    16. Utility effects
    17. Matte effects
    18. Noise and Grain effects
    19. Detail-preserving Upscale effect
    20. Obsolete effects
  14. Expressions and Automation
    1. Expressions
      1. Expression basics
      2. Understanding the expression language
      3. Using expression controls
      4. Syntax differences between the JavaScript and Legacy ExtendScript expression engines
      5. Editing expressions
      6. Expression errors
      7. Using the Expressions editor
      8. Use expressions to edit and access text properties
      9. Expression language reference
      10. Expression examples
    2. Automation
      1. Automation
      2. Scripts
  15. Immersive video, VR, and 3D
    1. Construct VR environments in After Effects
    2. Apply immersive video effects
    3. Compositing tools for VR/360 videos
    4. Advanced 3D Renderer
    5. Import and add 3D models to your composition
    6. Import 3D models from Creative Cloud Libraries
    7. Image-Based Lighting
    8. Extract and animate lights and cameras from 3D models
    9. Tracking 3D camera movement
    10. Cast and accept shadows
    11. Embedded 3D model animations
    12. Shadow Catcher
    13. 3D depth data extraction
    14. Modify materials properties of a 3D layer
    15. Work in 3D Design Space
    16. 3D Transform Gizmos
    17. Do more with 3D animation
    18. Preview changes to 3D designs real time with the Mercury 3D engine
    19. Add responsive design to your graphics 
  16. Views and Previews
    1. Previewing
    2. Video preview with Mercury Transmit
    3. Modifying and using views
  17. Rendering and Exporting
    1. Basics of rendering and exporting
    2. H.264 Encoding in After Effects
    3. Export an After Effects project as an Adobe Premiere Pro project
    4. Converting movies
    5. Multi-frame rendering
    6. Automated rendering and network rendering
    7. Rendering and exporting still images and still-image sequences
    8. Using the GoPro CineForm codec in After Effects
  18. Working with other applications
    1. Dynamic Link and After Effects
    2. Working with After Effects and other applications
      1. Export After Effects project as Premiere Pro project
    3. Sync Settings in After Effects
    4. Creative Cloud Libraries in After Effects
    5. Plug-ins
    6. Cinema 4D and Cineware
  19. Collaboration: Frame.io, and Team Projects
    1. Collaboration in Premiere Pro and After Effects
    2. Frame.io
      1. Install and activate Frame.io
      2. Use Frame.io with Premiere Pro and After Effects
      3. Frequently asked questions
    3. Team Projects
      1. Get Started with Team Projects
      2. Create a Team Project
      3. Collaborate with Team Projects
  20. Memory, storage, performance
    1. Memory and storage
    2. How After Effects handles low memory issues while previewing    
    3. Improve performance
    4. Preferences
    5. GPU and GPU driver requirements for After Effects
  21. Knowledge Base
    1. Known issues
    2. Fixed issues
    3. Frequently asked questions
    4. After Effects and macOS Ventura
    5. How After Effects handles low memory issues while previewing

We heard you! We have been hard at work fixing issues in the latest release of After Effects.

Fixed issues in the August 2024 release (version 24.6)


  • The Save menu is no longer disabled when only changing the Draft 3D, Ground Plane, or Extended Viewer button state.
  • Draft 3D no longer becomes disabled if selecting the Puppet Pin tool.
  • Ground Plane now works correctly on Apple Silicon machines.
  • Layer references of 3D models now correctly update on the current frame when adjusting the Advanced 3D render settings.
  • Replace source with the model is no longer allowed for layers that have a non-model source.
  • Updated Adaptive Resolution preference UI to be more user-friendly.

Compositions, Timeline, and Layers

  • Improved behavior when aligning parented layers.
  • The Freeze on Last Frame command now correctly extends the out point of the freeze frame to the end of the composition, rather than only the visible area, and behaves correctly for footage and compositions that are only a single frame in length.
  • The incorrect cursor adornment no longer appears when the selected layer is inactive at the current time.
  • The timeline now correctly updates for undo operations on shape layers.
  • After Effects no longer shows the wrong layer in the Effect Controls panel when a sourced layer in a pre-comp is selected.
  • Layer twirl state is now retained when opening a saved project.
  • Time Remap keyframes can no longer be pasted to layers that don't support Time Remapping.

Effects and Presets

  • The Animation Preset dropdown populates when the Effects & Presets panel is in Category mode.
  • Fixed duplicate Effect categories in non-English languages.
  • Mesh Warp should no longer drop the drag point unexpectedly.
  • Applying the Bar Graph preset no longer results in After Effects becoming unresponsive.
  • Improved quality appearance of Wave Warp effect when Height or Width are greater than 100.

Exporters and Rendering

  • Output renders now maintain alignment and no longer display artifacts when exported as TIFF and PSD sequences at 16 bits per channel with Straight (Unmatted) alpha.
  • After Effects on Windows no longer interprets double spaces in an Output Module template name as a single space.
  • Inserting tokens into the Template field of the File Name and Location Template dialog now inserts new tokens at the end of the existing template string rather than at the start. 
  • Thumbnails no longer render if the Disable Thumbnails in Project Panel option is enabled.

Expressions and Scripts

  • Shortcut (U, U) will now reveal audio property expressions.
  • Folder.userData now returns the correct value on macOS when file hosting services like Dropbox or OneDrive have their backup features enabled.


  • The GPU Information dialog in Preferences > Memory & Performance no longer displays a placeholder GPU version.
  • There is no longer a mismatch between CPU and GPU rendering when applying the Curves effect.

Properties panel

  • Entering an absolute value in the Properties panel now correctly updates all selected layers, even if the entered value matches the current value of the first selected layer.
  • The Properties panel now correctly updates the Point of Interest when switching between camera types after adjusting a value first.
  • The Properties panel now correctly updates camera options when undoing after switching renderers.


  • Improved performance of importing footage that contains XMP Markers.
  • After Effects no longer becomes unresponsive when ungrouping complex shape groups.
  • Pasting a single effect to many layers is now more than 100x faster.
  • Applying animation presets is now up to 20x faster.

Crashes and Stability

  • Fixed a crash that would occur when opening a composition with an Environment Light layer already selected.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when any Layer > Arrange > Bring Mask command is used while multiple Shape Path groups are selected.
  • After Effects no longer hangs when creating a palette using third-party Ray Dynamic Color script.
  • After Effects no longer crashes after saving a dynamically linked Premiere Pro project and returning to it.
  • After Effects no longer crashes when ungrouping an empty shape group. 


  • Project files containing consecutive spaces will now open correctly.
  • After Effects will now maintain its window state when opening projects from Windows Explorer.
  • The Yen symbol no longer appears in the Keyboard shortcut view.
  • Keyboard shortcuts no longer incorrectly show internal strings.
  • The spacing issue in the filename saved as version 23.x is now fixed.
  • The Quit After Effects menu no longer gets disabled if opened while a dialog window is up.
  • Opening an exported Premiere Pro project from After Effects in Premiere Pro no longer results in missing video sequences.
  • New projects now use the Solids folder name set in the preferences rather than the name used by a previously opened project.
  • The checkmark for the Solids folder in the Project panel context menu no longer remains selected for all folders after right-clicking on the Solids folder.
  • Saving project as XML will now include the server name so that the assets on that server can be properly accessed when changing machines.

Fixed issues in the June 2024 release (version 24.5)

  • After Effects no longer crashes when adding an asset from the library to a folder in the Project panel.
  • Animation presets are now applied correctly when Advanced 3D render is enabled.
  • Fixed memory leaks that caused users to run into application memory exhausted error where the mask path was keyframed.
  • Improved UI interaction performance in the composition panel with Faux Bold enabled.
  • Pasting a keyframe from a scale property no longer gives an error.
  • The 3D model layer keyboard shortcut to toggle shadows now works correctly.
  • Purging ALL_CACHES no longer shows a confirmation dialog when scripts are run from ScriptUI palette, ScriptUI window, or VSCode Extendscript debugger.
  • Purging ALL_CACHES now purges cache successfully if app.purge() is called from a ScriptUI dialog.

Fixed issues in the May 2024 release (version 24.4.1)

  • Fixed a stability issue when importing AVC-encoded footage.

Fixed issues in the May 2024 release (version 24.4)

  • Incomplete Warp Stabilizer tracking data no longer causes UI slowdowns and caching issues.
  • The composition panel no longer flickers when the Draft 3D option is enabled.
  • Changing the view mode to Draft 3D and enabling the Extended Viewer now renders layers correctly.
  • After Effects no longer shows “Unknown Error” when opening an AVI codec configuration window.
  • Slow model import can now be canceled. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when using Adobe Dynamic Link to work with Premiere Pro sequence. 
  • Multiple installations of the Microsoft ONNX Runtime should no longer cause After Effects to crash on startup.

Fixed issues in the March 2024 release (version 24.3)

  • After Effects no longer crashes when you try to export tracking data to the 3D model layer.
  • The maximum values for specific layer style sizes (Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Outer Glow, Inner Glow, Satin, Stroke) have been reduced from 30,000 to 250.
  • The “Invalid clipboard format” alerts no longer show up when bringing After Effects in focus.
  • Textures now render for model exported in .obj format.
  • White Noise option is added to the Audio Tone effect.
  • After Effects no longer quits when undo is pressed during playback after a camera is created and the number of views is changed.
  • After Effects no longer crashes rendering track mattes using the Advanced 3D renderer. 
  • Users who sign in to Creative Cloud within After Effects should no longer be signed out after 30 minutes.
  • Navigating After Effects menus on macOS Sonoma 14 should now work as expected.
  • Calling app.purge(PurgeTarget.ALL_CACHES) via scripting will now match the behavior of Edit > Purge > All Caches.... Use the new PurgeTarget.ALL_MEMORY_CACHES option to clear only the RAM cache, matching Edit > Purge > All Memory.

Fixed issues in the February 2024 release (version 24.2)

  • After Effects no longer crashes when you use Mask Feather Tool to adjust a feather beyond the bounds of a mask. 
  • Ampersands "&" in the effect names are now correctly displayed in the Effects submenus.
  • Expression errors no longer cause "{PrepAndWrite() called on non-diskcacheable stuff}" error.
  • Preview no longer fails when collapsing transformations on a nested composition that has a layer with Puppet pins.
  • The Rotation value no longer resets to 0 after one rotation while holding the Shift key.
  • For image-based lighting, replacing footage now correctly updates Environment Light rendering.
  • For image-based lighting, Environment Light no longer renders too bright through intensity range.
  • When applying a preset, the Position of a layer will now be combined or separated automatically according to what the preset was saved with.
  • Error message when failing to read Project XMP data is correctly formatted.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using sampleImage()in a layer expression.
  • High-quality shadow settings no longer cause TDRs on systems with AMD Radeon PRO cards.
  • The tiling size is calculated correctly even when the shadow Smoothness value under Advanced 3D Renderer Options is set to greater than 1.
  • Adaptive Resolution will activate when needed and as expected when you change settings values in the Advanced 3D Renderer Options dialog.
  • 3D placeholder models no longer cast shadows.
  • Replacing the source of a 3D model updates the name and bounding box as expected.
  • After Effects no longer crashes when you modify Color settings in the Interpret Footage dialog box.
  • In Cineware, when you revert to Cinema 4D, the composition viewer updates to use the C4D camera as expected.
  • After Effects no longer freezes when you remove a Cinema 4D layer.
  • Updating Cineware to 5.1.10 allows projects with Cinema 4D files to open as expected when saving them to After Effects 23.x and 22.x. Projects with Cinema 4D that were created in 24.0.3 or earlier can be opened in 24.2.1.

Fixed issues in the December 2023 release (version 24.1)

  • Clearing the preferences from Startup and Repair no longer crashes After Effects.
  • In the Properties panel, the Fill and Stroke colors no longer reset when switching from solid color to gradient and back.
  • In the Properties panel, Stroke controls now correctly toggle when the Stroke checkbox is changed. 
  • Changing the frame rate of a composition no longer causes the UI to freeze or lag.
  • Keyframes on time stretched response design now correctly follow the cursor when dragged. 
  • Blocked older version of Animation Composer that caused After Effects to crash. 

Fixed issues in the October 2023 release (version 24.0.2)

  • Keyframes applied from presets should no longer appear offset from the Current Time Indicator location in the timeline.
  • Projects created in After Effects Beta builds containing 3D models will no longer open in 24.0.2 to avoid possible loss of layers from a composition.

Fixed issues in the October 2023 release (version 24.0.1)

  • Fixed an issue where adding keyframes to multiple layers using keyboard shortcuts required multiple undos to reverse the single action of adding the keyframes.
  • Improved experience when After Effects fails to start on macOS Sonoma 14.
  • Applying or pasting keyframes containing multiple properties such as Scale, Position, and Rotation works as expected.

Fixed issues in the October 2023 release (version 24.0)

  • Hide After Effects on macOS 13 and later now works consistently.
  • Resolved a performance slowdown that occurs when revealing many property streams from the Properties panel.
  • When using the Cinema 4D renderer, After Effects no longer shows the ‘zero denominator comparing ratios’ error when trying to preview. 
  • CPU and GPU render for the Fill effect no longer mismatch when All Masks is checked, but the layer has no masks.
  • The video layer no longer freezes when the Shadow/Highlight effect is applied, and Effect Opacity is set to 0.
  • Improved performance of the CC Particle World effect when using animated textured particles.
  • Added Shutter Phase control in the CC Force Motion Blur effect and fixed potential invalid RGB values up zero alpha pixels in 32 and 16 bpc.
  • Fixed UI issues on macOS for the CC Split 2 effect.
  • Fixed potential invalid RGB values up zero alpha pixels in 32 and 16 bpc for the CC Power Pin effect.
  • Fixed potential invalid RGB values up zero alpha pixels in 32 and 16 bpc for the CC Light Burst 2.5 effect.
  • Fixed incorrect area sampling radius when using the CC Ball Action effect.

Fixed issues in the May 2024 release (version 23.6.6)

  • Cycore (CC) effects now work on macOS 11 installations.

Fixed issues in the August 2023 release (version 23.6)

  • Modifying the keyboard shortcuts for the Zoom In or Zoom Out commands for the Composition panel no longer causes the shortcuts to stop working. 
  • In the Properties panel, choosing Reveal in Timeline for the Position property when multiple layers are selected now reveals the property for all selected layers. 
  • In the Properties panel, clicking on the value of a property with an expression applied now correctly shows the pre-expression value. 
  • Using Shift+J or K to navigate the Timeline panel works as expected when After Effects is installed in non-English languages. 
  • After Effects no longer crashes when previewing for a long time with Draft 3D enabled.
  • After Effects no longer crashes when a script uses callbacks.callbackData.
  • Holding the Shift key while dragging the rotate handles of the 3D gizmo now constrains rotation to 5 degree increments instead of 45 degrees.
  • Duplicating both a layer and the track matte layer assigned to it now updates the track matte reference to the duplicated layer.
  • In the Properties panel, the Layer Contents window now auto-scrolls if necessary when you select a shape in the Timeline panel.
  • Reassigning certain keyboard shortcuts that have a default command assignment in the After Effects Menu bar (For example, Ctrl+Z for undo) now executes the new command instead of the default command.
  • The Roto Brush effect no longer causes After Effects to crash in certain cases where multi-threaded rendering fails.
  • In the Properties panel, changing stroke properties after changing stroke color type no longer shows an error.

Fixed issues in the June 2023 release (version 23.5)

  • If multiple Fills or Strokes are applied to a Shape group, the Properties panel now shows the first Fill or Stroke with an info icon indicating more Fills or Strokes exist.
  • The Properties panel now snaps to its default width when part of a stacked panel group.
  • Changes made to Shape layer Fills and Strokes using the Properties panel are now applied to new Shape layers.
  • Rotation controls values in the Properties are drawn correctly after making edits to layer properties.
  • When making changes to multiple Text layers using the Text section menu, a single undo will now revert the changes for all selected layers.
  • Stroke Width is no longer reset to previous values when changing the Stroke type from None to Solid using the Properties panel.
  • Using the Cmd or Ctrl modifier keys to scrub by increments of .1 is now supported by Rotation properties in the Properties panel.
  • Absolute math operations are now supported for Rotation properties in the Properties panel.
  • When setting multiple Text layers to the same typeface using the Properties panel, the selected typeface is now correctly displayed.
  • The correct color values are now shown opening the Gradient dialog from the Properties panel after reordering multiple Gradient Fills or Strokes on a Shape layer.
  • After Effects no longers crashes while rendering the Bevel and Emboss Layer Style with Multi-Frame rendering enabled.
  • The Composition Profiler no longer causes After Effects to hang in some cases.
  • Audio preview now works when the Composition panel view is set to show two or four views.
  • Audio waveforms are correctly displayed for dynamically-linked Premiere Pro sequences, whereas previous versions might fail to show waveforms or give an "Audio conforming failed" error.
  • Variable fonts installed from Adobe Fonts now activate and sync properly in After Effects.
  • Variable fonts with custom PostScript names now work with Expressions and Scripting.
  • After Effects no longer crashes when using Apple's SF Pro and New York Fonts.
  • After Effects no longer crashes in multiple situations involving the Character panel, specific variable fonts, duplicate fonts, and missing fonts, amongst others.
  • Improved performance in the Character panel: custom variable fonts now display properly, duplicate font families are now supported, and Show English Font Names changes are respected in Favorites.

Fixed issues in the May 2023 release (version 23.4)

  • Fixed an issue that caused some options from the camera submenu to be greyed out. 
  • Fixed an issue where 12-bit color DNxHR HQX video in MXF files was being decoded as 8-bit.
  • Fixed an issue where Media Browser favorites were not being saved.
  • Fixed an issue with migrating preferences that caused After Effects to become unresponsive.
  • Fixed an issue with the render engine that caused After Effects to crash when choosing a folder from Watch Folder in the file menu.
  • Fixed an issue with Puppet Tool that caused After Effects to crash when changing the engine from Advanced to Legacy
  • Fixed an issue that caused a ‘zero denominator in ratio addition.’ error when dragging the anchor point of a shape layer in 3D space.
  • Fixed an issue that caused MXF assets with Alpha Channel to not be transparent.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to hang when collecting files that contain a Cinema 4D file in composition. 
  • Fixed rendering notifications for non-English OS languages.
  • Fixed an issue where footage containing audio using 16kHz, 64kHz, 88.2kHz, or 176.4kHz Sample Rates would not play or export correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where After Effects could crash when using a Wacom Tablet with Paint and Brush tools.

Fixed issues in the March 2023 release (version 23.3)

  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when using certain MXF format files. 
  • Fixed an issue where migrating preferences from the n-2 version did not migrate workspaces and keyboard shortcuts.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Adobe Illustrator files imported from Creative Cloud Libraries to be renamed.
  • Fixed an issue with long library file paths causing the import to a project to fail.
  • Fixed an issue where OCIO color management didn't update the display color space when the project color bit depth was changed. 
  • Fixed an issue where ICC profiles were embedded in still exports (JPEG, PNG) when OCIO color management was in use. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused the RGBA channel to be available for unsupported formats in Output Module Settings.
  • Fixed an issue with the Expression editor that caused text selection to be offset from the cursor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Expression editor to display incorrect font.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when applying Look LUT from Creative Cloud Libraries.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when resizing panels with EGP hidden behind another panel.
  • Fixed an issue where dropdown controls had stopped working in third-party panels.
  • Fixed an issue where PSD-based layers showed "Zero denominator comparing ratios" errors.
  • The gradient dialog is now color managed and will display accurate colors when project color management is enabled.
  • Embedded images in Adobe Illustrator documents animate more smoothly.
  • Additional improvements to the performance of scrubbing the Current Time Indicator on Windows devices.
  • Fixed Cinema 4D issues:
    • Crash when extracting data from Cinema 4D scene.
    • Switching back to After Effects from Cinema 4D.
    • Connecting to the Cineware Renderer failed.
    • Redshift materials are not displaying in the Draft mode.
    • Non-ASCII characters in lists.

Fixed issues in the February 2023 release (version 23.2.1)

  • Fixed an issue that could cause layers and keyframes to update slowly while being moved around the timeline.
  • Fixed an issue where MXF files with non-English filenames failed to import, instead showing an error - "Failed to import. Unsupported format or damaged file."
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when using Roto Brush version 2.0 and Quality set to Best on macOS Ventura (version 13) on Apple silicon hardware.

Fixed issues in the February 2023 release (version 23.2)

  • Fixed issue that caused H.264 and HEVC exports to fail when the export location name used double-byte characters, such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or extended ASCII characters, like accents and umlauts.  
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash on Windows devices when using Chinese characters in text layers.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed users to create new C4D layers when Cinema 4D wasn’t installed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an error when saving the project with a media replacement control and a track matte.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to hang after presenting modal dialogs. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused a delay in closing After Effects projects. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when enabling any of the Simulate Output profiles with HW acceleration enabled.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from canceling an ongoing import of media files into the project.
  • Fixed an issue that slowed or interrupted CAF processing when Cache Frames When Idle was active.
  • Fixed an issue with Selectable Track Mattes when clicking and dragging on Alpha/Luma/Invert icons didn’t change settings on multiple layers.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented AErender from showing progress with interlaced render settings.

Fixed issues in the December 2022 release (version 23.1)

  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to show low memory warnings during preview. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused the "Save as" dialog to close on machines with macOS 13 Ventura if arrow keys were pressed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when opening Cinema 4D projects.  
  • Fixed an issue that caused the "Unable to obtain dynamiclink server" error when applying Warp Stabilizer VFX effect.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a long delay when closing large projects. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused a long delay when trying to quit After Effects while the cache was full. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when converting the PSD text layer to editable text through the layer timeline context menu. 
  • Fixed an issue with H.264 encoding that caused low audio bitrate when one render item used multiple output modules. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused the animation preset "Fade In+Out – Frames" to fade in incorrectly when fade in frames number was set to 0. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused the "Map output for" field in the "Audio Output Mapping" preference to be empty. 
  • Fixed an issue with Keyboard Shortcuts that caused commands to be not added back when commands with the same name existed in other sections. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused Keyboard Shortcuts for zooming Effects Control panel to not work.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Transform Gizmo that caused the central handle to not work properly.
  • Fixed an issue with Classic 3D that caused the Environment Layer menu item to be active despite the comp renderer not supporting it.
  • Fixed an issue with Draft 3D that caused transformed track matte layers to stretch to comp bounds for 2D layers. 
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Scene Navigation that caused 3D Reference Axes to move when using the hand tool in composition with Pixel Aspect ratio correction enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where saving a project for After Effects v22 or prior created a project that showed an extra track matte connection than what was present in the original project.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when clicking on "Reset" in the Lumetri Color Effect Control window.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the blending mode on a layer disabled visibility of the Layer above it.

Fixed issues in the October 2022 release (version 23.0)

  • Fixed an issue where only five frames would render on machines with shared system/GPU memory, such as Apple silicon M1 machines. 
  • Fixed a crash when using the Cinema 4D renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where .fla files would not import.
  • Fixed an issue where Scripts would not run if a modal dialog were displayed.
  • Fixed a crash when executing complex layer/property expressions.
  • Fixed a crash when copying Camera options between Camera layers in the timeline.
  • Fixed an issue where the Application Menus on macOS may not work or act erratically if scripting or licensing dialog appeared during application startup.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when opening the project from the Home screen.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when opening preferences.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when the migrate preferences dialog was up.
  • Fixed an issue with loading workspaces that sometimes caused After Effects to crash on launch.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to become unresponsive and eventually crash when invalid characters are entered in the Timeline panel's 'Time duration' text field.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a memory leak followed by a crash when trying to quit After Effects.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when applying Roto-Brush with Refine Edge activated to a pre-composition.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when importing certain PSD files.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when applying some third-party effects to the adjustment layer with no rendering layers below it.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when using certain third-party plugins from Trapcode Suite.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some operations to not work on sub-selected text from the text layer.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented selecting some characters on the text layer.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the cursor to draw in the wrong location when working with mixed paragraph directions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused more than one instance of After Effects to open when repeatedly clicking the Open button in CCD to launch it.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Transform Gizmo where dragging bounding box Z handle on 3D layer scaled inversely from drag direction.

Fixed issues in After Effects version 22.x

  • Fixed an issue where zero denominator errors would occur on project open. For example - After effects error: zero denominator converting ratio denominators (17::18).
  • Fixed an issue on macOS where Save/Open/Import dialogs would not show up when After Effects was offline from the network.
  • Fixed an issue on macOS where files copied during a Collect Files operation may copy as 0-bytes in size.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when opening certain CMYK Illustrator files. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash on quit when the app was trying to save the workspace changes. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to hang when initializing required components.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an ‘Illegal Argument Flag: -reuse” error when running aerender with the -reuse flag. 
  • Fixed an issue with preview that sometimes caused After Effects to become unresponsive if caching frames when idle. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash on double-clicking in the project panel after selecting a Learn tutorial from the Home screen.
  • Fixed an issue with CC Libraries that caused preview and thumbnail for some footages to break when dragged into the project panel. 
  • Fixed an issue with Stroke that caused the ‘Below Previous in Same Group’ option to not show up in the Stroke settings. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused drop-down menus to be cut off on dual monitor workspaces with different resolutions. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused composition interactive re-draw to slow down if multiple font styles of Apple SF symbols fonts were being rendered in test layers. 
  • Fixed an issue with Solid layers that caused the Lock Aspect Ratio to not stick. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Application Menus on macOS may not work or act erratically if a dialog was displayed during application startup.
  • Fixed an issue where 3D Camera Tracker and Warp Stabilizer would stop after analyzing the first frame of footage
  • Fixed an issue where After Effects would crash on shutdown if a third-party ScriptUI-based panel had been displayed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to not startup when running on macOS 10.15.0 through MacOS 10.15.3.
  • Fixed an issue that caused intermittent crash when quitting After Effects on Mac ARM machine.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when running natively on Apple silicon hardware with Mercury Transmit enabled and Blackmagic Desktop video version 12.1 or earlier installed.
  • Fixed an issue with Optical Flow GPU rendering that caused After Effects to become unresponsive.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash while transferring frames over Dynamic Link.
  • Fixed an issue that caused responsive time to break in Dynamic Link Mogrts.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Migrate Preferences dialog to show an error when moved during application startup.
  • Fixed an issue with comp previewing that caused “Two frame preview error” due to memory constraints.
  • Fixed an issue that caused memory usage to go beyond the assigned threshold.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented certain .jpeg files from Illustrator to be imported correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with multilingual text that caused typing issues.
  • Fixed an issue that caused aerender to crash on Windows when using the ‘-reuse’ flag.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Hardware Accelerate preference to be automatically disabled when using Remote Desktop.
  • Fixed an issue with Motion Graphics Templates that caused AeGraphics that are alt-replaced to be improperly upgraded to source graphics in the Project Panel.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Collect Files to hang on macOS.
  • Fixed an issue where setFontName() would appear in an error message for setFont()
  • Fixed an issue where After Effects throws an error message stating that the project is corrupt as the project has invalid data. It occurs when you open an .aep project created in version 22.2.1 in After Effects versions 22.3 or 22.4.
  • Fixed an issue where Motion Graphic Templates that use the Mocha Shape Importer on Apple silicon hardware would show an unsupported error in Premiere Pro.
  • Fixed an issue that caused projects with Lumetri parameters not to be backward- or forward-compatible in After Effects 22.3
  • Fixed an issue that prevented certain .png files from importing properly
  • Fixed an issue that caused prevented workspaces from reverting to saved layouts via Reset Workspace to Saved Layout option
  • Fixed an issue that caused slow playback of video footage when Multi-Frame Rendering is enabled
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in errors when refreshing the contents of the Effects and Presets panel
  • Fixed an issue that caused text animators and highlight/text selection to not work correctly for right-to-left-aligned languages 
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in After Effects becoming unresponsive while using the Mocha plugin
  • Fixed an issue that caused Cache Frames When Idle to use system resources inefficiently.
  • Fixed an issue where After Effects would crash while using Apple SF Pro font version 17.1d1e1.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Scene Navigation where Camera tool options would cycle backwards when using the Shift key.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Exposure Control from automatically enabling when Exposure value was changed.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Transform Gizmo that caused layers to not stay under the mouse cursor during drag interactions in Z.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Transform Gizmo that prevented moving layers in increments of 10 pixels when holding shift key and slowly dragging.
  • Fixed an issue where temporary files created during an image sequence export were not deleted if both Skip Existing Files and Multi-Frame Rendering were enabled.
  • Fixed an issue with Draft 3D that caused comp to flash when changing magnification in auto resolution mode.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects generated QuickTime DNx sources with alpha to be decoded incorrectly in Avid Media Composer.
  • Fixed output module templates being corrupted on exit of After Effects.
  • Fixed an issue where calling CompItem.markerProperty.setValueAtTime() caused an error.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the composition profiler to crash certain compositions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when adding/removing dropdown menu items in the Essential Graphics Panel.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Cineware to crash.
  • Fixed an issue causing render queue items to be incorrectly marked as Ready for rendering.
  • Fixed an issue for Windows that caused the memory usage to exceed the assigned threshold when rendering projects with 32-bit EXR files.
  • Fixed the Vegas effect generating flickering output when the Random Phase checkbox is enabled while rendering with Multi-Frame Rendering.
  • Fixed an issue with Draft 3D that caused composition tool cursors to appear in non-composition panels.
  • Fixed an issue with Draft 3D that caused RGBA values to not show up in the info panel.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the color picker to not work in Draft 3D.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Transform Gizmo that resulted in in an error when using anchor point tool with layer at zero scale.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Transform Gizmo that caused n-up view label size to change when interacting with the gizmo.
  • Fixed an issue that caused 3D Ground Plane to be able to be turned on/off during a preview if Draft 3D was on.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the cursor to flicker when trying to resize the panels inside After Effects.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash on quit after using Maxon Cinema 4D exporter.
  • Fixed an issue with CryptoMatte plugin that caused After Effects to crash if EXR sequence was larger than the composition.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when starting audio only preview while using Draft 3D.
  • Fixed an issue with sync settings that caused After Effects to crash on quit after downloading the preferences.
  • Fixed an issue where re-linking a multi-layer PSD file would produce an invalid buffer error if one of the layers was deleted.
  • Fixed an issue where PNG files with an embedded ICC profile were not being rendered correctly when the Linearize Working Space option was enabled for the project.
  • Fixed an issue where the Preserve RGB option in the Interpret Footage options was not preserved when opening projects saved in After Effects 17.7 or earlier.
  • Fixed an issue with Text layers that prevented copy pasting South Asian and Middle Eastern text into a text layer that previously housed Roman or Greek characters.
  • Fixed an issue where Adjustment Layers would not be copied correctly from After Effects to Premiere Pro.
  • Fixed an issue where Cache Frames When Idle may start when a plugins UI was active in the foreground which could cause the plugin to respond slowly or hang.
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when using Hand tool when the Fractal effect has been applied to a layer and has focus.
  • Fixed an issue with Composition toolbar that prevented new composition from inheriting the 3D renderer used in previous composition.
  • Fixed an issue with Ground Plane that caused 3D grid lines to have inconsistent thickness.
  • Fixed an issue with Draft 3D that caused blank or offset comp content when resizing panel or changing magnification in auto-resolution mode.
  • Fixed an issue that caused rendering of After Effect projects that use C4D renderer or Cineware to fail with Dynamic Link.
  • Fixed an issue where Premiere Pro or Adobe Media Encoder may stop working while rendering an After Effects composition.
  • Fixed an issue where an invisible After Effects process (aerendercore on MacOS and AfterFX on Win) may stop working when a dynamically-linked application, such as Premiere Pro or Adobe Media Encoder was closed or Edit Original was invoked. If you still face issues, reboot your Mac system after installing After Effects v22.0.1.
  • Fixed an issue resulting in an incorrect error message when user stops a render in progress.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in an error message when render is resumed after being previously stopped.
  • Resolved an issue that caused misestimation of render output file size.
  • Fixed an issue that caused renders to be sent to incorrect destination folder on Windows.
  • Fixed an issue that caused existing renders to be overwritten without warning on Windows.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in template-generated render output paths not being sent to Adobe Media Encoder.
  • Fixed an issue where comp pixel aspect ratio was not respected in Draft 3D.
  • Fixed an issue that caused jagged drawing of 3D Transform Gizmo when switching gizmo modes.
  • Fixed an issue where opacity slider bar control did not move to mouse position in 3D Scene Navigation.
  • Fixed an issue that caused new comps to inherit 3D view from most recently viewed comp.
  • Fixed an issue that caused preview screen to flicker when creating a long text frame.
  • Fixed an issue where pixels weren’t displayed at certain composition resolutions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused layer markers to remain past the split point when splitting layers.
  • Fixed an issue with Cinema4D that caused After Effects to crash when resetting Camera/Take.

Fixed issues in After Effects version 18.x

Fixed an issue that prevented pasting into text layers from other applications.

  • Fixed an issue that caused certain EXR footage to import incorrectly cropped.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Fast Draft that caused the buffer to not clear in certain cases when the next frame was drawn.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the overlays for Shapes/Masks to be offset by a pixel or two when zoomed in above 800%.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Transform Gizmo that prevented using it with Track Matte layer.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Transform Gizmo that caused Gizmo and POI to be incorrectly positioned after setting negative scale for a camera or light parent.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Scene Navigation that prevented assigning a keyboard shortcut for View > Look at all Layers.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Scene Navigation that prevented comp tool bar from honoring Cmd/Ctrl to share view options.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Scene Navigation that prevented n-up view layout setting for 3D comp to be retained when opening a saved project.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Scene Navigation that prevented comp tool bar Ground Plane switch to not honor Shared View Options settings.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Scene Navigation that prevented right click in non active n-up view to switch activation for bringing up the corresponding context sensitive menu.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Scene Navigation that prevented non-uniformly scaled layer to uniformly scale.
  • Fixed an issue causing some JPEG images to fail to load from older projects.

Updates to project loading to better handle corrupted files.

  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects 2021 to create and utilize “After Effects 2020” folder for User Presets, User Libraries, and User Videos.
  • Fixed an issue with Real-Time 3D Draft Preview that caused the state to not be preserved when opening a saved project.
  • Fixed an issue with Real-Time 3D Draft Preview that caused compositions to render incorrectly when multiple compositions were opened in individual viewers with Draft 3D enabled.
  • Fixed an issue that caused panning using space bar shortcut to not work in the render queue.  
  • Fixed an issue that caused using the custom keyboard shortcuts from After Effects 18.0 in After Effects 18.1 to break the “V” hotkey for Selection tool.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause After Effects to crash when copying layers using Linear Color key.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Scene Navigation that caused spring loaded “C” and “V” keys to not work correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Scene Navigation that caused “Shift+C” and “Shift+V” to not cycle through the camera tool options and gizmo modes respectively.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Scene Navigation that caused camera tools to not activate when all 3D layer’s visibility switches were toggled on/off.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Transform Gizmo that caused light gizmo and wireframes rotation to not respond to expression.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Transform Gizmo that caused it to draw with incorrect proportion when changing composition pixel aspect ratio.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Transform Gizmo that caused layer to incorrectly rotate in World and View Axis mode when rotating in X, Y or Z by gizmo in rotation mode.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Transform Gizmo that caused gizmo and camera or light axis to jump when adding a parent with rotation or negative scale.  
  • Fixed an issue with Draft 3D preview that caused the viewport to not refresh on Windows if the project is set to Mercury Software and the composition has a transparent background.
  • Fixed an issue where the right-most column of pixels in a composition preview could display incorrectly. 
  • Fixed an issue where links in the After Effects Help menu did not point to the correct location
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a matted layer to be hidden when a GPU-enabled effect was used on a lower layer.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a color shift when converting some Illustrator files to shapes.
  • Fixed an issue where pressing Escape would not revert the original expression after replacing an expression using the pick whip in the Graph Editor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a pick-whipped expression reference to be inserted at the start of the expression when using the pick whip to replace an expression that is visible in the Graph Editor expression field.
  • Fixed an issue when importing TIFF files that contain pixels with zero alpha.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Render Queue log files to be created while exporting a single item when logging level was set to Errors Only.

On Windows only, fixed a crash when closing a Timeline panel when After Effects is running on an external monitor with multiple timeline windows open.

  • Fixed an issue with the Levels and Shift Channels Effect that caused rendering differences between Mercury Software and Mercury GPU modes.
  • Fixed an issue where ScriptUI embedded panels would cause AE to crash when selecting ‘Use Legacy UI’ option. 
  • Fixed an issue where mask and shape paths may result in low resolution Bezier splines. 
  • Fixed an issue with Roto Brush where the propagation of the mask may occur multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue with the Expression Editor that caused mismatched parentheses when pick-whipping or pasting between closed parentheses.
  • Fixed an issue where the Dropdown Effect Control could only be applied once per layer.
  • Fixed various issues with Roto Brush when propagating mask changes in multiple clips in a single composition at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue that caused AE to crash when using Auto-trace with Camera or Light layers.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the color picker or eye dropper to fail to pick color on Windows when using secondary monitor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused CEP panels to not draw properly on Windows if changing display scale while the app was running. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused ‘New Composition’ and ‘ New Composition From Footage’ text in an empty composition and layer window to scale correctly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused alternate toolbar options to display incorrectly on Windows when using secondary monitor.
  • Fixed an issue with the Graph Editor that caused all text in the Expression Editor to be highlighted when reverting changes using Escape key. 
  • Fixed an issue with Graph Editor that caused ‘(No selected properties have expressions)’ message to show up in the expression editor when committing a change the expression.
  • Fixed an issue where Create Shapes from Vector Layer could cause color shifts when project working space was different from source working space.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Radiance.8BI footage to fail to import on Windows.
  • Fixed an issue that caused AE to become unresponsive when importing footage while concurrently previewing a composition on Windows.
  • Fixed an issue that caused UI drawn into the Effect Parameter Title area to not be displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where an error would be shown unexpectedly when using output path templates (“The directory originally specified in the selected output module no longer exists”).
  • Overall improvements to After Effects when using a Hi-DPI monitor. 

Fixed issues in After Effects version 17.x

  • 3D Reference Axis colors now match the 3D gizmo.
  • 3D Reference Axes are now on by default. To disable them, click on the Grid and Guide Options button at the bottom of the Composition panel.
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Transform Gizmo that caused gizmo components to render overlapped when using negative scale.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented dragging to reorder more than one effect at a time in the Effect Controls panel.
  • Fixed an issue that caused tools at the bottom of Lumetri Scopes panel to be clipped on a HiDPI Windows system.
  • Fixed an issue with Content Aware Fill that caused a color shift in generated fill layers when switching Project Working Space from ProPhoto RGB to Rec.709 Gamma 2.4.
  • Fixed an issue in the Content Aware Fill options where the lighting correction checkbox would show as checked when a Fill Method that didn’t support lighting correction was selected.
  • Fixed an issue with Content Aware Fill when using 16bpc projects.
  • Fixed an issue where CMYK files may shift colors unexpectedly when the Project Working Space is linearized, or using a non-display-style color profile.
  • Fixed an issue where an Alpha channel dialog may display incorrectly when importing a CMYK Photoshop file.
  • Fixed an issue where expression edits made in the Graph Editor were not applied consistently.

3D Scene Navigation

  • Fixed an issue that caused the mouse cursor to change to the camera tool instead of zoom out when holding the option key with zoom tool is selected.
  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect camera manipulation point for overlapping layers in Z-axis.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an error when panning in the same position as POI.

3D Transform Gizmo

  • Fixed an issue that prevented using gizmo with scale zero.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the scale readout UI to overlap when scaling down.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a layer to tilt in the wrong plane if pressing shift while dragging rotation handle on reoriented layer.
  • Fixed an issue that caused light and camera gizmo components to render overlapped.

Other bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Color Management that caused ‘Use Display Color Management’ to not be enabled by default when setting project working space.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when using Key Cleaner with HDR footage.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an expression to be replaced instead of appending when using expression or property pick-whip.
  • Fixed an issue with Roto Brush that caused incorrect propagation cached markings to show up when switching layers in the Layer panel.  
  • Fixed an issue that caused longer load times for projects with compositions that have more than a hundred layers.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Roto Brush modified span bar duration to reset when adding a stroke.
  • Fixed an issue that caused drag operations such as moving panels within a workspace or repositioning guide lines to not work properly on Mac, after changing the display resolution in System Preferences.
  • Fixed an issue with Essential properties that caused an error when duplicating a master property group in the timeline.
  • Fixed an issue with Essential properties that caused a master property name to increment when duplicating it.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the app window to open larger than the monitors screen size if the ‘ModifiedWorkspaces’ folder was deleted.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a panel to not show at the correct height when undocking it from a stacked panel group.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a panels snap points to be incorrect when display scale was greater than 100%.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the bounding box handles for selected shape groups, paragraph text, and motion tracker points to not draw at the correct size when the monitor resolution is scaled.
  • Fixed an issue that caused snapping to be not accurate when using the graph editor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused adjacent Bezier keyframes with zero velocity and same values to not cache properly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the app to crash when using Boris Reactor plugin with a no audio footage.
  • Fixed an issue that caused scripting of Render Queue crop attributes to swap right and bottom values.
  • Fixed an issue that caused dragging the current-time indicator (CTI) to leave black trails at certain display scales.

3D Transform Gizmo

  • Fixed an issue that caused the camera and light wireframes and position paths to draw incorrectly for some view angles.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the 3D Transform Gizmo to disappear when using the rotate tool.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an error when using large layer scale value with Rotation Gizmo.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when setting X-scale to zero.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the UI element of Rotate Gizmo to draw when layer is out of view.
  • Fixed an issue that caused drawing problems in comp panel when using a Custom View.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Gizmo size to be relatively large or small depending on the size of the comp.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong rotation values could be shown when using View Axis modes.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Z-scale to not work when using the transform gizmo in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the UI showing how far you have moved an element to overlap with other UI elements unexpectedly.

3D Scene Navigation

  • Fixed an issue that caused all the camera keyframes to be removed when resetting camera.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an error when dollying camera in same position as POI.  
  • Fixed an issue that prevented using Option/Alt key as tool modifier key on 2D layer in a 3D comp.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented keyboard shortcut Alt/Option to not engage wireframes interactions in 2D comps.

Other bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when creating a new layer viewer while paint tool is selected. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to freeze when moving the cursor over a footage panel with pen tool selected.  
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Linear color key controls to disappear when using the effects own color picker in the comp panel.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a black dialog window to pop up in case of a mismatch between Operating Systems locale and CCD installer app language.
  • Fixed an issue that caused QuickTime DNxHR files generated via Avid Media Composer's Universal Media Engine to import as audio-only.
  • Fixed an issue that caused all-black frames when exporting a comp to QuickTime with the Avid DNxHR 444 codec with an alpha channel.
  • Fixed an issue that caused import to fail for Quick Time ProRes files.
  • Fixed an issue that caused garbage pixels when exporting a comp to QuickTime DNxHR 444 with uncompressed alpha.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Content Aware Fill PNG export files to be large.
  • Fixed an issue with Essential Graphics Panel that caused a crash when closing the Edit Properties dialog.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the render to fail when running aerender from CMD.
  • Fixed an issue that caused AERenderCore to not terminate when quitting the app in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue that caused memory error when rendering AI files in “More Accurate” mode.
  • Fixed an issue that caused AMD integrated GPUs to not be used for effect rendering in higher resolution comps.
  • Fixed an issue where After Effects was crashing on launch or threw a "File is not found" error message when opening images with Camera Raw 13.0. This was caused due to OS incompatibility of Adobe Camera Raw 13.0 with macOS 10.13.
  • Fixed an issue where After Effects would frequently crash during playback or while idle in the background.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when changing a drop-down list value in the Essential Graphics panel.
  • Fixed an issue where After Effects could hang when reading from the disk cache while in low memory situations.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when trying to use hotkeys and shortcuts before creating a composition.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when switching between layer and comp viewer while ‘Content Aware Fill’ was generating Fill Layer.
  • Fixed an issue with motion graphic texts that caused incorrect rendering for South Asian Languages.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Adobe Media Encoder to hang when trying to render comps from After Effects.
  • Fixed several caching related issues that caused cache markings to not update or even purge in some situations.
  • The tool tip no longer flickers when you hold the cursor over the time ruler in the Timeline panel.
  • Master Properties again retain their custom names when viewed in the Timeline.
  • Fixed an issue with the Transform Gizmo where the rotation tool is too sensitive and erratic.
  • The Create Shapes from Vector Layer command is now disabled for Illustrator layers if the source file is missing.
  • Bug fixes for the Median effect when rendering transparent pixels: alpha channel edges render correctly in 32-bpc color, and layers that are completely transparent no longer return an error message, “Photoshop Library operation failed”.
  • Fixed an issue where using shape stroke taper was generating a spike at start and end points.
  • Fixed an issue with Master Properties that was causing the push and pull buttons to be grayed out after keyframe interpolation changes.
  • Fixed an issue where adding dropdown menu items to existing Motion Graphics templates and replacing in Premiere Pro was resetting previous selections.
  • Fixed an issue in Echo effect, where it could produce garbage pixels in output.
  • Added 32 bpc support for Set Channel, Channel Combiner, Shift Channel and MiniMax.
  • Improved EXR performance: Multi-part and multi-channel EXR files preview up to 3x faster.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when creating a composition using a CSV file containing Chinese characters.
  • Fixed an issue where the status info along the bottom of the Render Queue Panel was not appearing at non-100% display scale. 
  • Fixed a bug where previews could not be stopped during playback.
  • Fixed an issue where Markers could not be referenced by name in the JavaScript Expressions Engine.
  • Fixed an issue with Roto Brush where Refine Edge strokes failed to morph and adapt to changes in footage over time.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if a script attempts to display a dialog box when you switch workspaces. 
  • Fixed an issue so that clicking on a property’s “Include in graph editor” button no longer causes a “Could not convert to Unicode” error when After Effects is run in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. 
  • Fixed crashes related to using South East Asian languages in a composition.  
  • Fixed an import issue where Illustrator REC709 files were incorrectly interpreted as sRGB.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing custom preview thumbnails created in the Essential Graphics Panel to appear black when duplicating the composition.  
  • Fixed an issue where tapered strokes were generating the wrong start and end edge for ellipse shapes when using modified trim path values.
  • Fixed an issue with tapered strokes where the inner corners were torn or pinched incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue on Apple hardware where the composition panel could fail to display correctly when the GPU driver failed to initialize.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing After Effects compositions being used with Dynamic Link, such as Adobe Media Encoder, Premiere Pro, when certain plugins were used in the composition.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong version of an After Effects composition would be rendered by Adobe Media Encoder when the composition was edited after being added to Adobe Media Encoder.
  • Fixed an issue to allow negative values for the CompItem.displayStartTime and CompItem.displayStartFrame scripting attributes so we match the valid range allowed when setting the Start Timecode in the Composition Settings Dialog (-3:00:00:00 to 23:59:00:00).
  • Fixed an issue with Dynamic Link where a composition with certain effect plugins would not appear in the Adobe Media Encoder queue.
  • Fixed an issue with the Time Navigator Bar to work as expected when working with time-reversed layers.
  • Fixed ability to sync settings in menus and through Home Screen.
  • Fixed an issue to make sure that the composition preview remains in position while resizing comp panel during playback.
  • Fixed an issue for the mask tracker text misalignment.
  • Fixed an issue with VR Rendering on Metal.
  • Fixed an issue with Expression editor to auto-complete ‘timeToFrames’ function.
  • Fixed an issue with Tint Effect to show correct values in 8-bit or 16-bit when swapping colors.
  • Fixed an issue where when you rename a layered file used by your project, such as PSD file imported as a comp, re-linking one layer now automatically relinks all layers of the file. 
  • Fixed a crash on Mac hardware that does not support Metal. OpenGL is no longer used to display on these systems.
  • Fixed an issue to ensure that all Premiere Pro keyframes are imported into After Effects correctly, including those on clips that were shifted forward in time.
  • Fixed a crash on Mac that could occur when a text field is in edit mode and the cursor hovers over other UI elements.
  • Fixed an issue where After Effects does not startup when a folder that After Effects needs to read is readable only by the root user on Mac. This bug was impacting the use of software such as Faronics Deep Freeze.
  • Fixed an issue that causes an importer error when importing H.264 Mac OS Mojave screen recording clip.
  • Fixed an issue for Windows that causes CIDFont, CMap and Font subfolders to appear in the same folder as the After Effects Project when double-clicking an .aep project file to launch the app and open a project.
  • Fixed an issue with modified data files (JSON, CSV, TSV) not being used when compositions are exported via Adobe Media Encoder.
  • Fixed an issue specific to XDCAM HD 422 file that causes artifacts when exporting as MPEG2 CBR50.
  • Fixed an issue specific to H.264 120 fps files that show red frame at the end of the file.
  • Improved performance for importing H.264 files created by Open Broadcaster Software (OBS – Screen Recording).
  • Fixed an issue where a time stretched composition could cause After Effects to show an error, overflow converting ratio denominators (17::19) when queueing the comp to Adobe Media Encoder.
  • Resolve out of bounds read security issue. See security update bulletin ID ASPB20-21.
  • Add support for accurate half-NTSC frame rate (14.985 fps).
  • Fixed an issue where pressing the Escape key while editing text in the Dropdown Menu dialog crashes After Effects.
  • Fixed an issue where ProRes HDR footage that is graded and/or mastered in P3 was not using the correct color management workspace.
  • Fixed an issue where the Link Focus to Layer command produced an expression that did not work with the JavaScript expression engine.
  • Shift Channels effect can now utilize the GPU for processing.
  • Projects saved in After Effects 17.0.4 containing rotoscope data open in After Effects 17.0.1 without causing a missing data error.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using scripting or, drag and drop of a file into a project. 
  • Fixed an error, “After Effects Error: zero denominator in ratio multiply. ( 17 :: 17 )” that may show after opening the Render Queue window.
  • Fixed an issue where a comp may display twice in the preview window when no dedicated GPU is available or detected.
  • Removed the Pro Import After Effects plug-in on MacOS. For more information, see Pro Import plug-in is missing on macOS.
  • Fixed the Dropdown Menu Control Effect where new items are not added when in active text edit mode.
  • Enabled 32-bpc support for Minimax effect.
  • Additional fixes for corrupted rendering on 16” MacBook Pro.
  • Installing or Uninstalling After Effects no longer removes or overwrites newer Cinema 4D versions installed independently of After Effects.
  • A project saved in After Effects 17.0.1 containing Rotoscope data would not open and would show an error related to Missing Data.
  • On macOS, an issue can occur when the comp window is on a different physical display than the timeline window and the first click on the comp window would not allow selection of items in the comp.
  • After Effects crashes when using puppet and clicking on an intersecting outline in certain situations.
  • Added support for 11.988 fps as a standard import/export rate. Previously, clips imported or exported at this FPS rate may have a duplicated first frame.
  • Updated OpenEXR suite of plug-ins to fix a number of issues identified after 17.0 release:
    • IDentifier: Improper keyframed effect properties are allowed.
    • EXtractoR: Error and crash previewing with keyframed effect properties, Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Assertion failed, Expression: FALSE
    • Cryptomatte: Error and crash previewing with keyframed effect properties, Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Assertion failed, Expression: FALSE
    • Cryptomatte: incorrect rendering and target selection when layer bounds are outside comp.
  • Fixed the error message - "No valid color space in VideoFrameHeader" when Character Animator dynamic-link scene is rendered in AE with conversion to Rec. 709 set to True.
  • Improved use of the GPU during preview display.
  • Various improvements to preview panning and zooming while playing back a comp.
  • Fixed an issue where wrong line numbers would be displayed related to errors in JavaScript expressions.
  • Content Aware fill now supports Unicode characters in Fill folder path.

General stability, usability, and performance

  • Fixed an issue where using the arrow keys to scroll through fonts in the character panel do not show a live preview on the selected text layer. 
  • Updates for OpenEXR and Cryptomatte to fix a number of bugs.
  • Can't open Cryptomatte effect modal settings dialog when launching with fresh preferences.
  • Cryptomatte effect Layer settings popup is blank by default.
  • Changing Cryptomatte effect Layer setting after making selection does not display warning.
  • Save Frame As ProEXR does not update the default name in the save dialog.
  • Fixed an issue where opening the layer preview window may show up blank. This may occur if a project has been saved on Windows, then opened on macOS. 
  • Fixed an issue where the I and O keys may not work as keyboard shortcuts.
  • Fixed an issue where After Effects may show a leaked memory warning on quit.
  • Fixed Cartoon effect that may show corrupted or unexpected artifacts on some frames or after a purge of memory cache.
  • Fixed a problem setting PWS through scripting where a requested profile may not be set.
  • Fixed master properties not animating unless the original property is animated.
  • Fixed an issue where shift-rescaling will incorrectly flip the layer if the layer has previously been flipped.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI becomes unresponsive because the auto-save folder could not be created or is read-only.
  • Fixed an issue where random characters may appear in Undo/Redo History when moving Footage to the Composition by drag and drop.
  • Fixed an issue with GPU Drop Shadow effect that may cause hardware preview playback to stop.
  • Fixed Dropdown Menu expression control effect duplicates not appearing in the correct order.
  • Fixed an issue where audio may be muted when an audio-only preview is started.
  • Restored default behavior of 16.x when dealing with YCC footage to be the full range Rec. 709 profile (Compensate is on).
  • Fixed marquee selection in Warp Stabilizer tracking points not working correctly when not at 100% zoom.
  • Fixed an issue where Colorama color picker may not pick the correct color.
  • Fixed an issue where the timeline panel may become unresponsive during preview.
  • Fixed an application hang that could occur if the timeline CTI was set to a negative time by an expression or script.
  • Fixed an issue where the color workspace may not be honored between Adobe Media Encoder and After Effects.
  • Fixed an issue where Pseudoeffect properties being used as Master Properties are zeroed out and keyframes removed on project open. If you have a project with this issue, you need to:
    • Start After Effects
    • Open the project
    • Clear any errors
    • Close the project, but not After Effects
    • Open the project again
    • Save the project
    • Close After Effects
    • Open After Effects and the project and the error should be gone.

Render and export

  • Fixed a rendering issue where Mac hardware built before mid-2012 would show either a static preview or duplicate previews (one static, one animating).
  • Fixed a rendering issue with Roughen Edges that may show additional content outside the bounds of a shape layer.
  • Fixed a rendering issue with the new 16” Macbook Pro that would show a corrupted preview. 
  • Fixed crash on macOS launch if the hardware does not support Metal rendering.
  • Fixed hardware rendering issue on partially occluded small frames with large zoom.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when rendering a comp to Adobe Media Encoder when the encoder preset was trying to match the source quality for its settings.
  • Fixed a rendering issue with time remapped comps.
  • Fixed a crash when rendering certain motion graphic templates in Premiere Pro on Windows using CUDA rendering.
  • Improved the rendering of frames when changing zoom level while a preview is playing back. If the comp quality is set to Auto, the preview can still show an incorrectly sized comp for a frame or two. Setting the comp quality to full or half, etc. will resolve this issue.


  • Cryptomatte crashes with no layer selection in the effect settings dialog.
  • Fixed a crash where Colorama color picker would crash on macOS 10.15.
  • Fixed a potential crash when using macOS 10.15.1 and purging cache memory.
  • Fixed crash that may occur when applying a motion graphic template to a Premiere Pro timeline when the fonts needed weren’t synchronized. 
  • Fixed crash on macOS launch if the hardware does not support Metal rendering.
  • Fixed crash that may occur while an error dialog was trying to be shown.
  • Fixed unstable puppet engine crash when in a semi-untessellated state.
  • Fixed random noise and crashes when using Shadow Diffusion in a Classic 3D comp.
  • Fixed an error or crash when using the Mask Tracker in Perspective Mode.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using special characters in a drop-down control in the Essential Graphics Panel. 
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when preview playback is below real time and the comp contains audio.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when rendering a comp to Adobe Media Encoder when the encoder preset was trying to match the source quality for its settings.
  • Fixed a crash that might occur when a scrollbar is clicked in a panel that doesn’t have overflowing content.
  • Fixed a crash that may occur when shape overlays are enabled in the comp window.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur on macOS when clicking and scrubbing in the timecode edit control in the timeline window.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a project in a situation where After Effects has multiple importers to handle the file type.
  • After Effects can crash if the OS changes the number of active CPU cores available to After Effects after the program starts.
  • When using Dynamic Link with Character Animator, macOS 10.14 and 10.15 do not correctly ask for permission to use the microphone and camera within After Effects. This only occurs once now.
  • Fixed crashes related to zooming in and out while previewing.
  • Fixed a bug where 3D extrusion of text or shapes could be drawn with incorrect meshes.
  • Various scripts built into After Effects such as VR environment, and Trace Path are not working correctly in non-Latin languages.
  • Fixed keys such as I, O and C not being able to be reassigned in the Keyboard Shortcut system.
  • Updated the CyCore plug-in suite with following fixes:
    • CC Overbrights: Better behavior when no over bright pixels present. Fixed alpha consistency between options, and changed the default view option to RGB Clip.
    • CC PixelPolly: Always depth sorted.
    • CC Cylinder: New Rotation Order control (Same as in CC Sphere). Select an axis combination. This selection is now used  to rotate the cylinder when using the Rotation control.
    • CC Vignette: Smartfx layer transform issues.
    • CC LightBurst: Layer resize issues.
    • CC Drizzle: Uninitiated output pixels on area sample overflow with small layers.
    • CC Hair: Minor light calculation error.
  • Fixed crash that can occur when you output PSD sequence from the render queue.
  • Fixed crash that can occur when you use certain plugins with a comp containing audio clips.
  • Fixed crash that could occur on mac 10.15 when purging cache.
  • Dropdown Menu scripting control should now work when using After Effects in Russian.
  • Fixed an issue where comps using the OpenColorIO plugin might be removed from a project on open unexpectedly.
  • Fixed the offset render issue with adjustment layers and an effect that has a layer parameter sampling the effect input.
  • Display more readable and understandable color space name of media in UI.
  • Fixed Dynamic Link: After Effects closes the open project when creating a new comp from Premiere Pro.
  • Fixed crash when clicking on menu with text field open.
  • Fixed crash when repeatedly opening and closing Lumetri scopes panel.
  • Fixed dynamic link: Premiere Pro fails to connect to headless After Effects from headed server.
  • Fixed adding dropdown effect fails and deletes all effects on layer.
  • Fixed no context error on mac with puppet pin and new team project.
  • Fixed Cache Before Playback not working as expected.
  • Fixed script exception and alert dialog on app startup.
  • Fixed issue with CEP extensions that distribute as compiled JSXBIN.
  • “Unable to connect to adobe fonts” dialog was not showing when user was disconnected from internet.
  • Fixed crash that would occur when pressing the tab key to move between timeline or effects properties.
  • Fixed keyframes and expressions not recognized as Master Properties unless the original property has keyframes or expressions.
  • Fixed VFR footage with interpret footage options set to preserve audio sync that would display green frames and flash frames out of sequence.
  • Color Updates:
    • Match ProRes HDR rendering in 16.x for projects saved in 16.x.
    • Preserve color settings when duplicating certain types of footage.
  • Make projects saved with Save As Previous match rendering to that version.
  • Fixed asserts when opening projects with missing color managed footage that were saved in older versions of AE.
  • Fixed Dropdown Menu Effect - Hitting ok via tab and enter will not commit changes on MacOS.
  • Fixed issue where path is converted to Bezier Path and any other selected parameters are deleted leaving just  the path in the timeline.
  • Fixed crash when generating a content aware fill layer for a comp that has a data layer.
  • Fixed crash when canceling verifying fonts dialog box while exporting motion graphics templates.
  • Fixed mismatch in handling over-range values between SW renderer with HWBP On and SW renderer with HWBP Off.
  • Fixed evolution field of fractal noise triggering hard crash.
  • Fixed aerender is not working - Crash on Win, ERROR -609 on Mac.
  • Fixed various asserts being shown when previewing comps with various other panels open (e.g. Lumetri scopes).
  • Audio sync should also be working again when previewing.
  • Additional fixes for Cineware to fix server initialization errors.
  • Drag and drop of items from the project panel to comp or timeline windows should now work on macOS 10.15.
  • Fixed Cineware server startup failure to launch error.
  • The Raytracing 3D renderer has been removed from After Effects.
  • Performance improvements when using master properties combined with expressions. Performance fixes for macOS when using software render modes.
  • Updates to Cineware plugin where certain script files were missing.
  • Compensate for scene-referred profiles is no longer checked by default.
  • Library for importing Flash SWF files has been updated to the latest release. Please check any and all Flash related files are still working.
  • Force EXR to import as a comp even if it set to import as footage but Create comp checkbox is checked.
  • Fixed using keyboard shortcut "Replace with Placeholder" on multiple footage items will crash AE.
  • Fixed issue where some render queue settings were being ignored after duplication of queue item.
  • Fixed issue where ACR Camera Raw files could not be imported.

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