Graft | Substance 3D Designer


In: Substance model graphs > Scene management


The Graft node allows you to append a scene onto any branch of another scene.

If the target branch specified in the Destination path parameter does not exist in the target scene, a new branch with is created.


Other nodes which involve scene merging scenes or hierarchy management are Merge and Reparent.


  • Original Scene
    The scene where Grafted input scene should be grafted onto.
  • Grafted Scene
    The scene which should be grafted onto the Original scene.
  • Transform Integer (selects an Enum index)
    The rule to recompute the transform of reparented nodes:
    • Apply new branch transform: Use the transform inherited from the target branch in the Original scene;
    • Preserve previous branch transform: Keep the transform of the Grafted scene.
  • Destination path String
    The destination path of the Original scene's target branch the Grafted scene should be grafted onto.
  • On name conflicts Integer (selects an Enum index)
    The rule for solving name conflicts that occur when elements with the same name yet from different scenes are assembled in a common scene.
A transform defines an object's position, orientation and scaling.

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