LiveCycle ES2 SP2 Quick Fixes

The following quick fixes (QFs) are available for Adobe® LiveCycle ES2 Service Pack 2 ( The QFs are cumulative; that is, a QF includes fixes of all the preceding QFs for a component. However, there are a few non-cumulative QFs available for some LiveCycle ES2 SP2 components.

Contact Support for more information or to obtain a QF.

Rollup Pack for LiveCycle ES2 SP2

In addition to the QFs listed in this article, a rollup pack for LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( is also available. A number of issues are fixed in the rollup pack. For details, see LiveCycle ES2 SP2 | Rollup Pack.


Patch ID

Issues fixed

Reference number

Prerequisites and comments

1019-2.220 An attempt to stitch a XFA document that contains both, stitch-point fragments and non-stitch-point fragments, fails.
3637253 9.0.0-COR-1000-2.249
1007-2.219 On applying watermark to a PDF document, the following error occurs:
OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded  
3492634 9.0.0-COR-1000-2.249
1007-2.219 PDF documents with Type0Encoding dictionary fail at PDF/A-1b validation check. 3564301 9.0.0-COR-1000-2.249
Quick fixes till 1001-2.218 are included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.
1001-2.218 On converting a dynamic XFA-based PDF document to a PDF/A document a NullPointerException occurs.   3559557  


Adobe LiveCycle Services are not able to perform overlay operation on PDF documents generated using EMC Documentum.




User fails to create a bookmark when name of the referenced file contains Cyrillic characters.




When you convert PDF to PDF/A using the docConvertor and run Acrobat X Preflight on produced PDF/A document to verify compliance with PDF/A-1b, Acrobat X preflight fails with the following error messages:

Document is not compliant with PDF/A-1b.

XMP property neither predefined nor defined in extension schema.

Acrobat reports insufficient data for an image when an assembled PDF is navigated to a page containing the image.




For PDF/A, Adobe Acrobat fails to show information in OutputIntent even though the information is present in the document.




Japanese characters get corrupt while converting a PDF to PDFA if you access the docConverter service using a Java API.




PDF/A documents that contain images with transparency are reported valid by docConverter in LiveCycle Workbench whereas Acrobat Preflight reports them as invalid PDF/A documents.




Adobe® LiveCycle® Forms and Output cache grows endlessly over time.




Some PDF documents reported by Acrobat Preflight as valid PDF/A documents, are reported by docConverter in LiveCycle Workbench as invalid PDF/A documents.




Upon converting a PDF document to PDF/A document, the font steam is getting corrupted. Though this conversion fails, a blue bar appears in Adobe Reader, indicating that the document is a PDF/A document.




Upon converting a PDF document to PDF/A document, custom metadata added by Assembler is incorrect.




Upon converting a PDF document to PDF/A (2005) document, the resulting PDF/A file is reported as invalid, with some warnings, by Adobe® Acrobat® X Professional's Preflight feature. The conversion is done using Distiller® and PostScript® files, the source files being PowerPoint files.




When combining PDF/A and PDF files, the resultant PDF file is much larger in size than expected.




Assembling PDF/A files does not remove PDFA tag from the resulting output.




The Assembler Installation Verification Samples (IVS) fail to merge PDF/A documents created using Open Office.




The Assembler increases the CPU utilization to 100% but no file is produced.




Adding attachments with underscores in the filename produced inconsistent results.




On converting PDF file to PDF/A file using the DocConverter service, the text in the PDF/A document is garbled and unreadable.




When you convert PDF to PDF/A using the DocConverter service and open the PDF/A document in Acrobat 9.x or Acrobat 10.x, the following warning message is displayed: 
An error exists on this page. Acrobat may not display the page correctly. Please contact the person who create the PDF document to correct the problem.




An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown when converting a PDF to PDF/A using DocConverterServiceClient API.




Unable to convert a PDF file to PDF/A file using the Document Converter service.



Other individual QFs for Assembler are as follows:

  • (QF2.59 - Apr 2011) - This quick fix addresses an issue where a metadata error occurs when converting from PDF to PDFA. (Ref # 2370229)
  • (QF2.79 - May 2011) - Addresses an issue where the DocConverter service throws RuntimeException or NullPointerException exceptions, and causes the conversion process to stop. When this quick fix is applied, these exceptions will no longer occur. (Ref # 2624546)
  • (QF2.90 - May 2011) - Addresses an issue where the PDF/A files created using Doc Converter in an ES2 SP2 environment are mis-formatted and non-complaint. (Ref # 2870656)
  • (QF2.117 - July 2011) - Addresses the issue where the Form validation settings to suppress message boxes fails to prevent validation messages from being displayed. (Ref # 2917354)
  • (QF2.129 - Aug 2011) - Addresses an issue where setting PDF/AConversion Option in the Input Properties for Signature service to ARCHIVE_ALWAYS is not persisted with and the value changes on saving the process. (Ref # 2908576)

BarCoded Forms

Patch ID

Issues fixed

Reference number

Prerequisites and Comments

Quick fixes till 2.204 are included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.


For some PDF documents, the decode process returns data result even through the PDF contains no visible bar code. The result also contains invalid XML characters that cannot be used in a SOAP response.

The decode process now removes any invalid XML characters from the data result from a decode operation.




The user encounters a Null Pointer exception on passing a JBig2 filter patch applied PDF to the Barcoded Forms component.




Some barcoded forms do not get decoded properly for lack of support for JBIG2 econding in PDF and separation color space.




Some forms being passed in to Barcoded Forms service, cause JBoss server to timeout.



LiveCycle Core

Patch ID

Issues fixed

Reference number

Prerequisites and comments

1038-2.265 When you apply any LiveCycle Core patch between 9.0.0-COR-1016-2.255 and 9.0.0-COR-1033-2.264, the DSC deployment fails on the Websphere Appserver, which causes the LCA deployment to fail. 3821413 NA
1033-2.264 A gradual increase in heap usage leads to the server crashe, with an OutOfMemory error after some time. 3739773 NA
1030-2.262 The distiller service stops responding while converting multiple PostScript files to PDF documents.   3704085 NA

After installing the patch 1017-2.256, the LiveCycle server is stable under heavy load but each individual execute script task is processed slower. 

Note: This patch removes configuration parameters, Pool Size and Recycle Thread Count, added with patch 1017-2.256

LC-3598 NA
1024-2.259 It improves 256 bit-AES encryption support for the PDF document generated using Adobe LiveCycle.
3671033 NA
1022-2.258 The cluster fails on virtulized VMWare ESX 4.1i enviroment. 3654272

Adobe LiveCycle ES2 SP2 (

This patch installs gemfire version and updates default TCP locator directory. If you are using TCP locator from a non-default directory, update the version of gemfire in the directory.

1020-2.257 If a long-lived process, using collections, takes more time than the Global document disposal timeout, then the document is deleted from GDS and the process is stalled.
3372422 If scheduleWait service is used in the processes, restart the application server after applying this patch.

(Microsoft SQL Server only) LiveCycle fails to purge processes and the following exception occurs:

“Caused By: javax.ejb.TransactionRolled
backLocalException: EJB Exception:
; nested exception is:
SQLServerException: The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Too many parameters were provided in this RPC request. The maximum is 2100.”

In addition, the ExecuteScript service's performs sluggishly resulting in higher than expected invocation time. This QF adds the following configuration parameters to tune the performance of the ExecuteScript service.

  • Pool Size: Defines the number of BSH Interpreter objects for pooling.
  • Recycle Thread Count: Defines the number of threads to be used to recycle the BSH Interpreter objects.



1016-2-255 When a short-lived process completes processing, the corresponding documents created in the GDS are not deleted and the size of GDS increases exponentially.
3607391 NA

When migration the LDAP server from Active directory to LightWeight Directory Server (LDS) the following issue is encountered:

ObjectSID is not correctly parsed when used as the unique identifier for users.

3592808 NA
1013-2.253 The LDAP process for updating UIDs is causing a DuplicateKeyExceptions error during the UM sync. Effected user and then unable to login. 3409529 NA
1010-2.252 The just-in-time (JIT) provisioning does not work in an enterprise domain or in a hybrid domain when the authentication provider type is ‘Third-Party SSO’. Due to this issue, when a process is executed via REST and the user does not exist in the database, the JIT user creation fails. 3589578 NA


XSLTservice is failing with the following exception while transforming the input variable of type Document to an output variable of type XML:

PEUtil logFailedFaultRouting



Quick fixes till 2.248 are included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.


On performing the User Management synchronization, the LDAP process for updating UIDs is causing DuplicateKeyExceptions and users are not able to log in to LiveCycle.

After applying the patch, add an entry key to resolve the issue. For detailed steps to add an entry key, see Additional instructions for QF2.248.


Perform the additional steps as described in Add an entry key.


Not able to submit XML data as BLOB object to a LiveCycle Web Service using attachmentID.




The Admin UI displays text in English even if the locale / language of the browser is set to French, German, or Japanese.




Script service is failing with
java.lang.Runtime Exception




SSO is not working for LiveCycle because Kerberos authentication fails.




The server experiences intermittent out of memory errors and crashes.


Existing script service starts failing, leading to RuntimeException
exception. Install 2.246 quick fix to fix this issue.


Cannot extract attachments from a signed PDF programmatically, even when the attachments can be manually extracted using Acrobat and Adobe Reader.


Existing script service starts failing, leading to RuntimeException
exception. Install 2.246 quick fix to fix this issue.


Decoding a document that does not contain a barcode returns content data for unknown reason.




Performance bottleneck seen due to high invocation time when executing the ExecuteScript service.




Database lock-related errors are sometimes encountered, typically under high concurrent load




Decoding fails intermittently with the following exception:
ERROR [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.
Unexpected Error in method:
public abstract java.
lang.Object com.adobe.

throws com.adobe.idp.dsc.




Processes initiated in a LiveCycle 8.2.x environment before upgrading it to ES2, do not work after the upgrade.




When LiveCycle services are called via unsecured REST endpoints, the following error is logged:
ERROR [com.adobe.idp.
ExecutableJob] Abstract
getService ClientFactory
is null
, using null context to create job
However, the process is successfully invoked and there no further errors are encountered.




A null pointer exception is thrown when DDX with the preconfigured option "dynamic Watermark" is previewed in Workbench.




An exception is thrown when the PDFUtilityService service invokes the getPDFProperties operation.




The user encounters duplicate key constraint error and the LiveCycle fails to insert a record in the tb_branch_instance and tb_action_instance tables.




The OutputService:sendToPrinter API doesn't work for CIFS protocol.




Some forms being passed in to Barcoded Forms service, cause JBoss server to timeout.




Workflow invocation fails and InvalidCoercionException is generated.

3224797, 3219246



It is not possible to filter LDAP users in Administration Console, using pattern matching filter on the hexadecimal value of user status.




Livecycle PDF Generator is not supported to run when Windows UAC is On.




Livecycle PDF Generator is not supported to run when Windows UAC is On.




Using the Administration Console when a user account is disabled and re-enabled, the user account does not appear after the first synchronization. Upon re-synchronizing, the user account is displayed.




Session files in the GDS do not get deleted.


Documents do not persist, if the session ID is null, leading to InvalidCoercion
exception. Install 2.232 quick fix, after installing this quick fix, to fix this issue, as well.


When a LiveCycle service has permissions containing multiple principals, all but the last principal are not exported, while exporting application runtime configurations from the Administration Console.




The Livecycle API to export an application consisting of XDPs as a LiveCycle archive (.lca) is provided from ES2 onwards.




Work Manager fails when the JMX console has been set up as a password protected URL in a secure JBoss environment.


Perform the additional steps as described in Enable JMX authentication.


  • During an hour long load testing of a long-lived orchestration, a ClassCastException from WorkManager is generated.
  • Acrobat reports insufficient data for an image when an assembled PDF is navigated to a page containing the image.




Microsoft Visio files do not convert to PDF documents, using Adobe LiveCycle PDF Generator. Eventually the process results in a time out.




When a customer attempts to delete a file that has around 150 logged revisions, the application server crashes, causing LiveCycle to return a "Too many parameters were provided in this RPC request" error. This error is observed even when the number of parameters is within the maximum supported limit.

Caution: It is recommended not to check in more than 150 revisions at a time even after installing this patch. Otherwise, you may again encounter this issue.




A long-lived LiveCycle process does not propagate changes from the Xpath to the underlying XML variable, whereas the short-lived process does.




There is no notification of failure, if an unsupported file is mailed to an email endpoint using a SMTP server that does not require authentication.




Support for editing preferences in Livecycle is provided by means of a DSC.




Following issues are fixed in this quick fix:

  • Mismatch between LiveCycle and Acrobat's reporting of validity of digital signatures.
  • Lack of support in LiveCycle for XMLData JavaScript class implementation.
  • Variations with Acrobat behavior towards encoding of JavaScript string objects and case sensitive handling.




swfutils.jar file is not present in LiveCycle Foundation SDK and SWF service-related packages are not exported by PDFServices DSC.




In the administration interface, the page Home > Settings > Core System is not displayed properly.




The quick fix addresses an issue where due to vulnerability in Flex® SDK, Flex applications are vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.




In a custom implementation using LiveCycle UM API, user synchronization becomes very slow once the number of users in the database are more than 30000.




When the name of a city has long trailing spaces, the user profile does not synchronize.




LiveCycle Core did not provide a BOM for picking up the latest XFA4J and Gibson jars, in the PDFServices DSC.




LiveCycle User Management did not provide sufficient logging to debug Content Services synchronization issues.




An enhancement to pass the authentication mechanism to the end-user application, so that further action like, hiding logout button can be taken.




Deleted users show as active after synchronization.




The server logs indicate that the synchronization is complete; however, the getSyncStatus() API and the Domain Management screen on the Administration console show it is still running.




The findPrincipals API returns unsorted results.




The java.sql.BatchUpdateException is thrown during the domain syncronization.




Signatures in forms reported valid in Adobe® Acrobat become invalid upon passing the form to LiveCycle.




Processes that use the Event service do not change their state from Running.




LCAs with the 'assign task' operation are failing and a NullPointerException is logged if an event subscription is deleted.




The web service SOAP response for an exception is empty.




The Microsoft Project files (.mpp) that contain French characters in their customer properties are not successfully converted into PDFs using the PDF Generator administration console.




The "Bad XML name" exception is logged when extracting metadata from PDFs using the XMPService.getDocument




The server performance is adversely affected under heavy load. The fix implements an XML parser pooling to accelerate XML parsing in event creation. The event service itself is not changed.




While saving assets in Content Services, a NullPointerException is logged, instead of the actual reason for failure.



Other individual QFs for Core are as follows:

  • (QF2.18 - Dec 2011) - This quick fix addresses an issue where Enterprise Domain synchronization job to SunOne directory fails. (Ref #2776852)
  • (QF2.91 - May 2011) - Addresses the issue of unexpected increase in the XDP file size when converting PDF files to XDP. (Ref #2827284)
  • (QF2.88 - June 2011) - Addresses the issue where the Automated Ordering process for a batch with multiple requests throws a OverlappingFileLockException exception. (Ref # 2842749)
  • (QF2.106 - June 2011) - Addresses an issue where changing a SQL statement in Foundation JDBC Service in Workbench, requires all parameters to be deleted and re-created in the right order. (Ref # 2873173)
  • (QF2.115 - July 2011) - This quickfix addresses an issue where the process execution fails with the following warning message when the System Exception class is chosen as the exception handler.
  • Class SYSTEM_EXCEPTION was attempted to be loaded but was not found in any export-packages. (Ref # 2907997)
  • (QF2.124 - August 2011) - Addresses an issue where the existence of multiple versions of a service causes the wrong service to be called when any one of the services is invoked. (Ref # 2913517)
  • (QF2.125 - August 2011) - Addresses an issue where the default floating precision point of 3 digits caused loss of value in calculations. This is fixed by increasing the precision to 8 digits. (Ref # 2918417)
  • (QF2.138 - September 2011) - Addresses two issues so that LiveCycle server does not run out of memory when:
    • Promoting an asset with a large revision history, that has been repeatedly checked-in and checked-out.
    • Synchronizing with LDAP at a high frequency. (Ref # 2940971, 2940421)
  • (QF2.137 - September 2011) - Addresses the vulnerability issue in Component.xml of the adobe-jdbc-dsc.jar file. The vulnerability exposes a set of operations that could be exploited by unauthorized users to execute read/write queries on extremely sensitive database tables. (Ref # 2941593)
  • (QF2.142 - Sep 2011) - Addresses an issue so that LiveCycle server does not run out of memory when synchronizing with an LDAP server at a high frequency. (Ref # 2940971)

Content Services

Patch ID

Issues fixed

Reference number

Prerequisites and comments
Quick fixes till 2.203 are included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.
2.203 Added option to configure the timeout for indexing.
The value can be changed by providing an application server JVM argument -Dindexer.thread.timeout=number of seconds. The default value for parameterized indexer thread timeout interval is set to 120 seconds.
3117115 NA


Changes to assets in Alfresco on a node are sometimes not visible from other nodes in the cluster.




The local user synchronization process triggers again if it takes longer than the specified session timeout of the system.



Other individual quick fixes for Content Services are as follows:

  • (QF2.80 - May 2011) - Addresses an issue where Contentspace authentication fails after changing administrator's password. (Ref #2873256)
  • (QF2.130 - May 2011) - Addresses an issue where logs related to modified External URL are added to the Content Services logs. (Ref #2936051)

Data Capture

Patch ID

Issues fixed

Reference number

Prerequisites and comments
Quick fixes till 2.202 are included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.


The quick fix addresses an issue where due to vulnerability in Flex® SDK, many Flex applications are vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.




An InvalidCoercionException error is returned when rendering a Guide in Adobe® LiveCycle Workspace.




Patch ID

Issues fixed

Reference number

Prerequisites and comments


  • Adds support for tab stops in LiveCycle Designer. The patch adds 
    • new user interface controls to left align, right align, center align, decimal align, and reset tab stops for rich text in a text field. 
    • new user interface controls to center align and decimal align tab stops for rich text in a static text object. 


9002.006 LiveCycle Designer does not generate a complete 508 accessible form. Acrobat Accessibility Checker enlists issues with Tab Order, document title and form language.
3675924 NA

Dynamic Signatures

Patch ID

Issues fixed

Reference number

Prerequisites and comments
Quick fixes till are included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.


LiveCycle returns the signature validity as "SignedDynamicFormSignatureTamper" whereas Acrobat/Reader 10.1.3 recognizes the signature as "Valid and not modified".




A list of signature fields from a dynamic form cannot be imported, if the form has a hidden signature added to it.




Signature in a PDF document are reported valid and modified (SignedDocValidAndModified), whereas Adobe® Acrobat® 9 or Adobe® Reader 9 recognizes the signature as valid and not modified.




Verification of a PDF document returns the signature validity as SignedDocValidAndModified, whereas Adobe® Acrobat® 10.1.1 recognizes the signature as valid and not modified.




Signatures in forms reported in Adobe Acrobat as valid become invalid upon passing this form to LiveCycle.



Other individual QFs for Signatures are as follows:

  • (QF2.67 - Apr 2011) - Addresses an issue where a reduction in performance is noticed over time, while applying signatures to PDF files.(Ref #2733272)
  • (QF2.72 - May 2011) - Addresses an issue where validity of a digital signature in a PDF file is reported differently by Acrobat (reports valid) and LiveCycle (reports invalid). (Ref # 2860213)
  • (QF2.78 - May 2011) - Addresses the issue of unexpected increase in file size when a digital signature is applied to a PDF file in LiveCycle. (Ref #2868852)


Patch ID

Issues fixed

Reference number

Prerequisites and comments


Web services threads become unresponsive but never time out, which holds up work manager instances.


Quick fixes till 2.210 are included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.


The user is unable to change the value of the BaseDN in the query activity in LiveCycle ES2 Workbench.




Even after setting a timeout on webservice, the connection resets are not honored. As a result webservice keeps waiting and does not timeout.




New JDBC operations to support CMT transaction in short-lived process.


  • Do not mix transactional and non-transational JDBC operation in a short-lived process running in a transaction. 
  • When a user process accesses multiple databases along with LiveCycle database then the user process may encounter an exception "java.sql.SQLException: enlist: caught Exception" . Use XA data source to overcome this execption. 
  • You may encounter dead-locks while using XA data source of DB2 and creating JDBC connection in activities such as executeScript. Xa datasource for DB2 does to release 'write' lock on a table or record until the process is not finished. It is recommended, do not create seperate JDBC connection and move JDBC operation to out-of-box JDBC operation. The dead-locks does not occure while using MySQL, Oracle and SQL Server databases.




The LiveCycle server fails to execute web service calls for processing work items picked up from an external database.




Syncronize Webservice initialization to fix multi-thread SOAPUI initialization error when server start.




Add an option to Email service to close SMTP connection immediately after sending 'QUIT' command, for some email server don't release connection in time.




Support '..' in path to reference to parent folder in Ftp service.




While mapping a blob object (XML content) retrieved from DB2, to a Document variable in a short-lived process, using the JDBCServiceInvalidCoercionException occurs.




The Base DN was editable but the changes were not maintained.




An enhancement is made for Workbench to add the 'Exact Search' field (as seen in the 'Find User') to both, 'Assign Multiple Task' and 'Find Group' operations.



Core - User Management

The invidual QFs available for Core - User Management are as follows:

  • (QF2.93 -  June 2011) - Addresses an issue where the group members do not appear in User Management. It might happen if DN attribute contains an extra space. (Ref # 2884836)
  • (QF2.71 - July 2011) - Addresses an issue where the customer experience was broken as a web application does not function smoothly when JavaScript is disabled or in browsers that do not support JavaScript. It is fixed by informing the user if JavaScript is disabled. (Ref # 2852062)
  • (QF2.120 - July 2011) - Addresses an issue where the user is redirected to a page not found error, instead of the webpage. This happens in Internet Explorer 8, while using HTTPS protocol. (Ref # 2870152)
  • (QF2.201 - Sep 2011) - Addresses two issues so that: 
    • The server performance is not adversely affected under heavy load. The fix implements XML parser pooling to accelerate XML parsing in event creation. The event service itself is not changed.
    • An exact cause of failure is logged, while saving assets in Content Services. (Ref # 2959158, 2718481)

Connector for Documentum

Patch ID

Issues fixed

Reference number

Prerequisites and comments


When a document is stored and metadata contains "save to DCTM" service operation, a "no documentID returned" error message is returned. The Documentum reports that the operation has completed successfully.



Connector for IBM FileNet

Patch ID

Issues fixed

Reference number

Prerequisites and comments

Quick fix 2.201 is included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.


Added following enhanced capabilities for the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 with the connector to IBM FileNet:

  • Added API, getAllVersionsList(), to enable users to get all the versions associated with a document inside FileNet.
  • Added API, createOrUpdateContent(), to enable users to:
    • Create a new document (even if a document with the same name already exists in the specified folder)
    • Update an existing document by passing the GUID (to uniquely identify the document to update, because now there can be multiple documents with the same name)
  • The API getAllItemsList() returns map with an additional field ‘GUID’.
  • An API searchDocumentsByProperty() to search documents inside IBM FileNet.
  • The API storeContent() is updated with following new functionality to:
    • Create a new document if no document with the same name exists in the specified folder.
    • Update the existing document if only one document with the same name exists in the specified folder.
    • throws an exception if more than one document with the same name exists in the specified folder. This scenario should now be handled with the new API createOrUpdateContent.




Patch ID

Issues fixed

Reference number

Prerequisites and comments

1037-2.203 After installing Adobe Flash player, LiveCycle Guides fail to submit data to servers.
3787684 NA


An InvalidCoercionException error is returned when rendering a Guide in LiveCycle Workspace.



Other individual quick fixes for Guides are as follows:

  • (QF2.28 - Jan 2011) - Addresses the following issues with Guides: radio buttons on a Form Guide do not work as expected; Selection Lists in Form Guides do not honor the "Required when " property; unexpected behavior navigating within preview mode. (Ref # 2774427, 2774446, 2775082)
  • (QF2.58 - Jan 2011) - Addresses an issue where renderFormGuide service operation runs into an out of memory error when fields are added to the guide in excess. (Refer #2826824)
  • (QF2.105 - June 2011) - Addresses the issue of the Guide URLs being double-encoded which is not a vulnerability in itself but can be considered as a potential attack by some secutiy software. (Refer #2897160)


Individual quick fixes for Foundation are as follows:

  • (QF2.22 - Jan 2011) - Addresses an issue where an LCA exported from LiveCycle Workbench 9.5 cannot be imported or deployed. (Ref # 2778638)
  • (QF2.47 - Mar 2011) - Addresses an issue where the call to the LiveCycle WSDL AXIS web service fails and you are required to restart the application server. (Ref # 2784863)
  • (QF2.49 - Mar 2011) - Addresses an issue where numerous lines of SQL statements are written to the server log. (Ref # 2819738)
  • (QF2.53 - Mar 2011) - Addresses an issue where TCP locators fail to start on AIX operating system. (Ref # 2818986)
  • (QF2.55 - Mar 2011) - Addresses an issue where importing an LCA in an environment, which already has older versions of the same LCA throws a SQL Server exception. (Ref # 2830673)
  • (QF2.62 - Apr 2011) - Addresses an issue where unnecessary logs are written when any web service calls a LiveCycle process. (Ref # 2833437)
  • (QF2.65 - Apr 2011) - Addresses an issue where the customer is unable to pass attachments to a Web service using the attachments bean parameter. (Ref # 1878805)
  • (QF2.86 - May 2011) - Addresses an issue where disabling password protection for a PDF form fails when the form is filled with data and converted to PDF/A. (Ref # 2294760)
  • (QF2.87 - Jun 2011) - Addresses an issue where an event catch is attached to an action and a subscription is created during runtime, but the subscription remains in the database even after the task is completed. It significantly bloats the database. (Ref # 2865364)
  • (QF2.95 - Jun 2011) - Addresses an issue where a process fails to invoke through Workspace endpoint after migrating LiveCycle 8.2 LCA to LiveCycle ES2. (Ref # 2870512, 2887953, 2887873)
  • (QF2.96 - Jun 2011) - Addresses an issue where older Kerberos settings persist even after new settings have been specified and saved. (Ref. #2888958)
  • (QF2.97 - Jun 2011) - Addresses an issue where a potential memory leak is observed during User Management enterprise domain synchronization with an external directory. (Ref. #2860992)
  • (QF2.98 - Jun 2011) - Addresses an issue where JBoss times out when some PDF forms are passed as inputs into barcoded forms. (Ref. #2887593, 2825550)
  • (QF2.44 - Jun 2011) - Addresses an issue where the Quartz scheduler looks for the wrong JVM property to determine if Quartz should run in the cluster mode. (Ref. # 2794060)
  • (QF2.108 - Jun 2011) - Addresses an issue where if you delete a LiveCycle user using the Administration Console and add a new user with the same name using an API, the new user inherits the user ID of the deleted user. (Ref. # 2900933)
  • (QF2.110 - Jun 2011) - Addresses the following issues:
    • Native processes continue to run even after new processes are initiated
    • ProcessLauncher launches the process resource on the default Desktop instead of the specified Desktop
      (Ref. # 2900933)
  • (QF2.132 - Aug 2011) - Addresses the following issues:
    • Global Document Storage directory contains many empty sessionInvocation folders.
    • Null Pointer Exception when DocumentManagerClient.getInputStreamAvoidCopy method on a document with the Global Document Storage directory pointing to the database.
      (Ref. # 2932536, 2922082)


Patch ID

Issues fixed

Reference number

Prerequisites and comments
Quick fixes till 2.208 are included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.


Rendered PDF form does not include the attachment.




The xmlform.exe uses the temporary directory of the operating system instead of using temporary directory of the LiveCycle.




OutputIVS throws the error CJK Unified Ideograph &#x227B4 when the ? (question mark) character is included in the data file. 
For the changes to work properly a new flag is introduced "disable_canonicalization_opt". 
This flag can be set for renderPDFForm/renderPDFForm2 API in Forms and generatePDFOutput/generatePDFOutput2 in Output Service API. 
How to set the flag: 
For Output service : RenderOptionsSpec.setInternalOptions
For Forms service: PDFRenderFormSpec .setInternalOption




Adobe® LiveCycle® Forms cache grows endlessly over time.




When flattening dynamic PDF files using generatePDFOutput, static images are missing from the flattened PDF file.




The quick fix addresses an issue where due to vulnerability in Flex® SDK, many Flex applications are vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

3010645, 3010646


Other individual quick fixes for Forms and Output are as follows:

  • (QF2.52 - Mar 2011) - Addresses an issue where the PDF files rendered using the same layout (XDP) by the Output and Forms services were slightly different. (Ref # 2801663)
  • (QF2.57 - Apr 2011) - Addresses an issue where a PDF form processed using the Output service loses its state. Applying this fix ensures that when the Output service generates a PDF form, the state of the entire PDF form is maintained. (Ref # 2761241, 2804439)
  • (QF2.60 - Apr 2011) - When a PDF with barcodes is converted to a postscript file using ConvertPDFService with legacy flag, the barcodes appear in the postscript. After applying this quick fix, barcodes are hidden in the postscript file. (Ref # 2758885)
  • (QF2.85 - June 2011) - Addresses an issue where presence of a nested E4x (..) in an Extended Script would disallow its execution. (Ref # 2879488)
  • (QF2.127 - Aug 2011) - Addresses an issue so that the PDF fields do not change their position upon flattening the PDF. (Ref # 2931474)

XML Forms

Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
Quick fixes till 2.210 are included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.
2.212 LiveCycle Output does not allow collation when printing multiple copies. 3338011
  • 9.0.0-COR-1000-2.249 or later
  • The latest QF for Forms (if Forms is installed)
  • The latest QF for Output (if Output is installed)

When PDF is generated through LiveCycle Designer or Forms, the checked or un-checked state of the checkboxes are not read.


On rendering a PDF document, second row of all the tables in the PDF appears before and after the first row. To resolve the issue, after installing the patch add <behaviorOverride>patch-W-3433041:1</behaviorOverride> tag inside the <present> tag of your custom xci file.

2.208 While rendering an XDP with data XML using Output, unexpected question marks appear the bottom of the PDF in place of proper text. The same XDP renders properly with LC ES update 1 as well as with LC ES2 SP 2 forms service. 3208590
2.205 After applying a quick fix to prevent text overlapping problems, some PDF to PDF/A conversions are not as expected. Specifically page break is now allowed in forms, where it was not previously allowed. 3054244
2.204 Images with relative paths in a custom application, are stripped out when flattening or converting an XFA-based form to a flat PDF or PDF/A file, even if it has been passed through renderPDFForm beforehand. 3019259
2.203 When flattening dynamic PDF files using generatePDFOutput, static images are missing from the flattened PDF file. 2996897
2.202 XDP is not rendered properly using the Output service, whereas it works fine with the Acrobat. 2976600
2.201 PostScript® file is not respecting the page orientation. The landscape page is printed as a portrait, trimming the content. 2957964


Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
Quick fixes till 2.208 are included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.
2.213 LiveCycle Output does not generate a complete 508 accessible form. On verifying the form with Acrobat Accessibility Checker, the report lists issues with Tab Order, document title and form language. 3675922
  • QF# 9.0.0-COR-1000-2.249 or later
  • The latest quick fix of XML Form
  • The latest quick fix of Forms, if Forms is also installed
2.208 The xmlform.exe uses the temporary directory of the operating system instead of using temporary directory of the LiveCycle. 3323150 9.0.0-XMF-2.205

The xmlform.exe uses the temporary directory of the operating system instead of using temporary directory of the LiveCycle.

3323150 NA
2.206 OutputIVS throws the error CJK Unified Ideograph &#x227B4 when the ? (question mark) character is included in the data file. 
For the changes to work properly a new flag is introduced "disable_canonicalization_opt". 
This flag can be set for renderPDFForm/renderPDFForm2 API in Forms and generatePDFOutput/generatePDFOutput2 in Output Service API. 
How to set the flag: 
For Output service : RenderOptions
For Forms service: PDFRenderFormSpec
3177542 NA
2.205 Forms and Output caches accumulate over a period of several months and consume a lot of disk space. 3065936 NA

Adds support for PDF to SWF conversion by using the toSWF() operation of the ConvertPDF service. The toSWF() operation requires the following parameters and returns the java.util.List of com.adobe.idp.Document for the output SWF files.

  • inPdfDoc: The com.adobe.idp.Document object representing the PDF document to be converted.
  • toSWFOptionsSpec: Contains various preferences used to convert the PDF document to a SWF file.
3042109 NA
2.201 When flattening dynamic PDF files using generatePDFOutput, static images are missing from the flattened PDF file. 2996897


Also, see related non-cumulative QFs for Forms.

PDF Generator

Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
1043-2.224 PostScript (.ps) files containing the KozGoProVI-Medium-90ms-RKSJ-H font produce a PDF output containing garbled characters. The KozGoProVI-Medium-90ms-RKSJ-H font is replaced with Courier font. The issue occurs after installing patch PDG-1029-2.223.   LC-3910316 NA
1029-2.223 System fonts are not listed in the fonts section in Adobe PDF settings. 3682798 9.0.0-COR-1030-2.262
1029-2.223 On some systems PStoPDFService.exe instances are not responsive after a few hours of operation, resulting in unresponsive Distiller service operations. 3367002 9.0.0-COR-1030-2.262
1025-2.222 Extra spaces and distortions are introduced in PDF documents converted using Adobe LiveCycle PDF Generator on Microsoft Windows.
3685785 9.0.0-COR-1000-2.249 or later
1021-2.221 On a cluster set-up, PDFG settings disappear while converting to PDF resulting in failed conversions. 3559238 9.0.0-COR-1000-2.249 or later
2.220 Create PDF API times out because of unhandled dialogs in corrupt or password-protected files instead of failing immediately. 3539578, 3419553 9.0.0-COR-1000-2.249 or later
Quick fixes till 2.218 are included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.

User encounters an error ERROR [com.adobe.pdfg.GeneratePDFImpl] ALC-PDG-001-000-ALC-PDG-011-029-Error occurred while converting the input native file while processing a batch of Microsoft Office documents and the batch processing fails.

3096409 9.0.0-COR-2.223
2.216 Configuring AppMon to use Notepad as the primary native application to convert TXT files does not work. 3190572 9.0.0-COR-2.229  
2.216 OCR of a few PDF documents fail on some setup, leading to a time out. 3194855 9.0.0-COR-2.229  
2.214 On the LiveCycle Administration Console the translations of OFF, Averaging Downsampling, Bicubic Downsampling, and Subsampling in Japanese locale are not correct. 3173147 9.0.0-COR-2.223
2.213 When a PDF document is generated from HTML resources contained in a ZIP archive, some content in the generated PDF appears truncated. 3092970 9.0.0-COR-2.223
2.212 When OCRing a PDF, LiveCycle PDF Generator generates a PDF file that cannot be opened in Acrobat. Acrobat displays the following message: "There was an error opening this document. A number is out of range." 3013006 9.0.0-COR-2.223  
2.212 Microsoft Visio files do not convert to PDF documents, using Adobe LiveCycle PDF Generator. Eventually the process results in a time out. 3065135 9.0.0-COR-2.223
2.209 The last bookmark link is broken when a PDF document, generated from MicroSoft Word, is optimized using Optimizer. 3109089 NA
2.209 In PDF Generator interface, all checkboxes are automatically checked, when converting HTML forms to PDF file. 3077949 NA
2.208 PDF Generator times out and a joboptions file is created in the %temp% (C:\Documents and Settings\instpdf\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings) directory. 3083448 NA
2.207 NA NA NA
2.206 At times LiveCycle does not return a response when converting Microsoft formats to PDF documents. Server resumes processing further jobs after the timeout. 3038655 NA
2.205 Online creation of PDF files is failing for images in TIFF format. 3007587 NA
2.204 PDF Generator does not generate a response when files created using are given as input. 3008912 NA
2.203 Microsoft Excel spreadsheets with 'page break view' enabled, causes PDF Generator to timeout, while trying to convert them to PDF files. 2998345 NA
2.202 If the location of Temporary Internet Files is changed, the cleanup for Content.MSO and Content.Word does not happen properly. 2999449 NA
2.201 If the location of temporary internet files is changed, then the cleanup tasks for Content.MSO and Content.Word do not work properly. 2999449 NA
2.201 At times the timeout value for BMP to PDF conversion is not respected. 2994926 NA

Other individual quick fixes for PDF Generator are as follows:

  • (QF2.56 - Mar 2011) - Addresses the issue where invocation of a process with PDFG, through com.adobe.idp.dsc.InvocationRequest, fails. (Ref # 2839304)
  • (QF2.89 - May 2011) - Addresses an issue where an unexpected exception occured while converting a MicroSoft Excel document in to PDF file using PDFG. (Ref # 2815490)
  • (QF2.102 - Jun 2011) - This quick fix adds the support for Acrobat X Professional for LiveCycle PDF Generator 9.5. It also adds support for converting Microsoft Office 2010 documents to PDF, using LiveCycle PDF Generator 9.5. (Ref # 2897136)
  • (QF2.113 - Jul 2011) - Addresses an issue where users get a Letter-sized PDF output, when the source Excel file has A4-sized pages. (Ref # 2914290)
  • (QF2.114 - Jul 2011) - Addresses an issue where users were not able to generate PDF output of Visio files. (Ref # 2912921)
  • (QF2.118 - Jul 2011) - Addresses an issue where the File Properties (Acrobat) for a PDF/A file generated from a JPEG image show the PDF version as 1.5 instead of 1.4. (Ref # 2917432)


Individual QFs available for Launchpad are as follows:

(QF2.50 - Mar 2011) - Addresses an issue where a Launchpad session times out following a period of inactivity, and does not indicate to the user that the session has ended. When this quick fix is applied, Launchpad will no longer time-out after any period of inactivity. (Ref # 2801881)

(QF2.70 - May 2011) - Adds support for Single Sign-On for Launchpad. (Ref # 2846507)

PDF Utility

Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
Quick fix 2.201 is included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.
2.201 The getPDFVersion API does not return the PDF extension level. So one cannot distinguish the PDF compatibly with Acrobat 8, 9, or X, since the values returned for all of them is PDF version 1.7 or Adobe® Acrobat® version 8.0. 2988271


Other individual QFs for PDF Utility are as follows:

  • (QF2.51 - Mar 2011)- Addresses an issue where converting a PDF document to XDP using the ConvertPDFtoXDP service operation increases the size of the converted XDP (Ref # 2833677)

Process Management

Patch ID Issue fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
1039-2.216 After installing Adobe Flash player, LiveCycle Guides fail to submit data to servers.

1004-2.212 When multiple groups--one active and others obsolete--exist with same common name, then AssignTask API attempts to assign a task to the obsolete group instead of a active group and gets stalled. 3563911 9.0.0-COR-2.246  
Quick fixes till 2.211 are included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.
2.211 Implement the auto-save feature to save a form in Workspace in the background to the Drafts folder. The server will need to set environment variable com.adobe.workspace.users.
, where numInteger will be used as the auto-save timer interval in seconds. If this variable is not set, auto-save will not be triggered.
3535839 9.0.0-COR-2.246
2.210 When both active and obsolete users exist with the same user ID, the AssignTask API assigns the task to the obsolete user. 3529384 9.0.0-COR-2.246
2.209 When accessing the LiveCycle Workspace shared queue for the first time, process variables set as 'Visible in UI' are missing. Upon navigating back to the shared queue, such process variables are displayed. 3363922
  • 9.0.0-COR-2.244
  • Restart the LC server after installing the patch.
2.208 The deadline of assigned tasks is not updated and remains in the status created by the process. 3339993 9.0.0-COR-2.244
2.206 An enhancement is made in Workbench to add the 'Exact Search' field (as seen in the 'Find User') to both, 'Assign Multiple Task' and 'Find Group' operations. 2947655 NA

Users accessing the LiveCycle Workspace for any locale can also see non-locale-relevant options in the View Options pop-up menu when they attempt to manage any of the following views:

  • Tasks
  • Tasks by Process
  • Tracking

For example, German-users can also see options for non-German locales; which is not the intended behavior.

3000800 NA
2.205 In Workspace, queue sharing operations can throw a QueueManagerException and stall the operation. 3064748 NA
2.204 Submit button is shows up in the Workspace even before the form is completely downloaded and clicking the button completes the task without checking for a mandatory field. 2923616 NA
2.203 The values for process variables are missing in the Workspace task list. 3003571 NA
2.202 A member user continues to receive email notifications sent to his group, despite disabling it in the user preferences. 2949772 NA
2.201 Updated source code to allow for a wider range of data syntax, including variations of XML name-spaced definition locations. 2941242 NA
2.201 Updated source code to allow the ability to use a PDF file as source of data. 2932802 NA
2.201 Updated Render Guide process to allow overriding internally defined PDF file with an alternate PDF file. This alternate PDF file is generally derived from a PDF file submitted in a previous step. For example, propagating a digitally signed PDF file through a workflow. 2932802 NA

Other individual quick fixes for Process Management are as follows:

  • (QF2.82 - May 2011) - Addresses a vulnerability where after authentication with one server, files from another can be executed. (Ref #2871474)
  • (QF2.83 - May 2011) - Addresses the need to have multiple major versions of Adobe Reader (specifically versions 9 and 10) installed and launched at the same time on a managed desktop. This includes both in-browser and standalone instances of Adobe Reader. (Ref #2758043)
  • (QF2.92 - June 2011) - Addresses an issue where a PDF form cannot be retrieved from Tracking in Workspace. (Ref #2758888)
  • (QF2.103 - June 2011) - Addresses an issue where processes crash due to long task expressions. (Ref #2881942)
  • (QF2.107 - July 2011) - Addresses an issue where some terminated workflow tasks are indicated as running, preventing the progression of the workflow to subsequent tasks. (Ref. #2907788, 2763444)
  • (QF2.123 - August 2011) - Addresses the issue where LiveCycle fails to authenticate a user from the local domain, when an action to complete a particular task is triggered. (Ref. ##2924720)
  • (QF2.136 - September 2011) - Addresses an issue where the user encounters an error while using Workspace (client-side) to approve a form with pre-populated values. The following Flex error message is observed while the form is attempting to load:
    ALC-WKS-007-041 Client: An error occurred while retrieving form data (task {0} (Ref. #2952544)
  • (QF2.139 - September 2011) - Addresses the issue of the absence of an API method to retry operations for stalled branches. When this quick fix is installed, a method (retryBranch()) is available to retry operations for stalled branches (Ref #2945242).

Reader Extensions

Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
Quick fix 2.201 is included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.
2.201 The quick fix addresses an issue where due to vulnerability in Flex® SDK, many Flex applications are vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. 2969458


Rights Management

Patch ID Issue Fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
Cannot open a Rights Management protected PDF file offline within the permitted offline lease period. 3713248 9.0.0-COR-1038-2.265
1036-2.216 LiveCycle Rights Management servers take longer than expected time to sync protected documents for offline usage 3713248 NA
1018-2-214 LiveCycle Rights Management documents experience security issues when a SOAP endpoint is used to view the documents in Acrobat/Reader. 3650792 NA
1014-2.213 If the number of events in the database is greater than 100000, exceptions are generated in the logs when attempting to export the events. 3557489   NA
2.212 Users are unable to access Rights Management protected PDF for a certain time-period of the day. 3617206 NA
Quick fixes till 2.211 are included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.
2.211 The patch updates LiveCycle Reader Management to add support for the dynamic watermarks for Adobe Reader Mobile 10.4 and above. 3337004 NA
2.210 A check on the HTML tags and control characters that can be used in watermarks created using Administration Console is not enforced. 3301717 NA
2.209 When protecting a PDF document through the API or through a process in Workbench, the metadata is encrypted even if "Encrypt all document contents except metadata" is selected for the policy. 3211143 NA
2.208 The ?Encrypt only file attachments? option does not work when encrypting an attachment on server-side. 3143748 NA
2.208 Invalid Document exception is thrown when applying a policy to a valid PDF document. 3004893 NA
2.208 The failed revoke document operation is not recorded as an event. 3052952 NA
2.205 Users are unable to connect to LiveCycle Rights Management Server using Acrobat but they can access LiveCycle Rights Management Server through browsers. 2873207 NA
2.205 In offline mode, some users are unable to open policy protected files. Whereas, another users with the same set of permissions are able to open policy protected files. 3114120 NA
2.203 License identifier service failed error message is displayed if an encrypted docx document is modified. 3064878 NA
2.202 The methods to retrieve all the information, such as Client IP address and Policy ID, from Rights Management events are not exposed. 2932383 NA
2.201 The PDF document encrypted by using the Rights Management API is recognized as a PDF/A document when opened in Adobe® Reader® or Acrobat®. 2981565


Other individual quick fixes for Rights Management are as follows:

  • (QF2.30 - Jan 2011) - Addresses an issue where Adobe Reader 9 could not open a PDF if the PDF included a watermark created using the SDK. (Ref # 2784833)
  • (QF2.48 - Mar 2011) - With this quick fix, you can add any number of users to a policy. (Ref # 2815275)
  • (QF2.121 - August 2011) - Addresses an issue where PDF document details are not displayed properly in the Rights Managament 9 console on Microsoft Internet Explorer 8. Document details display correctly in Firefox and Google Chrome. (Ref. #2904416)
  • (QF2.126 - August 2011) – Required server-side changes to enable iOS and Android mobile devices running Reader 10.1 to access protected documents. (Ref # 2929102)


Patch ID Issue fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
Quick fixes till 2.207 are included in the LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( Rollup pack. For more information about the Rollup Pack, see this readme.

LiveCycle fails to upload files greater than 100 MB to Microsoft SharePoint. After installing the patch, follow instructions Additional settings for Microsoft SharePoint and Adobe LiveCycle.

3197793 Perform additional steps as described in Additional settings for Microsoft SharePoint and Adobe LiveCycle.
2.206 (JBoss Only) Adds support for Kerberos authentication from the DSC for LiveCycle Connector for SharePoint. 2990761 NA

The relevant LiveCycle process is not invoked when users upload multiple documents in a specific way using the Microsoft SharePoint Web user interface:

  1. Select Library > Open With Windows Explorer in the SharePoint document library.
  2. In Windows Explorer, drag and drop multiple files from a local folder to the document library.
3087099 NA
2.204 Adds support for LiveCycle SharePoint Connector in a farm deployment. 3022000 NA
2.201 An enhancement is made to control the display of workflow options of LiveCycle services, available to SharePoint users inside a SharePoint workflow. 2966528


Other individual quick fixes for LiveCycle ES2 Connector for Microsoft SharePoint are as follows:

  • (QF2.05 -  Nov 2010) - Addresses an issue that occurs when calling the SharePoint web service to return document libraries it does not return the URL and only provides back the title of Document library. (Ref # 2748567)
  • (QF2.122 - Aug 2011) - Addresses an issue where some operations on the Czech edition of Microsoft SharePoint do not work properly. (Ref # 2919701, 2909705)
  • (QF2.40 - Aug 2011) - Addresses an issue where a Null Pointer Exception is written to the logs when you expand a folder in the Browse dialog box to select a file in Workbench. (Ref # 2930284)


Individual QFs for LiveCycle Administration are as follows:

  • (QF2.75 - May 2011) - Addresses an issue where JavaScript errors occur in a browser running French locale on Windows, when trying adminui operations like remove and undeploy.  (Ref #2868818)
  • (QF2.76 - May 2011) - Addresses an issue where no error is reported when an invalid username and password are entered on AdminUI page. (Ref #2870297)
  • (QF2.84 - May 2011) - Addresses an issue where one cannot use the LiveCycle Administration Console to deploy an application that has any Japanese character in the name of an application. Also, the resulting error message from the LiveCycle Administration Console contains unreadable, garbled text. When this quick fix is applied, it will be possible to use the LiveCycle Administration Console to deploy applications that have Japanese characters in the application name, and if any error message is displayed, it will not contain unreadable or garbled text. (Ref #2873596)
  • (QF2.119 - Jul 2011) - Addresses an issue where you receive a data parsing error, while using the Job Purge Scheduler operation in Administration Console, on a Japanese operating system. (Ref # 2853953)

User Management

Individual QFs for User Management are as follows:

  • (QF2.61 - Apr 2011): Addresses the issue where the importing of user groups throws an exception when a custom LDAP SPI is used. (Ref# 2826452)
  • (QF2.128 - Aug 2011): This quick fix makes it possible for users to access the User Management screen in the Administration Console, when connected via a load balancer. (Ref# 2921659)


Patch ID Issue fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
1040-2.202 After installing Adobe Flash player, LiveCycle Guides fail to submit data to servers. 3819880 NA
9500.38 Context menus in LiveCycle Workbench IDE development pane have no text labels. 3189518

Quick Fix #2.38

Note: QF 9500.38 is non-cumulative and doesn't include issues fixed in previous Workbench QFs for LiveCycle ES2 SP2 (


 This Quick Fix addresses the following issues:

  • The get application option takes much longer time than expected to retrieve applications from the server.
  • The users of the localApplicationVersion filter code can also see the local versions.
  • Even though the show local applications checkbox is not selected, all the users with access to local applications are also listed in the get applications window.

After installing the patch, follow the section adding a flag.


Perform the additional steps as described in Adding flag to the Workbench configuration

Other individual quick fixes for Workbench are as follows:

  • (QF0.16 - May 2011) - Addresses an issue where deployment using the scripted deployment tool is not possible, after applying QF2.38 and SP2 for Adobe LiveCycle ES2. (Ref # 2853979)
  • (QF2.101 - June 2011) - Addresses an issue where Workbench encounters an internal error and fails to create a new version of a Form application on the Document server. (Ref. #2894716)
  • (QF2.99 - June 2011) - Addresses an issue where entering zero in the Purge Completed Records filter would throw an error conveying that the value is too small to apply the filter. (Ref. #2884718)
  • (QF2.100 - June 2011) - Adds ExecuteDQLQuery 2 service operation which can be used in Workbench to access DQL query results. (Ref. #2878378)
  • (QF2.27 - June 2011) - Address an issue where deploying a LiveCycle ES2 application containing legacy LiveCycle ES (8.x) assets would fail, writing unable to unlock cache error to the logs. (Ref. #2784800)
  • (QF 2.109 - July 2011) - Address an issue where adding a JDBC Service component to a process in Workbench throws a Null Pointer Exception. (Ref. #2892653)
  • (QF2.141 - September 2011) - Addresses an issue where the exportdata service operation fails when the data is exported to a watched folder (Ref #2823695).



The individual QFs for Workspace are as follows:

  • (QF2.111 - Sep 2011) Addresses an issue In the localised version of Workspace where search returns tasks that are outside the range of dates set in search criteria. (Ref #&nbsp;2951216)