Pre-defined reports in Process Reporting

Pre-defined Reports in Process Reporting

LiveCycle Process Reporting ships with the following out-of-the-box reports:

Long Running Processes

The Long Running Processes report displays the LiveCycle processes that have taken more than a specified time to complete.

To execute a Long Running Process report

  1. To view the list of pre-defined reports in Process Reporting, on the Process Reporting tree view, click the Reports node.

  2. Click the Long Running Processes report node.

    When you select a report, the Report Parameters panel is displayed to the right of the tree view.

    long running processes report parameters panel


    • Duration (mandatory): Specify a duration and unit of time. Display all LiveCycle processes that have run for more than the specified duration.
    • Started After (optional): Select a date. Filter the report to display process instances that started after the specified date.
    • Started Before (optional): Select a date. Filter the report to display process instances that started before the specified date.
  3. Click Go to execute the report.

    The report displays in the Report panel on the right of the Process Reporting window.

    Use the options in the upper right corner of the Report panel to perform the following operations on the report.

    • Refresh: Refreshes the report with latest data lying in the storage
    • Change legend color: Select and change the color of the report legend
    • Export to CSV: Export and download the data from the report to a comma-separated file

Process Duration report

The Process Duration report displays the number of instances of a LiveCycle process by number of days that each instance has run.

To execute a Process Duration report

  1. To view the pre-defined reports in Process Reporting, on the Process Reporting tree view, click the Reports node.

  2. Click the Processes Duration report node.

    When you select a report, the Report Parameters panel is displayed to the right of the tree view.

    long running processes report parameters panel


    • Select Process (mandatory): Select a LiveCycle process.
  3. Click Go to execute the report.

    The report displays in the Report panel on the right of the Process Reporting window.

    Use the options in the upper right corner of the Report panel to perform the following operations on the report.

    • Refresh: Refreshes the report with latest data lying in the storage
    • Change legend color: Select and change the color of the report legend
    • Export to CSV: Export and download the data from the report to a comma-separated file

Workflow Volume report

The Workflow Volume report displays the number of currently running and completed instances of a LiveCycle process by calendar day.

To execute a Workflow Volume report

  1. To view the pre-defined reports in Process Reporting, on the Process Reporting tree view, click the Reports node.

  2. Click the Workflow Volume report node.

    When you select a report, the Report Parameters panel is displayed to the right of the tree view.

    long running processes report parameters panel


    • Select Process (mandatory): Select a LiveCycle process.
    • Started After (optional): Select a date. Filters the report to display process instances that started after the specified date.
    • Started Before (optional): Select a date. Filters the report to display process instances that started before the specified date.
  3. Click Go to execute the report.

    The report displays in the Report panel on the right of the Process Reporting window.

    Use the options in the upper right corner of the Report panel to perform the following operations on the report.

    • Refresh: Refreshes the report with latest data lying in the storage
    • Change legend color: Select and change the color of the report legend
    • Export to CSV: Export and download the data from the report to a comma-separated file

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