Go to the Adobe Exchange Program home page : https://partners.adobe.com/exchangeprogram/creativecloud, and click Log In in the upper-right corner of the page. Sign in with your Adobe ID and password.
The Adobe Exchange Developer portal is a marketplace where developers can upload and distribute their created extensions. Users can browse, purchase, and download extensions, that augment the capabilities of their Creative Cloud apps.
Create your profile
On the home page, click Edit Profile.
The Account Page for Partner App Listings is displayed. Specify your name or company name, and contact email address.
Commerce Setup.
To sell your products, create an account with the payment vendor FastSpring using the FastSpring Registration link.
Note:You can register for FastSpring in one of the following ways:
- From your Exchange Profile page.
- From the App Listing page, while creating a paid product.
For more information see Creating paid and subscription products in Adobe Exchange.
Connect with Twitter.
The bottom section of the Account page allows you to integrate with Adobe Exchange’s social presence by associating your Partner account with your Twitter account.
- If you want Adobe Exchange to automatically follow your own activity, set up your Twitter handle and hashtag in the Twitter section.
Upload a new product
The basic steps for creating and publishing a new product are:
1. Package your product
To offer any kind of content as a product in Adobe Exchange, you must package it into a single file.
For Creative Cloud host applications, you can submit different kinds of non -ZXP files. If you have more than one, you must package them as a single zip file.
- If you have a set of simple files, you must compress them and submit a ZIP file.
- If you have a product in the form of an executable, you can submit the EXE or APP file. You can also add executables to a zipped package.
- If you have a more complex product associated with a code, use the ZXP format. (An executable or ZIP is turned into a ZXP internally).
Make sure that your ZXP package conforms to the specifications of Adobe Exchange.
For more details, see How to Package a Product for Adobe Exchange.
2. Specify the product information
To create your new listing, click Dashboard in the sub-navigation menu, and then click Create Listing.
The Create Listing page is displayed. Fill out the details on this page.
Enter information about your product. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk.
Title - Specify the name of your product.
Partner - Defaults to the name you specified in your account profile.
Purchase Method - Select Free, Perpetual, or Subscription.
- If you select Free, your content is offered as a free product. Users can download and install it without making any payment. For more about paid products, see Creating Paid Products for Adobe Exchange.
- If you select Perpetual, the user has to pay a one-time fee to obtain your product.
- If you select Subscription, you can choose to provide the first month free for your product, and then charge a subscription fee monthly or annually.
If you have not created your FastSpring account, you will be prompted to register for FastSpring while creating a paid product. For more information see Creating paid and subscription products in Adobe Exchange.
Primary Tags - Select up to two primary tags for your app.
Secondary Tags - You can select up to seven tags from the drop-down list that is matched in searches.
Custom Tags - If the tag you want is unavailable in the list, define a new tag, or a set of tags separated by spaces.
Note: if you enter a comma, the comma becomes part of the tag string.
When you have finished entering the new tags, click Add Tags. You can add up to two custom tags.
Languages Supported In Your App - Specify the languages supported by your app. The default language is English. Leave the field blank, if your product is only available in English, and has no language requirements.
Summary and Detailed Description - Enter a summary and detailed description respectively for your product.
After you have filled the app details, click Save & Next.
Images let users see and learn more about the capabilities of your product. Specify different images, which are displayed in various contexts.
- You can add an icon, that represents your product when a user searches for it on the CreativeCloud Add-ons website or in the Exchange portal.
- You can add up to 10 Preview Images, for use in various contexts, with or without captions.
- You can also specify a Featured Image, which is used if your product is chosen by Adobe as a featured product.
- Listing Icon: Click Choose File, and upload an image to set your app icon as per the dimensions - 512 x 512 px PNG or JPG - 1:1 Aspect Ratio.
- Featured Image: A promotional image that is displayed if your product is selected as a featured product on the exchange portal. Click Choose File, and upload an image as per the dimensions - min 1280 x 720, max 2560 x 1440 PNG or JPG - 16:9 Aspect Ratio.
- Preview Images and Videos: Click Choose File, to upload preview images to illustrate your product functionality. Provide a combination of up to 10 preview images (min 1280 x 720, max 2560 x 1440 PNG or JPG - 16:9 Aspect Ratio) or YouTube, Vimeo, or AdobeTV video links.
- Caption: Add a caption that describes each preview image.
- Link To Your Video: Enter the URL for the video. To add more images or video URL, click Add Image or Add Video button.
Be sure to choose PNG or JPG files of the recommended sizes in each case. Each image is uploaded when you select it. See Creating images for your products. The images you have selected appear in the product images page. They are automatically resized for the different contexts in which they appear.
When you have specified all the required fields, click Save & Next at the bottom of the page to continue editing the product.
Release notes
Add notes about the product enhancements, features, and more. To upload files, click Choose File.
You can upload up to ten PDF documents.
Upload product
Click Choose File, and browse to the file or packaged set of files that define your product. If it is not a ZXP file, you must specify which host product is able to load your product. (This information is already included in a ZXP package).
- Upload a single file: If your product is a single file, or if you have already packaged it as a single file, choose Upload A Single File. Click Choose File to browse and select the file.
This uploads the package containing your product build. If there are problems with uploading a ZXP package, check that the build was properly packaged.
- Product compatibility information: Choose the Adobe products that your application is compatible with. Select the minimum and maximum supported version of the selected Adobe product.
If you want the maximum version to stay open-ended, select No Max Version in the drop-down list for Max Version.
- Version: Enter the version number of your app in the format major.minor.patch. For example, 1.0.3.
For common issues encountered when you upload a product, see Common Errors.
How to sell
Upload a PDF with instructions on how to sell the app. This document is visible only to Adobe employees. The document can be used to provide key contact details for your sales team, key benefits of the product for the Adobe sales team to pitch and more.
To upload document, click Choose File.
Provide descriptive information for your product. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.
EULA - An End User License Agreement (EULA) can be presented to the users before they can acquire your app. Provide EULA for Non-ZXP upload or to override EULA in ZXP upload.
Where To Find It - Provide information for end users on how to get to your product after it is installed in the host application. For example, what menu item starts it. Non-ZXP products are automatically placed in the Downloads folder.
Note To Approver - Provide instructions to Adobe approver about your product build, serial number, or licensing info.
3. Preview your product
To preview your app, save your app listing. Click Save on the Notes & EULA screen.
The Preview button appears. To preview your app listing, click Preview.
When you have successfully uploaded all assets, the new product appears in the All Listings > Not Published list.
View and edit the product details by clicking it in the Not Published list. This takes you back to the Listings page, where you can continue to refine the product details.
4. Submit your product
When you are happy with your product definition and have tested it in the Exchange Panel, you can submit the draft to Adobe for approval. See the Approval Guidelines.
Before submitting your draft, be sure to check all of the details (such as compatibility, keywords, and descriptions) carefully. After you submit your draft for approval, you cannot make any more changes in the product or configuration until the product is approved or rejected by the Adobe team. If you want to make any changes, contact us.
- Submit: This button starts the approval process but allows you to maintain control of when to publish the approved product.
- Publish this listing immediately upon approval: Check this option to automatically publish the product when it is approved.
Once the process is started, the displayed status changes to “Pending(Approval)”.
You receive an email notification confirming your submission and another notification when the product has been approved. You can also check the status in the My Extensions list to see if the approval process is complete.
If you have chosen the auto-publish option, you see that the product appears in the All Listings > Published list when it is approved. If not, you see a Publish button next to Approved status.
To publish your app, click Publish. The new product now appears in the All Listings > Published list.
After a product is published, you can edit the configuration to create patch releases and updates. See Managing Products after Publication.
All changes that you make after publication must go through the same approval process as the original submission.
To make changes, go to the apps list page. Under My Apps > Published, click your app. The App Details page is displayed.
- Click Edit. The page where you edit the product details is displayed.
- Click Retract to withdraw the published app until you can submit the new version.
You can choose to temporarily retract your published version if you have an important update, such as a bug fix.
Common Errors
Some of the common errors encountered when you try to upload your listing on the Adobe Exchange Developer portal, with resolution as mentioned below.
An icon for the product has not been uploaded. To publish the product, you must associate it with a product icon of the proper size and format. To upload the icon, see the Images - Upload images and videos section above.
An image file uploaded exceeds the 400-K limit. It is too large to be uploaded to the service.
The product does not have a summary or description associated with it. To publish the product, you must provide this info.
To add a summary or description, see the Upload & Docs sections above.
You have not enabled your account to sell products via the FastSpring service. Without the key, you only publish free products. To enter your FastSpring key, click your name at the top of the page. Select Account from the menu, fill your FastSpring Key and click Submit. Make sure to enter your FastSpring key, and NOT your FastSpring password.
There is already a ZXP uploaded to the system that has the same bundle ID as the ZXP submitted. A bundle ID is most likely to conflict with a product you have already uploaded, or with another developer’s ZXP if the bundle ID is fairly simple (such as. “My_extensio n” rather than“com.mycompany.myextension”). The uniqueness of the bundle ID is checked against published, unpublished, and retracted products.
The ZXP uploaded exceeds the 2-gigabyte limit. It is too large to be uploaded to the service.
This error message can apply to several areas but generally means that the partner name, or product title has a leading or trailing space.