- Adobe Value Incentive Plan: Program guide
- VIP Marketplace
VIP offerings provide a variety of licensing and purchasing options for commercial, government, and education customers.
Named-user licenses
The default offering in VIP is a named-user license, meaning the Member must purchase one license for each person. With named-user licenses, deployment ties the usage of Adobe apps and services to an individual user. Only one user may use each license unless your offering is expressly described otherwise in Adobe licensing terms. Adobe Acrobat Classic and most subscription offerings are named-user licenses. See License Term Options for more details.
Each named-user license has two allowed activations except for Feature Restricted Licensing Products, which may only be activated on one device. Feature Restricted Licensing Products don't include Services.
Some Products are Consumables. Consumables are purchased, used, and then more may be purchased again. Consumables are different from named-user or device-based licenses that allow for access and use of the Products during the license term. Consumables may not be returned, even within the return window, if any Consumable has been used. In VIP, there are two types of Consumables: Sign Transactions and Stock Credit Packs.
Adobe Acrobat Sign Transactions
For VIP Members licensing Adobe Acrobat Sign Transactions, the VIP Member is granted access to the Sign services and the licensed Transactions during the Subscription Period. Transactions expire at the end of your Subscription Period. The VIP Member makes a good faith estimate of usage over the Subscription Period and if actual usage exceeds the quantity of licensed Transactions during the Subscription Period, then the VIP Member has the right to place an order for additional Transactions.
Adobe Stock Credit packs
Adobe Stock Credit Packs are Consumables that don't align with your VIP Subscription Period. Unused credits from Stock Credit Packs expire 12 months from the order date, which may not be your Anniversary Date.
If you are a Stock Enterprise customer (not a Stock Teams customer), you may permit your affiliates to use your Enterprise Adobe Stock Entitlements, notwithstanding any non-China-related VIP regional deployment limitations, so long as such Affiliates are permitted to purchase Stock Entitlements under the same VIP Agreement.
For clarity, the VIP China rules and restrictions described in this Program Guide still apply. Adobe Stock Entitlements include licensed Pro Assets and other Stock Assets, Stock credits, and Stock subscription quota.
Complimentary Offerings
Any Business users included in the Admin Console may be entitled to complimentary entitlements (at Adobe's discretion). Adding users to the Admin Console provides such Business Users with access to complimentary Entitlements. You may remove any Business Users from the Admin Console if you do not wish the customers to receive Adobe complimentary entitlements.
Sign Subscription for Government
For Members with a subscription to Adobe Acrobat Sign Services for Government (a Gov Subscription), transactions may be used by any licensed users within your organization. This subscription isn't a Consumable offering.