- CFML Reference User Guide
- ColdFusion functions
- ColdFusion functions by category
- Functions a-b
- Abs
- ACos
- AddSOAPRequestHeader
- AddSOAPResponseHeader
- AjaxLink
- AjaxOnLoad
- ApplicationStop
- ArrayAppend
- ArrayAvg
- ArrayClear
- ArrayContains
- ArrayContainsNoCase
- ArrayDelete
- ArrayDeleteAt
- ArrayDeleteNoCase
- ArrayEach
- ArrayFilter
- ArrayFind
- ArrayFindAll
- ArrayFindAllNoCase
- ArrayFindNoCase
- ArrayInsertAt
- ArrayIsDefined
- ArrayIsEmpty
- ArrayLen
- ArrayMap
- ArrayMax
- ArrayMin
- ArrayNew
- ArrayPrepend
- ArrayReduce
- ArrayResize
- ArraySet
- ArraySetMetadata
- ArraySlice
- ArraySort
- ArraySum
- ArraySwap
- ArrayToList
- Asc
- ASin
- Atn
- AuthenticatedContext
- AuthenticatedUser
- BinaryDecode
- BinaryEncode
- BitAnd
- BitMaskClear
- BitMaskRead
- BitMaskSet
- BitNot
- BitOr
- BitXor
- BooleanFormat
- Abs
- Functions-c-d
- CacheGet
- CacheGetAllIds
- CacheGetMetadata
- CacheGetProperties
- CacheGetSession
- CacheIdExists
- CachePut
- CacheRegionExists
- CacheRegionNew
- CacheRegionRemove
- CacheRemove
- CacheRemoveAll
- CacheSetProperties
- CallStackDump
- CallStackGet
- CanDeSerialize
- Canonicalize
- CanSerialize
- Ceiling
- CharsetDecode
- CharsetEncode
- Chr
- CJustify
- Compare
- CompareNoCase
- Cos
- CreateDate
- CreateDateTime
- CreateObject
- CreateObject: .NET object
- CreateObject: COM object
- CreateObject: component object
- CreateObject: CORBA object
- CreateObject: Java or EJB object
- CreateObject: web service object
- CreateODBCDate
- CreateODBCDateTime
- CreateODBCTime
- CreateSignedJWT
- CreateEncryptedJWT
- CreateTime
- CreateTimeSpan
- CreateUUID
- CSRFGenerateToken
- CSRFVerifyToken
- DateAdd
- DateCompare
- DateConvert
- DateDiff
- DateFormat
- DatePart
- DateTimeFormat
- Day
- DayOfWeek
- DayOfWeekAsString
- DayOfYear
- DaysInMonth
- DaysInYear
- DE
- DecimalFormat
- DecodeForHTML
- DecodeFromURL
- DecrementValue
- Decrypt
- DecryptBinary
- DeleteClientVariable
- Deserialize
- DeserializeJSON
- DeserializeXML
- DirectoryCopy
- DirectoryCreate
- DirectoryDelete
- DirectoryExists
- DirectoryList
- DirectoryRename
- DollarFormat
- DotNetToCFType
- Duplicate
- Functions-e-g
- EncodeForCSS
- EncodeForDN
- EncodeForHTML
- EncodeForHTMLAttribute
- EncodeForJavaScript
- EncodeForLDAP
- EncodeForURL
- EncodeForXML
- EncodeForXMLAttribute
- EncodeForXpath
- Encrypt
- EncryptBinary
- EntityDelete
- EntityLoad
- EntityLoadByExample
- EntityLoadByPK
- EntityMerge
- EntityNew
- EntityReload
- EntitySave
- EntityToQuery
- Evaluate
- Exp
- ExpandPath
- FileClose
- FileCopy
- FileDelete
- FileExists
- FileGetMimeType
- FileIsEOF
- FileMove
- FileOpen
- FileRead
- FileReadBinary
- FileReadLine
- FileSeek
- FileSetAccessMode
- FileSetAttribute
- FileSetLastModified
- FileSkipBytes
- FileUpload
- FileUploadAll
- FileWrite
- FileWriteLine
- Find
- FindNoCase
- FindOneOf
- FirstDayOfMonth
- Fix
- Floor
- FormatBaseN
- GeneratePBKDFKey
- GenerateSecretKey
- GetApplicationMetadata
- GetAuthUser
- GetBaseTagData
- GetBaseTagList
- GetBaseTemplatePath
- GetClientVariablesList
- GetComponentMetaData
- GetContextRoot
- GetCPUUsage
- GetCurrentTemplatePath
- GetDirectoryFromPath
- GetEncoding
- GetException
- GetFileFromPath
- GetFileInfo
- GetFreeSpace
- GetFunctionCalledName
- GetFunctionList
- GetGatewayHelper
- GetHttpRequestData
- GetHttpTimeString
- GetK2ServerDocCount
- GetK2ServerDocCountLimit
- GetLocale
- GetLocaleDisplayName
- GetLocalHostIP
- GetMetaData
- GetMetricData
- GetPageContext
- GetPrinterInfo
- GetPrinterList
- GetProfileSections
- GetProfileString
- GetReadableImageFormats
- GetSafeHTML
- GetSAMLAuthRequest
- GetSAMLLogoutRequest
- GenerateSAMLSPMetadata
- GetSOAPRequest
- GetSOAPRequestHeader
- GetSOAPResponse
- GetSOAPResponseHeader
- GetSystemFreeMemory
- GetSystemTotalMemory
- GetTempDirectory
- GetTempFile
- GetTemplatePath
- GetTickCount
- GetTimeZoneInfo
- GetToken
- GetTotalSpace
- GetUserRoles
- GetVFSMetaData
- GetWriteableImageFormats
- Functions-h-im
- Hash
- HMac
- Hour
- HQLMethods
- HTMLCodeFormat
- HTMLEditFormat
- IIf
- ImageAddBorder
- ImageBlur
- ImageClearRect
- ImageCopy
- ImageCreateCaptcha
- ImageCrop
- ImageDrawArc
- ImageDrawBeveledRect
- ImageDrawCubicCurve
- ImageDrawLine
- ImageDrawLines
- ImageDrawOval
- ImageDrawPoint
- ImageDrawQuadraticCurve
- ImageDrawRect
- ImageDrawRoundRect
- ImageDrawText
- ImageFlip
- ImageGetBlob
- ImageGetBufferedImage
- ImageGetEXIFMetadata
- ImageGetEXIFTag
- ImageGetHeight
- ImageGetIPTCMetadata
- ImageGetIPTCTag
- ImageGetMetadata
- ImageGetWidth
- ImageGrayscale
- ImageInfo
- ImageMakeColorTransparent
- ImageMakeTranslucent
- ImageNegative
- ImageNew
- ImageOverlay
- ImagePaste
- ImageRead
- ImageReadBase64
- ImageResize
- ImageRotate
- ImageRotateDrawingAxis
- ImageScaleToFit
- ImageSetAntialiasing
- ImageSetBackgroundColor
- ImageSetDrawingColor
- ImageSetDrawingStroke
- ImageSetDrawingTransparency
- ImageSharpen
- ImageShear
- ImageShearDrawingAxis
- ImageTranslate
- ImageTranslateDrawingAxis
- ImageWrite
- ImageWriteBase64
- ImageXORDrawingMode
- Functions-in-k
- IncrementValue
- InputBaseN
- Insert
- Int
- InvalidateOauthAccesstoken
- Invoke
- InitSAMLAuthRequest
- InitSAMLLogoutRequest
- InvokeCFClientFunction
- IsArray
- IsAuthenticated
- IsAuthorized
- IsBinary
- IsBoolean
- IsClosure
- IsCustomFunction
- IsDate
- IsDateObject
- IsDebugMode
- IsDefined
- IsImage
- IsImageFile
- IsInstanceOf
- IsIPv6
- IsK2ServerABroker
- IsK2ServerDocCountExceeded
- IsK2ServerOnline
- IsLeapYear
- IsLocalHost
- IsNull
- IsNumeric
- IsNumericDate
- IsObject
- isOnline
- IsPDFArchive
- IsPDFFile
- IsPDFObject
- IsProtected
- IsQuery
- isSamlLogoutResponse
- isSafeHTML
- IsSimpleValue
- IsSOAPRequest
- IsSpreadsheetFile
- IsSpreadsheetObject
- IsStruct
- IsUserInAnyRole
- IsUserInRole
- IsUserLoggedIn
- IsValid
- IsValidOauthAccesstoken
- IsXmlAttribute
- IsXmlDoc
- IsXmlElem
- IsXmlNode
- IsXmlRoot
- JavaCast
- JSStringFormat
- Functions-l
- LCase
- Left
- Len
- ListAppend
- ListChangeDelims
- ListContains
- ListContainsNoCase
- ListDeleteAt
- ListEach
- ListFilter
- ListFind
- ListFindNoCase
- ListFirst
- ListGetAt
- ListInsertAt
- ListLast
- ListLen
- ListMap
- ListPrepend
- ListQualify
- ListReduce
- ListRemoveDuplicates
- ListRest
- ListSetAt
- ListSort
- ListToArray
- ListValueCount
- ListValueCountNoCase
- LJustify
- Location
- Log
- Log10
- LSCurrencyFormat
- LSDateFormat
- LSDateTimeFormat
- LSEuroCurrencyFormat
- LSIsCurrency
- LSIsDate
- LSIsNumeric
- LSNumberFormat
- LSParseCurrency
- LSParseDateTime
- LSParseEuroCurrency
- LSParseNumber
- LSTimeFormat
- LTrim
- Functions-m-r
- Max
- Mid
- Min
- Minute
- Month
- MonthAsString
- Now
- NumberFormat
- ObjectEquals
- ObjectLoad
- ObjectSave
- OnWSAuthenticate
- ORMClearSession
- ORMCloseAllSessions
- ORMCloseSession
- ORMEvictCollection
- ORMEvictEntity
- ORMEvictQueries
- ORMExecuteQuery
- ORMFlush
- ORMFlushall
- ORMGetSession
- ORMGetSessionFactory
- ORMIndex
- ORMIndexPurge
- ORMReload
- ORMSearch
- ORMSearchOffline
- ParagraphFormat
- ParameterExists
- ParseDateTime
- Pi
- PrecisionEvaluate
- ProcessSAMLResponse
- ProcessSAMLLogoutRequest
- Quarter
- PreserveSingleQuotes
- QueryAddColumn
- QueryAddRow
- QueryConvertForGrid
- QueryExecute
- QueryFilter
- QueryGetResult
- QueryGetRow
- QueryKeyExists
- QueryMap
- QueryNew
- QueryReduce
- QuerySetCell
- QuotedValueList
- QueryEach
- Rand
- Randomize
- RandRange
- ReEscape
- REFind
- REFindNoCase
- ReleaseComObject
- REMatch
- REMatchNoCase
- RemoveCachedQuery
- RemoveChars
- RepeatString
- Replace
- ReplaceList
- ReplaceNoCase
- REReplace
- REReplaceNoCase
- RestDeleteApplication
- RestSetResponse
- RestInitApplication
- Reverse
- Right
- RJustify
- Round
- RTrim
- Functions-s
- Second
- SendGatewayMessage
- SendSAMLLogoutResponse
- Serialize
- SerializeJSON
- SerializeXML
- SessionInvalidate
- SessionRotate
- SessionGetMetaData
- SessionInvalidate
- SessionRotate
- SetDay
- SetEncoding
- SetHour
- SetLocale
- SetMonth
- SetProfileString
- SetVariable
- SetYear
- Sgn
- Sin
- Sleep
- SpanExcluding
- SpanIncluding
- SpreadsheetAddAutoFilter
- SpreadsheetAddColumn
- SpreadsheetAddFreezePane
- SpreadsheetAddImage
- SpreadsheetAddInfo
- SpreadsheetAddPageBreaks
- SpreadsheetAddRow
- SpreadsheetAddRows
- SpreadsheetAddSplitPane
- SpreadsheetCreateSheet
- SpreadsheetDeleteColumn
- SpreadsheetDeleteColumns
- SpreadsheetDeleteRow
- SpreadsheetDeleteRows
- SpreadsheetFormatCell
- SpreadsheetFormatColumn
- SpreadsheetFormatCellRange
- SpreadsheetFormatColumn
- SpreadsheetFormatColumns
- SpreadsheetFormatRow
- SpreadsheetFormatRows
- SpreadsheetGetCellComment
- SpreadsheetGetCellFormula
- SpreadsheetGetCellValue
- SpreadsheetGetColumnCount
- SpreadsheetInfo
- SpreadsheetMergeCells
- SpreadsheetNew
- SpreadsheetRead
- SpreadsheetReadBinary
- SpreadsheetRemoveSheet
- SpreadsheetSetActiveSheet
- SpreadsheetSetActiveSheetNumber
- SpreadsheetSetCellComment
- SpreadsheetSetCellFormula
- SpreadsheetSetCellValue
- SpreadsheetSetColumnWidth
- SpreadsheetSetFooter
- SpreadsheetSetHeader
- SpreadsheetSetRowHeight
- SpreadsheetShiftColumns
- SpreadsheetShiftRows
- SpreadsheetWrite
- Sqr
- StripCR
- StructAppend
- StructClear
- StructCopy
- StructCount
- StructDelete
- StructEach
- StructFilter
- StructFind
- StructFindKey
- StructFindValue
- StructGet
- StructGetMetadata
- StructInsert
- StructIsEmpty
- StructKeyArray
- StructKeyExists
- StructKeyList
- StructMap
- StructNew
- StructReduce
- StructSetMetadata
- StructSort
- StructToSorted
- StructUpdate
- StoreSetMetadata
- StoreGetACL
- StoreGetMetadata
- StoreAddACL
- StoreSetACL
- Functions-t-z
- Tan
- ThreadJoin
- ThreadTerminate
- Throw
- TimeFormat
- ToBase64
- ToBinary
- ToScript
- ToString
- Trace
- Transactionandconcurrency
- TransactionCommit
- TransactionRollback
- TransactionSetSavePoint
- Trim
- UCase
- URLDecode
- URLEncodedFormat
- URLSessionFormat
- Val
- ValueList
- VerifyClient
- Week
- Wrap
- WriteDump
- WriteLog
- WriteOutput
- WSGetAllChannels
- WSGetSubscribers
- WSPublish
- WSSendMessage
- XmlChildPos
- XmlElemNew
- XmlFormat
- XmlGetNodeType
- XmlNew
- XmlParse
- XmlSearch
- XmlTransform
- XmlValidate
- Year
- YesNoFormat
- ColdFusion Tags
- ColdFusion tag summary
- ColdFusion tags by category
- Application framework tags
- Communications tags
- Database manipulation tags
- Data output tags
- Debugging tags
- Exception handling tags
- Extensibility tags
- File management tags
- Flow-control tags
- Forms tags
- Internet Protocol tags
- Page processing tags
- Security tags
- Variable manipulation tags
- Other tags
- Tags a-b
- Tags c
- Tags f
- cffeed
- cffile
- cffile action = "append"
- cffile action = "copy"
- cffile action = "delete"
- cffile action = "move"
- cffile action = "read"
- cffile action = "readBinary"
- cffile action = "rename"
- cffile action = "upload"
- cffile action = "uploadAll"
- cffile action = "write"
- cffileupload
- cffinally
- cfflush
- cfform
- cfformgroup
- cfformitem
- cfftp
- cfftp: Connection: file and directory operations
- cfftp: Opening and closing FTP server connections
- cfftp : Opening and closing secure FTP server connections
- cfftp action = "listDir"
- cffunction
- Tags g-h
- Tags i
- Tags j-l
- cfjava
- cflayout
- cflayoutarea
- cfldap
- cflocation
- cflock
- cflog
- cflogin
- cfloginuser
- cflogout
- cfloop
- cfloop : conditional loop
- cfloop : index loop
- cfloop : looping over a COM collection or structure
- cfloop : looping over a date or time range
- cfloop : looping over a list, a file, or an array
- cfloop : looping over a query
- Tags m-o
- cfmail
- cfmailparam
- cfmailpart
- cfmap
- cfmapitem
- cfmediaplayer
- cfmenu
- cfmenuitem
- cfmessagebox
- cfmodule
- cfNTauthenticate
- cfoauth
- cfobject
- cfobject: .NET object
- cfobject: COM object
- cfobject: component object
- cfobject: CORBA object
- cfobject: Java or EJB object
- cfobject: web service object
- cfobjectcache
- cfoutput
- Tags p-q
- Tags r-s
- Tags t
- Tags u-z
- CFML Reference
- Reserved words and variables
- Ajax JavaScript functions
- Ajax JavaScript functions
- Function summary Ajax
- ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm
- ColdFusion.Autosuggest.getAutosuggestObject
- ColdFusion.Layout.enableSourceBind
- ColdFusion.MessageBox.getMessageBoxObject
- ColdFusion.ProgressBar.getProgressBarObject
- ColdFusion.MessageBox.isMessageBoxDefined
- JavaScriptFunctionsinColdFusion9Update1
- ColdFusion ActionScript functions
- ColdFusion mobile functions
- Application.cfc reference
- Script functions implemented as CFCs
- ColdFusion Flash Form style reference
- Styles valid for all controls
- Styles for cfform
- Styles for cfformgroup with horizontal or vertical type attributes
- Styles for box-style cfformgroup elements
- Styles for cfformgroup with accordion type attribute
- Styles for cfformgroup with tabnavigator type attribute
- Styles for cfformitem with hrule or vrule type attributes
- Styles for cfinput with radio, checkbox, button, image, or submit type attributes
- Styles for cftextarea tag and cfinput with text, password, or hidden type attributes
- Styles for cfselect with size attribute value of 1
- Styles for cfselect with size attribute value greater than 1
- Styles for cfcalendar tag and cfinput with dateField type attribute
- Styles for the cfgrid tag
- Styles for the cftree tag
- ColdFusion Flash Form Style Reference
- ColdFusion event gateway reference
- ColdFusion Event Gateway reference
- addEvent
- CFEvent
- CFEventclass
- Constructor
- Gateway development interfaces and classes
- getStatus
- setCFCPath
- setCFCMethod
- getOriginatorID
- getLogger
- getBuddyList
- getBuddyInfo
- IM gateway message sending commands
- IM Gateway GatewayHelper class methods
- onIncomingMessage
- onIMServerMessage
- onBuddyStatus
- onAddBuddyResponse
- onAddBuddyRequest
- IM Gateway CFC incoming message methods
- IM gateway methods and commands
- CFML CFEvent structure
- warn
- info
- setOriginatorID
- data command
- submit Multi command
- submit command
- setGatewayType
- setGatewayID
- setData
- setCFCListeners
- outgoingMessage
- getStatusTimeStamp
- numberOfMessagesReceived
- numberOfMessagesSent
- removeBuddy
- removeDeny
- removePermit
- setNickName
- setPermitMode
- setStatus
- SMS Gateway CFEvent structure and commands
- SMS Gateway incoming message CFEvent structure
- getStatusAsString
- getProtocolName
- getPermitMode
- getPermitList
- getNickName
- getName
- getDenyList
- getCustomAwayMessage
- getQueueSize
- getMaxQueueSize
- getHelper
- getGatewayType
- getGatewayServices
- getGatewayID_1
- getGatewayID
- getData
- getCFCTimeout
- setCFCTimeout
- getCFCPath
- getCFCMethod
- GatewayServices class
- Gateway interface
- GatewayHelper interface
- addPermit
- addDeny
- addBuddy
- error
- debug
- Logger class
- stop
- start
- CFML event gateway SendGatewayMessage data parameter
- restart
- fatal
- SMS gateway message sending commands
- ColdFusion C++ CFX Reference
- ColdFusion Java CFX reference
- WDDX JavaScript Objects
- Cloud services
- ColdFusion and GCP Storage
- ColdFusion and GCP Firestore
- ColdFusion and GCP PubSub
- ColdFusion and Amazon S3
- ColdFusion and DynamoDB
- ColdFusion and Amazon SQS
- ColdFusion and Amazon SNS
- ColdFusion and MongoDB
- ColdFusion and Azure Blob
- ColdFusion and Azure Service Bus
- Multi-cloud storage services
- Multi-cloud RDS databases
- ColdFusion and Azure Cosmos DB
For a full list of deprecated features, refer to Deprecated features.
Places a slider control, for selecting a numeric value from a range, in a ColdFusion form. The slider moves over the slider groove. As the user moves the slider, the current value displays. Used within a cfform tag for forms in HTML and applet format. Not supported with Flash forms. In HTML forms, you can create visually rich sliders that let you modify adjustable values in fixed increments. You can specify maximum, minimum, and increment values, to help you quickly filter complex results. The sliders are categorized based on the slider control. The available slider controls are:
- Vertical The slider has vertical controls that can be adjusted to the top or bottom.
- Horizontal The slider has horizontal controls that can be adjusted to the left or right.
- Tip The slider displays the values as data tips.
- Snapping The slider moves in incremental values.
<cfslider name = "name" clickToChange = "true|false" format = "html" height = "integer" increment = "Unit increment value" max = "maximum value for the slider" min = "minimum value for the slider" onChange = "JavaScript function name" onDrag = "JavaScript function name" tip = "true|false" value = "integer" vertical = "true|false" width = "integer">
For Applet
<cfslider name = "name" align = "top|left|bottom|baseline|texttop|absbottom| middle|absmiddle|right" bgColor = "color" bold = "yes|no" font = "font name" fontSize = "integer" height = "integer" hSpace = "integer" italic = "yes|no" label = "text" lookAndFeel = "motif|windows|metal" message = "text" notSupported = "text" onError = "text" onValidate = "script name" range = "minimum value, maximum value" scale = "integer" textColor = "color" value = "integer" vertical = "yes|no" vSpace = "integer" width = "integer">
You can specify this tag's attributes in an attributeCollection attribute whose value is a structure. Specify the structure name in the attributeCollection attribute and use the tag's attribute names as structure keys.
See also
cfapplet, cfcalendar, cfform, cfformgroup, cfformitem, cfgrid, cfinput, cfselect, cftextarea, cftree; Introduction to Retrieving and Formatting Data and Building Dynamic Forms with cfform Tags in the Developing ColdFusion Applications
ColdFusion 11:
Removed the attributes - img , imgStyle, grooveColor, refreshLabel , tickmarkimages , tickmarklabels , tickmarkmajor , and tickmarkminor .
ColdFusion MX:
Deprecated the img , imgStyle, grooveColor, refreshLabel , tickmarklabels , tickmarkmajor , tickmarkminor , and tickmarkimages attributes. They sometimes do not work, and can cause an error, in later releases.
Attribute |
Req/Opt |
Default |
Description |
name |
Required |
Name of cfslider control. |
align |
Optional |
Alignment of slider:
bgColor |
Optional |
Background color of slider label. For a hexadecimal value, use the form: bgColor = "##xxxxxx", where x = 0-9 or A-F; use two number signs or none.
bold |
Optional |
no |
clickToChange |
OptionalHTML |
Whether clicking the slider changes the value of the pointer:
font |
Optional |
Font name for label text. |
fontSize |
Optional |
Font size for label text, in points. |
format |
Optional |
applet |
Specifies if the format is:
height |
Optional |
40, for applet 100, for HTML |
Slider control height, in pixels. |
hSpace |
Optional |
Horizontal spacing to left and right of slider, in pixels. |
italic |
Optional |
no |
increment |
OptionalHTML |
The unit increment value for a snapping slider. |
label |
Optional |
Label to display with control; for example, "Volume" This displays:"Volume %value%"}}To reference the value, use {{"%value%". If %% is omitted, slider value displays directly after label. |
lookAndFeel |
Optional |
Windows |
max |
OptionalHTML |
Maximum value for the slider. |
min |
OptionalHTML |
Minimum value for the slider. |
message |
OptionalApplet |
Message text to appear if validation fails. |
notSupported |
Optional |
Text to display if a page that contains a Java applet-based cfform control is opened by a browser that does not support Java or has Java support disabled. For example:{{"<b> Browser must support Java to view ColdFusion Java Applets</b>"}}Default message:<b>Browser must support Java to <br>view ColdFusion Java Applets!</b> |
onChange |
OptionalHTML |
Custom JavaScript function to run when slider value changes. Specify only the function name. |
onDrag |
OptionalHTML |
Custom JavaScript function to run when you drag the slider. Specify only the function name. |
onError |
Optional |
Custom JavaScript function to run if validation fails. Specify only the function name. |
onValidate |
Optional |
Custom JavaScript function to validate user input; in this case, a change to the default slider value. Specify only the function name. |
range |
Optional |
"0,100" |
Numeric slider range values. Separate values with a comma. |
scale |
Optional |
Unsigned integer. Defines slider scale, within range. For example, if range = "0,1000" and scale = "100", the display values are:0, 100, 200, 300, ...Signed and unsigned integers in ColdFusion are in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. |
textColor |
Optional |
Options: same as for bgcolor attribute. |
tip |
OptionalHTML |
true |
Whether the data valu has to display as data tips:
value |
Optional |
Minimum in range |
Starting slider setting. Must be within the range values. |
vertical |
Optional |
no(for applet forms) false(for HTML forms) |
For Applet forms:
vSpace |
Optional |
Vertical spacing above and below slider, in pixels. |
width |
Optional |
200, for HTML |
Slider control width, in pixels. |
This tag requires the client to download a Java applet. Using this tag is sometimes slightly slower than using an HTML form element to display the same information. Also, if the client does not have an up-to-date Java plug-in installed, the system sometimes has to download an updated Java plug-in to display the tag.
For this tag to work properly, the browser must be JavaScript-enabled.
If the following conditions are true, a user's selection from query data that populates this tag's options continues to display after the user submits the form:
- The cfform preserveData attribute is set to "Yes".
- The cfform action attribute posts to the same page as the form itself (this is the default), or the action page has a form that contains controls with the same names as corresponding controls on the user entry form.
For more information, see the cfform tag entry.
<!--- This example shows how to use cfslider</h3> <br/ > <cfform name="form01"> <cfslider name="slider1" format="HTML" vertical="false" width="350" value="100" min="0" max="200" increment="10" tip="true"/> </cfform>