CFSetup configuration tool


The CFSetup confuguration tool is NOT supported on ColdFusion (2018 release).


ColdFusion offers both Administrator interface to view and change server settings, and a car wizard to bundle settings from one instance and then deploy in another instance after logging into its admin.

CFSetup is a command line utility to manage ColdFusion settings. You can use CFSetup, among others, to:

  1. Configure (read/write) ColdFusion Settings in ColdFusion Administrator
  2. Export and import settings from/to different ColdFusion instances.*

* You can however use the CAR wizard to migrate the settings and the relevant files.

In CFSetup, settings are grouped into relevant categories. The categories are listed below:

  • Caching                    
  • Chart
  • Cloudconfiguration
  • Cloudcredential
  • Com
  • Customtag
  • Datasource
  • Debug
  • Document
  • Dotnet
  • Eventgatewayinstance
  • Eventgatewaysetting
  • Eventgatewaytype
  • Idpconfiguration
  • Logging
  • Mail
  • Mapping
  • Metric
  • NoSQL
  • Pdfservice
  • Probe
  • Probeconfig
  • Rest
  • Runtime
  • Sandbox
  • Scheduletask
  • Security
  • Server
  • Solr
  • Spconfiguration
  • User management
  • Watch
  • Webservice
  • Websocket

Since CFSetup interacts directly with the config files, you need not have ColdFusion server up and running.

Restart ColdFusion server after changing a setting to get the setting reflected in the Administrator.





An alias is shortcut or a substitute for the path of a ColdFusion instance. For example, instanceOne for C:\ColdFusion2021\cfusion is the alias for the instance C:\ColdFusion2021\cfusion.

Setting key

In CFSetup, all settings are assigned a unique key, which is called a setting key. Every setting belongs to a particular category.

Setting value

Denotes the value of the setting key.


There are categories where every setting key-setting value pair belongs to a specific service. 

For example, in the category datasource, the service name id datasource name. There could be multiple datasource names in the category with each datasource name having its own host, port, etc.

Get started with CFSetup

The CFSetup tool is located in /coldfusion/config/cfsetup.

Start CFSetup

The CFSetup tool is located in /coldfusion/config/cfsetup.

You can start CFSetup using one of the following three ways:

Terminal mode

To start CFSetup, execute cfsetup.bat/ in the command line:


After you hit Enter, the CFSetup tool starts.


In a JEE setup, CFSetup is located in cfusion.war\WEB-INF\config\cfsetup.

Help command

The Help command retrieves help for any category. For example,

  1. List all commands using help.
  2. View the usage of a command for a category. For example,  help add datasource.

Enter help in the prompt and see the syntax for all commands in CFSetup.

List of commands
List of commands




See usage of any command

help <command>

Get information about setting key of any category

help <category>

Get information of any setting key of a category

help <category> <keyName>

Get help on adding an instance of any category

help add <category>

List attributes of a category

help <category>


An alias is shortcut or a substiture for the path of a ColdFusion instance.

Create an alias

cfsetup>alias <alias_name> <ColdFusion_Home>

For example,

cfsetup>alias firstAlias C:\ColdFusion2021\cfusion

Delete an alias

cfsetup>alias -d  <alias_name>

For example,

cfsetup> alias -d firstAlias

Use an alias

You can use an alias in the following ways:

  1. Use the alias as suffix. For example, cfsetup>show chart firstAlias
  2. Select an alias. For example, cfsetup>select  <alias_name> 

After selecting alias, if you do not specify the the alias suffix in the command, it will be executed for the selected alias.

For example, cfsetup>show chart

You can select the alias that you'd created so that you need not specify the cfusion path in each command.


Command type


Register an alias

cfsetup>alias <alias_name> <ColdFusion_Home>

Delete an alias

cfsetup>alias <alias_name> -d

Select an alias

cfsetup>select <alias_name>

Deselect an alias

cfsetup>deselect <alias_name>

If you are already using an alias, then use the command:


Show all aliases

cfsetup>show alias

Create an alias
Create an alias

Alias as suffix

You can also specify an alias as suffix to accomplish a task. For example,

show <setting> <alias_name>

Display settings
Display settings

Manage ColdFusion settings

Show all settings

Show all settings of a category for an instance. Also use the show command to list all categories.

cfsetup>show category

Show settings of a category

Show all settings of a category of an instance. 

cfsetup>show <category_name> <alias>

For example,



The CFSetup tool displays the settings you can view in the ColdFusion Administrator.

Get settings of a category

Use this get command to get the value of a settting of any category for an instance. 

To retrieve a configuration setting, use the command:

cfsetup>get <category> <settingKey> <aliasName>

For example,

cfsetup:aliasOne>get runtime sessionStorage sessionStorageHost sessionStoragePort sessionStoragePassword sessionStorageTimeout aliasOne

Get configuration settings
Get configuration settings

Set settings of a category

To set a configuration of a category, use the command:

cfsetup>set category <settingKey=settingValue> <aliasName>

For example,

cfsetup:aliasOne>set watch extensions=xml interval=120 watchenabled=false aliasOne

Set configuration settings
Set configuration settings

Add an instance of a category

You can add instances of a category.

cfsetup>add <category> setting1=<value> setting2=<value>.....settingn=<value>

For example, to add values to the category pdfservice, enter the command. Replace the requiter values.

cfsetup>add pdfservice hostname=<host> isenabled=<true|false> ishttps= <true|false> islocal= <true|false> name=<host> port=<port> weight=<weight>

Delete an instance of a category

You can delete instances of a category.

cfsetup>delete <category> setting1 <value> setting2 <value>.....settingn <value>

For example, to add the Service Configuration name to the category spconfiguration, enter the command.

cfsetup>delete spconfiguration spName

Export a category to json file

Export a single category

To export settings of a category, use the command:

cfsetup>export <category> <json_file> <cf_home>|<alias>

For example,

cfsetup>export websocket ws.json

If the json already exists, you can replace the old file.

While exporting, you must also password protect the file. You will be asked to provide a passphrase.

Export all settings
Export all settings

Export multiple categories

Export multiple categories
Export multiple categories

Export all categories

Export all categories and their properties to a json file.

cfsetup>export all <json_file> <alias>|<cf_home>

For example,

cfsetup>export all all-cat.json

While exporting, you must also password protect the file. You will be asked to provide a passphrase.

Note: When migrating settings from one machine to another, install the tools first, like, OpenOffice, before exporting all settings of categories, for example, dotnet,solr, document, and so on. Export the settings first and then the tool will ingest the settings. Update the path as required.

Export all categories
Export all categories


When exporting a category, you can use a password, as shown below:

export mail m.json cfusion -p=testPassword

Import a category from a json file


While performing import operations for the categories that include file paths, you may have to update the file paths in the exported json file. The file paths must be relative to the server on which you want to perform the import operation.

Import a single category

To import settings of a category from a json file, use the command:

cfsetup>import <category> <jsonfile> <cfhome>|<alias>

For example,

cfsetup>import websocket ws.json aliasOne

While importing, you must provide the passphrase, which you'd set earlier.

Import a single category
Import a single category

Import multiple categories

Import multiple categories
Import multiple categories

The backup files, during importing, are located in the server you'd performed the import command. The location is:


Import all categories

Import all categories and their properties to a json file.

cfsetup>import all <json_file> <alias>|<cf_home>

For example,

cfsetup>import all all-cat.json

While importing, you must also specify the passphrase that you'd set earlier while exporting.


When importing a category, you can use a password, as shown below:

import mail m.json inst1 -p=testPassword


To import a setting into a ColdFusion Docker image, you can specify the exported json.

importCFSettings=all_doc.json  importCFSettingsPassphrase=testpassword


  • importCFSettings=<A JSON file containing the CF Settings to be imported . Must be present in the webroot, /app>   
  • importCFSettingsPassphrase=<Passphrase to import CF settings from an encrypted JSON file.>

User management settings

Using cfsetup, you can add and manage users. Users can also be granted access to roles and sandboxes. See the commands below to add or delete a user, and also import or export users.

If an alias has already been selected, then it is not necessary to provide the alias name at the end of the command.

Show help

cfsetup>help user

Help command for user
Help command for user

Add a user

To add a user, use the syntax below.

cfsetup>add user <name> <password> <description> <datasources> <roles> <sandboxfile> <services>

For example, select the alias, and then enter:

cfsetup>add user name=johnadams password=johnadams description=developer

Add a user
Add a user

Add a user with access

To add a user with access controls, use the syntax below.

cfsetup>add user <name> <password> <description> <datasources> <roles> <sandboxfile> <services>

For example, select the alias, and then enter:

cfsetup:cfusion>add user name=johnadams password=johnadams description=developer roles=coldfusion.rds,coldfusion.administrator,coldfusion.adminapi,coldfusion.collections,coldfusion.scheduledtasks,coldfusion.datasources,coldfusion.debugging sandboxfile=rwxd:C:/ColdFusion2021/cfusion/ services=pop,image,htmltopdf datasources=cfcodeexplorer,cfartgallery cfusion

In the command above, you've:

  • Allowed the roles to the user, for example, coldfusion.rds, coldfusion.admin, coldfusion.api, etc. The user will only have access to the specified roles.
  • Specified the sandbox, which is the file name appended to permissions, for example, rwxd:C:\coldfusion\app1\   (rwxd stands for read, write, execute, and delete permissions. Any combination of rwxd is allowed.
  • Listed the services which are exposed to the user. For example, image, htmltopdf, and so on.
  • Allowed the datasource access to the user. For example, cfartgallery, cfcodeexplorer, and so on.

Show users

To display a list of all users in an alias, enter the command:

cfsetup:cfusion>show user

Show users
Show users

Display user settings

To display the details of a user in an alias, enter the command:

cfsetup:cfusion>show user <username>

For example,

cfsetup:cfusion>show user johnadams

The command returns the datasources to which the user has access, the description, name, encrypted password, roles, sandbox, and services to which the user has access.

Add role to existing user

To add a role to an existing user, enter the command:

cfsetup>add user <username> roles=<list of roles> <alias>

For example, if you want to add the role coldfusion.serversettingssummary, enter the command:

cfsetup:cfusion>add user johnadams roles=coldfusion.serversettingssummary

Delete role from an existing user

To remove a role from an existing user, enter the command:

cfsetup>delete user <username> roles=<list of roles> <alias>

For example, if you want to remove the role coldfusion.serversettingssummary from the user, enter the command:

cfsetup:cfusion>delete user johnadams roles=coldfusion.serversettingssummary

Add service to existing user

To add a service to an existing user, enter the command:

cfsetup>add user <username> services=<list of services> <alias>

For example, if you want to add the services mail and upload, enter the command:

cfsetup:cfusion>add user johnadams services=mail, upload

Delete service from existing user

To remove services from an existing user, enter the command:

cfsetup>delete <username> services=<list of services> <alias>

For example, if you want to remove the services mail and upload, enter the command:

cfsetup:cfusion>delete user johnadams services=mail, upload

You can also delete all roles or services. For example,

  • cfsetup:cfusion>delete user johnadams roles
  • cfsetup:cfusion>delete user johnadams services

Set user settings

After adding roles or services to a user, you can update or override the roles or services using the set command.

cfsetup>set user <username> roles=<list of roles to set> services=<list of services to set> datasources=<list of datasources to set and allow access> <alias>

For example, to set a few roles for a user, enter the command:

cfsetup:cfusion>set user johnadams roles=coldfusion.administrator,coldfusion.adminapi,coldfusion.collections,coldfusion.scheduledtasks

After setting the role, you can display the roles of the user using the command below:

cfsetup:cfusion>get user johnadams roles

Delete a user

To delete a user, use the syntax below:

cfsetup>delete user <username> <alias>

For example, enter the command:

cfsetup:cfusion>delete user johnaustin

Export user details

To export details of all users, use the syntax:

cfsetup>export user <filename>

For example, cfsetup:cfusion>export user user.json

Import user details

To import details of all users, use the syntax:

cfsetup>import user <filename>

For example, cfsetup:cfusion>import user user.json

Security settings

Using cfsetup, you can restrict access to the ColdFusion Administrator, services, and internal directories by IP address.

In the security category, the following attributes are renamed:

Old attribute name

New attribute name







Show help

cfsetup>help security <alias>

Security options
Security options

Add allowed IP addresses

Specify IP addresses that should be allowed to invoke exposed services or access the ColdFusion Administrator. Here's the syntax:

cfsetup>add security allowedIPForAdmin <Comma separated list of IP addresses> <alias>

For example,

cfsetup:cfusion>add security allowedIPForAdmin=10.192.216.xx,10.192.216.xx,10.192.216.xx,10.192.216.xx

Show security settings

Use the syntax below:

cfsetup>show security <alias>

For example, 

cfusion:cfusion>show security

Show security settings
Show security settings

Delete allowed IP addresses

Specify IP addresses that should be blocked when accessing services or the ColdFusion Administrator. Here's the syntax:

cfsetup>delete security allowedIPForAdmin <Comma separated list of IP addresses> <alias>

There are two types of IPs:

  • AllowedIPForAdmin: Allows access to coldfusion administrator and internal directories.
  • AllowedIpForServices: IPs that are allowed to invoke exposed services.

For example,

  • cfsetup:cfusion>delete security allowedIPForAdmin=10.192.216.xx,10.192.216.xx,10.192.216.xx,10.192.216.xx
  • cfsetup:cfusion>delete security allowedIPForServices=10.192.216.xx (This command will delete the specified IP)
  • cfsetup:cfusion>delete security allowedIPForServices (This command will delete all allowedIPForServices)

Set security settings

After, for example, allowing access to IP addresses, you can update the IP addresses using the set command. The syntax is below:

cfsetup>set security allowedIPForAdmin=<comma separated list of IP address> <alias>

For example,

cfsetup:cfusion>set security allowedIPForAdmin=,,

The command overwrites the already defined allowable IP addresses.

Here's another example, cfsetup:cfusion>set security adminAuthType=NONE rdsAuthType=MULTIUSER, which sets the values of adminAuthType and rdsAuthType.

Get security settings

Retrieve security settings by using the get command. The syntax is below:

cfsetup>get security <setting> <alias>

For example,

  • cfsetup:cfusion>get security adminAuthType
  • cfsetup:cfusion>get security allowedIPForAdmin

Export security details

To export security settings, use the syntax:

cfsetup>export security <filename> <alias>

For example, cfsetup:cfusion>export security sec.json

Export user details

To import security settings, use the syntax:

cfsetup>import security <filename> <alias>

For example, cfsetup:cfusion>import security sec.json

Sandbox settings

ColdFusion's sandbox security uses the location of your ColdFusion pages to control access to ColdFusion resources. A sandbox is a designated area (files or directories) of your site to which you apply security restrictions.

The following sandbox commands let you add or remove sandbox, set security, block IPs, grant runtime permissions, or block operations.

Show help

cfsetup>help sandbox <alias>

Sandbox options
Sandbox options

Add sandbox

Sandbox security uses the location of your ColdFusion pages to control access to ColdFusion resources. Sandbox security lets you specify which tags, functions, and resources (for example, files, directories, and data sources) can be used by ColdFusion pages located in and under the designated directory.

To add a sandbox using cfsetup, use the syntax below:

cfsetup>add sandbox directory=<sandbox location> filePermission=<rwxd:tags and functions in the sandbox to access files and directories outside the sandbox> enabledDatasources=<allow the use of ColdFusion data sources> disabledFunctions=<disallow the use of listed functions> disabledTags=<disallow the use of listed tags> socketPermissions=<Controls access from ColdFusion to IP addresses and port numbers. You can specify host names or numeric addresses, and you can specify individual ports and port ranges> disabledRuntimePermissions <disallow access to ColdFusion runtime services> <alias>

Note: Only directory is a required field. Everything else is optional.

For example, to add a sandbox,

cfsetup:cfusion>add sandbox "C:\ColdFusion\cfusion\wwwroot\sandbox"

For the changes to take effect, restart ColdFusion.

Add file permissions to existing sandbox

Add the option filePermission to the command. In the example below, you have granted read, write, execute, and delete permissions to the folder cfdirectory in the sandbox.

cfsetup:cfusion>add sandbox directory="C:/ColdFusion/cfusion/wwwroot/sandbox/" filePermission=rwxd:C:/ColdFusion/cfusion/wwwroot/sandbox/cfdirectory/

Add other options to existing sandbox

Add the options enabledDatasources, disabledTags, and disabledFunctions to the command. In the example below, you have enabled access to the datasource cfartgallery, disabled the usage of the tag cffile, and disabled the usage of the function fileRead in the specified sandbox.

cfsetup:cfusion>add sandbox directory="C:/ColdFusion/cfusion/wwwroot/sandbox/" filePermission=rwxd:C:/ColdFusion/cfusion/wwwroot/sandbox/cfdirectory/ enabledDatasources=cfartgallery disabledTags=cffile disabledFunctions=fileread


The values added during modifying a sandbox will add to the original values that are used when creating the sandbox.

Display sandbox details

To display the details of a sandbox, use the syntax below:

cfsetup>show sandbox <alias>

If you want to display the the available permissions of a sandbox, for example, enabled functions and tags, disabled runtime permissions, and so on, use the syntax:

cfsetup>show sandbox * <alias>

For example, if you want to see the details of the sandbox that you've created, enter the command:

cfsetup:cfusion>show sandbox C:/ColdFusion/cfusion/wwwroot/sandbox/

Set sandbox setting

To set a sandbox setting, use the syntax:

cfsetup>set sandbox <setting>=<value> <alias>

For example, 

cfsetup:cfusion>set sandbox sandboxSecurityEnabled=true

Restart ColdFusion for the changes to take effect.


The values specified in the set command will replace the original values for the attributes, which were provided while creating the sandbox.

Get sandbox setting

To retrieve a sandbox setting, use the syntax:

cfsetup>get sandbox <list of setting> <alias>

For example, 

cfsetup:cfusion>set sandbox C:/ColdFusion/cfusion/wwwroot/sandbox/ enabledDatasources=* (access to all datasources)

cfsetup:cfusion>get sandbox C:/ColdFusion2021/cfusion/wwwroot/sandbox/ enabledDatasources

Delete a sandbox

There are three ways in which you can delete a sandbox:

  • delete sandbox <sandboxed directory> This will delete the sandbox.
  • delete sandbox <sandboxed directory> filePermission This will delete all the file permissions from the sandbox. All other permissions will be retained.
  • delete sandbox <sandboxed directory> enabledDatasources=cfartgallery This will remove the datasource cfartgallery from enabledDatasources attribute from the sandbox. All other settings will be retained.

The example below deletes a sandbox:

cfsetup:cfusion>delete sandbox C:/ColdFusion/cfusion/wwwroot/sandbox/

If you want to delete a particular setting from a sandbox, then:

cfsetup:cfusion>delete sandbox C:/ColdFusion/cfusion/wwwroot/sandbox/ filePermission

The command deletes all file permissions from the sandboxed folder.

Similarly, cfsetup:cfusion>delete sandbox C:/ColdFusion/cfusion/wwwroot/sandbox/ enabledDatasources

Export a sandbox

To export a sandbox, use the syntax:

cfsetup>export sandbox <filename> <alias>

For example, cfsetup:cfusion>export sandbox sb.json

Import a sandbox

To import a sandbox, use the syntax:

cfsetup>import sandbox <filename> <alias>

For example, cfsetup:cfusion>import sandbox sb.json

Configure JEE in Sandbox


cfsetup>set sandbox sandboxSecurityEnabled=true /opt/Software/wildfly-20.0.0.Final/standalone/deployments/cfusion.war/WEB-INF/cfusion

Note: To enable the sandbox security in the JEE editions, you must define the JVM arguments.


cfsetup>set sandbox sandboxSecurityEnabled=true C:\software\Tomcat\apache-tomcat-9.0.40\apache-tomcat-9.0.40\webapps\cfusion\WEB-INF\cfusion

Note: To enable the sandbox security in the JEE editions, you must define the JVM arguments.\software\Tomcat\apache-tomcat-9.0.40\apache-tomcat-9.0.40\webapps\cfusion\WEB-INF\cfusion\lib\coldfusion.policy\software\Tomcat\apache-tomcat-9.0.40\apache-tomcat-9.0.40\webapps\cfusion\WEB-INF\cfusion\lib\neo_jaas.policy

Non-interactive mode

Using the non-interactive mode, you can perform all configuration-related functions without entering the CFSetup environment explicitly.

To use the non-interactive mode, go to the location /ColdFusion/config/cfsetup, and start a command or terminal mode.

Then run any command using the syntax below:

/ColdFusion/config/setup>cfsetup.bat <command>

For example, to display chart settings in an alias,

CFSetup in a non-interactive mode
CFSetup in a non-interactive mode

To modify a setting, use the command, as shown below:

CFSetup in a non-interactive mode
CFSetup in a non-interactive mode

To view the modified settings, use the command below:

CFSetup in a non-interactive mode
CFSetup in a non-interactive mode

Script mode

In addition to the non-interactive mode, you can define a sequence of commands in a batch file. With this approach, you can set up your automation pipeline, and manage configuration settings in a more structured manner.

For example, create a batch file, mycommands.bat, that contains the following commands:

@echo off

call cfsetup.bat show chart C:\cf09Sep\ColdFusion\cfusion

call cfsetup.bat set chart maximumCachedImages=40 C:\cf09Sep\ColdFusion\cfusion

call cfsetup.bat get chart maximumCachedImages C:\cf09Sep\ColdFusion\cfusion

Then, on the console, run the command as shown below:

Run CFSetup as script
Run CFSetup as script

Change password

For changing the password for admin/rds/jetty, enter the following command:

set security admin=testpassword jetty=testpassword rds=testpassword cfusion

The password will be effective once you restart the server.

CFSetup in standalone mode

You can use CFSetup in the standalone mode as well, which works in the same way as CFSetup in the modes explained above. Download and unzip its contents.

The ColdFusion server need not be up and running.

Note: On non-Windows platforms, in file,  you must specify the runtime user manually.

The runtime user must always be the same as the ColdFusion runtime user.

Specify runtime user
Specify runtime user

Uncomment the line and specify the runtime user manually. For example, RUNTIME_USER="john"


The cfsetup folder and its sub-folders need to have the same file permissions as the runtime user.

Exit status of command

You can get the exit status of a cfsetup command without parsing the entire error message. This is helpful in cases when you need to parse the text output of a command to know whether the command executed successfully. 

You can simply get the status of the command without parsing the body of text. A zero in output means that the last command executed successfully. 


In a shell script, then $? stores the status of the last executed cfsetup command. If the output is zero, the command executed successfully. A non-zero output means that the command did not execute successfully.

Write these commands in a .sh file.

Example- Commands execute successfully

./ show chart cfusion 
echo $? 
./ set chart maximumCachedImages=60 cfusion 
echo $?

Example- Commands execute unsuccessfully

./ show chart cfusion 
echo $? 
./ show abc 
echo $? 
./ set maximumCachedImages=abc 
echo $?


In a batch script, then %ERRORLEVEL% stores the status of the last executed cfsetup command. A non-zero output means that the command did not execute successfully.

Write these commands in a .bat file.

Example- Commands execute successfully

@echo off 
call cfsetup.bat show chart cfusion 
call cfsetup.bat set chart maximumCachedImages=60 cfusion 
Batch file- successful execution
Batch file- successful execution

Example- Commands execute unsuccessfully

@echo off 
call cfsetup.bat show chart cfusion 
call cfsetup.bat show abc 
call cfsetup.bat set maximumCachedImages=abc 
Batch file- unsuccessful execution
Batch file- unsuccessful execution


Add configuration settings

Here are a few examples.

Category Command
Webservice add webservice name=ws authtype=<authtype> url=<url_wsdl>
EventGatewayType add eventgatewaytype type=<type> class=<class> description=<description> startTimeout=<timeOut> killOnTimeout=<true|false>
add eventgatewayinstance configurationpath=<path> cfcpath=<cfc_path> type=<type> gatewayid=<id> mode=<mode>
Solr add solr language name=<name> suffix=<suffix>
REST add rest mapping=<mapping> isdefault=<false|true> host=<host> rootpath=<rootpath>
add pdfservice hostname=<host> isenabled=<true|false> ishttps= <true|false> islocal= <true|false> name=<host> port=<port> weight=<weight>
JVM add jvm jvmargs="--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED"
Cloud credentials add cloudcredential vendorName=AWS|AZURE accessKeyId=SomeAccessKeyId secretAccessKey=SomeSecretKey region=SomeRegion alias=myAliasForCloudCredential
Cloud configuration
  • add cloudconfiguration serviceName=DYNAMODB alias=configAlias maxConnections=50 connectionMaxIdleTime=10s socketTimeout=10s connectionTimeout=10s connectionTimeToLive=10s connectionAcquisitionTimeout=10s numRetries=5 apiCallAttemptTimeout=2s
  • add cloudcredential vendorName=AWS accessKeyId=SomeAccessKeyId secretAccessKey=SomeSecretKey region=ap-south-1 alias=cloudcred1
  • add spconfiguration name=spName description="sp description" entityid=abc acsbinding="HTTP POST" acsurl=http://localhost:8500/acsurl.cfm
  • add spconfiguration name=spName_all description="sp description3" entityid=abc3 acsbinding="HTTP POST" acsurl=http://localhost:8500/acsurl.cfm generated=false logoutresponsesigned=true signkeystorealias=signing signkeystorepassword=<password> signkeystorepath=C:\ColdFusion\cfusion\lib\saml\key.p12 signmetadata=false signrequests=true slobinding="HTTP POST" slourl=http://localhost:8500/slobinding.cfm wantassertionssigned=true
  • add idpconfiguration name=idpName description="desc" metadataurl=""
  • add idpconfiguration name=idp_all description="desc" entityid="http://entity-id-url/" ssourl="https://sso-url/sso/saml" slourl="https://slo-url/slo/saml" ssobinding="http-post" slobinding="http-post" signRequests=true encryptRequests=true signcertificate="abcd" encryptcertificate="abcd"
  • add idpconfiguration name=idp_all_1 description="desc" entityid="http://entity-id-url/" ssourl="https://sso-url/sso/saml" slourl="https://slo-url/slo/saml" ssobinding="http-redirect" slobinding="http-redirect" signRequests=true encryptRequests=true signcertificate="abcd" encryptcertificate="abcd"
  • add idpconfiguration name=idp1 description="desc" metadataFilePath="C:/metadata.xml" cfusion
  • add idpconfiguration name=idp2 description="desc" metadataRaw="MIIDpDCCAoygAwIBAgIGAW3ZMbcZMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGSMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEG" cfusion

NoSQL datasource








SQL datasource

  • add datasource name=mysql1 driver=MySQL5 host=dbhostname port=3306 database=Regression_dbo username=user1 password=****
Probe add probe url="http://localhost/hellocf.cfm" start_time="08:00:00 AM" interval=3000 name="probe1"

Set a configuration setting

Here are a few exmples.

Category Command
Webservice set webservice ws ntlmdomain=<ntlmdomain> password=<password> proxyport=80 proxyusername=<proxyusername> workstation=<workstationname> url=http://host:port/basic.cfc?wsdl proxyserver=<proxyserver> proxypassword=<proxypassword> timeout=0.0 username=<username> authtype=ntlm
set eventgatewaytype CFML type=<type> class= <description>  description=<description> startTimeout=<timeOut> killOnTimeout= <true|false>
set eventgatewaysetting jigid=<jigid> maxqueuesize=<queue_size> threadPoolsize=1.0 enableeventgatewayservice=false
  • set eventgatewayinstance test configurationpath= <path_configuration>
  • set eventgatewayinstance test cfcpath= <path_cfc>
Solr set solr solrwebapp=<app> port=<port> host=<localhost> solrbuffersize=<buffer_size> solrhome=<SOLR_home> multicore httpsenabled=<true|false> username=<admin> password=<admin>
REST set rest <app_path> isdefault=<false|true> host=<localhost> rootpath= <rootpath>
  • set document local docpath=<path_document>
  • set document remote dochost=<host>
  • set document remote docport=<port>
PDFService set pdfservice hostname= <host> isenabled=<true|false> ishttps= <true|false> islocal= <true|false> name=<host> port=<port> weight=<weight>
  • set websocket websocketport=8584
  • set websocket websocket_clustered=<true|false>
JVM set jvm maxheapsize=1024m minheapsize=512m


  • set caching rediscachestoragehost= rediscachestorageport=6383 rediscachestoragepassword=xxxxx sessionStorageCluster=false serverCacheType=REDIS redis.eternal=true redis.maxelementsinmemory=3999 redis.timetoidleseconds=5000 redis.timetoliveseconds=3000


  • set caching serverCacheType=Memcached MemcachedServer=server1,server2 memcached.eternal=true memcached.maxelementsinmemory=3999 memcached.timetoidleseconds=5000 memcached.timetoliveseconds=3000


  • set caching serverCacheType=JCS jcs.eternal=true jcs.maxelementsinmemory=3999 jcs.timetoidleseconds=5000 jcs.timetoliveseconds=3000

Other settings

  • set caching templateCacheSize=516 trustedCacheEnabled=true inRequestTemplateCacheEnabled=false componentCacheEnabled=false saveClassFiles=false cacheWebServerPath=true enableInternalQueryCache=true
  • set runtime timeoutrequests=true timeoutrequesttimelimit=60 isperappsettingsenabled=true enablehttpstatus=TRUE cfctypecheckenabled=true disableservicefactory=false preservecaseforserialize=false securejsonprefix=""//"" securejson=false maxoutputbuffersize=1024 enableinmemoryfilesystem=true inmemoryfilesystemlimit=100 inmemoryfilesystemapplimit=20 allowextraattributesinattrcoll=true dumpunnamedappscope=false allowappvarincontext=false cfaasgeneratedfilesexpirytime=30 servercfc=Server enableservercfc=false enablenullsupport=false usejavaasregexengine=false compileextforinclude=""*"" blockedextforfileupload=""AS,ASP,ASPX,BIN,DMG,CFC,CFM,CFML,CFR,CFSWF,EXE,HBXML,JSP,JSPX,JWS,MXML,PHP,SWC,SWS"" applicationcfcsearchlimit=""DEFAULT ORDER"" corepoolsize=25 maxpoolsize=50 keepalivetime=2000 postparameterslimit=100 postsizelimit=20 throttle-threshold=4 total-throttle-memory=200 allowrestdiscovery=false servermobilecontext=cfmobile cfusion
Cloud credentials
  • set cloudcredential myAliasForCloudCredential accessKeyId=newAccessKeyId
  • set cloudcredential myAliasForCloudCredential secretAccessKey=newSecretAccessKey
  • set cloudcredential myAliasForCloudCredential region=SomeRegion
Cloud configuration
  • set cloudconfiguration configAlias maxconnections=40
  • set cloudconfiguration configAlias maxconnections=40 numRetries=6
  • set spconfiguration spName description="sp description1"
  • set spconfiguration spName description="sp description3" entityid=abc3 acsbinding="HTTP POST" acsurl=http://localhost:8500/acsurl.cfm generated=false logoutresponsesigned=true signkeystorealias=signing signkeystorepassword=<password> signkeystorepath=C:\ColdFusion\cfusion\lib\saml\key.p12 signmetadata=false signrequests=true slobinding="HTTP POST" slourl=http://localhost:8500/slobinding.cfm wantassertionssigned=true

set idpconfiguration idpName metadataurl="https://metadata-url/sso/saml"

NoSQL Datasource set nosql testcfsetup mongoPort=27001
Probe set probe <probename> enabled=0 file="checkbak.log" overwrite=false

Get a configuration setting

Here are a few settings.

Category Command
  • get webservice test ntlmdomain
  • get webservice test password
  • get webservice test proxyport
  • get eventgatewaytype CFML type
  • get eventgatewaytype CFML class
  • get eventgatewayinstance test configurationpath
  • get eventgatewayinstance test cfcpath


  • get solr solrwebapp
  • get solr port
  • get rest <app_path> mapping
  • get rest <app_path> isdefault
  • get document local docpath
  • get document remote dochost
  • get document remote docport
  • get pdfservice localhost hostname
  • get pdfservice localhost isenabled
  • get pdfservice localhost ishttps

get websocket websocket_clustered

  • get runtime timeoutrequests timeoutrequesttimelimit isperappsettingsenabled  enablehttpstatus  cfctypecheckenabled disableservicefactory preservecaseforserialize securejsonprefix securejson maxoutputbuffersize enableinmemoryfilesystem inmemoryfilesystemlimit inmemoryfilesystemapplimit allowextraattributesinattrcoll dumpunnamedappscope allowappvarincontext cfaasgeneratedfilesexpirytime ormsearchindexdirectory cfformscriptsrc googlemapkey servercfc enableservercfc enablenullsupport usejavaasregexengine compileextforinclude blockedextforfileupload applicationcfcsearchlimit corepoolsize maxpoolsize keepalivetime missing_template site_wide postparameterslimit postsizelimit throttle-threshold total-throttle-memory allowrestdiscovery mobilekey servermobilecontext cfusion
Cloud credentials
  • get cloudcredential myAliasForCloudCredential vendorName
  • get cloudcredential myAliasForCloudCredential accessKeyId
  • get cloudcredential myAliasForCloudCredential secretAccessKey
  • get cloudcredential myAliasForCloudCredential region
  • get cloudcredential myAliasForCloudCredential alias
Cloud configuration
  • get cloudconfiguration configAlias serviceName
  • get cloudconfiguration configAlias serviceName maxconnections
  • get cloudconfiguration configAlias maxconnections

Note: You must specify the timeout values suffixed with the appropriate unit when configuring a cloud configuration.

  • get spconfiguration spName name
  • get spconfiguration spName name description
  • get idpconfiguration idpName name
  • get idpconfiguration idpName name metadataurl
NoSQL Datasource
  • get nosql test2
  • get nosql test2 mongoHost

Delete an instance of a category

Here are a few examples.

To specify values separated by space, pass the value inside quotes.

Category Command
Webservice delete webservice test
delete eventgatewaytype CFML

delete eventgatewayinstance test


delete solr language <instance>

For example, 

cfsetup>delete solr language name=Italian,Russian cfusion

REST delete rest <app_path>
JVM delete jvm "--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED"
Cloud credentials

delete cloudcredential myAliasForCloudCredential

Cloud configuration

delete cloudconfiguration configAlias


delete spconfiguration spName


delete idpconfiguration idpName

NoSQL Datasource delete nosql mongo2

Display a configuration setting

Category Command
  • show webservice
  • show webservice test
  • show eventgatewaytype
  • show eventgatewaytype CFML
  • show eventgatewayinstance
  • show eventgatewayinstance test
show eventgatewaysetting
Solr show solr
  • show rest
  • show rest <app_path>
  • show pdfservice cfusion
  • show pdfservice localhost cfusion
Document show document
Websocket show websocket
Caching show caching
Cloud credentials
  • show cloudcredential
  • show cloudcredential myAliasForCloudCredential
Cloud configuration
  • show cloudconfiguration
  • show cloudconfiguration configAlias
  • show spconfiguration
  • show spconfiguration spName
  • show idpconfiguration
  • show idpconfiguration idpName
NoSQL datasource
  • show nosql
  • show nosql mongo2
  • show probe
  • show probe <probename>


In this version of CFSetup, you cannot add these cloud configuration settings- apiCallTimeout, retry conditions, and Proxy settings.


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