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Customizing workspaces

  1. Audition User Guide
  2. Introduction
    1. What's new in Adobe Audition
    2. Audition system requirements
    3. Finding and customizing shortcuts
    4. Applying effects in the Multitrack Editor
    5. Known issues
  3. Workspace and setup
    1. Control surface support
    2. Viewing, zooming, and navigating audio
    3. Customizing workspaces
    4. Connecting to audio hardware in Audition
    5. Customizing and saving application settings
    6. Perform Mic Check (Beta)
  4. Digital audio fundamentals
    1. Understanding sound
    2. Digitizing audio
  5. Importing, recording, and playing
    1. Multichannel audio workflow
    2. Create, open, or import files in Adobe Audition
    3. Importing with the Files panel
    4. Extracting audio from CDs
    5. Supported import formats
    6. Navigate time and playing audio in Adobe Audition
    7. Recording audio
    8. Monitoring recording and playback levels
    9. Remove silences from your audio recordings
  6. Editing audio files
    1. Edit, repair, and improve audio using Essential Sound panel
    2. Session Markers and Clip Marker for Multitrack
    3. Generating text-to-speech
    4. Matching loudness across multiple audio files
    5. Displaying audio in the Waveform Editor
    6. Selecting audio
    7. How to copy, cut, paste, and delete audio in Audition
    8. Visually fading and changing amplitude
    9. Working with markers
    10. Inverting, reversing, and silencing audio
    11. How to automate common tasks in Audition
    12. Analyze phase, frequency, and amplitude with Audition
    13. Frequency Band Splitter
    14. Undo, redo, and history
    15. Converting sample types
    16. Creating podcasts using Audition
  7. Applying effects
    1. Enabling CEP extensions
    2. Effects controls
    3. Applying effects in the Waveform Editor
    4. Applying effects in the Multitrack Editor
    5. Adding third party plugins
    6. Notch Filter effect
    7. Fade and Gain Envelope effects (Waveform Editor only)
    8. Manual Pitch Correction effect (Waveform Editor only)
    9. Graphic Phase Shifter effect
    10. Doppler Shifter effect (Waveform Editor only)
  8. Effects reference
    1. Apply amplitude and compression effects to audio
    2. Delay and echo effects
    3. Diagnostics effects (Waveform Editor only) for Audition
    4. Filter and equalizer effects
    5. Modulation effects
    6. Reduce noise and restore audio
    7. Reverb effects
    8. How to use special effects with Audition
    9. Stereo imagery effects
    10. Time and pitch manipulation effects
    11. Generate tones and noise
  9. Mixing multitrack sessions
    1. Creating remix
    2. Multitrack Editor overview
    3. Basic multitrack controls
    4. Multitrack routing and EQ controls
    5. Arrange and edit multitrack clips with Audition
    6. Looping clips
    7. How to match, fade, and mix clip volume with Audition
    8. Automating mixes with envelopes
    9. Multitrack clip stretching
  10. Video and surround sound
    1. Working with video applications
    2. Importing video and working with video clips
    3. 5.1 surround sound
  11. Keyboard shortcuts
    1. Finding and customizing shortcuts
    2. Default keyboard shortcuts
  12. Saving and exporting
    1. Save and export audio files
    2. Viewing and editing XMP metadata

About workspaces

Adobe video and audio applications provide a consistent, customizable workspace. Although each application has its own set of panels (such as Project, Metadata, and Timeline), you move and group panels in the same way across products.

The main window of a program is the application window. Panels are organized in this window in an arrangement called a workspace. The default workspace contains groups of panels as well as panels that stand alone.

You customize a workspace by arranging panels in the layout that best suits your working style. As you rearrange panels, the other panels resize automatically to fit the window. You can create and save several custom workspaces for different tasks—for example, one for editing and one for previewing.


You can use floating windows to create a workspace more like workspaces in previous versions of Adobe applications, or to place panels on multiple monitors.

Example workspace

A. Application window B. Grouped panels C. Individual panel 

Choose a workspace

Each Adobe video and audio application includes several predefined workspaces that optimize the layout of panels for specific tasks. When you choose one of these workspaces, or any custom workspaces you’ve saved, the current workspace is redrawn accordingly.

  1. Open the project you want to work on, choose Window > Workspace, and select the desired workspace.

Dock, group, or float panels

You can dock panels together, move them into or out of groups, and undock them so they float above the application window. As you drag a panel, drop zones—areas onto which you can move the panel—become highlighted. The drop zone you choose determines where the panel is inserted, and whether it docks or groups with other panels.

Docking zones

Docking zones exist along the edges of a panel, group, or window. Docking a panel places it adjacent to the existing group, resizing all groups to accommodate the new panel.

Dragging panel (A) onto docking zone (B) to dock it (C)

Grouping zones

Grouping zones exist in the middle of a panel or group, and along the tab area of panels. Dropping a panel on a grouping zone stacks it with other panels.

Dragging panel (A) onto grouping zone (B) to group it with existing panels (C)

Dock or group panels

  1. If the panel you want to dock or group is not visible, choose it from the Window menu.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To move an individual panel, drag the gripper area in the upper‑left corner of a panel’s tab onto the desired drop zone.

    • To move an entire group, drag the group gripper in the upper‑right corner onto the desired drop zone.

    Drag group gripper to move entire group

    The application docks or groups the panel, according to the type of drop zone.

Undock a panel in a floating window

When you undock a panel in a floating window, you can add panels to the window and modify it similarly to the application window. You can use floating windows to use a secondary monitor, or to create workspaces like the workspaces in earlier versions of Adobe applications.

  1. Select the panel you want to undock (if it’s not visible, choose it from the Window menu), and then do one of the following:

    • Choose Undock Panel or Undock Frame from the panel menu. Undock Frame undocks the panel group.

    • Hold down Ctrl (Windows®) or Command (Mac OS®), and drag the panel or group from its current location. When you release the mouse button, the panel or group appears in a new floating window.

    • Drag the panel or group outside the application window. (If the application window is maximized, drag the panel to the Windows taskbar.)

Resize panel groups

When you position the pointer over dividers between panel groups, resize icons appear. When you drag these icons, all groups that share the divider are resized. For example, suppose your workspace contains three panel groups stacked vertically. If you drag the divider between the bottom two groups, they are resized, but the topmost group doesn’t change.


To quickly maximize a panel beneath the pointer, press the accent key. (Do not press Shift.) Press the accent key again to return the panel to its original size.

  1. Do either of the following:
    • To resize either horizontally or vertically, position the pointer between two panel groups. The pointer becomes a double‑arrow .

    • To resize in both directions at once, position the pointer at the intersection between three or more panel groups. The pointer becomes a four-way arrow .

  2. Hold down the mouse button, and drag to resize the panel groups.
    Dragging divider between panel groups to resize them horizontally

    A. Original group with resize icon B. Resized groups 

Open, close, and scroll to panels

When you close a panel group in the application window, the other groups resize to use the newly available space. When you close a floating window, the panels within it close, too.

  • To open a panel, choose it from the Window menu.
  • To close a panel or window, press Control-W (Windows) or Command-W (Mac OS), or click its Close button .
  • To see all the panel tabs in a narrow panel group, drag the horizontal scroll bar.
  • To bring a panel to the front of a group of panels, do one of the following:
    • Click the tab of the panel you want in front.

    • Hover the cursor above the tab area, and turn the mouse scroll wheel. Scrolling brings each panel to the front, one after another.

    • Drag tabs horizontally to change their order.

  • To reveal panels hidden in a narrow panel group, drag the scroll bar above the panel group.
Drag horizontal scroll bar to see all panels in narrow group

Working with multiple monitors

To increase the available screen space, use multiple monitors. When you work with multiple monitors, the application window appears on one monitor, and you place floating windows on the second monitor. Monitor configurations are stored in the workspace.

Display the toolbar

The toolbar provides quick access to tools, the Workspace menu, and buttons that toggle between the Waveform and Multitrack editors. Some tools are unique to each view. Likewise, some Waveform Editor tools are available only in the spectral display.

By default, the toolbar is docked immediately below the menu bar. However, you can undock the toolbar, converting it to the Tools panel, which you can manipulate like any other panel.

  • To show or hide the toolbar, choose Window > Tools. A check mark by the Tools command indicates that it is shown.
  • To undock the toolbar from its default location, drag the handle at the left edge to another location in the work area.
  • To redock the Tools panel in its default location, drag the Tools panel tab to the drop zone that spans the entire width of the Adobe Audition window, just under the menu bar.
Available tools differ in each view.

A. Waveform Editor tools for spectral display B. Multitrack Editor tools 

Display the status bar

The status bar runs across the bottom of the Adobe Audition work area. The far left of the status bar indicates the time required to open, save, or process a file, as well as the current transport status (Playing, Recording, or Stopped). The far right of the bar displays various information that you can customize.

Status bar

A. Time to open, save, or process file B. Video Frame Rate C. File Status D. Sample Type E. Uncompressed Audio Size F. Duration G. Free Space H. Detect Dropped Samples 

  • To show or hide the status bar, choose View > Status Bar > Show. A check mark indicates that the status bar is visible.
  • To change the information displayed at the far right of the bar, choose View > Status Bar, or right‑click the bar. Then select from the following options:

    Show Data Under Cusror:

    Displays the frequency, time, channel, and amplitude information at the location under the cursor.

    Video Frame Rate:

    Displays the current and target frame rate of open video files in the Multitrack Editor.

    File Status:

    Indicates when processing is occurring for effects and amplitude adjustments.

    Sample Type:

    Displays sample information about the currently opened waveform (Waveform Editor) or session file (Multitrack Editor). For example, a 44,100 Hz, 16‑bit stereo file is displayed as 44100 Hz 16‑bit Stereo.

    Uncompressed Audio Size:

    Indicates either how large the active audio file would be if saved to an uncompressed format such as WAV and AIFF, or the total size of a multitrack session.


    Shows you the length of the current waveform or session. For example, 0:01:247 means the waveform or session is 1.247 seconds long.

    Free Space:

    Shows how much space is available on your hard drive.

    Free Space (Time):

    Displays the time remaining for recording, based upon the currently selected sample rate. This value is shown as minutes, seconds, and thousandths of seconds. For example, if Adobe Audition is set to record 8‑bit mono audio at 11,025 Hz, the time remaining might read 4399:15.527 free. Change the recording options to 16‑bit stereo at 44,100 Hz, and the time remaining becomes 680:44.736 free.

    Tip: By default, Free Space (Time) information is hidden. To show it, right-click the status bar, and select Free Space (Time) from the pop-up menu.

    Detect Dropped Samples:

    Indicates that samples were missing during recording or playback. If this indicator appears, consider rerecording the file to avoid audible dropouts.

Change interface colors, brightness, and performance

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Appearance (Windows) or Audition > Preferences > Appearance (Mac OS).

  2. Adjust any of the following options, and then click OK:


    Applies, saves, or deletes a combination of Colors and Brightness settings.


    Click a swatch to change the color of waveforms, selections, or the current-time indicator.


    Brightens or darkens panels, windows, and dialog boxes.

    Use Gradients

    When deselected, removes shadows and highlights from panels, buttons, and meters.

Save, reset, or delete workspaces

Save a custom workspace

As you customize a workspace, the application tracks your changes, storing the most recent layout. To store a specific layout more permanently, save a custom workspace. Saved custom workspaces appear in the Workspace menu, where you can return to and reset them.

  1. Arrange the frames and panels as desired, and then choose Window > Workspace > New Workspace. Type a name for the workspace, and click OK.


(After Effects, Premiere Pro, Encore) If a project saved with a custom workspace is opened on another system, the application looks for a workspace with a matching name. If it can’t find a match (or the monitor configuration doesn’t match), it uses the current local workspace.

Reset a workspace

Reset the current workspace to return to its original, saved layout of panels.

  1. Choose Window > Workspace > Reset workspace name.

Delete a workspace

  1. Choose Window > Workspace > Delete Workspace.

  2. Choose the workspace you want to delete, and then click OK.


    You cannot delete the currently active workspace.


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