Creating a Substance model graph | Substance 3D Designer

Creating a Substance model graph

This page explains the process of creating a new Substance model graph in Adobe Substance 3D Designer.

Methods of creating a Substance model graph

To start the process of creating a new Substance model graph, you may use one of these methods:

A - In the main menu, open the File menu and select the New > Substance model graph... option

B - Click the New Substance model graph button in the main toolbar

C - On any existing package or folder in the Explorer, click RMB and select the New > Substance model graph... option in the contextual menu.

You'll be presented with the New Substance model graph dialog, see below.

New Substance model graph dialog

Regardless of the method used to create a new Substance model graph, you will always be met with the New Substance model graph dialog which lets you configure the new graph.


The Templates section allows you to select a graph template, which include preconfigured nodes to get you started with your graph faster.

To start from a completely blank graph, select the Empty template.

The Project option lets you filter the templates list by Project file. This makes it easy to find the custom templates in the locations added under the General section of the Project settings for the project file.

The templates list can be displayed in different modes using the buttons next to the Project combobox:

  • Display recently used: Filters the list to display the last templates used in order from most recent to least recent, the top item being the most recent

  • Display graphs: Templates are displayed by their label only, in the order of the Substance 3D files in the templates directory

  • Display Substance 3D files: Templates are displayed by their label as children of the Substance 3D file they belong to, in the order of the files in the templates directory

  • Display directories: Templates are displayed by their label as children of the directory they belong to, in the order of the files in the templates directory


If you select the wrong template, you cannot switch to a different template after creating the graph.
To port your existing graph to another template, you may create a new graph using the appropriate template, and copy-paste your graph to the new one. Reconnect nodes as appropriate, output nodes in particular.


The Graph Properties section allows you to set up basic information regarding the new graph. Any of these can be changed afterwards at any time, but it makes sense to pay attention at first and set these up appropriately for your use case.

  • Graph name: The graph's identifier. It needs to be unique for a given package and cannot include spaces and some special characters.
  • Create graph in package: You can use this combo box to create a new package for the new graph or add the new graph to any existing package already loaded in the Explorer panel.

  • Template details: This section provides a short text explaining the characteristics and purpose of the template

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