Verify that the computer is connected to the Internet.
- Adobe Connect installation system requirements
- Prepare to migrate and upgrade Adobe Connect server
- Supported configurations for Adobe Connect servers
- Back up user data, database, and settings of Adobe Connect server
- Prepare to install Adobe Connect server
- Best practices and resources to secure Adobe Connect installation
Migrate, Install, and Configure Adobe Connect User Guide
Prepare to migrate, install, and configure
- Adobe Connect installation system requirements
- Prepare to migrate and upgrade Adobe Connect server
- Supported configurations for Adobe Connect servers
- Back up user data, database, and settings of Adobe Connect server
- Prepare to install Adobe Connect server
- Best practices and resources to secure Adobe Connect installation
Install Adobe Connect and related components like Events module, AEM, telephony adaptors, and database using the installer.
The article provides instructions to install, configure, and deploy Adobe Connect 12.0 and the associated components. For instructions for the other versions of Adobe Connect, see the installation guide of other versions at
The following naming conventions are used for file paths:
- [root_install_dir]: By default, Adobe Connect 12.0 installs in C:\Connect\12.0.0\ folder. The user content and the logs are placed in C:\Connect\ folder.
- [extract_dir]: The location on your hard disk where you extract the files from the Adobe Connect ESD file.
After reviewing and gathering the required information from Prepare to migrate, install, and configure article, you are ready to install Adobe Connect.
Log on to the computer as an Administrator. By default, Adobe Connect installer requires a different local administrator account, than the one you are logged in with. Keep the credentials of an administrator account handy, using which you want to install Adobe Connect.
Close all applications.
Extract the files from the Adobe Connect ESD file to a location on your hard disk. [extract-dir] denotes this location.
Double-click the install.exe file. Adobe Connect 12 installation file is available at [extract_dir]\Connect\12.0.0\Disk1\InstData\VM\install.exe. In case of DVD, double-click the install.exe file at [DVD Drive]\Connect\12.0.0\DisK1\InstData\VM.
Select a language and click OK to continue.
On the Introduction screen, click Next to continue.
On the Deployment Options screen, select Deploy Adobe Connect to install Adobe Connect. To install Adobe Connect, provide the credentials of a local administrator account, other than the one logged in with.
Obs!If you choose to use a different local administrator account, ensure that the account has the appropriate permissions to install the services. For more information, see Add the Log on as a service Right to an Account.
Select Perform pre-deployment tasks in the background without affecting the live server. If you select this option, the installer starts to install Adobe Connect and other selected components without deploying them. To deploy them, re-run the installer later and select Deploy Adobe Connect. You can run the installer with both the options selected, if necessary.
Enter your serial number and click Next.
To download your license file from Adobe, click the link. Click Choose and browse to the downloaded license file. Click Next.
Click Next to accept the default Adobe Connect installation location (C:\Connect), or click Choose to select a different location.
Obs!Subsequent installations of Adobe Connect on the same machine share content and logs location. However files for different versions of Adobe Connect are in their own version folder in C:\Connect. If you are migrating from an earlier version, all the files except content and log files are backed up.
- If you’ve chosen a different location and decide to use the default location instead, click Restore Default.
- If Adobe Connect is already installed on this computer, the Update Existing Install screen appears. Select the check box to confirm you’ve backed up your database and the Adobe Connect root directory.
Choose the products you want to install and click Next to continue. AEM-related options can be selected only if your Adobe Connect license has Events module enabled. Otherwise, the AEM options are unavailable.
Adobe Connect Server
Adobe Media Gateway (for Universal Voice)
Obs!To install only AMG on a machine, select this option and ignore the other options. To install AMG on a machine where a previous version of Adobe Connect Server is already installed, re-run the installer and select the appropriate options.
Obs!If you are installing Adobe Connect and AMG on separate machines, install Adobe Connect before installing AMG.
Obs!Adobe Media Gateway requires an upstream SIP/VoIP provider. For more information, see Adobe Connect audio and video conferencing options.
- AEM Author Server
Obs!To install only AEM Author server on a machine, select this option and ignore the other options. If you want to install AEM Author server on a machine where previous version of Adobe Connect Server is already installed, rerun the installer with the appropriate options selected. Provide the FQDN of the AEM Author server, along with the port. If AEM Author server is clustered, provide the load balancer URL along with the port. Use the preceding http:// in the URL.
- AEM Publish Server
Obs!To install only AEM Publish server on a machine, select this option and ignore the other options. To install AEM Publish server on a machine where a previous version of Adobe Connect Server is already installed, rerun the installer with appropriate options selected. Provide the FQDN of the AEM Publish server, along with the port. If AEM Publish server is clustered, provide the load balancer URL along with the port. Use the preceding http:// in the URL.
PGi (NA) Telephony Adaptor
InterCall Telephony Adaptor
Obs!To use the InterCall adaptor, install Adobe Media Gateway (AMG).
- Arkadin Telephony Adaptor
- MeetingOne Telephony Adaptor
- MeetingOne EMEA Adaptor
- Adobe Connect Transmuxing Service
Obs!When you click Next, the installer verified the system hardware and proceeds with the installation if the machine meets the minimum system requirements. For a complete list of system requirements, refer to the Adobe Connect tech specs here.
On the Embedded Database Engine screen, do one of the following:
If you plan to install a database on a different computer, select Do not install the embedded database engine.
To install the embedded database, select Install the embedded database engine. To install to the default location, click Next. To select a different location, click Choose.
Obs!If the Adobe Connect installer detects that Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition is already installed on the computer, the installer does not install the embedded database. If you’re migrating and are already using the embedded database, Adobe Connect uses the existing database. When the installer detects an earlier version of Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition, the installer prompts to upgrade the database. When the installer detects an external database, it prompts the user to upgrade the database.
If you installed the embedded database engine, enter a strong password and confirm it, and then click Next.
Set values for the Database Connection settings listed below, then click Next. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Host* The host name of the computer on which the database is installed. If you installed the embedded database, the value is localhost.
Port* The port the database uses to communicate with Adobe Connect. The default value is 1433.
Database Name* The name of the database. The default value is breeze.
User* The name of the database user. If you installed the embedded database, the default value is sa.
Password* The password for the database user. If you installed the embedded database, you set the password in the previous step.
Obs!Adobe recommends you to keep a database password that has more than 11 characters and contains at last one each of upper case letters, small case letters, numbers, and allowed special characters (!@#$%&-_|^).
Set values for the network settings listed below, then click Next. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Account Name* A name that identifies the Adobe Connect account, such as “Adobe Connect account”.
Adobe Connect Host* A Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) clients use to connect to Adobe Connect. For example, if the URL of the account is, the Adobe Connect Host value would be (without the leading http://).
Installation Type Select the type of installation as Single or Cluster.
Set values for the mail settings listed below, then click Next. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
SMTP Host The host name of the computer hosting the SMTP mail server.
SMTP Username The user name used to authenticate against the SMTP host. If this field is left blank, Adobe Connect tries to send emails without authenticating with the SMTP server.
SMTP Password The password for the SMTP user name.
System E‑mail* The email address to which administrative messages are addressed.
Support E‑mail* The email address to which Adobe Connect user support requests are sent.
BCC E‑mail A blind‑copy email address to which all user notifications are also sent. This variable allows administrative tracking of email messages sent through Adobe Connect without exposing an internal email address.
Enter the values in the Support Settings screen to provide the contact information used by Adobe Connect when users need support or help.
Administrators name Provide the name of the Adobe Connect Account Administrator.
Support email address Provide the email address to which users can direct their queries and support requests.
Support phone number Provide the contact number that users can call to seek support.
Support comments Provide any other comments.
Enter values for the shared storage settings listed below, then click Next.
Shared Storage A volume and directory on an external server where content is stored, for example, \\volume\directory. If you want to store content on multiple volumes, separate them with semicolons (;). Before configuring this feature, see Configuring shared storage.
Content Cache Size An integer from 1 through 100 specifying the percent of free disk space to use to store content on Adobe Connect. The cache can grow beyond the percent you specify, so it’s a good idea to keep the value from 15 through 50. If you leave the box blank or enter 0, no cache is used, and content is mirrored on Adobe Connect or any external volumes. Before configuring this feature, see Configuring shared storage.
If you choose to install AEM servers, specify the External Host Settings.
Is your AEM environment is SSL enabled? Select the check box, if you plan to access AEM setup via https.
AEM Author server URL* Provide the FQDN of the AEM Author server, along with the port. If AEM Author server is clustered, provide the load balancer URL.
AEM Publish server URL* Provide the FQDN of the AEM Publish server, along with the port. If AEM Publish server is clustered, provide the load balancer URL.
Adobe Connect Host Cookie Prefix* A text string that is used as a prefix for the Adobe Connect Host cookie.
If you choose to install the AEM Author server, specify the cluster and author settings.
Is AEM Author Server clustered Select the check box if your AEM Author server is a cluster.
Node designation* If your AEM Author server is clustered, then one node is designed as the primary node and all the other nodes are designated as standby. Choose the node designation of the machine on which you are installing AEM Author server.
Primary Node IP* Provide the IP of the primary node if you are installing AEM Author instance on a primary node.
Obs!Before installing a standby node of a AEM server, deploy the corresponding primary node. Latter must be available on the network, while installing the former.
Hostname (for example, http://)* Specify the host name URL of the author.
Port* Specify the port of the AEM Author server. The default value is 4502.
Publish Hosts* Specify the FQDN and port of all the Publish servers.
If you choose to install AEM Publish server, specify its settings.
Hostname (for example, http://)* Specify the host name of the AEM Publish server.
Port* Specify the port of the Publish server. The default value is 4503.
Adobe Connect Host Cookie Prefix* A text string that is used as a prefix for the Adobe Connect Host cookie.
Obs!Cookie prefix you specify here, must exactly match the cookie prefix specified on the External Host Settings screen.
If you install AEM Author or Publish server, create a password for AEM administration.
Obs!Credentials of AEM administrators must be the same for all the AEM Author and Publish servers. Also, these credentials are required for subsequent upgrades and should be carefully managed. It is not possible to upgrade, in the future, without these credentials.
If you chose to install Adobe Media Gateway, enter the following settings and click next. The settings do not take effect instantaneously. When you click OK to confirm the settings, Adobe Connect restarts all Adobe Media Gateway servers. The settings are pushed to all Adobe Media Gateway servers in a cluster.
Username The user name for the SIP profile that Adobe Media Gateway server uses to create SIP sessions, for example sipUN1.
Password The password for the SIP profile that Adobe Media Gateway server uses to create SIP sessions.
SIP Address The address of the SIP server for the SIP profile that Adobe Media Gateway server uses to create SIP sessions, for example,
Default Host The default host for the SIP profile. This parameter is the SIP server address to use if registration with the SIP server fails. This parameter is set to the same value as SIP Address.
Port Lower Limit The lowest port number that can be used for RTP audio data. The default value is 5000.
Port Upper Limit The highest port number that can be used for RTP audio data. The default value is 6000.
Registration Expiration The interval, in seconds, at which Adobe Media Gateway renews its registration with the SIP server. The default value is 2400 seconds (40 minutes).
SIP Port The port on which Adobe Media Gateway server listens for SIP requests. The default value is 5060.
Registration Choose whether an Adobe Media Gateway server must register on the SIP server.
To create an account administrator, fill in the requested values and click Next.
Every Adobe Connect account needs at least one administrator to perform tasks in the Adobe Connect Central web application. Upgraded accounts already have at least one account administrator, but you can add an extra one here.
Obs!If the person installing Adobe Connect is not the Administrator who maintains Adobe Connect, then select the option to change the password at next login.
Fill in requested information for any telephony adaptors you want to install. For more information on telephony adaptors, see Choosing to install integrated telephony adaptors.
If you don’t have all the required information but want to install the adaptor anyway, select Install But Do Not Configure. When you are ready to enter the required information, run the installer again.
If you chose to install Adobe Connect Transmuxing Service (ACTS), which enables users to launch Adobe Connect meetings in the HTML client, specify the following and click Next.
- ACTS Host Name: Name of your Adobe Connect transmuxing server.
- ACTS health check port: Port number on which ACTS health check is performed.
- ACTS web socket port: Web socket port for ACTS.
If you want to enable the HTML client from the Connect Pro server, configure the following settings to register ACTS:
- ACTS Host Name: Name of your Adobe Connect transmuxing server.
- ACTS External Host Name: Fully-qualified domain name of your Adobe Connect server. Exclude "http://" from the name. For example, you can specify
- ACTS health check port: Port number on which ACTS health check is performed.
- ACTS web socket protocol: By default, WS is selected. For more secure communication, choose WSS.
- ACTS web socket port: Web socket port for ACTS.
Review the Pre-Installation summary. Click Previous to change these settings. Click Install to install the software.
On the Initializing Adobe Connect service screen, do one of the following and click Next:
Select Start Adobe Connect (recommended).
Choose the Application Management Console. Select Do not start Adobe Connect now.
Obs!The installation freezes if the credentials provided for deploying services are incorrect. The services cannot be started as authentication fails. To overcome this issue, manually update the credentials and then start the services
If you chose to start Adobe Connect, a message reports that the service is starting.
Click Done to quit the Installer.
If you chose to open Adobe Connect, Adobe Connect Central opens. If you chose to open the Application Management Console, it opens.
Ensure that your installation of Adobe Connect is configured and functioning as expected. See Verify your installation for the verification instructions.