- Welcome to the Adobe Express User Guide
What's new
- New features
Get set up
- Learn the basics
- Access the app
- Preferences and settings
Create and edit videos
- Create videos
- Edit videos
- Organize clips
- Change file formats
Create and edit images
- Create and modify with generative AI
- Edit images
- Change file formats
Create and edit documents and webpages
- Create and edit documents
- Create webpages
- Create drawings
- Create with templates
Add effects to your designs
- Add audio
- Add animations
- Add text
- Add images and visuals
- Create QR codes
Organize your designs
Arrange layers and pages
- Group and ungroup objects
- Lock editing access
- Work with layers
- Add multiple pages to designs
- Technical requirements for using the Bulk Create and Generate add-on
- Bulk, create, and generate designs
- Create designs in bulk
- Technical requirements for using Bulk create
- Set up a spreadsheet for bulk creating designs
- Import assets
Arrange layers and pages
Work with other Adobe files
- Work with Photoshop and Illustrator creative assets
- Work with Acrobat
Share and publish
Share and collaborate
- Invite collaborators
- Copy files between accounts
- Comment on shared files
- Privacy and permissions
- Unpublish shared files
- Share designs as remixable templates
- Manage presentation pages
- Make a presentation
- Create TikTok videos and share them to TikTok Ads Manager
- Technical requirements for sharing videos to TikTok Ads Manager
- Share large files using WeTransfer
- Printing in Adobe Express FAQ
- Print and order designs
- Design and print using print-ready templates
- Design for prints
- Schedule and publish content
Share and collaborate
Manage brands, libraries, and projects
- Create brands, libraries, and projects
Manage collaboration
- Edit roles in brands
- Apply brand to pages, images, and illustrations
- Best practices to apply brand colors and fonts
- Share brands
- Leave shared brands
- Custom fonts overview
- Add custom fonts to your brand
- Brand style restrictions overview
- Share templates with controlled permissions
- Create from shared templates
- Share libraries
- Create new files, folders, brands, and libraries
- Share projects
- Copy files, brands, and libraries
- Move files, brands, and libraries
Adobe Express on mobile
- Get set up
- Create and edit designs
- Share designs
- Troubleshoot
- Known and fixed issues
- File conversion issues
- Browser extension issues
- Projects issues
- Linked assets issues
Adobe Express subscription
- Free trials
- Subscription options
- Manage subscriptions
Adobe Express for education
For educators
- Adobe Express for Education overview
- Adobe Express for Education teachers verification
- School or district accounts overview
- Benefits of classroom accounts
- Personalize your education settings
- Create and access educator accounts
- Classrooms overview
- Create classrooms
- Add students to classrooms
- Manage classrooms
- Assignments overview
- Create assignments
- Share assignments
- Provide feedback on assignments
- Troubleshoot issues with assignments
- Assignments and classrooms FAQs
- Change email address for educator account
- Delete Adobe account
- For students
For educators
- Welcome to the Adobe Express User Guide
What's new
- New features
Get set up
- Learn the basics
- Access the app
- Preferences and settings
Create and edit videos
- Create videos
- Edit videos
- Organize clips
- Change file formats
Create and edit images
- Create and modify with generative AI
- Edit images
- Change file formats
Create and edit documents and webpages
- Create and edit documents
- Create webpages
- Create drawings
- Create with templates
Add effects to your designs
- Add audio
- Add animations
- Add text
- Add images and visuals
- Create QR codes
Organize your designs
Arrange layers and pages
- Group and ungroup objects
- Lock editing access
- Work with layers
- Add multiple pages to designs
- Technical requirements for using the Bulk Create and Generate add-on
- Bulk, create, and generate designs
- Create designs in bulk
- Technical requirements for using Bulk create
- Set up a spreadsheet for bulk creating designs
- Import assets
Arrange layers and pages
Work with other Adobe files
- Work with Photoshop and Illustrator creative assets
- Work with Acrobat
Share and publish
Share and collaborate
- Invite collaborators
- Copy files between accounts
- Comment on shared files
- Privacy and permissions
- Unpublish shared files
- Share designs as remixable templates
- Manage presentation pages
- Make a presentation
- Create TikTok videos and share them to TikTok Ads Manager
- Technical requirements for sharing videos to TikTok Ads Manager
- Share large files using WeTransfer
- Printing in Adobe Express FAQ
- Print and order designs
- Design and print using print-ready templates
- Design for prints
- Schedule and publish content
Share and collaborate
Manage brands, libraries, and projects
- Create brands, libraries, and projects
Manage collaboration
- Edit roles in brands
- Apply brand to pages, images, and illustrations
- Best practices to apply brand colors and fonts
- Share brands
- Leave shared brands
- Custom fonts overview
- Add custom fonts to your brand
- Brand style restrictions overview
- Share templates with controlled permissions
- Create from shared templates
- Share libraries
- Create new files, folders, brands, and libraries
- Share projects
- Copy files, brands, and libraries
- Move files, brands, and libraries
Adobe Express on mobile
- Get set up
- Create and edit designs
- Share designs
- Troubleshoot
- Known and fixed issues
- File conversion issues
- Browser extension issues
- Projects issues
- Linked assets issues
Adobe Express subscription
- Free trials
- Subscription options
- Manage subscriptions
Adobe Express for education
For educators
- Adobe Express for Education overview
- Adobe Express for Education teachers verification
- School or district accounts overview
- Benefits of classroom accounts
- Personalize your education settings
- Create and access educator accounts
- Classrooms overview
- Create classrooms
- Add students to classrooms
- Manage classrooms
- Assignments overview
- Create assignments
- Share assignments
- Provide feedback on assignments
- Troubleshoot issues with assignments
- Assignments and classrooms FAQs
- Change email address for educator account
- Delete Adobe account
- For students
For educators
Adobe Express on mobile file access FAQ
Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about file access on Adobe Express on mobile.
Can I access files from the new Adobe Express mobile app in the prior version of the Adobe Express mobile app?
No. Files created in the new Adobe Express mobile app cannot be accessed or edited in the prior version of the Adobe Express mobile app while the prior app remains available.
Can I work on files across desktop and the new Adobe Express mobile app?
Yes. If you have used Adobe Express on desktop web, any files you created there will also appear in the new Adobe Express mobile app. These files can be edited across the desktop web and the new Adobe Express on mobile. Your desktop web files cannot be accessed or edited in the prior version of the Adobe Express mobile app.
Can I share files with my team or invite someone in the new Adobe Express mobile app to collaborate on a file?
Yes, you can. When you share a file with someone to collaborate on, they can access that file from their shared files on the new Adobe Express mobile app. If that user hasn’t downloaded the app yet, they can go to adobe.com/express to access the app. Or they can also collaborate on the file using Adobe Express on a desktop. If you’re in the editor, use the Share icon to invite collaborators. Alternatively, navigate to Your Stuff and invite collaborators by tapping on the file you want to share.
Will I be able to access my existing files in the new Adobe Express mobile app?
Files created in Adobe Express on the desktop will also appear in the new Adobe Express mobile app. These files can be edited across desktop and the new Adobe Express mobile app. Files created on the desktop cannot be accessed or edited in the prior Adobe Express mobile app.
Files created in the prior version of the Adobe Express mobile app will only be available in the prior version until you decide to trigger file migration to the new version. Upon initial launch, you will be prompted to explore the new Adobe Express mobile app and can choose to return to your prior version. Files made in the prior version will be temporarily inaccessible in the new app until you complete the migration. After migrating, prior files will automatically be moved and fully editable in the new version.
Where are my files saved from Mobile Web?
You can find files saved from Mobile Web in the Files folder on your device, unless you’ve designated another location for downloads. To save them to the camera roll or photos app, you need to use the mobile app.